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3dfx Hardware & Software => Voodoo3 and Velocity Discussions => Topic started by: Julien Grassot on 26 November 2003, 13:13:27

Title: Best drivers for voodoo 3 1000 AGP 2X ?
Post by: Julien Grassot on 26 November 2003, 13:13:27

I'm new on 3dfxzone.it. I post this topic because I'm looking for drivers for my card : voodoo 3 1000 AGP 2X. And I've foud this comunity by google.

So, I will install windows 2000 on my computer, and I need drivers for this card. I've found on your site that their is several drivers :  Infidelity, Amigasport 3.0 XP, 3Dhq 1.09 beta 10 and Amigamerlin 2.5 SE. I want explanation on these drivers, and your experienc using them, please.

[?] wich are the best ? what are the good or bad of them ? I do install wich driver ?

sorry, if I haven't found these responses on your site, and if I disturb you without finding informations before !


Title: Best drivers for voodoo 3 1000 AGP 2X ?
Post by: aporte on 26 November 2003, 13:55:30
Hi and wellcome in this comunity :), your card are fully supported by AmigaSport 3.0 XP drivers.

Try to install it

If you have a problem I'm here

Bye bye :)
Title: Best drivers for voodoo 3 1000 AGP 2X ?
Post by: Julien Grassot on 26 November 2003, 15:01:44
thanks for your quick response ! I notice the community is very active [8D].

I've just one more question : what is the difference between Amigasport and 3Dhq ?

And I've one suggestion (to the webmaster) : if amigasport support voodoo 3 1000, it will be cool if it was noticed (for the moment it is just noticed : The Amigasport XP v. 3.0 Final Release allows 3dfx Voodoo3 Series configuration (2000, 3000, 3500TV cards) with Windows 2000/XP based systems).

thanks a lot,

Title: Best drivers for voodoo 3 1000 AGP 2X ?
Post by: Rolo01 on 26 November 2003, 15:34:07
The Amigasport driver is newer than the 3dhq, and contains some improvements for the tv-out and video overlays, as well as newer glide files...
Title: Best drivers for voodoo 3 1000 AGP 2X ?
Post by: Julien Grassot on 27 November 2003, 11:39:24

I've had a response on the "web on DriverGuide.com" web site :

Drivers for this vid card seem to be a problem, specially for win 2k or xp. You might try the old web site for 3dfx that refers you to Nvidia's site. The Vid card is a good one but the drivers are a problem for newer operating systems. The only drivers that work with XP are the drivers Microsoft supplies and none of the options work or are accessable.

I no longer own the computer or the vid card so I can't be of much help. But as I remember the DVD drivers & player also didn't work for win 2k or XP. Thanks Microsoft!

I hope he didn't know Amigasport ! But, because it was't explicitely written on the drivers description page of amigasport... you're sure that it was tested with voodoo 3 1000 ?

I didn't want to be anoying, but, because I'll go with RWs CD with drivers installing a PC far away in a little city, by a personne who has'nt internet, I don't want to make mistake, and I want to success at the firt time :)

thanks a lot for your responses,

Title: Best drivers for voodoo 3 1000 AGP 2X ?
Post by: Rolo01 on 27 November 2003, 15:39:13
All Voodoo3 chips are basically the same. They differ only in clockrate and memory amount.
For example, a V3-3500 runs at 183 Mhz with 16 MB, a Velocity 100 runs at 125 Mhz with 8 MB Ram. You can use the AmigaSport driver with all V3 versions, even if the operating system tells you that the driver is not written for that kind of hardware.
Trust me, I had this problem a few weeks ago. I installed a V3-3000 PCI and wanted to use the 1.07 xdfx drivers on Win98. The OS told me the drivers wont match the hardware, but I ignored this and it works flawlessly...
Anyway, if you make a CD-RW burn some addional drivers for the V3 on it, this way you have an alternative, just in case something goes wrong...