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3dfx Hardware & Software => Rush and Voodoo1 Topics and Setup Tips => Topic started by: ms-dos on 19 July 2024, 18:48:00

Title: Testing the beast, AKA King Shaman
Post by: ms-dos on 19 July 2024, 18:48:00
I picked up a king Shaman card a ways back and have been testing it.

One of the cool things about the card is that it supports 1024x768 in a few games. The card is also supper buggy with a lot of games, but not in the manner you would think. For example dark forces two when played on the primary card will not support anything higher 1024x768, remove the card and boom 1600x1200 works again. And a lot of games don't understand that the card fully supports 800x600 or even 1024x768. I'm thinking of making a custom driver to fix some of these problems but IDK how much of the problem are drivers vs the games.

More testing is needed. For now its all benching.
