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3dfx Hardware & Software => General Discussions => Topic started by: vade on 04 May 2006, 10:46:01

Title: mesafx with glide to use with voodoo3, how?
Post by: vade on 04 May 2006, 10:46:01

My intention is to set up my voodoo3 3000 to function in linux in a way that i can play opengl games hw accelerated. (ie ustunts )

To accomplish this i assume i need to compile glide2x and mesafx

But how is this done?

I downloaded glide3x from sourceforge but I only made it to compile by making a lot modifications to make files some .c files and to configure.in. Probably some functionlity was lost due to this..
After that i read from somewhere net that voodoo3 and mesafx need glide2x to work, so i'm back at the starting point.

Is it true that voodoo3 % mesafx combination works only with glide2x?
If yes, Where can i get glide2x for linux? I could not find it from anywhere.

What's the story with libSage?
I tried to just link my game against it but it gave me few unresolved symbols.. I also tried to just modify LD_xx env variable like instructed but the game did not take library in use..

It seems to be quite difficult to live with voodoo board and linux nowadays..

Title: mesafx with glide to use with voodoo3, how?
Post by: Mikulaish on 04 May 2006, 11:55:05
Try to contact Daniel Borca. He is (was) a mesa developer, so he will be able to help you for sure. His site is www.geocities.com/dborca . Look there for contact information.
Title: mesafx with glide to use with voodoo3, how?
Post by: vade on 05 August 2006, 11:17:26
I tried to contact Daniel but get no reply. :(

I guess th problem is just finding Mesa version (enough old) which will compile against my precompiled glide libraries.(either glide3 or glide2)

Someone must have a mesa version lying in somewhere which is enough old.
I searched the Mesa web site but I think all versions there are too new!?

Anyone, could you please give some pointers where to find such a mesa..?