It's good news to now that finally we'll have OpenGL updates!!!.
I can't wait the day to download these dll!!!
Thanks a lot!!!
:D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D
Yeah ! Keep on the good work !
Best regards to the team
QuoteOriginally posted by PanoramixDruida
It's good news to now that finally we'll have OpenGL updates!!!.
I can't wait the day to download these dll!!!
Thanks a lot!!!
Yes, I can't wait :D However, bear in mind Mesa is
MESA not
MesaGL! So, please...
Borca Daniel
What is the difference between Mesa and MesaGL?. I ask this, just because I don't know it! [:I]
QuoteOriginally posted by PanoramixDruida
What is the difference between Mesa and MesaGL?. I ask this, just because I don't know it! [:I]
NONE.:D But anything *GL related might or might not piss off the SGI guys.[:0] Capisce? We don't want to bother anyone...:)
Borca Daniel
Daniel: What are the differenes between MESA and OpenGL, are they vastly different or quite similar? Could you give me the technical answer?
I know it's a sick habbit ;) but I gobble up whatever I can techie related especially technical specifications.
I have always "heard" of mesa but it's never been explained to me...if nothing else, do you maybe have a link to SGI's site for MESA? (yeah I know, it's a bit lazy asking:D)
"Shop S-MART.....YA GOT THAT?!!"
-Ash from Army of darkness
QuoteOriginally posted by Black_Out
Daniel: What are the differenes between MESA and OpenGL, are they vastly different or quite similar? Could you give me the technical answer?
No differences to user! But don't tell anyone... :D The reason Mesa is not
*GL something is to avoid pissing off SGI people. Capisce?
QuoteI have always "heard" of mesa but it's never been explained to me...if nothing else, do you maybe have a link to SGI's site for MESA? (yeah I know, it's a bit lazy asking:D)
I think it will be self-explanatory... [8D]
Borca Daniel
Pissing off SGI -- is a corporation like that acutally spending the time watching over these forums or this site?
I get the distinct feeling that from what you say that they must be reading these forums or something?
I don't mean to piss of SGI in anyway way -- why they'd care what you or I would say considering Mesa is weird by how you seem to be walking on egg-shells about this is weirding me out a tad bit. Like they are watching over your back or something.
Is there a URL on SGI's site you can provide so that I can go to their website and read for myself?
"Shop S-MART.....YA GOT THAT?!!"
-Ash from Army of darkness
Never mind in regards to providing a link - you already did that -- DOH! My mistake
"Shop S-MART.....YA GOT THAT?!!"
-Ash from Army of darkness
QuoteOriginally posted by Black_Out
Pissing off SGI -- is a corporation like that acutally spending the time watching over these forums or this site?
I get the distinct feeling that from what you say that they must be reading these forums or something?
who can really tell? so why not play it safe and cover your butt just in case?
when the sun goes down, the music turns up...
Windows XP Pro|Athlon XP 1800+|GeForce2(temporarily, for compatibility purposes)|MSI K7T266-A|768MB DDR 2700 RAM|SonicEdge 5.1 Sound Card
Yeah, I can understand that but it just sounds weird, especially since SGI seems to have absolutely nothing to do with Mesa, and it is developed through one of the sourceforge projects meaning it's 3rd party.
Why would a corporation like that pay attention to (no offense here) to a piddle little no name website that supports and abandoned video card of about 3 years now? I highly doubt they'd use their time and resources to watchdog a site like this when they got bigger and better thigns to do -- this site is just small time game that isn't a threat and/or a corporation like Nvidia or ATI, which I could see if there were to watch dog a site like that.
That's the only reason I ask....but cover yer ass 101 is a good thing now-a-days. What would they do if I said, "SGI OpenGL blows donkey balls"?
That's just an example, I just so happen to think highly of their OpenGL, but I think you can see why I think this is just a bit odd.
But -- whatever....I guess. Not a big problem, just raised a brow with me though.
"Shop S-MART.....YA GOT THAT?!!"
-Ash from Army of darkness
QuoteOriginally posted by Black_Out
Yeah, I can understand that but it just sounds weird, especially since SGI seems to have absolutely nothing to do with Mesa, and it is developed through one of the sourceforge projects meaning it's 3rd party.
Mesa is MESA - Opengl is opengl nothing else then is right to call it how it should be called . If your nik is black_out you must be called Black_out and not elseware .. right?;)
QuoteWhy would a corporation like that pay attention to (no offense here) to a piddle little no name website that supports and abandoned video card of about 3 years now? I highly doubt they'd use their time and resources to watchdog a site like this when they got bigger and better thigns to do -- this site is just small time game that isn't a threat and/or a corporation like Nvidia or ATI, which I could see if there were to watch dog a site like that.
This is not the problem !! ... Mesa is an alternative at opengl for linux and is respect for the author calling it with the its real name !! only This -- you understand?. When we release this DLL to download the dll will be called MESA.dll and not opengl32.dll. .. after to use it you must rename it .. but the name is MESA !!
well .. the good of this DLL that is right now 100% opengl 1.1 compatible and .....% 1.2 ....% 1.3 and ....1.4% :D
You can see yourself the statement of this dll in the next hour in this board.
Not too bad :D
Daniel and koolsmoky are other guys doing another GREAT MIRACLE !! .. I'm really proud to have 2 ALIEN :D (mean 2 really really really skilled guys) in the team !! :D
Bye to all
Powerd By Voodoo5 6000
QuoteOriginally posted by Black_Out
That's the only reason I ask....but cover yer ass 101 is a good thing now-a-days. What would they do if I said, "SGI OpenGL blows donkey balls"?
Uhmmm... I remember Lecram25 tried to piss me off some time ago. I chilled him out! But another great mind arose from the crowd...
If you really, really, really feel like saying: "SGI OpenGL blows donkey balls", then go ahead! Freedom of speach! You can say anything that you want as long as your statements don't include third parties!
Since you know sh!t about Mesa, try to be clever enough and refrain from making stupid statements!
Until now, I passively watched your, Lecram25's and amp_map's evolutions... Don't make me (ab)use my position in the forums, ok?
BTW, at least amp_man had a nice opinion on this thread...
Borca Daniel
How exactly did I try to piss you off? If I did, I swear it was unintentional...
* /me starts to recall... *
QuoteOriginally posted by lecram25
How exactly did I try to piss you off? If I did, I swear it was unintentional...
Remember this:
QuoteSo if your Voodoo3 is so damn powerfull and great, why aren't people giving two ****s about a driver update?
Or... if memory still doesn't serve:
Don't worry, I'm past the heat! :D But I don't like being constantly ****ed up, okay? [}:)]
Borca Daniel
WOAH WOAH WOAH -- I said for *EXAMPLE* --- daniel -- I like OpenGL just as much as I like DirectX, I think I must've worded it wrong or something -- I was just saying -- becuase I think it's funny SGI would waste time and resources on this site.
That's all - I did not mean to create a firestorm here.
Honestly - I *realy* do like OpenGL, I also Like DirectX just as much *for the record*.
I appologize for the mis-understanding.
And Amigamerlin I have no Idea what you are going off about on my nikname - it's black_out and that's all there is to it - if you think I am someone else, well -- I am not.
"Shop S-MART.....YA GOT THAT?!!"
-Ash from Army of darkness
You wanna tell me something -- what in goodness sake is the point of these forums -- not just yours but all the 3dfx fourms on the 'net?
Really it's all BS becuase they always get outta hand -- and yes without me being in the middle as I would be accused of here (at this site) -- and it al turns to a big pile of BS and that is what is becoming of a good majority of the fourms on this site - this posting included.
Paranoia is catching on wayyyyy too much you think I am using another nickname fine -- for all I care delete my account, lecram25 and amp_man -- which I have been accused of being (and I am not) will still post and I can't stop them, nor will I try.
These forums keep becoming null/void/waste of time as this one has become once Daniel and Amigamerlin lost their composure with me.
It was a simple question and no one kept their EGO in check and leave it at the door.
"Shop S-MART.....YA GOT THAT?!!"
-Ash from Army of darkness
Woops, sorry Daniel. I DO remember that post; I'm not sure what came over me...
:: runs and hides ::
And don't listen to black_out, he's crazy!!! i.e. noone should go about deleting my account, (
Or I'll get Elvis on your back!!! (
Black_Out are you nuts???? ::smacks Black_Out in the back of the head several times:: if you want to leave, fine, go, but i think lecram and I enjoy it here. just cause one guy gets on your nerves doesn't mean you should run and hide. sometimes it's more fun just to toy with them...
when the sun goes down, the music turns up...
Windows XP Pro|Athlon XP 1800+|GeForce2(temporarily, for compatibility purposes)|MSI K7T266-A|768MB DDR 2700 RAM|SonicEdge 5.1 Sound Card
MESA will be called MESA.
OpenGL will be called openGL.
You could even say MESA (like OpenGL). Using the parenthesis clarifies that it is only LIKE OpenGL, and not OpenGL.
.....calling it MesaGL would not be out of the question, as all of the letters ARE an anacronym for full words anyways.
BUT.... the MESA guys want us to call it MESA and not MESAGL because it IS their baby and they DO have a copyright on it, which gives them the right to control how it is presented to the world and such (even though it is free and open source)..... which also makes it the right (and correct) thing to do as well.
By the way, our 3 year old HARDWARE has, and always had, the "license" to use SGI's stuff at will. It is part of the ongoing hardware license that 3dFX and SGI agreed upon back then.
GLIDE has been open source for ages......
And I do believe that DirectX has been open for hardware use for some time now.......
Lecream - you need to get a life, get lost you impotent little monkey. Why don't you go somewhere else and create your own jerk forum -- you're already leading the pack you can post all the moronic saying and idiodic icons you want. Ya LEPunk. Where's your "owned" icon you keep posting via the x3dfx forums. You're a little kiddie -- I only deal with men, not little kids.
amp_man - hey look -- if they think that your login is mine well fine I challenge them to do something about it. Otherwise -- enough!
Get on my nerves - no I was letting them know that they **forgot** to read ALL of my message and skipped the fact that I said "...I just happen to like OpenGL" Daniel just went nuts -- why?
And Amingmerlin just started jabbering something about nickname and from what I made out of it is some sort of accuzation about me beingn LePunk or your login.
"Shop S-MART.....YA GOT THAT?!!"
-Ash from Army of darkness
sorry m8, thought u were suggesting to delete all our screennames, which wouldn't be cool. anyways, take it easy on lepunk, one of these days he'll grow up. and if they still believe that you and I are the same, why don't they just check IPs? or do they not log them here? if we're gonna continue this fit, one of us should create a nice little thread in the off-topic section, and allow these discussions to continue in peace. anyways, props to the Mesa team, I'll be downloading it as soon as i finish up these nVidia drivers from omega.
EDIT: I think what AmigaMerlin meant was that you wanted to be called Black_Out, not otherwise, or something like that. in other words, i think he believes us, that we aren't the same person, and was just making a little joke, which didn't turn out very well with the italian->english translation. is that what you meant amigamerlin?
EDIT AGAIN:@Black_Out, you can delete your own double post, unless the admins have decided not to let you delete any more.
when the sun goes down, the music turns up...
Windows XP Pro|Athlon XP 1800+|GeForce2(temporarily, for compatibility purposes)|
MSI K7T266Pro2-A|768MB DDR 2700 RAM|SonicEdge 5.1 Sound Card|Sony 500 watt 5.1 surround sound
I only meant for myself in regrads to acount deletion - but instead - yeah - why not check the IP - just about every place I know of that has forums loggs the IP.
You speak the truth my friend. I will create an off-topic discussion where it will continue on whatever traction it may have.
Hey Amp_man -- I have made a new off-topic discussion for this, check it out here:
"Shop S-MART.....YA GOT THAT?!!"
-Ash from Army of darkness
Um amp_man, he did mean to delete our "names"
Quotefor all I care delete my account, lecram25 and amp_man
And black_out, you totally misunderstood's what level of intellect you're on...
Originally posted by Amigamerlin:
QuoteMesa is MESA - Opengl is opengl nothing else then is right to call it how it should be called . If your nik is black_out you must be called Black_out and not elseware .. right?
What he was trying to say was that there is no difference between "Mesa" and "MESA" (notice the case sensitivity). Hence him bringing in your "name"; i.e. whether it's spelt with a capital "B" or lowercase, we still who it is. That's all. DUH!!!
You really might want to go see a shrink, you've got some serious mental issues...
QuoteOriginally posted by bloodworm
MESA will be called MESA.
OpenGL will be called openGL.
You could even say MESA (like OpenGL). Using the parenthesis clarifies that it is only LIKE OpenGL, and not OpenGL.
.....calling it MesaGL would not be out of the question, as all of the letters ARE an anacronym for full words anyways.
BUT.... the MESA guys want us to call it MESA and not MESAGL because it IS their baby and they DO have a copyright on it, which gives them the right to control how it is presented to the world and such (even though it is free and open source)..... which also makes it the right (and correct) thing to do as well.
By the way, our 3 year old HARDWARE has, and always had, the "license" to use SGI's stuff at will. It is part of the ongoing hardware license that 3dFX and SGI agreed upon back then.
GLIDE has been open source for ages......
And I do believe that DirectX has been open for hardware use for some time now.......
Completely agree!!
Black_out stop creating confusion [}:)].
You are doing only this and you don't have understood nothing of what I have writed !! Read what I have quoted (from bloodword) and this is what I have write to you in my previous post.
Then calm down and be more polite [}:)].
LIKE I SAID no useless war or flame in this board [}:)]
I hope you understood this time !! [}:)]
Well now some little news.
This is the promised statement
Powerd By Voodoo5 6000
nice! so how much does the vsa100 support? it states 26% opengl 1.4 now, how far can that be stretched for example? what is the highest opengl version the vsa100 can do 100%?
ENOUGH! [}:)]
Apologies accepted! As I said, I'm past the heat...
Note: go ahead with Elvis! I'm prepared for the worst... [}:)]
Promising in the beginning, ended up just like any other Forum junkie!
Man, you're paranoid! And, FYI, I hate DirectX! Yet I won't say it is related to a former UK software package...
Note: just because you have a problem with excuses, doesn't mean you need to offend Lecram25 for doing so...
Now, to all:
Primo, I didn't go nuts! People asked why Mesa and not MesaGL! I explained more than once! If some of you have understanding problems, well, that is... :D
Secundo, Mesa cares not about the former relationship between SGI and 3dfx! Mesa is, by excellence, a SOFTWARE graphics library! That is one of its main goals: this way, you can test the correct output from a videocard.
Borca Daniel
What function did we lose out of the 1.3 section? And are the functions that can be done in hardware still done through the old ICD? Or does MESA.dll take ALL the calls and process them? I am very interested indeed! keep us posted please.
@qrazi & bloodworm
QuoteOriginally posted by bloodworm
What function did we lose out of the 1.3 section? And are the functions that can be done in hardware still done through the old ICD? Or does MESA.dll take ALL the calls and process them? I am very interested indeed! keep us posted please.
Glad to see anyone still interested in the main problem! [:p]
The most important missing feature is texture compression! Currently underway!
VSA can also do EXT_texture_env! Maybe emulate texture border?!?
The rest... I forgo... :D
Some extensions can be tricked! Some not! Perhaps we will decide to support those in SW! Or, "au contraire" defer support and rely only on the VSA HW capabilities.
Borca Daniel
QuoteOriginally posted by dborca
ENOUGH! [}:)]
Man, you're paranoid! And, FYI, I hate DirectX! Yet I won't say it is related to a former UK software package...
Note: just because you have a problem with excuses, doesn't mean you need to offend Lecram25 for doing so...
Borca Daniel
Daneil you are the one with the excuse -- sorry bud - but you actually thought I said I hate OpenGL - I said *WHAT IF* then followed up by saying I *happen to like it*. Excuse my butt, try actualy reading the *WHOLE* message and not just parts of it. Nice try. Lecram brings it on himself - being nasty as possible - so don't tell me about offending - especially when dealing with someone like him does it agressivley so.
I am not going to be a stoner hippie and be touchy feely and worry about offending - sorry but I don't take a liking to BS and will feed it back.
Paranoid, no just sick of the BS especially what you are flinging at me now - dream on. I am sick of the whole ID crisis that just seems to keep cropping up.
You don't like DirectX well...good for you....whoop-E-doo....I hope that works for ya -- I really don't care. Like or hate what you will.
And I do appreciate AmigaMerlin finally shedding some light with those snapshots that's better than providing me a link to Mesa3D website. I am not a programmer and non of that provides me what I was looking for. Could we beat the bush further.
Anyone else care to keep this thing goin' or shall we bring this thing back on track?
@Black_Out, GET OVER IT!! it was a mistake, okay? I can understand defending yoursellf in one or two posts, but one misunderstanding does not require all this.
@Anyone who can tell me: i keep hearing that Mesa is for linux, is it also for windows? also, where can I get Mesa 5.1? all I can find is Mesa 5.0.2 on the sourceforge site.
when the sun goes down, the music turns up...
Windows XP Pro|Athlon XP 1800+|GeForce2(temporarily, for compatibility purposes)|
MSI K7T266Pro2-A|768MB DDR 2700 RAM|SonicEdge 5.1 Sound Card|Sony 500 watt 5.1 surround sound
Yeah really Black_Out, GET OVER IT! GET OVER YOURSELF! If you continue like this, you're gonna get yourself banned, again...remember, Daniel is a Mod, ;)
EDIT: can we get a date on this new ogl release? Approximation?
QuoteOriginally posted by amp_man
@Anyone who can tell me: i keep hearing that Mesa is for linux, is it also for windows? also, where can I get Mesa 5.1? all I can find is Mesa 5.0.2 on the sourceforge site.
Mesa is, again - by excellence - a multiplatform... err.. platform :D
It was primarily designed for Linux, yes! But also supports Win32, DOS, BeOS (I think) and probably more... Also integrates with SciTech SNAP, GGI, whatever...
I haven't paid much attention to 5.0.2, because is a dead branch! 5.1 is underway! Brian asked us to commit the latest changes to the trunk this week! Perhaps, by the weekend... I dunno! Because any of us can delay the official release, the deadline is very flexible. So, a Mesa release can happen only when everybody agrees (mainly Brian, of course :D).
PS: you can always "checkout" the CVS snapshot and compile it yourself! :D Just kidding... but then again, why not? I credit anyone else with my programming skills until proven otherwise!
Borca Daniel
QuoteOriginally posted by lecram25
EDIT: can we get a date on this new ogl release? Approximation?
See above... :D
Borca Daniel
QuoteOriginally posted by Black_Out
Anyone else care to keep this thing goin' or shall we bring this thing back on track?
We are trying to do it, already. You keep pumping spam into this topic.
QuoteOriginally posted by dborca
ENOUGH! [}:)]
Man, can you read?
All in all, you're not worth of a(nother) reply!
BTW, you should check Lecram25's reply at I really loved the "detail" part... :D [^] [:p]
PS: as for the "piddle little no name website that supports and abandoned video card of about 3 years now"... why are you hanging around? We don't want to keep you from doing great things...
Borca Daniel
QuoteOriginally posted by dborca
PS: you can always "checkout" the CVS snapshot and compile it yourself! :D Just kidding... but then again, why not? I credit anyone else with my programming skills until proven otherwise!
So you have CVS snapshot of 3DFX MESA ICD anywhere on net? ;););) I need link.
Thanks for your work Daniel :):):)
AthlonXP 2100+@2700+, 256MB PC266@333 RAM,MSI MS-746F Ultra,
Voodoo5 MAC PCI
QuoteOriginally posted by vykupitel
So you have CVS snapshot of 3DFX MESA ICD anywhere on net? ;););) I need link.
Visit and follow the instructions. :D You'll need a CVS client (WinCVS comes to mind).
If you are not used with CVS, let me know! ;)
QuoteThanks for your work Daniel :):):)
NP! [8D]
Borca Daniel
And what about SLI? what I know there was some issue with it (but i can`t really remember if was with DRi or MESA :-| ). Does it works?
AthlonXP 2100+@2700+, 256MB PC266@333 RAM,MSI MS-746F Ultra,
Voodoo5 MAC PCI + Voodoo5 6000 rev. 3700 A
QuoteOriginally posted by vykupitel
And what about SLI? what I know there was some issue with it (but i can`t really remember if was with DRi or MESA :-| ). Does it works?
The SLI setting is being done inside the Glide library, so Mesa is unaware of SLI. The only thing that Mesa deals with is FSAA!
Having that said, wherever you have Glide setting SLI correctly, Mesa does it also.
The Linux+DRI Glide is known to have no SLI support. Very recently, I revived the bare-bones Linux Glide3 (just like the old days Glide2), but unfortunately, it cannot access the secondary chips, due to the way PCI devices are mapped by the kernel. This limitation might be removed in the future :D
Glide2 was easier, because the two SLI chips of V2 were on separate boards.
Borca Daniel
OK,thanks for explanation.
So, I have CVS source,VC6.0SP5 instaled,i`m able to compile MesaGL.dll but only software support I think.The 3dfx howto needs glide2x.lib. Is there any possibility to compile with glide3x.lib? have you got any howto?
AthlonXP 2100+@2700+, 256MB PC266@333 RAM,MSI MS-746F Ultra,
Voodoo5 MAC PCI + Voodoo5 6000 rev. 3700 A
Well, I think that with current FX/Mesa is really imposible to compile something that would work better on V5 than current 3dfx ICD. FX in mesa is very old crap i think. So in my opinion you did some new FX driver with glide3x support didn`t you?
I`ll wait for your sources :)
AthlonXP 2100+@2700+, 256MB PC266@333 RAM,MSI MS-746F Ultra,
Voodoo5 MAC PCI + Voodoo5 6000 rev. 3700 A
QuoteOriginally posted by vykupitel
I`ll wait for your sources :)
Man, I forgot something! [:0]
You need to checkout the
Mesa-newtree module from CVS! This is 5.1. The standard
Mesa points to 5.0.2 which I haven't touched!
As for the developing tools... you're on your own! :D I don't do M$VC! [:p]
So you have to either use MinGW or ask Kool for further instructions and the M$VC makefile (which, btw, I forgot to commit :D).
Well, I think that with current FX/Mesa is really imposible to compile something that would work better on V5 than current 3dfx ICD. FX in mesa is very old crap i think. So in my opinion you did some new FX driver with glide3x support didn`t you?
If you're that good as to judge FX/Mesa, then I'm sure you will be able to compile the Newtree :D But the answer is YES: the new driver has Glide3x.
Borca Daniel
QuoteOriginally posted by dborca
If you're that good as to judge FX/Mesa, then I'm sure you will be able to compile the Newtree :D But the answer is YES: the new driver has Glide3x.
Of course not, i`m not able to compile newtree but I`d like to try if you would help [8)] I can read howtos [8D] But when i see that FX/Mesa had support only for V1-V2 i think that this is old code and useless i think. But i`m very happy that new driver has support for glide3x thanks to kool and you daniel.
I'm looking forward for new ICD. Best regards
AthlonXP 2100+@2700+, 256MB PC266@333 RAM,MSI MS-746F Ultra,
Voodoo5 MAC PCI + Voodoo5 6000 rev. 3700 A
OK, i have functional MinGW, Mesa-newtree and 3dfx Glide3 SDK for DOS/Win32 V3.00. But I`m hitting error with it:
In file included from c:/MinGW/include/glide.h:36,
from ../../include/GL/fxmesa.h:33,
from drivers/glide/fxdrv.h:59,
from drivers/glide/fxapi.c:45:
c:/MinGW/include/3dfx.h:87:4: warning: #warning define FX_ENTRY & FX_CALL for yo
ur compiler
In file included from drivers/glide/fxglidew.h:41,
from drivers/glide/fxdrv.h:60,
from drivers/glide/fxapi.c:45:
drivers/glide/fxg.h:38:19: g3ext.h: No such file or directory
In file included from drivers/glide/fxglidew.h:41,
from drivers/glide/fxdrv.h:60,
from drivers/glide/fxapi.c:45:
drivers/glide/fxg.h:327: parse error before "GrPixelFormat_t"
drivers/glide/fxg.h:328: parse error before "GrStencil_t"
drivers/glide/fxg.h:329: parse error before "value"
Is the SDK right version or I have something wrong? I started compilation with command "mingw32-make.exe -f Makefile.mgw libgl" [B)]
AthlonXP 2100+@2700+, 256MB PC266@333 RAM,MSI MS-746F Ultra,
Voodoo5 MAC PCI + Voodoo5 6000 rev. 3700 A
QuoteIs the SDK right version or I have something wrong? I started compilation with command "mingw32-make.exe -f Makefile.mgw libgl"
The old 3dfx SDK doesn't support MinGW. Get the latest from - the glide3 source tar ball. If you encounter problems, read the compiler output and ponder on it a couple of days. It's usually some simple error. Good luck.
QuoteOriginally posted by koolsmoky
The old 3dfx SDK doesn't support MinGW. Get the latest from - the glide3 source tar ball. If you encounter problems, read the compiler output and ponder on it a couple of days. It's usually some simple error. Good luck.
Thanks I downloaded it. But I always get this error [:(]
drivers/glide/fxwgl.c:919: conflicting types for `wglGetLayerPaletteEntries'
c:/MinGW/include/wingdi.h:2805: previous declaration of `wglGetLayerPaletteEntri
mingw32-make: *** [drivers/glide/fxwgl.o] Error 1Do you know what i have wrong?In includes i have this headers:
and in lib:
libglide3x.aAthlonXP 2100+@2700+, 256MB PC266@333 RAM,MSI MS-746F Ultra,
Voodoo5 MAC PCI + Voodoo5 6000 rev. 3700 A
Any progress on the MESA 5.1 drivers for the v5 5500's? If you can, please keep us posted, as we are hungry for development news no mater how small.
I think Daniel And Koolsmoky can answers better then me :D.
Powerd By Voodoo5 6000
QuoteOriginally posted by bloodworm
Any progress on the MESA 5.1 drivers for the v5 5500's? If you can, please keep us posted, as we are hungry for development news no mater how small.
Hehehe! Almost ready... almost there! :D There are lots of extensions implemented; there are few which still
could be implemented... yet there are many which cannot be properly --
or at all -- implemented in HW [:(] Actually, the current Mesa 5.1 driver hits the edge of the VSA-100 capabilities. [8D] But don't worry, it will work on earlier Voodoos, as well ;)
Really, is not much to tell about it! We made so many changes... well, I forgo... [:p] If you need info on a particular aspect, drop a line and I'll try to answer (if memory serves).
Borca Daniel
Which functions are supported in HW now that were not previously in the 761 ICD? And which functions do you plan on implementing in the future (Hardware or software) that won't be in the initial release? Any suprises on the difference between the 761 ICD and the new MESA 5.1?
so it will add a lot of compatibility to opengl applications, will it also improve performance?
Yes ;)...just an example to make clear: while i'm testing a release of new libraries with Voodoo5 5500, Windows XP, UT@32bit rendering i get more frames for second (about 120 like avg value at 1280x1024) than with GLide, embedded UT dll, at 16bit of course (95fps at 1280x1024).
Bye bye
This is meant to answer a question of some of my friends, and is not intended as an answer for the above questions.
Texture compression ususally means speed/quality tradeoff. Compressed textures usually have slighter poor quality. But the memory storage decreases (both video and host). And, of course, the bandwith...
Now, if the application doesn't use TC wisely, the speed/quality might become speed+quality/lowerspeed tradeoff. Because the actual process of encoding the texture doesn't come cheap! For small textures, the process of encoding/uploading usually exceeds the time of uploading plain image.
Among the well-known compression formats, FXT1 is the best. It can encode 32-bit RGBA with a 8:1 compression ratio. DXT1 encodes 24-bit RGB with 6:1, and DXT3/5 encode 32-bit with 4:1. They say DXTn has better visual quality. Eh... perhaps DXT3/5... I dunno!
So, to take advantage of texture compression, an application usually needs to feed the videocard with already compressed textures! If the application fails to do so, well! it relies on the drivers to compress the textures for it. The burden of real-time compression will most surely be noticed. How ever, feeding already compressed images imposes loss/little compatibility!
A work around this would be to use texture precaching. This means the app sends plain images to the driver and instructs it to compress the textures. Then, the app should query the driver (OpenGL -- whatever) for the compressed texture -- which can be used later.
Borca Daniel
QuoteOriginally posted by bloodworm
Which functions are supported in HW now that were not previously in the 761 ICD?
Man, the 761 ICD was by no means a complete OpenGL implementation! Well, ours have this "sickness" as well, but we at least, strive for compatibility!
QuoteAny suprises on the difference between the 761 ICD and the new MESA 5.1?
Yes, speed, graphics quality, better OpenGL compliance.
Here is the more or less complete status of the Mesa 5.1 (
I'm sure Koolsmoky will kill me for this :D).
GL_VERSION: 1.2 Mesa 5.1
GL_RENDERER: Mesa Glide v0.51 Voodoo5 5500 (tm) 2312kB FB, 28MB TM, 2 TMU, SLI
GL_VENDOR: Brian Paul
GL_EXTENSIONS: GL_ARB_multitexture GL_ARB_point_parameters GL_ARB_texture_compression GL_ARB_texture_env_add GL_ARB_texture_mirrored_repeat GL_ARB_transpose_matrix GL_ARB_window_pos GL_EXT_abgr GL_EXT_bgra GL_EXT_blend_func_separate GL_EXT_blend_subtract GL_EXT_clip_volume_hint GL_EXT_compiled_vertex_array GL_EXT_copy_texture GL_EXT_draw_range_elements GL_EXT_packed_pixels GL_EXT_paletted_texture GL_EXT_point_parameters GL_EXT_polygon_offset GL_EXT_rescale_normal GL_EXT_separate_specular_color GL_EXT_shared_texture_palette GL_EXT_stencil_wrap GL_EXT_subtexture GL_EXT_texture GL_EXT_texture3D GL_EXT_texture_compression_s3tc GL_EXT_texture_edge_clamp GL_EXT_texture_env_add GL_EXT_texture_env_combine GL_EXT_texture_lod_bias GL_EXT_texture_object GL_EXT_vertex_array GL_3DFX_texture_compression_FXT1 GL_APPLE_packed_pixels GL_IBM_rasterpos_clip GL_IBM_texture_mirrored_repeat GL_INGR_blend_func_separate GL_MESA_window_pos GL_NV_light_max_exponent GL_NV_texgen_reflection GL_SGIS_texture_edge_clamp GL_SGIS_texture_lod
Some of the above extensions don't even require HW support, because they rely entirely on the GL implementation (GL_ARB_transpose_matrix). Some are just too easy to trick in software to let them slip away. Some do not meet the full spec. That's because the Voodoo hardware has some limitations. For example, texture border... since only on few cases we can SAY it meets the spec, it isn't implemented. OTOH, exotic extensions, like glTbufferMask3DFX is just not worth the effort.
What can be done:
GL_EXT_fog_coord - HW
GL_HP_occlusion_test - HW
GL_EXT_blend_color - HW
GL_ARB_occlusion_query - not full spec
GL_SGIS_generate_mipmap - resample images in SW before sending to card
GL_ARB_depth_texture - not sure about that; perhaps via TextureBuffer?
GL_EXT_polygon_offset - already done; can be fastened via grDepthBiasLevel?
GL_3DFX_multisample - probably only on Napalm
... and probably a few more! I forgot :D
In case you wonder about the 1.2 version above... that's because Mesa doesn't let a particular driver to bump the version at will. One can advertise a certain version only when it meets the required extensions for that version. Voodoo simply cannot implement the required set to become 1.3 compliant. Ohwell, I could fake all those in SW, provided WE WANT TO... and, of course, we'll find the time...
specific texture compression is still on debate, because of possible legal issues. Does anyone knows whether nVidia (or any other company) holds any claim/patent on FXT1?
Borca Daniel
hi there!
very good and interesting news here :)
i compiled the latest mesa5.1 source with msvc .net (student license)
went fine, got a few warnings but no errors.
but what to do next? just copy the dlls to the app does not work, but should i assume?
so i just want to know how to use this...^
update: with some games it works but ultra slow (like 0.5 fps)
I think that FXT1 is opensource, isn`t it?
AthlonXP 2100+@2700+, 256MB PC266@333 RAM,MSI MS-746F Ultra,
Voodoo5 6000 rev. 3700 A1
QuoteOriginally posted by raffa
with some games it works but ultra slow (like 0.5 fps)
You must have been doing something wrong :D I was just able to play
Call of Duty last night [8D]
Borca Daniel
wow, thats a very good result! i cant wait to see this new ICD released.
btw: have you tested it also with Morrowind? i thought there were lots of problems with that game and voodoo cards because it required opengl 1.2...
also, will we see a similar improvement in the direct3d part of the amigamerlin drivers?
QuoteOriginally posted by qrazi
wow, thats a very good result! i cant wait to see this new ICD released.
Don't get too excited about it! The s3tc might not get into the final -- AGAIN -- because of legal issues! [:(]
Let's make things clear:
no texture compression algorithm will go into Mesa at this stage! The real-time compression/decompression will be done -- at best -- through a very special Glide3 library, with embedded Texus2. :D Bwahahahahaha! This way, you'll have to use our Glide3 at! And (hopefully) help us to develop it further! ;)
Quotebtw: have you tested it also with Morrowind?
Nope! I am not a gamer! I only test games on an as-required-by-friends basis! [:p]
Quotealso, will we see a similar improvement in the direct3d part of the amigamerlin drivers?
I really don't know, as I'm not doing DirectX! I'm too damn gcc biased to do it! [8D]
Borca Daniel
AFAIK, FXT1 is open source, just like glide...
Speak to Kool, which I'm sure you do. He knows very well what is legal and what is not...
QuoteOriginally posted by qrazi
wow, thats a very good result! i cant wait to see this new ICD released.
btw: have you tested it also with Morrowind? i thought there were lots of problems with that game and voodoo cards because it required opengl 1.2...
mmmm... Morrowind seems to be Direct3d . I have it Original (in bundle with my Radeon9800 Pro) and works ok ... Lunching the game he say "Amigamerlin 3.0 video Driver" [8D] .. no opengl !!
I can try to post some screenshot !!
Maybe you mean Never Winter night :D that was opengl.
If yes ... take a look at :
I installed the demo (384 mb [:0]) !! and it works ok without graphical problem !!
Powerd By Voodoo5 6000
QuoteOriginally posted by dborca
Don't get too excited about it! The s3tc might not get into the final -- AGAIN -- because of legal issues! [:(]
??? i thought the voodoo 4/5 supported s3tc? at least in Unreal Tournament it works right?
QuoteOriginally posted by lecram25
AFAIK, FXT1 is open source, just like glide...
Yes, I know, but I'm afraid of nVidia stepping forth!
QuoteSpeak to Kool, which I'm sure you do.
Yes, all the time! :D :D :D
QuoteHe knows very well what is legal and what is not...
Wha'? is he a lawyer, and I don't know about it? [:0]
The reason I asked about FXT1 is that I knew it can be reached more easily than DXTC. But then again, can we use DXTC also? [?]
Daniel Borca
QuoteOriginally posted by qrazi
??? i thought the voodoo 4/5 supported s3tc? at least in Unreal Tournament it works right?
I really don't know! Haven't tested UT so far!
Now, the V4/5 might support s3tc, but sometimes the driver has to compress the texture on-the-fly! Read my previous exhaustive posts about that! I'm not sure we are allowed to compress them!
Daniel Borca
I think that DXTC is S3TC version for directx. So if you can use DXTC, is there any possibility to wrap s3tc to dxtc???
AthlonXP 2100+@2700+, 256MB PC266@333 RAM,MSI MS-746F Ultra,
Voodoo5 6000 rev. 3700 A1
i think Colourless did warp s3tc to dxtc
Daniel, im me...
aim: lecram25
ATTN: Daniel Borca
. — 3Dfx Interactive Inc. said Tuesday (Sept. 14) that it plans to give away its texture-compression algorithms, becoming the latest company to try out open-source licensing. By freeing up the code, 3Dfx hopes to accelerate its adoption and possibly glean ideas for future releases.
In a sense, 3Dfx Interactive is giving up ownership of its FXT1 compression technology, said product manager Erik Johnson. Licensees will owe no royalties to 3Dfx and will retain ownership of any alterations they make in the code. None of the changes have to be shared with or shown to 3Dfx, although the company hopes its licensees will submit changes and improvements to the code.
"We want to see adoption of the technology," Johnson said. "We're also looking for feedback. We've got a lot of big brains out there who can hopefully tell us thing we haven't thought of."
Those privileges extend even to competing chip and board vendors, who would be welcome to grab the FXT1 code and add it to their own products, Johnson said. 3Dfx is hoping that licensees of FXT1 will share their improvements, some of which could be considered for the next generation of FXT1 technology, he said.
Other companies have begun to adopt open-source concepts, spurred partly by the publicity surrounding the Linux kernel and the GNU operating environment. But some of those efforts, such as the community-source license from Sun Microsystems Inc., have met with skepticism from some members of the open-source community.
3Dfx's approach deviates most significantly from most open-source licenses by not forcing licensees to offer their altered code in open-source fashion. Often, an open-source license will mandate that any changes to a piece of software be made open-source as well.
Texture compression is a technology that allows storage of detailed graphics images in a smaller space, creating finer detail for 3-D scenes. A competing texture-compression technology, the S3TC technology of S3 Inc., has been on the market for two years and was adopted by Microsoft Corp. into Direct3D platform.
A spokesman for S3 said the company hadn't had time to examine details of 3Dfx's open-source offering, but said that it piqued the curiosity of the team that developed S3TC.
Johnson declined to comment on whether 3Dfx has future plans for open-source licensing. For now, the company is casting FXT1 to the winds, essentially giving up ownership of all but the initial technology.
"It's really not an ownership, it's not a proprietary thing," Johnson said. "Ultimately, we own only the way that these initial algorithms are written."
FXT1 source code can be downloaded from the 3Dfx Web site
So yeah you can use FXT1 nvidia cant do sh!t really . :D
S3TC isnt opensource aka u cannot MODIFY any part of the S3TC source code, however u can use S3TC in the icd, it will not effect the licensing in anyway. U could reroute Gl_s3tc to use FXT1, heh. Im sure there would be a decent bit of speed gain.
Good job on the ICD mate i cant wait to give it a spin with my 6K.
"That is not dead, which can forever lie.
and with strange eons even death may die. "
And what about trilinear filtering in MESA?In 761 ICD it wasn`t functional.
AthlonXP 2100+@2700+, 256MB PC266@333 RAM,MSI MS-746F Ultra,
Voodoo5 6000 rev. 3700 A1
QuoteOriginally posted by vykupitel
And what about trilinear filtering in MESA?In 761 ICD it wasn`t functional.
Sh!t! You touched a soft spot here! Me and Koolsmoky banged our heads to the wall trying to enable trilinear!
The sh!tty part is, multitexturing and trilinear are mutex! This is a Voodoo limitation! You see, the TMUs must be configured to alternate the LODs. But since in multitex, you have to configure the TMUs in very different fashion, so, basically is a no-no! There might be particular multitex modes which _COULD_ allow trilinear, but ohwell!
Another approach would be to fake multitex when trilinear, by using multipass techniques, but it'll be d@mn slow, and we'll never satisfy the full spec!
Daniel Borca
QuoteOriginally posted by Mr_khyron
i think Colourless did warp s3tc to dxtc
I know!
So I will have to face two licenses: M$ and S3? Thihihihihi :D
Daniel Borca
QuoteOriginally posted by Mr_khyron
i think Colourless did warp s3tc to dxtc
Well, to be right, we must say that the first that have implemented S3TC in his Glide3x was Koolsmoky . Colourless, as he have said, take the S3TC compression/wrapper "as it is" from Koolsmoky source :D.
Powerd By Voodoo5 6000
Voodoo^2 happiness! (
Yesterday I received a 12MB STB Voodoo^2 from a dear friend, also known as... erm... but I am not allowed to say his name! :D I only wish I could meet him in person sometimes, so I could thank him properly! (
Unfortunately, I was unable to get the card running, not in Windows, not in Linux! Perhaps I did something wrong... It was late in the night :D
However, I tried to compile Glide3/CVG in DOS mode... Yeah, that blamed OS that never failed me! Boom! [:0] It worked just great! [:p] So the sources are ok!
Having that said, the Mesa 5.1 release will support Voodoo^2.
... remembering the golden age...
Daniel Borca
Congratulations! [8D]... You will receive a BIG latina when the ICD will be completed....:D :D :D
For now, only I want to ask/tell you 3 things:
1- it's is possible for you to make tests at the ICD using only 1 TMU?:);)
2- are you using GLView to see the percent of implementation of the differents opengls? (I mean 1.1, 1.2, ..., 2.0)
3- (advirsement): is public now the source code of the demo of GLExcess. I thing that it maybe can be useful (isn't?). You can grab it here:
link 1
link 2
Cya soon dude [8D]... cya guys!...
Banshee Team Member
could you give us benchmark numbers of a game with the quake3 engine (for example MOHAA or Enemy Territory) using the mesa ICD and the 3dfx ICD?
QuoteOriginally posted by Raziel64
Congratulations! [8D]... You will receive a BIG latina when the ICD will be completed....:D :D :D
I can't wait...[:p]:D Then I think I should release it ASAP!
Quote1- it's is possible for you to make tests at the ICD using only 1 TMU?:);)
What[?] AFAIK, they should work as-is, except for
multiarb which uses multitexturing! Well, it might be tricky to get them compiled, but they work, nevertheless! :D
Quote2- are you using GLView to see the percent of implementation of the differents opengls? (I mean 1.1, 1.2, ..., 2.0)
Yes, I'm using it now... The idea smashed me when I saw your mails... :D Unfortunately, I can't remember the percentages right now.
Quote3- (advirsement): is public now the source code of the demo of GLExcess. I thing that it maybe can be useful (isn't?). You can grab it here:
Ohwell, all I can say is: it works even in DOS :D. I knew the source is available in the very same day it went online (Paolo Martella told me). The problem is, it's not the latest version; and the intro is missing, so I can't fix the "loading circles" bug! [:p]
Daniel Borca
QuoteOriginally posted by qrazi
could you give us benchmark numbers of a game with the quake3 engine (for example MOHAA or Enemy Territory) using the mesa ICD and the 3dfx ICD?
Well, Mesa is faster than the "official" 3dfx dll, in almost all situations.
However, it is slower than Amigamerlin 2.9 in Quake3, and faster in Call of Duty (also fixes some major bugs).
I need to run more tests... I was concerned more about compatibility and spec corectness, rather than speed, so far! Once the bugs vanish, I can turn my attention to speed! Koolsmoky suggested some very nice speed optimizations, that escaped me!
Daniel Borca
On the question regarding legal issues arising from the use of compression routines, I know that the HARDWARE and not the drivers, is the part that is already "licenced" to utilize such routines. This is most certainly the case with SGI's OpenGL and Microsoft's DirectX routines in regards to the 3dfx HARDWARE. Any drivers that access existing 3dfx HARDWARE are automatically "licenced" (through 3dfx's licence agreement with these two companys) to utilize SGI's OpenGL and Microsoft's DirectX as it was the HARDWARE that had to be "licenced" and not the drivers. Nvidia has absolutely NO ties with EXISTING hardware (ie "old" silicon) what-so-ever. If these compression routines are part and parcel to either SGI's OpenGL and/or Microsoft's DirectX, then our HARDWARE is already "licenced" to utilize said routines and may be implemented freely within your new drivers. Keep up the good work, and let me know if you have any more legal questions regarding your continued driver support for 3dfx hardware.
Bloody Mess
1) Man i was wondering if you tested the new ICD with DOOM3 considering it is programmed on OPENGL. see if you can make it look a tad better than it is currently. If you wish to download the new DOOM3 demo you can get it off certain sharing networks the file is E3 doom demo.
2) Has the neverwinter nights performance gone up a bit. just inquiring :D
"That is not dead, which can forever lie.
and with strange eons even death may die. "
when can we expect the release of the mesa ICD? at the same time the mesa 5.1 lib is released? how long will that be? just curious, dont want to rush you... :D
QuoteOriginally posted by bsarc
1) Man i was wondering if you tested the new ICD with DOOM3 considering it is programmed on OPENGL. see if you can make it look a tad better than it is currently. If you wish to download the new DOOM3 demo you can get it off certain sharing networks the file is E3 doom demo.
2) Has the neverwinter nights performance gone up a bit. just inquiring :D
"That is not dead, which can forever lie.
and with strange eons even death may die. "
don't worry, mate, you will find out for yourself, all in due time. I think Mesa 5.1 is so near ready for release that no major improvements will be made at this time, so finding out how awesome these games now run will only make you more impatient;)
Hi... Just wondering if any of you have tried Mesa 5.1 with the Epsxe Playstation emulator using Pete's OpenGL plug-ins... :)
Heh right you are matey. i look forward to the OGL update, :D. i got me V56K purring away in a AMD barton 3200 with a gig of DDR running with the AGP/PCI converter.(dad works in japan has its advantages. tee hee) so far i havent had a single problem running with radeon 9800 . both cards work like a charm. just a matter of creating two windowsXP hardware profiles. heh.
im getting all bloody excited now. wanna see what the voodoo can do running on 3Dsmax astonishing that the V5 still beats the 9800 when i want to AA wireframes. haha
"That is not dead, which can forever lie.
and with strange eons even death may die. "
Hey Bsarc,
can you contact me please ?
Hi guys,
if you all are interested how new MESA 5.1 perform with Call of Duty - Dawnville - Demo , a really have opengl GAmes you can see it here: [8D]
Powerd By Voodoo5 6000
i am interested indeed, it ran with ~13 fps on my rig... which isnt good... :)
ah, i see you use a xp3000+, now lets hope that doesnt mean my xp1825+ is to weak to get 20+ fps. (>25fps is playable neough for me... :) )
Simple but useful request:
I need names of games that uses opengl.[?]
Banshee Team Member
ok then ill start (with games comes to my mind having troubles in OGL with the 3dfx icd):
Papy Nascar 2003 season
Papy Grand Prix Legends (per patch)
IL2 Sturmovik
i have a simple request to you, too: give us teh mesafx opengl32.dll ;)
Return to Castle Wolfenstein
Quake III Arena
Metal of Honor Allied Assault
Star Trek Voyager Elite Force
Okay here we go then!!
STAR-WARS Jedi KnightII: Jedi Outcast
STAR-WARS Jedi Knight: Jedi Academy
Descent3: Mercenary
Falcon4.0 SP3 + Free Falcon 2.0
Call Of Duty: Dawnville
Halo: Combat Evolved.
I hope that MESA 5.1 comes out prety soon , because I could use it prety badly ;)
The only thing is with MESA4.0 is when I start playing Jedi Academy , everything runs fine at 1024x768x32 and all settings at high I get about 45 Frames per sec with my 5500 AGP in my XP2700+ and ASUS A7V333 mobo.
When I exit the game the exit menu freezes. and I am forced to reboot my PC otherwise nothing will happen. The Operating system I use is Windows 98SE wich is fully updated and DirectX 9.0b with Amigamerlin2.9 voor my Voodoo5 5500 AGP.
Kan anyone explain what going wrong here?
Obi-Wan Kenobi.
Okay, guys! I changed my mind!
I am gonna release an alpha version of Mesa-5.1 + Glide3x combo, for testing purposes. I just neeed to talk to Amigamerlin and Koolsmoky!
The point is, having an "official" Mesa release to back the 3dfx driver up has its advantages (less bugs). But since Mesa-5.1 is not so hasty to get out the door, we might take this opportunity to fix some bugs of our own, via extensive betatesting!
However, I will expect more detailed feedback. Not just "this feature doesn't work you stupid muthaforka". If that happens, then, ohwell, bad things might happen as well.
Stay tuned. It'll be out in a few days!
thats great!
cant wait to test a clean build of MesaFX 5.1
i have compiled this thing, but only with some things missing (i "fixed" the errors by outcommenting the lines giving the errors ;) ). of course this causes serious troubles, but at least i got ss-se, hl (with texure errors) and il2-sturmovik running (minor errors and slow).
the main errors where:
fxg.obj : error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol _txPalToNcc@8
fxg.obj : error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol _txMipQuantize@20
fxg.obj : error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol _txImgQuantize@24
this refers to be some error with texus, but i dont know what went wrong (what do i need from texus?).
so far, besides the errors mesafx gives a nice screen output :)
looking forward to release (even a testing release) .......have a few games i would like to test it on........thanks in advance for all of your hard work....till then have a happy holiday
QuoteOriginally posted by raffa
i have compiled this thing, but only with some things missing (i "fixed" the errors by outcommenting the lines giving the errors ;) ).
Bad boy [:p]
the main errors where:
fxg.obj : error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol _txPalToNcc@8
fxg.obj : error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol _txMipQuantize@20
fxg.obj : error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol _txImgQuantize@24
this refers to be some error with texus, but i dont know what went wrong (what do i need from texus?).
You need the texture codec! :D Try and grab the Glide3 from SourceForge as well! The code is there! Or, wait for a few days! I'll upload both Mesa and Glide DLLs!
so far, besides the errors mesafx gives a nice screen output :)
I know! [8D]
QuoteOriginally posted by XxfallnangelxX
looking forward to release (even a testing release) .......have a few games i would like to test it on........thanks in advance for all of your hard work....
Hum... I hate when this happens! Something happenned in the Mesa CVS that brought havoc among drivers! I'll have to defer for a few days... or upload the latest working version!
Quotetill then have a happy holiday
Thanks! ;)
QuoteDoes anyone knows whether nVidia (or any other company) holds any claim/patent on FXT1?
FXT1 is the property of nVidia but doesn't require any license for use and is royalty free, it is open source, so you can use it without having to worry about any patent infringement.
Intel is using the GL_3DFX_texture_compression_FXT1 extension for their integrated chipsets.
QuotePS: specific texture compression is still on debate, because of possible legal issues.
Does this mean no support for GL_EXT_texture_compression_s3tc and GL_3DFX_texture_compression_FXT1 ?
QuoteLet's make things clear: no texture compression algorithm will go into Mesa at this stage!
So games which require S3TC won't work or is there a workaround to convert S3TC calls into something else?
QuoteThe real-time compression/decompression will be done -- at best -- through a very special Glide3 library, with embedded Texus2. Bwahahahahaha! This way, you'll have to use our Glide3 at!
Could you please elaborate on this?
What is Texus2?
QuoteOriginally posted by simba
FXT1 is the property of nVidia but doesn't require any license for use and is royalty free, it is open source, so you can use it without having to worry about any patent infringement.
Intel is using the GL_3DFX_texture_compression_FXT1 extension for their integrated chipsets.
Well, Intel affords paying, anyway...
Could anyone give me SOLID proof.. not just warm opinions about this?
QuoteDoes this mean no support for GL_EXT_texture_compression_s3tc and GL_3DFX_texture_compression_FXT1 ?
QuoteSo games which require S3TC won't work or is there a workaround to convert S3TC calls into something else?
I said no texture compression algos will go into MESA! I didn't say anything about GLIDE! And yes, there are workarounds... although not perfect!
Basically, it depends on what exactly must be licensed: API, codec or both?
QuoteCould you please elaborate on this?
What is Texus2?
Texus2 is an utility / library for handling images. Including texture compression.
still no alpha release... anyway, I have a suggestion for 3dfx MESA 5.1, fixing T-buffer support for Serious Sam. Now it doesn't work when motion blur is requested via ogl_iTBufferEffect = 2, and Croteam says it's due to bad drivers from 3dfx.
QuoteCroteam says it's due to bad drivers from 3dfx
[8)]...Croteam has chosen a too much comfortable way...[:(!]
QuoteOriginally posted by batracio
still no alpha release...
Be patient! I sent the DLLs to the right person (look up ;))! It's a matter of one day or two! [:0]
Quoteanyway, I have a suggestion for 3dfx MESA 5.1, fixing T-buffer support for Serious Sam. Now it doesn't work when motion blur is requested via ogl_iTBufferEffect = 2, and Croteam says it's due to bad drivers from 3dfx.
T-buffer doesn't work in SLI mode. It's a HW limitation (both clearing & rendering). I fixed T-buffer clearing for SLI, but haven't had time to fix rendering. Still, I have a slight idea how to do it. There is hope... :D Nevertheless, tis a Glide issue, not Mesa!
QuoteOriginally posted by dborca
QuoteOriginally posted by batracio
still no alpha release...
Be patient! I sent the DLLs to the right person (look up ;))! It's a matter of one day or two! [:0]
Quoteanyway, I have a suggestion for 3dfx MESA 5.1, fixing T-buffer support for Serious Sam. Now it doesn't work when motion blur is requested via ogl_iTBufferEffect = 2, and Croteam says it's due to bad drivers from 3dfx.
T-buffer doesn't work in SLI mode. It's a HW limitation (both clearing & rendering). I fixed T-buffer clearing for SLI, but haven't had time to fix rendering. Still, I have a slight idea how to do it. There is hope... :D Nevertheless, tis a Glide issue, not Mesa!
You sure about that Dan? Cause the Q3A motion blur demo worked, and that was running a Voodoo 5 5500AGP in SLI mode...
QuoteOriginally posted by lecram25
You sure about that Dan? Cause the Q3A motion blur demo worked, and that was running a Voodoo 5 5500AGP in SLI mode...
Yup! I'm sure! the thing is, there is no direct connection between OpenGL notion of motion blur and Glide notion of T-buffer. I won't go into details, but I will try to explain my point better:
Texturebuffer allows rendering into a texture instead of the framebuffer. That's it! everything else should be the same. But, you see, no Voodoo can do this particular type of rendering using more than one chip.
Fortunately, OpenGL does not employ HW texturebuffer when doing motion blur. I don't even know WHY (the hell) motion blur is associated with texturebuffer. But you can ask 3dfx engineers -- they advertised motionblur as a T-buffer effect. Huh!?!
Ok guys, MesaFx in alpha stage are ready for download.
Look at home page [8D]
Fantastic work. This is WONDERFUL and SPECTACULAR...
Thanks to all TEAM. You are the KINGS:D
QuoteOriginally posted by osckhar
Fantastic work. This is WONDERFUL and SPECTACULAR...
Thanks to all TEAM. You are the KINGS:D
Yeah, I know... [:p]
Thanks for the kind opinion!!! ;)
Have you tested it? We are also interested in
positive criticism :D
QuoteOriginally posted by dborca
QuoteOriginally posted by osckhar
Fantastic work. This is WONDERFUL and SPECTACULAR...
Thanks to all TEAM. You are the KINGS:D
Yeah, I know... [:p]
Thanks for the kind opinion!!! ;)
Have you tested it? We are also interested in positive criticism :D
Ok, how about some negative criticism?
[asshole] Dan, your facking drivers suck!, they won't run on my radeon, they fack up all my games...damn you and your mesa drivers!!! GRRRRRRR [/asshole]
( (
I expected as much from you, lecram. I will be testing MesaFX as soon as I get my 3dfxBox back up and running.;)
Becuase he's a f***ing moron, go figure he'd say saomething so screwed up, he's on a permanent acid trip
@ Black_Out :
watch your language... [}:)]
QuoteOriginally posted by Black_Out
Becuase he's a f***ing moron, go figure he'd say saomething so screwed up, he's on a permanent acid trip
WOW! The rat comes out of his whole to destroy another thread!
Clearly neither you nor amp_man understood the [asshole] [/asshole] comment...
If I wanted to be an asshole, I would be one, and Dan knows that...
/me thinks Black_Out really needs some professional help...
btw, you still haven't told us how it was, the know, f*cking yourself and all...
And I quote myself...
QuoteIn short:
You're a two-faced dick. Go fûck yourself and make sure to come back and tell us all the details...
i'll test these alphas as well, altough i wont have much time the coming 3 days... :) will keep you guys updated...
Hi guys!
Seems like a family reunion! :D
Okay, try the DLL and let me know!
It's been a few days, eh? Okay, let's stick to the topic! I loose temper very easily, but otherwise I don't have anything against you. I would be very grateful if you'd test Mesa and let me know your opinions!
[asshole] You little old rat! ([/asshole]
Okidoki! We had our fun here! Let's stick to the topic!
PS: I'm sending today an updated version. WGL_3DFX_gamma_control really works this time!
Sorry Daniel, I couldn't resist - I apollogize.
I did however test these and they kick ass.
Definately better performance / Quality as we were promised ! You've done a bang up job as per usual!
@ Daniel:
"PS: I'm sending today an updated version. WGL_3DFX_gamma_control really works this time!"
So, there's going to be a new release of the dlls soon?
I tested MesaFX on my (old) system :
Voodoo Banshee, VIA MVP3, 1 MB L2 cache, AMD K6-2 500, 256 MB SDRAM
Quake 3 Arena : superb picture quality, 20 FPS (timedemo)
Return to Castle Wolfenstein, Serious Sam 1 & 2 : idem
Well done Daniel and other coders ! [8D]
I just wanna mention that for the particular case of Q3A the 3Dfx ICD was faster (30 FPS), but the picture quality was not as good.
Related to topic, WickedGL version for Voodoo2/3/4/5 (2 TMUs) did work on Banshee, but performed only @ 20 FPS ; WickedGL version for Banshee (1 TMU) performed @ 30 FPS.
Best regards
QuoteOriginally posted by Black_Out
So, there's going to be a new release of the dlls soon?
Let's make things clear:
The MesaFX driver always follows Mesa numbering scheme. Example gratia: for Mesa 5.1, we have 0.51; for Mesa 6.0, we'll have 0.60 and so on. Fixes between official Mesa releases will have an odd versioning scheme: 0.51a, 0.51b etc.
Basically, will be updates all the time. Just keep an eye on the download page. :D I will back up the download at
QuoteOriginally posted by PHOENIX
Well done Daniel and other coders ! [8D]
The only help I had came from my buddy Koolsmoky! :D
And, of course, the Mesa gods, who worked on the driver in the past.
QuoteI just wanna mention that for the particular case of Q3A the 3Dfx ICD was faster (30 FPS), but the picture quality was not as good.
Yes, I know... [:(] The thing is, 3dfx never cared much about true OpenGL conformance, and sacrificed almost everything in favor of speed. But I cannot afford that with Mesa. [:p]
Only a genious can be even more genious...
Good work Daniel! [8D]
daniel great effort on drivers and mesa gl .i have a amd 700 mhz
system and have tried mesa gl with call of duty to check the performance ,I get a error which is glw_start opengl-could not open
opengl subsystem.I did put the glide3x.dll in system files and im
running windows 98se on this system.I think the efforts of the team
need to congradulated ive been running a radeon 8500 128meg since
3dhq disappeared and have not been dissapointed only in antialiasing
but you cant have it all .if you need any more info ill give you all the specs you request.ive beeen using 3dhq 10 drivers and like the
IQ.thank you for the time and info
NWN crashes with memory access violation errors with the new mesa rev a .dll (and the first one too). I tried running GLtrace, but the game crashes so soon that there is nothing in the text file to report. I believe the game is crashing when trying to resize the video.
Serious Sam SE looks to be running very well and fast.
QuoteOriginally posted by Raziel64
Only a genious can be even more genious...
Good work Daniel! [8D]
Hola amigo! :D :D :D
Esta bien?
Mea culpa! Mea maxima culpa! [:0]
I am releasing 0.51b today! It partially fixes UT2k3. This game makes heavy use of COMBINE_EXT, which me being the lazy bastard that I am :D, I forgot to fully implement it! However, there was another issue, related to Glide TMUs numbered in reversed order as OpenGL texture units!
Peccavi! [:0]
I reversed the TMUs totally; and I hope I didn't break other games. UT2k3 is not 100% correct, but I think it's quite okay now! ;)
I'll send the DLL to Glide right now! I will also upload it to my web page!
QuoteOriginally posted by bloodworm
NWN crashes with memory access violation errors with the new mesa rev a .dll (and the first one too). I tried running GLtrace, but the game crashes so soon that there is nothing in the text file to report. I believe the game is crashing when trying to resize the video.
Whoopsie! [:0]
Give me a link, a day or two, and probably I will fix it!
I work only on an as-required-by-friends basis, because I am not a gamer. The only game that _I_ have and didn't work was Doom3. But the UT2k3 fix might fix Doom3 also (I haven't got the time to test it).
Oh, and one more thing! I appreciate small demos, not huge downloads! ;)
QuoteSerious Sam SE looks to be running very well and fast.
I know [:p]
QuoteOriginally posted by dborca
QuoteOriginally posted by bloodworm
NWN crashes with memory access violation errors with the new mesa rev a .dll (and the first one too). I tried running GLtrace, but the game crashes so soon that there is nothing in the text file to report. I believe the game is crashing when trying to resize the video.
Whoopsie! [:0]
Give me a link, a day or two, and probably I will fix it!
I work only on an as-required-by-friends basis, because I am not a gamer. The only game that _I_ have and didn't work was Doom3. But the UT2k3 fix might fix Doom3 also (I haven't got the time to test it).
Oh, and one more thing! I appreciate small demos, not huge downloads! ;)
QuoteSerious Sam SE looks to be running very well and fast.
I know [:p]
Daniel, NWN demo is about 365MB [:0]
I have Voodoo3.
The new mesaFX 5.1 works great with quake2, little better quality.
It didn't work with Neverwinter Nights.
It didn't work with All n64 opengl plugins :error creating content.
Maybe because they are trying to run in window, this is glide limitation.
Is it possible to make glide that runs in window, d3d runs fine, so it isn't impossible.
Today I'll test it with Serious Sam 2.
Thanks for the great work Dborca.
The Demo of Neverwinter Nights:
QuoteOriginally posted by milen
Maybe because they are trying to run in window, this is glide limitation.
Is it possible to make glide that runs in window, d3d runs fine, so it isn't impossible.
Yes, Koolsmoky is working on the windowed modes already! ;)
Is someone tested mesaFx 5.1 with Knight of the Old Republic.
If so is it playable?
Muy bien Daniel :D
But, I've another request for you... Worms3D ;)
Something useful : ;)
Some more testing:
Serious Sam 2 - better than ever , now it's real fun to play it. I haven't notice any errors.
Unreal Tournament in Opengl mode - Almost Perfect except rocket launcher weapons bullets with second mouse button. Looks as Glide :)
Maybe the problem with windows modes is because mesaFx didn't use Microsoft opengl wich comes with Windows, 3dfogl uses it.It's only a suggestion.
Greate work Dborca!
IN Glview 3dxfogl in ogl 1.4 section 3dfx ogl has fog_cord and mesaFx hasn't it , is this extension important and if so will it be implemented in the future
QuoteOriginally posted by milen
IN Glview 3dxfogl in ogl 1.4 section 3dfx ogl has fog_cord and mesaFx hasn't it , is this extension important and if so will it be implemented in the future
Well, piece of cake! But I haven't found any app that really makes use of this, so I could test it properly!
QuoteOriginally posted by Raziel64
Something useful : ;)
Muchas gracias, señor! :D BUT, amigo, Mesa has built-in GL Tracer, and the FX driver can trace all outgoing calls into Glide3![^]
And so I'm terminally stupid, I can't find the worms demo download link! [:p]
A new patch available (rev C). It fixes GL_REPLACE/GL_ADD for pre-Napalm core multitexturing. It is uploaded to my web page (also being sent to Glide for aggiornare).
Anyhow, I might have a look into NWN demo these days! Until then, happy holidays for everyone! :)
Hi guys,
and Merry Christmas to all :D
Ok.. Christmas release of MESAFX !!
Today Daniel Sended me another MesaFX (0.51D). It is already available for downloading from the news section (home page of!!
Kudos must go to Daniel !! :D
Holy Moly!!!
I don't think that 3dfx compatibility or progress in the community EVER has gone this fast!!
Daniel It's absolutially amazing how fast you release and how often, it's making the last year seem like we were all standing still as far as "Extreme" progress is concearned...shure progress has been made but the game compatibility increase you've shown has breathed new life into many 3dfx cards...making them compatible with new off the shelf titles, improving performance in many Q3 engine games!!
what an awesome Christmas to be a 3dfx user!
no pressure [:p] but I can't wait to see whats next!!
Daniel, you are awesome !
Really a great job you are doing.
I tested MesaFX with a V5-6000 and some games, here are the results :
Quake 3 : Runs flawless in full detail, no issues.
Elite Force 2 : Runs flawless in full detail, no issues.
Knights of the old republic : Game runs, but textures are corrupted and is quite slow.
Jedi Knight 2 : Runs flawless in full detail, but I found one problem : When you change the resolution in the game, it crashes with the following message :
Image Insert:
27.94 KB
Image Insert:
78.92 KB
This is no major bug, but I thought I mention it anyway...
Nevertheless, thank you so much for all your work.
I wish you and all others here a merry christmas.
Quick note to a site admin, probably Glide, that the mesa page on, this one:, has not been updated to 0.51d. Also, it would be helpful to some users if this file were in .zip, not .rar, format, as it is here: Thanx, and Merry Christmas to all (but lecram).
Just kidding lecram ;) you have a good one too.
You must check out for news and updates at this page:
After a few of time these files can be downloaded from common files page, too: however, now latest MesaFX version is available here (
Merry Christmas to you and to all 3dfx users ;)
dborca, ut2003 still doesn´t work in opengl
i ran the call of duty dawnville demo last night, ran very playable....
perhaps ill do some extensive benchmarking next weekend... :)
Hi guys,
It's showtime !! :D
Daniel Just updated again Mesa DLL :D.
In the news section is available for download the new version, 051e.
Bye to all
TO Daniel:
Hello again Daniel :),
I just need to ask you: As I saw that Amiga releases your builds more often than you upload updates to Mesa CVS [?], So I'm curious if these builds are based on "only yours" updated sources?
And for testing: I have still some graphical problems with Scorched3D, but much of my previous problems vere resolved. So thanks much for your work.
link for Scorched3D
has anybody tested MESAGL on Daytona???
tested e rev on NWN and 98se. it has added about 5 fps to all situations with NWN on my system. the only thing is the white backrounds behind the text window at the bottom should be black as well as the character sheets and such. I saw this happening with older versions of microsofts opengl32.dll as well, but the last version of microsofts opengl32.dll "fixed" this little problem. hope this helps you. keep up the good work dborca.
In quake3 arena it doesn´t work[:p]
Amigamerlin Team
To GxpOGL I added the following, and I offer to add in MesaFX:
1. GL_SGIS/EXT_generate_mipmap - through gluBuild2DMipmaps.
Realized and tested in RadeonAutoMipGen demo (ATI).
2. GL_NV_fence, GL_NV_pixel_data_range, GL_NV_vertex_array_range,
GL_NV_vertex_array_range2 - fake extensions. Only empty functions.
Realized and tested in learning_VAR demo (nVidia).
3. GL_SUN/EXT_multi_draw_arrays and GL_IBM_multimode_draw_arrays -
implementation in documentation on opengl extensions.
4. Also realized GL_ARB_multisample through GL_3DFX_multisample.
Also has corrected an error in GL_3DFX_tbuffer
(glTBufferMask3DFX and glTbufferMask3DFX).
I can give sources. e-mail:
Hey Rainbow,
If you don't mind me asking, what so the 'special vga bios' you have for your voodoo5?
Special VGA Bios Setup - this setup in bios from voodoo5. Allows to change the frequency and memory timings (CAS, RAS etc) up to a loading of an operating system.
Image Insert:
3.18 KB
Image Insert:
5.23 KB
Quotehas anybody tested MESAGL on Daytona???
As soon as I am back home ( sunday evening ) I will test MesaFX on my Daytona. So far I tested only with V5-6000 and it worked great.
BTW, can anybody tell what changes were made to 0.51e ?
QuoteOriginally posted by Rainbow
Amigamerlin Team
To GxpOGL I added the following, and I offer to add in MesaFX:
1. GL_SGIS/EXT_generate_mipmap - through gluBuild2DMipmaps.
Realized and tested in RadeonAutoMipGen demo (ATI).
2. GL_NV_fence, GL_NV_pixel_data_range, GL_NV_vertex_array_range,
GL_NV_vertex_array_range2 - fake extensions. Only empty functions.
Realized and tested in learning_VAR demo (nVidia).
3. GL_SUN/EXT_multi_draw_arrays and GL_IBM_multimode_draw_arrays -
implementation in documentation on opengl extensions.
4. Also realized GL_ARB_multisample through GL_3DFX_multisample.
Also has corrected an error in GL_3DFX_tbuffer
(glTBufferMask3DFX and glTbufferMask3DFX).
I can give sources. e-mail:
Hi and welcome to our community :)
As I said all skilled people are welcome to our team !!
Please send the source and a compiled dll to Send me too your icq or msn account if you have one.
Send the source to and and they will replay back very soon.
Thank you for your effort !!
Thanks to Daniel for the OpenGL work.
I have been playing 'Heavy Metal FAKK2' and discovered that
the 051e would just exit to the desktop.
The 051d works fine.
Just to let you know...
3dfx 5500 AGP
i tried Call of duty demo and dawnville demo, and the demo used to stutter a lot, since in the beginning there is a lot of explosions and gunfire....
i then both installed 0.51e (going up from 0.51d) and replaced my 2x pc133 128mb with 1x pc3200 512 mb.... and guess what??? run absolutely without stuttering.... never guessed that my voodoo5 wasnt a bottleneck... :D
is this an addition to coulorless's gxpOGL addon?
is there somewhere that I can download the DLL? I am running coulorless's gxpOGL right now in concert with the Mesa 5.1e and would love to see what these additions would do for NWN now with the new Mesa 5.1e that seems to be working great.
email me.
MesaFX - very perspective project.
Hello, everybody!
Back in business, heh! :D
PS: 0.51d is more stable than 0.51e because it uses C dispatch table, whereas the latter uses ASM dispatcher (a little bit faster, but somehow unstable).
PPS: I am not committing to the Mesa3d CVS because the guys moved Mesa from SourceForge to FreeDesktop and haven't set my developer account yet! The sources that are "mine only" will become available in the shortest time.
Neverwinter Nights didn't work right with MesaFX 5.1e and my Voodoo3, this time it boots but there a lot of white textures and isn't realy playable but is really fast.
Also I tested mesafx with GlExcess 1.1 and it has some small problems. The Waterfall is corrupted, works fine with 3dfxogl.
I don't think that the V3 has enough memory for all of the textures the game uses especially in the menus and such. also the game practically requires 32bit 3d and the v3 just dont do dat.
QuoteOriginally posted by milen
Neverwinter Nights didn't work right with MesaFX 5.1e and my Voodoo3, this time it boots but there a lot of white textures and isn't realy playable but is really fast.
Also I tested mesafx with GlExcess 1.1 and it has some small problems. The Waterfall is corrupted, works fine with 3dfxogl.
Is strange !! .. it works on Banshee !! ..
Daniel what you can say about !!
NWN + MESAGL5.1e works on a voodoo3[:X], but with the older, "original" glide.3x. It's very playable[:p], but sometimes it will exit to desktop[:o)]. The menus have many white textures[xx(]. That's all:)
QuoteOriginally posted by Amigamerlin
Is strange !! .. it works on Banshee !! ..
Daniel what you can say about !!
Thanks for pointing that! I think I know what's the problem! [8D] Since I fixed Unreal by reverting the TMUs, some multitexturing modes ran amok (V2/3 multitex is differrent from Napalm). I'll try to fix them ASAP. Since Banshee has only one TMU, it's just normal to work!
QuoteOriginally posted by dborcaPPS: I am not committing to the Mesa3d CVS because the guys moved Mesa from SourceForge to FreeDesktop and haven't set my developer account yet! The sources that are "mine only" will become available in the shortest time.
OK,i`m glad for that :)
And for some bug report. I found strange thing. I have experimentally build latest from CVS with VTX-0-2 and with that build i`m able to run bloodrayne in OGL to the game menu. (with some errors of course [:I]) but with 0.51e it crashes after i choose OGL renderer.
QuoteOriginally posted by vykupitel
And for some bug report. I found strange thing. I have experimentally build latest from CVS with VTX-0-2 and with that build i`m able to run bloodrayne in OGL to the game menu. (with some errors of course [:I]) but with 0.51e it crashes after i choose OGL renderer.
Hum... after everybody running amok about NeverWinterNights not running, I guess it's BloodRayne's turn. [:p]
Anyhow... to answer your question, I passed some bugfixes down to the Mesa-mailing lists, so there might be some possibilities the current CVS already has some fixes! If not, I'll fix the core myself as soon as I set up my devel account. There will be some driver updates, too!
QuoteOriginally posted by dborcaHum... after everybody running amok about NeverWinterNights not running, I guess it's BloodRayne's turn. [:p]
Anyhow... to answer your question, I passed some bugfixes down to the Mesa-mailing lists, so there might be some possibilities the current CVS already has some fixes! If not, I'll fix the core myself as soon as I set up my devel account. There will be some driver updates, too!
Yes!!! :)
( "Hail to the king"
QuoteOriginally posted by vykupitel
And for some bug report. I found strange thing. I have experimentally build latest from CVS with VTX-0-2 and with that build i`m able to run bloodrayne in OGL to the game menu. (with some errors of course [:I]) but with 0.51e it crashes after i choose OGL renderer.
I d/loaded BloodChick yesterday. Crashes allright. Yet, I haven't actually tested it with V-branch.
Anyway, my Mesa-dev account is up & running so I started committing things. :D
Sorry, I don't have anything new, and many bugs are still lurking around [:(] I'll release 0.51f for one purpose and one only (user-level debug). For full debug versions contact me or Koolsmoky. Anyway, please take a look at:
for run-time tuning. That might help in troubleshooting. :D
Performance Report :
MesaFX 0.51e runs just fine with the Daytona AGP.
Neverwinter Nights runs at 800x600 in almost full detail, no problems as well in Quake3.
BTW, the VSA101 is recognized as Voodoo4 ( as seen in DRIVER INFO in Q3 ).
I would also like to request worms3d.
it crashes right after the SEGA logo, but if i run the program in compatibility mode for win98 i get a little further. it then crashes when it tries to load the game (i guess the menu).
QuoteOriginally posted by Rolo01
Performance Report :
MesaFX 0.51e runs just fine with the Daytona AGP.
Neverwinter Nights runs at 800x600 in almost full detail, no problems as well in Quake3.
BTW, the VSA101 is recognized as Voodoo4 ( as seen in DRIVER INFO in Q3 ).
The VSA101 was meant to be a faster+cheaper VSA100. ;) Perhaps the PCI IDs are the same. When Glide detects a Napalm-based board, it tries to count the number of chips. Hence the Voodoo4 confusion, as there was never a SLI Daytona. [:(]
I had to refuse a Daytona a few months ago [:0], so I cannot do Daytona testing.
Check this out:
Hello Daniel
Well done ! MesaFX 0.51f is faster with Quake 3 : 20 FPS -> 23 FPS on my K6-2 500 & 3Dfx Banshee
I want to report a problem with game BillardGL that crashes with MesaFX ; this game uses GLUT and works with 3Dfx OpenGL ICD, it's available here
Bug report for MesaFX 0.51f
Jedi Knight II : Jedi Outcast
title screen "Activision", "Lucas Arts" is inverted
graphic bugs (sky), wrong color palette
Ladies and gents, I give you release G. [8D] G -- from Gutierrez. :D
Basically, it adds true single-pass trilinear filtering when combine extension is disabled (either non-Napalm hardware or MESA_FX_IGNORE_CMBEXT=y).
Also, I added support for BIG textures (MESA_FX_MAXLOD)
See for details.
Big textures are ugly, because are handled by SW rescaling, in order to minimize impact over Napalm core.
And some other small fixes. Unfortunately, I couldn't fix any more games, as I haven't downloaded any of those troublemakers yet. So I guess old bugs still persist.
Anyhow, I had the fun of my life playing Serious Sam SE on my 12 MB STB Voodoo2. Eheheh! And yes, trilinear filtering is pretty nice. [:p]
I was told Voodoo1 works with MesaFX (batracio), at least at some extent. I suspect Glide3 was never a finished product for Voodoo1, tho... Hence the bugs. Unfortunately, I can't test Voodoo1 hardware.
Still, this is good news to know MesaFX works for all Voodoos. ;)
PS: here's an interesting tip about BIG textures. When bilinear+mipmap (or trilinear) was enabled, some games which made use of gluBuild2dMipmaps worked with previous MesaFX releases, because GLU automatically rescales textures to match biggest LOD.
G from Gutierrez??? :D :D :D :D :D
OK dude, time to run... I've a big sniper gun now witha big zoom too.. and I'm looking just at the top of the mountain now and there's only one guy...[:0]...
And this guy is ... YOU!... heheheh, time to run!!! :D :D
Seriously, well done dude.. I'll test this release now (honeeeyyy, close the door please.. and leave me alone, bitch!).
Raziel64 (aka Leo Gutierrez[:0])
QuoteOriginally posted by Raziel64
G from Gutierrez??? :D :D :D :D :D
OK dude, time to run... I've a big sniper gun now witha big zoom too.. and I'm looking just at the top of the mountain now and there's only one guy...[:0]...
And this guy is ... YOU!... heheheh, time to run!!! :D :D
Seriously, well done dude.. I'll test this release now (honeeeyyy, close the door please.. and leave me alone, bitch!).
Raziel64 (aka Leo Gutierrez[:0])
eheheheheehh :D :D :D :D :D :D :D
Hey Leo if you need help, I'm with you !! :D :D :D
I'll carry with me my special GUN too !! :D :D :D
Good work guys!!!!!!
(the mountain ;))
QuoteOriginally posted by Amigamerlin
[breheheheheehh :D :D :D :D :D :D :D
Hey Leo if you need help, I'm with you !! :D :D :D
I'll carry with me my special GUN too !! :D :D :D
Ah-hah! Now allied against me? I think I'll get Koolsmoky with me for a bit of help. :D We're unstoppable. [:0]
Guys, I made a bugfix since yesterday (something in texture memory manager when in UMA mode). RTCW work ok now. ;)
Ufff... how I can to fix the menu problem in NWN?... all appears in white (but buttons are visibles)
Yes I have the same problem with NWN
I saw the same thing happening with either older 3dfx ICD's or older openGL32.dll from microsoft when I was experimenting on getting NWN to work with my V5 last year. The game works fine but the menu backrounds are white (they should be black). I finally got the game to run with win98se (xp would crash NWN to desktop randomly) and the 3dhq beta 10's with the 761 3dfx ICD and the openGL32.dll from microsoft but ONLY if you ran the desktop resolution a couple of notches higher than the game ran in. The title screens would be all blank, but the game would come up fine (but SLOWWW). Also the Menu backrounds were black.
Wow [:0].... I'm using mesafx on quake II, quake 3 and Serius Sam SE... looks really god and have more speed.... even I can play Serius Sam SE at 1024x748 32 bits without low fps, before mesa I only can play Serius Sam at 800x600 and rans a little slow....
Great work Daniel!! [8D]:D
@ rainbow: where can i get a bios like yours?
@ dborca: what's new in the mesafx0.51gse? you release your dll's often and very fast... ill be waiting for the 1.00 version... more power to you all!!!
where will i put the opengl32.dll file? what if i dont put it in the game folder, is that ok?
and about colourless glide... where will i put the files?
I have answered to you the e-mail
thanks rainbow!!! im looking forward to all the developers of the new mesa drivers... without you people 3dfx cards will be nothing but a legend...
QuoteOriginally posted by samuraiboy
@ dborca: what's new in the mesafx0.51gse? you release your dll's often and very fast...
Okay, I'll release once a year, then! Is that ok with everybody?
Quoteill be waiting for the 1.00 version... more power to you all!!!
Bugfixes, bugfixes, bugfixes... :D
However, you'll be waiting for 1.00 forever, since the next stable relase will be 0.60. [:p]
As far as I am concerned, you can put the DLL wherever you want; with the small note that it isn't in the game directory (or windoze standard DLL locations -- windows\system or winnt\system32) it won't work! :D
Quoteand about colourless glide... where will i put the files?
Might not be the best choice! You won't have texture compression.
QuoteOriginally posted by dborca
QuoteOriginally posted by samuraiboy
@ dborca: what's new in the mesafx0.51gse? you release your dll's often and very fast...
Okay, I'll release once a year, then! Is that ok with everybody?
statng the obvious, be to be on the safe side anyway: No, that is not okay with everybody!!! :D
QuoteOriginally posted by milen
Yes I have the same problem with NWN
I can't help you... It works for me! Hum, perhaps it's time to plug back my V3. :D
Yet I bet no one looked over, eh? That file isn't there for nothing! Toy with envvars a bit.
I tried FX_GLIDE_NUM_TMU, and set it '1'. It dosen't make any differenc. The strange thing is that NWN works with micosoft's software opengl that come with Windows XP, but is awfully slow. This opengl supports only 2 extensions.
Dborca, does Voodoo3 support cubemaping and if not is it possible to be faked by similar effect.
QuoteOriginally posted by milen
I tried FX_GLIDE_NUM_TMU, and set it '1'. It dosen't make any differenc. The strange thing is that NWN works with micosoft's software opengl that come with Windows XP, but is awfully slow. This opengl supports only 2 extensions.
Dborca, does Voodoo3 support cubemaping and if not is it possible to be faked by similar effect.
No Voodoo hardware can support cubemapping. There is a workaround for cubemapping, but I'm not sure it's worth it (if this means heavy changes to core Mesa, it won't be done).
here's the demo for worms 3d. ;]
I've just discovered MesaFX and I'd like to see what can do with my old system (K7 700 & Voodoo 3) and some games i've been unable to play, but i don't know who it works. Can somebody help me?
Thanks in advance
QuoteOriginally posted by DelPiero
I've just discovered MesaFX and I'd like to see what can do with my old system (K7 700 & Voodoo 3) and some games i've been unable to play, but i don't know who it works. Can somebody help me?
Thanks in advance
Usually, you just put it in game dir.
QuoteOriginally posted by dborca
QuoteOriginally posted by DelPiero
I've just discovered MesaFX and I'd like to see what can do with my old system (K7 700 & Voodoo 3) and some games i've been unable to play, but i don't know how it works. Can somebody help me?
Thanks in advance
Usually, you just put it in game dir.
Thanks for the quick answer, I have one more. Does it just work with opengl games or is there any way i can play d3d ones with it?
QuoteOriginally posted by DelPiero
Thanks for the quick answer, I have one more. Does it just work with opengl games or is there any way i can play d3d ones with it?
Nope! Mesa is an OpenGL implementation.
Small note: you could try to put glide3x.dll in game directory, too!
yo yo guys testing MesaFx 0.51gSE (Second Release)!! with call of duty
HOW DO YOU change the gramma level its darm to dark
in the game the setting for gramma does not work
Small note: you could try to put glide3x.dll in game directory, too!
thats the way I use mesafx,with great results!it fixed the 3dfx splash screen in soldier of fortune2 too[8D]..
when will be mesafx 0.6 will be out? hmmm... this things so damn good that i dont want tol leave my voodoo5... thanks to the developers... i have the question, why not modify the opengl icd? so we dont need to put the file in the game directory? any news about the amigamerlin drivers for the win9x/me? thanks and more power!!!
Dborca what will you say about GL_EXT_stencil_wrap extension , is it possible to implement it, and is it worth the work?
QuoteOriginally posted by milen
Dborca what will you say about GL_EXT_stencil_wrap extension , is it possible to implement it, and is it worth the work?
It's there, enabled only when HW stencil is enabled. That requires 24 bits Z-buffer, which in turn require 32bpp colordepth (24+8 to be more precise).
QuoteOriginally posted by samuraiboy
when will be mesafx 0.6 will be out? hmmm... this things so damn good that i dont want tol leave my voodoo5... thanks to the developers... i have the question, why not modify the opengl icd? so we dont need to put the file in the game directory? any news about the amigamerlin drivers for the win9x/me? thanks and more power!!!
The 0.60 driver ships already with Mesa 6.0! I decided not to upload it as a public release, because it is slower than 0.51 by ~10%. Tis related to a revamped T&L / VTX engine in Mesa 6.0 (which is not optimized). The bright side is, 0.60 is more stable than 0.51, and fixes many bugs.
I don't know how much it'll take to optimize VTX code, because it is a matter that has to be done in the core, not driver.
Would it be possible :
- to add a fast trilinear mode like what S3 has been doing since the Savage4 : this should really boost performance compared to regular trilinear
- to add "Hidden Surface Removal" support like what 3dfx had in their latest OpenGL driver ?
QuoteIt's there, enabled only when HW stencil is enabled. That requires 24 bits Z-buffer, which in turn require 32bpp colordepth (24+8 to be more precise)
BTW, which do you think is better : having a 24 bits Z-Buffer and an 8-bit Stencil Buffer or to have a 32 bits Z-Buffer (and 0 bit Stencil) ?
Hi, I'd just like to thank you guys for releasing MesaFX, and for the frequency of the updates. I see a lot of potential in this development....but I do want to alert you to another game which MesaFX does not seem to be compatible with: HomeWorld2, an OpenGL-only game.
I was wondering if it is possible to implement support for GL_ARB_SHADOW in MesaFX? I have reason to believe that lack of support for that extention is one of the only things preventing HomeWorld2 from running on a V5...
I've come to that conclusion based on the hacking I've done on the game's "driverConfig.lua" file (particualarly the section that deals with TNT cards), which I believe we can also use to get the game to recognize MesaFX as a valid driver that it'll run on. On the other hand, I have no real experience with this programming language (I'm guessing its in C/C++), or any programming languages at all, really, so I'd like someone with a little more programming experience to help me figure this out, since I've mainly been making educated guesses in regards to adding the correct lines of code.
I've attached the zip containing the original driverConfig.lua file, and the semi-hacked version I've come up with to try to add 3dfx/MesaFX support for it. You can open both files up in notepad. Since I'm not sure what 4-digit number will work when it comes to some parts of the file, I've just put 4 x's there to act as a placeholder for those of you who can actually read the thing.
Download Attachment: ( (
3.67 KB
thanks daniel!!! are you planning to modify the o.6o? the mesa site states that it is opengl 1.5 compatible, is that true? can you implement that codes to the opengl interceptor? thanks!!!
does the tnt2 and savage4 opengl extensions can be applied to the mesafx? thanks!!! if yes, ill provide the extensions... i also have extension list of the rage pro... thanks!!!
QuoteOriginally posted by mei
Would it be possible :
- to add a fast trilinear mode like what S3 has been doing since the Savage4 : this should really boost performance compared to regular trilinear
What exactly does "fast trilinear" mean, anyway?!? 2TMU Voodoos take no penalty for trilinearness as long as combine_extension is disabled (Napalm) or not present (V2, V3). AND not multitexturing!
- to add "Hidden Surface Removal" support like what 3dfx had in their latest OpenGL driver ?
Check this out:
As for the 24+8 depth+stencil vs 32 depth:
it is very difficult to set 32bit depth for Voodoos. They were really meant to be 24bit depth! Whether stencil is enabled or disabled... that's another issue! And handling 32bits depth within total rasterization fallbacks become painfully complicated.
QuoteOriginally posted by samuraiboy
does the tnt2 and savage4 opengl extensions can be applied to the mesafx? thanks!!! if yes, ill provide the extensions... i also have extension list of the rage pro... thanks!!!
It depends on the extension! some may be faked, some may be cheated! Some require total rasterization fallback! Your system will C-R-A-W-L!
Same answer for the 1.5 issue: 1.5 requires loads of extensions that can be done SW only.
I'm not sure we can do GL_ARB_SHADOW! I have to investigate!
Hehehe! I just compiled DOS Quake 1 in GLQuake mode. DOS Glide3x + Mesa kicks azz! :D
what file is the dll of the mesafx 0.6 include? thanks!!! ill look at the extensions... thanks!!!
i've seen the new mesafx 0.60... man... the thing was slow... well its compatible with all the opengl version... wow!!! but it must be modified somehow... to colourless- can you implement it in your opengl interceptor? thanks!!!
QuoteOriginally posted by samuraiboy
what file is the dll of the mesafx 0.6 include? thanks!!! ill look at the extensions... thanks!!!
I was extremely clear!!! 0.60 is not for public download! If you feel like tinkering with it, checkout the Mesa snapshot and fire a compilation! :D
I am sorry! People will just start ranting about 0.60 not being as good as 0.51! Just because they don't read my posts! Or they miss some important parts like: "around 10% slower" or "not for public download yet".
I apologize for being too heavy-handed, but people grow impatient very easily. I am sure I deliver at the
highest pace -- yet seems not enough for some guys. I have a life! And I intend to live it! And I have a job that I don't intend to loose! Voodoo is a volunteer job.
One correction about extensions: I never implement an extension if I can't test it thoroughly! So if you have a request, try to provide me a demo/game that makes use of that feature.
PS: where did you see 0.60? I surely didn't leaked it!
PPS: Mesa is NOT an interceptor, nor do I agree any sort of "interceptor" idea. Mesa indeed is the real thing!
yeah sure ill provide the extensions and the games that provide it... BTW, how can i modify the dll? what language can i use? how can i make my own glide3x.dll? i know how to use c++... thanks!!!
the voodoo will be dead without people like daniel...
i mean if the extensions can be implemented in colourles's opengl interceptor... i got the 0.60 from the sourceforge's site just as you said... i tried the thing in the opengl viewer by realtech vr... ill try to use it in games... thanks!!!
QuoteOriginally posted by samuraiboy
yeah sure ill provide the extensions and the games that provide it... BTW, how can i modify the dll?
I strongly suggest against hexediting the DLL, as long as Mesa is free for anyone! Hexediting when you have an alternative means your quickest way to enter wordwide lamers' club! [^]
You're welcomed to bring any improvements as long as they're resonably good! ;)
what language can i use? how can i make my own glide3x.dll? i know how to use c++... thanks!!!
Pure ANSI C. I am a gcc guy as most of the Mesa gods, so I deem the entire Mesa package is silently tuned for gcc (any flavor: DOS - DJGPP, Win32 - MinGW, Linux - gcc). I know it compiles with M$VC, although I can't guarantee its stability (and you won't gain any speed)! You have been warned! [:0]
the voodoo will be dead without people like daniel...
Thanks! :D
PS: I am not interested in anyone's interceptor!
your the man daniel!!! just keep the folks posted about the mesafx info... you guys at mesa rule!!!
QuoteOriginally posted by samuraiboy
does the tnt2 and savage4 opengl extensions can be applied to the mesafx? thanks!!! if yes, ill provide the extensions... i also have extension list of the rage pro... thanks!!!
I'm not sure what it would change : having a list of all the OpenGL is not very useful as these can already been found on the net.
And these extensions did not help the Rage Pro in running modern games which MesaFX now runs thanks to Daniel
QuoteOriginally posted by dborca
What exactly does "fast trilinear" mean, anyway?!? 2TMU Voodoos take no penalty for trilinearness as long as combine_extension is disabled (Napalm) or not present (V2, V3). AND not multitexturing!
XBitlabs has an article describing S3's "fast trilinear" :
The advantage is that this fast trilinear has no penalty hit, even with multitexturing! There is no hit in any situation and is therefore quite attractive.
Hey, just wanted to drop a note thanking you for all the work on MesaFX. Now Serious Sam: SE is playable on the email machine in the other room with the monster 3d voodoo 1 in it(it ran before, but I wouldn't have called it playable). When my brother comes over we can play some mindless coop with out him having to drag his computer over. ;) MesaFX crashes with about a third of the things I throw at it, because I have to use 3dfx's glide3 to make it work at all, but it amazed me just how much it does do with a card that I almost feel should be in a glass display case. I'd love to see what MesaFX would do with my old voodoo 3 too, but I don't have a spare computer with an agp slot at the moment... Thanks again.
QuoteOriginally posted by Shogakusha
Hey, just wanted to drop a note thanking you for all the work on MesaFX. Now Serious Sam: SE is playable on the email machine in the other room with the monster 3d voodoo 1 in it(it ran before, but I wouldn't have called it playable). When my brother comes over we can play some mindless coop with out him having to drag his computer over. ;) MesaFX crashes with about a third of the things I throw at it, because I have to use 3dfx's glide3 to make it work at all, but it amazed me just how much it does do with a card that I almost feel should be in a glass display case. I'd love to see what MesaFX would do with my old voodoo 3 too, but I don't have a spare computer with an agp slot at the moment... Thanks again.
Holy Moly! [:0] Really works with Voodoo1? Heh, I will be having one in about two weeks, I guess! But I think it's not bad for a "blind" build! 1/3 failures :D Thanks for the report, and please keep me posted!
QuoteOriginally posted by mei
XBitlabs has an article describing S3's "fast trilinear" :
The advantage is that this fast trilinear has no penalty hit, even with multitexturing! There is no hit in any situation and is therefore quite attractive.
Nor Voodoo take a penalty hit! But when multitex is enabled, trilinear is disabled [:p] Ohwell, it could be done in two passes, but... Anyway, 4x4 fast-trilinear require special HW circuitry for interpolation, which I think Voodoo is not capable of!
thank you for this great driver-I have just tried mesafx with call of duty on my athlon1400/voodoo5 5500 system,it was very playable (15-30fps).hmm..when I try to run hitman2 in opengl on my voodoo3 it gives me this error: opengl: selectpixelformat failed. hardware acceleration not found. try changing color depth.
I can run the game with glide3x.dll (renamed to opengl32.dll)-but there is problem with the 256*256 limit I would like to fix with mesafx..any ideas?
QuoteOriginally posted by mei
XBitlabs has an article describing S3's "fast trilinear" :
The advantage is that this fast trilinear has no penalty hit, even with multitexturing! There is no hit in any situation and is therefore quite attractive.
That so-called "fast trilinear filtering" is based on single MIP-level interpolation of 16 texture samples, and was already available on S3 Savage4 and PowerVR Kyro/KyroII years ago, so there's nothing new under the sun. Oddly enough, true trilinear filtering was dropped from Savage2000, Savage4's infamous successor, but it seems that DeltaChrome will support this feature again. On my Hercules 3D Prophet 4500 (Kyro II), enabling S3TC texture compression forces the chip to use the "fast" filtering method and gives a 50% performance gain when trilinear filtering is selected.
QuoteOriginally posted by ps47
thank you for this great driver-I have just tried mesafx with my athlon1400/voodoo5 5500 system,it was very playable (15-30fps).hmm..when I try to run hitman2 in opengl it gives me this error: opengl: selectpixelformat failed. hardware acceleration not found. try changing color depth.
I can run the game with glide3x.dll (remamed to opengl32.dll)-but there is problem with the 256*256 limit I would like to fix with mesafx..any ideas?
Yea! I have one! Go to my situ and have a look at mesafxev.txt (or whatever name I gave to that file)!!!
Should I repeat myself over and over again, until I go blind? THERE IS SUPPORT FOR TEXTURES LARGER THAN 256*256 VIA SOFTWARE RESCALING!
AFTER, and only AFTER you tried environment vars and STILL DOESN'T WORK, gimme a detailed explanation and I will try to help!
Dott. Amigamerlin, it is time to post the MESA CONTROL PANEL which I sent you Saturday! Please help *wicked grin* (boy, you people are in for a big surprise)
sorry.of course I have tried the MESA_FX_MAXLOD(set MESA_FX_MAXLOD=9 to be precise,via a batch file)before posting,I always try to look around the forum first,and post stupid questions later:D
but I think the problem is elsewhere this time,mesafx simply refuses to run(wickedgl works,but of course wont fix the large textures)when running hitman2 in opengl mode on voodoo3(3500tv).it will only give that error message: opengl: selectpixelformat failed. hardware acceleration not found. try changing color depth (my desktop is already set to 16-bit)
hmm..could it be that mesafx is trying to initialize in 32-bit(not possible on a voodoo3 of course)..?
QuoteOriginally posted by ps47
sorry.of course I have tried the MESA_FX_MAXLOD(set MESA_FX_MAXLOD=9 to be precise,via a batch file)before posting,I always try to look around the forum first,and post stupid questions later:D
but I think the problem is elsewhere this time,mesafx simply refuses to run(wickedgl works,but of course wont fix the large textures)when running hitman2 in opengl mode on voodoo3(3500tv).it will only give that error message: opengl: selectpixelformat failed. hardware acceleration not found. try changing color depth (my desktop is already set to 16-bit)
hmm..could it be that mesafx is trying to initialize in 32-bit(not possible on a voodoo3 of course)..?
Yep, might be a problem! Since I barely deal with windoze sh!t, as far as I can remember, the interface advertises 32bit video modes, regardless of underlying video hardware! I think that might be proven with GLViewer!
I might take a look at it, or I just might ask Koolsmoky to take care of it. [:p]
ps47: there's an option there to force 16 bit color mode too, you might try that one as well.
dborca: Yes it does work, so far I have run:
glquake: some textures missing
darkplaces(opengl quake source project): runs beautiful and looks 8 times better than quake ever looked on this card.
quake 2: runs fine and looks better, might be a little bit faster.
quake 3 team arena: runs, slower, better visual quality.
GL Excess: runs, 850 points, w00t! ;)
return to castle wolfenstein: runs, better image quality, I didn't notice a speed hit(strange since it's quake 3 too)
Serious Sam 1: Runs much, much better and looks great too.
serious Sam SE: ditto
ps: dborca, I don't know if this is possible, but you have the env var to force 16 bit color mode, would it be possible to force resolution as well, I think the ability to force some of the lower resolutions like 640x480 and 512x384 would help alot with voodoo 1 compatability.
Congratulations on your work with MESAFX.
I have a Voodoo3 3000 with Amigamerlin 2.9 and I'd like to report a bug or something like that with Mesa.
Although some applications work fine when i rename the 3dfxogl.dll to opengl32.dll,
when i use all versions of the mesafx 5.1 dlls i get the message:
Can't create a GL Rendering context.
For example you could download this small file
Keep up good work.
QuoteOriginally posted by dborca
Basically, it adds true single-pass trilinear filtering when combine extension is disabled (either non-Napalm hardware or MESA_FX_IGNORE_CMBEXT=y).
Is there a performance hit on the V5 when you set MESA_FX_IGNORE_CMBEXT to 1 (or whatever value is needed to activate single-pass trilinear), and then run a game that doesn't use trilinear? For some reason I'm getting the impression that MESA_FX_IGNORE_CMBEXT essentially disables multitexturing regardless of whether or not the app is calling for Trilinear, resulting in lower performance in games that need multitexturing on?
Basically, what I'm asking is if leaving MESA_FX_IGNORE_CMBEXT active all the time will affect performance in games that don't necessarily need it on?
just asking is the ansi c compiler and the turbo c the same? i wanna hexedit the mesafx... thanks!!!
QuoteOriginally posted by Ragnarok72
Is there a performance hit on the V5 when you set MESA_FX_IGNORE_CMBEXT to 1 (or whatever value is needed to activate single-pass trilinear), and then run a game that doesn't use trilinear? For some reason I'm getting the impression that MESA_FX_IGNORE_CMBEXT essentially disables multitexturing regardless of whether or not the app is calling for Trilinear, resulting in lower performance in games that need multitexturing on?
Basically, what I'm asking is if leaving MESA_FX_IGNORE_CMBEXT active all the time will affect performance in games that don't necessarily need it on?
Some games are stupid enough they think they can't multitex without combine_extension (the best example is SeriousSam2). OTOH, there are loads of games that can do multitex without combine_extension (The best example is Quake3A).
However trilinear is REALLY enabled when not multitexing! And multitexing seems to depend somehow on combine_extension.
Sigh! *blur look* [:p]
QuoteOriginally posted by samuraiboy
just asking is the ansi c compiler and the turbo c the same?
TurboC is a very good compiler. It can handle ANSI, but it can't handle 32bit. If you are/were used with TurboC, you'll love DJGPP! ;)
Quotei wanna hexedit the mesafx... thanks!!!
Good luck, then! Just make sure you don't post it publicly! Or, if you do, make sure you state that version is modified from the "official" uploads at 3dfxzone or falconfly or my situ!
I think that I found a clue to the voodoo3 problems with mesafx.
Dborca please download this small game:
It has 3 executables , one of them is wall3d_nostencil, actualy the only one that works with mesafxg2 on voodoo3. The other crash with message something like: can't create rendering content. This happens to a lot of games and applications on voodoo3.
I tested the same wall3d game with 3dfxogl and all the files work, but only wall3d_nostencil is fast, other two a very slow but work.
Maybe the problem can be solved by disabling hardware stencil for voodoo3, maybe with envvars.
I want to report that software rescaling for large textures works very good and solved one of the glexess glitches in the loading screen
I have just tried software rescalling on a voodoo3 with GLQuake,works avesome,fixes all white textures,cool..still no luck with hitman2 though,is there an env var that forces 16-bit for voodoo3?
thanks daniel... ill try turboC then... ill make my own version then and will not make a public release... thanks!!!
oh, BTW daniel what is DJGPP stands for? im more familiar with turboC but not ansi c... its my first time to do serious work for graphics esp. GL... thanks!!!
QuoteOriginally posted by samuraiboy
thanks daniel... ill try turboC then... ill make my own version then and will not make a public release... thanks!!!
you can't! turboC is 16bit compiler. OpenGL relies on the fact that GLint is 32bit.
DJGPP is the DOS port of GCC (32bit). Though it can be used under win32. ANSI is a C standard (in fact _THE_ C standard). Almost all compilers I know support ANSI as a base feature set! Usually they implement a bunchful of extensions on top of ANSI, "extending" it. Another standard would be POSIX, which, AFAIK is best supported by *nices and other platforms that support gcc (DOS - DJGPP, Win32 - MinGW).
Anyway, are you or are you not hexediting? It's still foggy for me!
well im into hexediting but im just a novice... im only familiar with turboC and c++... heard of ANSI C but i only have a lil knowledge of how to use it... but i can learn that compiler... thanks!!!!!!!!!
samuraiboy, I think his point is you are going to have the source, and you're going to compile it, so why hex edit a binary after the fact when you can just code changes before you compile...
hmm,I have been playing with my voodoo3 and mesafx..and I have noticed this:it looks like mesafx forces true 16-bit (voodoo3 can do 22-bit),resulting in worse image quality-wickedgl looks much better on a voodoo3(I will post pics),but mesa is faster,better,more there a way how to fix this(cant see any env var that should help me)..
How can I change the values in gl_max_texture_size?
Which is the command line?
I can´t use the 512x512 textures sw scaled (with mesafx) because this command still says that they are 256x256
QuoteOriginally posted by Fantasma
How can I change the values in gl_max_texture_size?
Which is the command line?
I can´t use the 512x512 textures sw scaled (with mesafx) because this command still says that they are 256x256
Well, basically you
set MESA_FX_MAXLOD=9This will allow 2^9 textures (512). If you set it to 10 or 11, you'll be able to use 1024 and 2048 textures respectively.
*sigh* I need to write a MesaFX control panel, but... really, how many times should I state I can't stand this win crap!
Eventually, you can make a "run.bat" using notepad, containing the following lines:
@echo off
(you can put other Mesa environment variables as well)
copy it into gamedir and start your application like this:
run GLExcess
run Quake
or whatever...
PS: you can remove the "pause" line. It is just there so you can read the console output and know whether any error occurs (environment full).
PPS: it seems that [GL]Quake[World] checks the renderer string for "3dfx" and "Voodoo" and forces max texture size to 256. Why? oh, why?
ok,here goes,image quality comparison:mesafx versus wicked3d(voodoo3,16bit,the game is glwolf3d,a very simple opengl game)
Image Insert:
34.08 KB
the first one is mesafx,the second can see there is a huge difference in image quality,wickedgl gives almost 32-bit quality,but mesafx is obviously running in true 16-bit there a way around this or is it just a mesafx limitation..?
He I thought the o.51g SE already supports Voodoo2/SLI. Know on 3dfxzone's home, you can read mesaFX know support voodoo2. WHat is this all about, is it just the same news or is it a new driver, or just the old one with more xp compatibility and userfriendlyness????
Dborca you tell me.
QuoteOriginally posted by dborca
QuoteOriginally posted by Fantasma
How can I change the values in gl_max_texture_size?
Which is the command line?
I can´t use the 512x512 textures sw scaled (with mesafx) because this command still says that they are 256x256
Well, basically you
This will allow 2^9 textures (512). If you set it to 10 or 11, you'll be able to use 1024 and 2048 textures respectively.
*sigh* I need to write a MesaFX control panel, but... really, how many times should I state I can't stand this win crap!
Eventually, you can make a "run.bat" using notepad, containing the following lines:
@echo off
(you can put other Mesa environment variables as well)
copy it into gamedir and start your application like this:
run GLExcess
run Quake
or whatever...
PS: you can remove the "pause" line. It is just there so you can read the console output and know whether any error occurs (environment full).
PPS: it seems that [GL]Quake[World] checks the renderer string for "3dfx" and "Voodoo" and forces max texture size to 256. Why? oh, why?
The thing that happens in quake, happens in this game (CoD) which the only thing that makes me not running the game is the texture size, I have done what you have save, even I have modified the 3dfxtools advanced tweaks to choose the texture size that I want with mesafx but it doesn´t work, it detects that my GL_MAX_TEXTURE_SIZE is 256, if only there were a way to avoid the game detecting it or change the GL_MAX_TEXTURE_SIZE.......
In the config of the game, I have changed it to run it in 16bpp and I have changed to run it in 256x256 textures but it still requires 512.....[:(!]
Any ideas?
QuoteOriginally posted by perer
He I thought the o.51g SE already supports Voodoo2/SLI. Know on 3dfxzone's home, you can read mesaFX know support voodoo2. WHat is this all about, is it just the same news or is it a new driver, or just the old one with more xp compatibility and userfriendlyness????
Dborca you tell me.
Why? :D
perer you tell me. I mean, after reding your post for the tenth time, I still have that blur look! [:p]
QuoteOriginally posted by Fantasma
The thing that happens in quake, happens in this game (CoD) which the only thing that makes me not running the game is the texture size, I have done what you have save, even I have modified the 3dfxtools advanced tweaks to choose the texture size that I want with mesafx but it doesn´t work, it detects that my GL_MAX_TEXTURE_SIZE is 256, if only there were a way to avoid the game detecting it or change the GL_MAX_TEXTURE_SIZE.......
In the config of the game, I have changed it to run it in 16bpp and I have changed to run it in 256x256 textures but it still requires 512.....[:(!]
Any ideas?
I don't know how could "3dfxtools advanced tweaks" change Mesa's behavior. Hmph...
Anyway, I slipped an extra underscore to the envvar. To be accurate, it is MESA_FX_MAXLOD.
Here's another idea. If you can run GLExcess and you are able to see loading circles by tweaking MESA_FX_MAXLOD, THEN you know you are doing things right!
QuoteOriginally posted by ps47
the first one is mesafx,the second can see there is a huge difference in image quality,wickedgl gives almost 32-bit quality,but mesafx is obviously running in true 16-bit there a way around this or is it just a mesafx limitation..?
I might be blind, or I might be staring at the wrong monitor, but I can't see a HUGE image difference. [:p] The Voodoo post-dithering circuitry (which enables the so-called 22bit -- pwah!) is not handled within Mesa, but Glide. Try to use the SAME Glide when comparing 3dfx' and Mesa DLLs. If you still get a difference, then it must be some bug in Mesa's vertex interpolators, which are not perfect in 5.1. Which brings me to the next post...
PS: let me tell you something about this 22bpp-ish thingie. The true 32bit rendering is actually 24+8 color+alpha. Alpha is an abstract thing (you can't see it). Thus, 22bpp means you would be only 2 bits away from the real mccoy! Which, of course it's not true. It would have been true if 3dfx would have enabled 32bit textures for pre-Napalm cores. Because without it, the post-dithering circuitry can't perform in some miraculous way. Yes, 3dfx jumped the gun many times in the past [:(] And, to be honest, the 22bpp issue was not even an original invention. A long time ago I wrote a semi-accelerated driver for Matrox Millennium I (MGA2064W) which had the same feature.
I am releasing rev H today. This might be the last release of this kind. It basically fixes a memory leak, adds GL_TEXTURE_1D and has some other minor improvements. You should be able to download it from my situ, at least until geocities enters DoS for my account. By that time, however, it should get uploaded to 3dfxzone and FalconFly ;)
ok ok,the difference is not huge,but the wickedgl texture is better.the difference is running the same glide,you mean using the same glide3x.dll file?well this could be it,I have used the new glide3x with mesafx only..whatever,mesafx got rid of all bugs,so what eh?again many thanks for this driver..
Dborca, will the mesafx work in window if Koolsmokey compleats windowed glide. Mesafx works greate but has one serious bug with opengl initialization which prevent many appliactions from starting
not all games have worse picture quality with mesafx. SOF2 for instance, is much better looking with mesafx than with wickedgl. (But fps decreases in half !! , so wickedgl is still the better driver for SOF2).
However this is not the case with RTCW, where you get an increase in quality and in performance. All with voodoo3 of course. Maybe that game you tested is old?[|)]
About my blurry post: I am Dutch so I am not a perfect Englishman
, and to with releasing mesaFX 0.51H it clears up a lot with me.
But one more question. In a other mesaFX package there was a installer Mesa-FX.exe which you have to use with every game, my question know is do I have to do the same with version H.
My instinct says yes but I dunno know for sure.
QuoteOriginally posted by dborca
I am releasing rev H today. This might be the last release of this kind. It basically fixes a memory leak, adds GL_TEXTURE_1D and has some other minor improvements. You should be able to download it from my situ, at least until geocities enters DoS for my account. By that time, however, it should get uploaded to 3dfxzone and FalconFly ;)
Memory leak?! There was a memory leak?! Where? I don't remember seeing a memory leak anywhere.... ok, that was a bad pun.
Oh, and I have one last question about MESA_FX_IGNORE_CMBEXT. Originally, you said it was set up like "MESA_FX_IGNORE_CMBEXT=y", where "y" means we could use any value. Well, does that mean sticking ANY, and I mean ANY value in there, enables it? Or would setting it to "0" (zero) disable it?
No, you simply use these instructions to install:
MesaFX 0.51x installation
Install procedure is simple and fast, it has these following steps:
-Unzipping the archive named
-Copying file named glide3x in Windows/System32 folder (MS Windows XP users)
-Copying file named glide3x in Winnt/System32 folder (MS Windows 2000 users)
-Copying file named glide3x in Windows/System folder (MS Windows 9X / ME users)
-Copying file named openGL32 in game folder
hmm,no luck at all..I have used the same glide3x.dll file this time..looks like I have to choose-wickedgl with better graphics and bugs or mesafx with worse graphics but no bugs.whatever,mesafx wins the round..
btw,the glide3x.dll file that comes with h release wont work with call of duty,I have to use glide3x.dll file from the g2 release,that one works.strange..
hi there!
first thank you daniel (and the team of course) :)
i tested mesafx051h on my 1.2gig celi and win2k and here are my results:
counter-strike(1.6, steam):
+ works, nice output
- no mouse cursor in the menus
- slowish performance
+ works
+ better performance than ever
+ very nice image quality
- console text distorted but readable
nascar2003 and gpl:
- does not work (crash to desktop, could not load selected renderer(did start with a selfcompiled version)
- application error, log says: (QXWindow) ChoosePixelFormat() failed
il2 sturmovik (quick test):
+ work, seems ok
doom_legacy(quick test):
+ works, seems ok
more to come
Well the H version seams to take more advantage frome fast CPU's by doing some things in software. Or the flashing banners on 3dfxzone are spam. Because they say fast performance on pentium 4.
Are they know just pointing at the sse2 support or are there some things in version H that let the CPU do more?
@Daniel: It would be nice if you could create a MesaFx control panel as you mentioned earlier. I know you get people moaning stuff like this, but I honestly think it would not only be more convienient but a better way to adjust setting to the GLide environment through. that and I am not a programmer and I wouldn't know what to do with a CVS file to save my life, and I'd rather not create batch files for every thing I want to run using the GLide API.
Would it be better to maybe add an update to the AmigaMerlin 3.0 (and 2.9) drivers so that this new MesaFx control panel (if it ever enters reality) can be integrated into the 3Dfx control panel?
Homeworld2 can now launch successfully on a Voodoo5 using MesaFX 0.51H....unfortunately, it then complains that the video hardware can't do cube mapping, per-pixel-dot operations, and doesn't support enough textures per pass (that last one made me go "WTF?!").
End result: I can access all of the title screen functions. However, any attempt actually play the game causes it to either dump me back to desktop or lock up the system.
It's a start, though....
QuoteWould it be better to maybe add an update to the AmigaMerlin 3.0 (and 2.9) drivers so that this new MesaFx control panel (if it ever enters reality) can be integrated into the 3Dfx control panel?
That should be easy enough to do. All that requires is a little inf-modding, as it appears you can control the env variable with registry entries, which is what the 3Dfx Control panel does with all its other options.
QuoteOriginally posted by agrelaphon
not all games have worse picture quality with mesafx. SOF2 for instance, is much better looking with mesafx than with wickedgl. (But fps decreases in half !! , so wickedgl is still the better driver for SOF2).
WickedGL is a subset. Mesa tries to do everything by book (at least tries). I can't change that. Sorry!
QuoteOriginally posted by perer
About my blurry post: I am Dutch so I am not a perfect Englishman
, and to with releasing mesaFX 0.51H it clears up a lot with me.
But one more question. In a other mesaFX package there was a installer Mesa-FX.exe which you have to use with every game, my question know is do I have to do the same with version H.
My instinct says yes but I dunno know for sure.
I never put installers, as I hate them. I'd rather put installation HOW-TO, but don't have time everytime...
QuoteOriginally posted by Ragnarok72
Memory leak?! There was a memory leak?! Where? I don't remember seeing a memory leak anywhere.... ok, that was a bad pun.
When the app closes context, there might be textures left in memory. Mesa tries to free them automatically, but sometimes it got a page fault inside 3dfx driver. If the app is "clean" the memory leak never happened. Otherwise, bad ju-ju... I noticed that when I tried to change resolution from some game menu. The rendering context was closed, then reopened. The memory leak crashed to desktop.
Oh, and I have one last question about MESA_FX_IGNORE_CMBEXT. Originally, you said it was set up like "MESA_FX_IGNORE_CMBEXT=y", where "y" means we could use any value. Well, does that mean sticking ANY, and I mean ANY value in there, enables it? Or would setting it to "0" (zero) disable it?
Mesa tests for the envvar to be defined. It does not scan the value of the envvar. An envvar can exist only if it has something (anything) past the equal sign. Hence, you can even use
set MESA_FX_IGNORE_TEXUS2=Ragnarok72Using "0" to define such variable may lead to confusion. Use "1" instead.
QuoteOriginally posted by ps47
btw,the glide3x.dll file that comes with h release wont work with call of duty,I have to use glide3x.dll file from the g2 release,that one works.strange..
This glide3x.dll was modified by Koolsmoky in an attempt to enable windowed modes. There might be some new bugs. The philosophy is as follows: you can use any glide3x.dll whatsoever with MesaFX; you can use it from previous 0.51 releases (and still have some features), or you can use "standard" glide3x.dll (and loose advanced features).
QuoteOriginally posted by perer
Well the H version seams to take more advantage frome fast CPU's by doing some things in software. Or the flashing banners on 3dfxzone are spam. Because they say fast performance on pentium 4.
Are they know just pointing at the sse2 support or are there some things in version H that let the CPU do more?
Not that I know of. Aaa.. ther emight be a thing or two, but nothing that big.
Okay than why are there those flashy banners saying breathtaking speed on pentium 4. I would better use a Athlon the are better with games. (at least from my experience )
Or maybe 3dfxzone is sponsered by Intel.
Than I will shut up because this support is needed for servers etc.
QuoteOriginally posted by dborca
When the app closes context, there might be textures left in memory. Mesa tries to free them automatically, but sometimes it got a page fault inside 3dfx driver. If the app is "clean" the memory leak never happened. Otherwise, bad ju-ju... I noticed that when I tried to change resolution from some game menu. The rendering context was closed, then reopened. The memory leak crashed to desktop.
I see.....well, I'm just glad it got fixed before I ran into the problem.[:p]
QuoteMesa tests for the envvar to be defined. It does not scan the value of the envvar. An envvar can exist only if it has something (anything) past the equal sign. Hence, you can even use
set MESA_FX_IGNORE_TEXUS2=Ragnarok72
Using "0" to define such variable may lead to confusion. Use "1" instead.
Now I understand. Thanks.
Now, about MesaFX's VERSION string: Right now, games read the string and see it as a 1.2 ICD instead of the 1.3-compatible ICD that you have designed it to be. Games like Homeworld 2 are throwing up complaints based on that fact, and I think this has the potential to needlessly hurt compatibility.
I think in the next release, the beginning of the VERSION string should read "1.3 MesaGL" instead of "1.2 MesaGL", so that games can correctly identify it for what it is.
Well, sorry for the banner. I've not purchased HyperSnap [:o)]
The three pictures shows a change in the image quality; those changes were obtained setting the texture detail in the System Menu.
The first and second settings makes the game very playable. The third one (and the best in image quality) make the FPS drop, up to make the game unplayable.
I've used two Diamond Monster 3D II (8Mb each), Windows XP SP1a and MesaFX v 0.51g.
My system specs are:
MSI K7N2 Delta-L (nForce2)
AMD Athlon XP 2500+ (Barton Core)
256Mb RAM PC3200
Asus V9520 TD (GeForceFX 5200)
2 x Diamond Monster 3D II (8Mb each - Voodoo2)
nice graphics!!!
He dBorca I can't find the source from version H on
And that file were can I set these Things. I think in the source but were is it. Or in the registry where I can not find it. I must be blind or stupid because I do not know what to do whith these things.
hmm..I have tried to run call of duty on a voodoo3,but the game fails to locate is possible to fake (or implement)it in mesafx (for voodoo3)..?
btw,I have found out what gives the worse quality I get with some aps and mesafx-when the application calls for PFD,mesafx returns (16,16,0)values.wickedgl returns (32,24,8)..dunno what it is..
try this addon to the 3dfx 761 ICD (since the ICD is still working BEFORE the mesaFX is called for) and combine it with the MesaFX as well.
go HERE:
good luck.
Dborca I now know what to do with the registry settings but the source I can't find if they are out there?
QuoteOriginally posted by perer
Dborca I now know what to do with the registry settings but the source I can't find if they are out there?
They're not registry settings. They are environment variables.
Also, the "h" shource is not on SourceForge; and it's not gonna be there. Never ever! You can find 6.0 src, though...
I just tried out NWN with the MesaFX .051H and rainbow's oglGXP addon for the 761 ICD. the setup "scan" and "test" now work beutifully! I am still getting the white backgrounds on my text window and the inventory and character sheet type windows. Maybe the oglGXP addon is the culprit? I noticed the voodoo2 screenshoots and no white backgrounds? maybe a 16bit vs. 32bit problem? I will do more testing when I get home tonight!
Damn Why?????? DBorca because you are still kicked out of SourceForge.
Or because you want to keep if for yourself??
QuoteDamn Why?????? DBorca because you are still kicked out of SourceForge.
Or because you want to keep if for yourself??
Check SourceForge before speaking !
D. Borca is without doubt one of the persons who devotes most to the 3dfx Community so avoid attacks, really useless !
we must thank daniel and not attack him negatively because if he quits contributing the 3dfx community will be soon out... so please help instead of saying something stupid...
I agree,
I saw this happen again and again, so think twice before attacking someone who contributes to the community or he will be pissed of and stop everything...
I am very thankfull that Daniel works on Mesa for Voodoos, he does it for free and in his spare time...
If he does not want to share the sources of 0.51h, he will have his reasons so just accept it...
QuoteOriginally posted by perer
Damn Why?????? DBorca because you are still kicked out of SourceForge.
Or because you want to keep if for yourself??
perer, you little punk! WTF is your business if I want to keep it for myself? Yeah, I am greedy and want to keep everything for myself. How's that?
Primo: I am not kicked out of SourceForge. Either revise your language, or revise your ideas. I am still admin on Glide-SourceForge and devel on Mesa-SourceForge.
Secundo: SourceForge couldn't deliver the CVS services that were expected by people, so Mesa moved to (and yes, I am devel on Mesa-FreeDesktop, too). That's the main reason for not updating sources on SourceForge.
Tertio: 0.51x releases use a pre-release 5.1 sources. They are not compatible with "official" 5.1 or any higher versions. The core Mesa is not bound to any hardware. I cannot afford to pollute the official sourcetree with old versions, just because "they work for 3dfx cards". OTOH, the current sourcetree (post 5.1) is actively maintained and compatible with 3dfx as well. It's just it is a bit slower due to new vertex code. Which is still yet to be optimized.
And last: I never said I won't give up my sources! I just said they will never make it into SourceForge, you snake!
So, I shall quote Lecram on this:
Why the hell all threads on this forum (and other forums) must end up in any other place but the original idea proposed by the thread-starter?
EDIT: I calmed down, so I removed words like: "piece of sh!t", "worthless", "brainless muthaforka", "fûck"! :D
Sorry if people thought I was Attacking DBorca.
This was the same question but better sad.
But again I get why you don't release it now.
I will have to work with Mesafx 6.0 and have to build CVG in it ( I think it does not have it) Note that my goal is not to make something better than DBorca's one ( It would be stupid to do that, I apreciate Dborca's work). I am just seeking for opengl 1.5 support
QuoteOriginally posted by perer
Sorry if people thought I was Attacking DBorca.
I guess I had a bad morning, and lost my temper! I think you got the point!
QuoteBut again I get why you don't release it now.
Do you?
QuoteI will have to work with Mesafx 6.0 and have to build CVG in it (I think it does not have it)
This is a wrong approach. Basically, Mesa does not have any CVG or H3 or H5 in it. It just makes calls into Glide3x. The Glide is the one that makes the difference in hardware. The public Glide3x API must be consistent across CVG, H3 and H5.
QuoteNote that my goal is not to make something better than DBorca's one ( It would be stupid to do that, I apreciate Dborca's work).
Well, but be my guest! I really need help. The last two wannabees that contacted me thought they were hotshots just because they had 3 years C/C++ experience and 7 years ASM experience. Yet they are still somewhere where is warm, while I am still in the cold, fighting the issues.
QuoteI am just seeking for opengl 1.5 support
Good luck, but you won't find it! Believe me! The total rasterization fallback paths are even slower than a regular SW driver (because the HW must sync between LFB accesses and 3D commands).
Looks like my bad habits combine with lecrams have rubed off on Daniel...that's too funny! :D
Quite tempermental[B)]
Look, I don't appreciate you posting a link to the other message board in which I shouldn't have even created that AmigaMerlin closed, that is just making things worse....I didn't take a liking to that and I making sure that I don't post like that anymore but if you are going to conduct yourself like this and drag ME into the situation (via the link) and ruffle my feathers inadvertanly, but non-the-less taking a shot at me I will act upon this as I deem necessary.
For now, I won't becuase it's a futile argument.[:(!]
What's bugging you anyway, you sure seem to have a chip on your shoulder, I know not the place to discuss, but hey since every posting on this enitre site always gets hijacked purley becuase someone has to piss and moan (doesn't matter who is, arguing that is useless) why not air it out? I mean this thread is dead just like all the others that preceeded it.[xx(]
QuoteI mean this thread is dead just like all the others that preceeded it
So why are you here [?]
this thread isnt dead.... its just waiting for people to report their findings with the latet 0.51h mesafx, and for Dborca to release 0.51i :D
QuoteOriginally posted by Black_Out
Looks like my bad habits combine with lecrams have rubed off on Daniel...that's too funny! :D
Nope! That's not funny! Unlike you, Lecram is my pal!
QuoteQuite tempermental[B)]
Yep! If you can't bare it, then
Go fûck yourself and make sure to come back and tell us all the details...QuoteLook, I don't appreciate you posting a link to the other message board in which I shouldn't have even created that AmigaMerlin closed, that is just making things worse....I didn't take a liking to that and I making sure that I don't post like that anymore but if you are going to conduct yourself like this and drag ME into the situation (via the link) and ruffle my feathers inadvertanly, but non-the-less taking a shot at me I will act upon this as I deem necessary.
Look, I wasn't aiming at you. If you feel insulted, well, that is because you were insulted, long ago! And, if memory serves, the whole stuff blew up only because you were paranoid about your name.
Well, you moron, let's move to another thread and fight! Show me your best, you worm!
QuoteFor now, I won't becuase it's a futile argument.[:(!]
Such a gentleman!
QuoteWhat's bugging you anyway, you sure seem to have a chip on your shoulder,
What's bugging me? Morons like you! I can't stand them!
QuoteI know not the place to discuss, but hey since every posting on this enitre site always gets hijacked purley becuase someone has to piss and moan (doesn't matter who is, arguing that is useless) why not air it out? I mean this thread is dead just like all the others that preceeded it.[xx(]
Well, we do not want to keep you from doing great deeds.
Ah, one more thing!
If any of you feel picking on me, try to use the Off-Topic section! For two reasons:
1) I think people won't like bloating the Mesa thread with stupid discussions.
2) I can swear for one hour continuously, whithout repeating myself. And I'm working to improve that ability. Because of that, the Mesa thread could overflow the forum engine, making the thread unavailable for users who are still interested in Mesa.
I could translate the above message in Deutsch, Francais, Espanol, Italian. But I think you got the point.
Folks, could we stop this now ?
Everybody shake hands please...[8D]
What is all this good for ? People pick on each other and the conclusion is clear : Someone will feel insulted as hell, Mesa development for voodoos is cancelled and the remaining 3dfx community suffers another defeat...
So everybody just calm down and lets start from scratch...
I bow down to your greatness, and beg of you not to stop your development work. it is top notch. Please find it in your heart to ignore the Nvidiots and others that are trying to derail this most needed 3dfx development.
Now for some feedback:
the NWN "white backgrounds" thing with my V5 5500 AGP. Is anyone else seeing the white backrounds in the Inventory popups and such? It looks like the V2 and Banshee do not have this problem? the background for the popups are transparent like they should be (from the posts). Maybe it is my main 3dfx driver (3dhq beta 10)? anybody have an idea?
Hi to all
I want to communicate to all that Mesa 0.6 should come out shortly! :D
Daniel Can confirm it.
If someone haven't nothing to do, please do it in another place.
Thanks for the attention !!
Hmm, deja vu? A small piece of advice, be nice to real developers that keep your Voodoos working. Remeber, 3Dfx Interactive Inc is no more. Daniel should be entiled to a hefty reward for his fantastic work. For those who cannot afford the money should at least start worshipping him.
To those who really want to improve Mesa for 3Dfx, contact Daniel or get the Mesa cvs sources, they are enough to get you started.
@ Bloodworm
I tested NWN a few minutes ago and had no white backgrounds. I cant watch the intro movies but everything else is fine.
Tested with V5-5000, Mesa0.51h and x3dfx 1.07b drivers.
I am wondering if the "overlays" are windowed Direct X windows over the OpenGL main screen? Also. what video bios are you running on your card? It could be that I am running my desktop at too hign of a resolution compared to the games resolution? Also, what frequency are you running the game at (mine is 60Hz) and what is your desktop refresh rate? I will do more testing tonight!
@ Daniel:
Sod off! You have an over-inflated sense of self importance, and you don't impress me with sware words, I think those word are too big for you anyways.
look people, I know tai kwan do, karate, tai chi, and a billion other dangerous sounding words! But what does it matter?? We should be a community here, everyone contributing to the survival of these great cards! But this is more like a joke, you ppl make me sick.
@Daniel, I know why you're pissed off, just relax. These f00ls who know nothing are just spreading a bunch of bullsh!t because they want to sound important. You're a moderator here, can't you simply delete individual posts, or move them to an off-topic section called "stupid ppl, this is what you shouldn't act like"??
@Black_Out, daniel's post was not aimed at you, he was simply using it to express his own emotions at the time. Also, you spelled swear wrong ;)
@Amigamerlin, Koolsmokey, I agree with you guys completely, but perhaps mentioning 0.6 was not a good idea, I have the feeling that certain members will be demanding it's release very soon!
@Any one else who wants to come in here talking a bunch of bull**** about Mesa, MesaFX, or 3dfx: Get a f*cking life and get out of here, we don't want you.
This thread is for feedback on Dan's project. If you want to report a bug, feel free to do so, in an appropriate manner. If you want to slander Dan, either do it in off-topic or go beat your head against a wall for say 3-4 hours to knock some sense into it.
Apparently my words did not sink into everyone. Do not piss-off the people who are accually doing something real. May I remind you that we are all on the same quest of keeping the Voodoos alive. Feedbacks yes but no bickering. Is that clear?
Does the 5000 have multiple TMU's? like the 5500?
@Dborca: maybe it is the multiple TMU thingy that you mentioned a few pages ago that is causing the menus and popups to turn white in NWN? (they should be transparent/smokey).
Keep up the good work.[8D]
You know Dan, you /really/ don't have to deal with this sh*t...and to all out there, Dan has no obligstion to you!...this is the same crap that ended up at 3dhq. Everyone impatiently awaited the new ICD, and when it didn't come, people started to bitch and moan, saying that aquoes "tricked" them, "lied" to them...get one thing straight, aquoes didn't owe anyone anything! Noone was paying for driver support. Same thing here, if you guys want to flame Dan, then flame away, but then don't come around expecting feedback, cause he can very well quit (Dan is a very busy person). You guys are actually lucky that you get this type of feedback, seeing that Kool hardly ever posts.
btw Black_Out, it's "swear" ;)
QuoteYou guys are actually lucky that you get this type of feedback, seeing that Kool hardly ever posts.
You now know one of the reasons.
QuoteDoes the 5000 have multiple TMU's? like the 5500?
AFAIK, the V5 5000 has two TMU's per VSA chip.
Off Topic:
'If people are shooting at you, you must be doing something right'
This quote currently applies directly to all sections of the open source communities on the web.
On Topic:
I started playing with the NWN Voodoo setup yesterday.
I have a Voodoo 3 3500 AGP (AMD 500MHZ cpu, (I'm poor and stubborn)) and AmigaMerlin drivers downloaded from this site.
I get the white screens with the current Mesa opengl.dll.
I know what the screens should be as I have used GLDirect's OpenGL-to-DirectX wrapper to run NWN in the past. If you guess your way through the screens using the software mouse (or swap in GLDirect opengl32.dll) you can set up a game. Using Mesa you can then run this game. The software mouse works properly and smoothly. The game runs at about 3fps+. Out-of-game option screens are white.
Something is stopping Mesa rendering the option screens (irrespective of the use of AmigaMerlin etc. drivers used. There are reports of this problem on the web dating back to last August.
Can the problem be identified?
Can the option screeen rendering requirements be identified?
Can the option screen textures be simplified or removed?
I have tried the 3DAnalyze program to see if it could run NWN, but it always crashes.
On the whole concept of the Mesa developement;
As far as I know, 3DFX's act of providing the open source community with the 3DFX video driver source was a unique act that showed this company's commitment to its customers. Those who now invest their time and effort in making sure that this oppurtunity is not squandered, and who stay true to the original intent of 3DFX's gift are worthy of respect.
The motives of people who spam is this thread are very suspect. (Is that you again Mr. Gates?)
QuoteAs far as I know, 3DFX's act of providing the open source community with the 3DFX video driver source was a unique act that showed this company's commitment to its customers. Those who now invest their time and effort in making sure that this oppurtunity is not squandered, and who stay true to the original intent of 3DFX's gift are worthy of respect.
ummmm, if I were you, I'd rethink what I just typed...alot of people would be very angry with you for saying that...3dfx
did not open-source their video driver...this was leaked by NuAngel, but a bunch of people got a hold of it long before Nu leaked the video driver source code open source? NO. Is it out there to be downloaded and used? YES.
Remember, it was up to 3dfx to provide support, but they didn't and some like to think it was up to nVidia, yet the contract clearly states that 3dfx would keep support. 3dfx did not have enough capital to provide support, that's where x3dfx came in, then 3dhq, and the rest is as follows...
EDIT: someone please correct me if I'm wrong...
My out of game option screens run just fine. it is the IN game "inventory" overlay screens and such that get the white out treatment. the little test overlay on the bottom of the screen has it too. the backrounds for these overlays are supposed to be transparent. I have seen them transparent when I was running the openGL32.dll from microsoft. I have also seen then white running OLDER versions of openGL32.dll. also the screen when you pick your premade character, the backrounds are white as well. In fact when you do finally pick a character, almost the whole screen goes white behind the portrait.
@ Bloodworm
The V5-5000 is in almost every way identical to the V5-5500, except the amount of ram.
Bios is 1.15, Desktop resolution was set to 640x480, Monitor frequency was 85 Hz.
Can you see the intro movies ?
QuoteOriginally posted by bloodworm
Now for some feedback:
the NWN "white backgrounds" thing with my V5 5500 AGP. Is anyone else seeing the white backrounds in the Inventory popups and such? It looks like the V2 and Banshee do not have this problem? the background for the popups are transparent like they should be (from the posts). Maybe it is my main 3dfx driver (3dhq beta 10)? anybody have an idea?
MesaFX comes with 40404 prerelease Glide (which implements some things not found in original Glides). OTOH, MesaFX can run on any Glide whatsoever. Try another Glide.
I myself tested on 6k, Raziel reports ok on Banshee, Amigamerlin reports ok on Voodoo2, too. I never seen those "white squares". Gimme a screenshot. In the meantime, try to play with Mesa envvars (well, I know I should've released the controlPanel, but I was busy, engaged in some idiotic dispute around here).
I will send a screenshot tonight when I get home from work! I will also try the older glide file. and I can also try to tweak the mesa settings in a batch file..... It might definately be the glide file......
I can only see the movies if I am running the "old" set of drivers with microsoft's openGL32.dll AND the desktop resolution is set to the same as the game resolution (BOTH 800x600). BUT then the game goes all black. when I try to run the game with the new MESA driver and the resolutions are set the same, then I get a strange NULL type memory error and another popup about memory location blah blah blah and the game crashes to desktop without even TRYING to start the title screens. I think this is a BINK player thing though. I can run the game tonight with the "skip intro movies" switch and see. I MUST set the desktop resolution a couple of notches HIGHER than the game will be running in any case to get it to run at all. by the way, the "test" screen in the config.exe proggy follows the behavior of the game with respect to the popups and screen resolutions.
try the glide3x.dll that is included with mesafx g2 release,the glide3x.dll from the h version is altered and made things worse-at least for me..
QuoteOriginally posted by ps47
try the glide3x.dll that is included with mesafx g2 release,the glide3x.dll from the h version is altered and made things worse-at least for me..
Yes, at some point, we tried to add windowed modes. That might be the issue...
Bloodworm, you have the batch file, sin't?... well, tell me...
Are the inventory things showed like in this pic in your v5?
Image Insert:
220.91 KB
If not, try enablig NUM_TMU=1 in the batch file (like a real banshee) and try again...
I can see the portrait and some of the grey wording, but anything that is white is "snowed out" so to speak since the transparent part within the black border is all white. i.e the words "strenth" etc. etc. and the actual character stat #'s are all gone (melted into the white background). I will try all sugestions in about 6 hours from now when I get home from work! everything else seems to be working great and there is a general 20% increase in FPS as well! (from 20 FPS using the old drivers to 25 FPS with the mesa when nothing is moving on screen)
bloodworm, forgive me for not reading all the posts, but why don't you try Raziel's litle exe file to run NWN. It's worked a merakle for my V3. Only one thing though. It crashes if I don't save too often
bloodworm, forgive me for not reading all the posts, but why don't you try Raziel's litle exe file to run NWN. It's worked a merakle for my V3. Only one thing though. It crashes if I don't save too often
I have a formula for just playing the game flawlessly in win98se with the tdhq beta10 drivers and coulorless glideXP addon and my v5 5500 agp. The Mesa driver is doing wonders for the FPS of this game and since it is an openGL ONLY game then it is worth bug fixing for Dborca. So just playing the game is not enough, but making it work with the new Mesa dll is the goal now!
By the way, NWN will crash to desktop in winXP or win2000 no matter WHAT you do as long as you are running microsoft's openGL32.dll. There is a call that the game makes that fubars the openGL32.dll drivers in W2k/winXP big time. I have not gone and tested the Mesa 0.51H in winXP YET, but I know exactly how to get it to crash consistently and can do the testing tonight!
I have found the "fix" for the white inventory etc. screens....
I put the glide3x.dll version back into windows/system and all is working now. the first movies and title screens are still black but the game works sweet...... this is from coulorless dragon's glidexp rev 016 project....
good news to voodoo's funs: Rice 531 in 1964 emu works!
well, with mesa opengl library it's posible to run games in openGL with rice 5.3.1, these are the steps:
1- download a compiled library (official page
from this url: its 944kb. (thanks to Daniel Borca for compiling, one of the authors and Falcon for hosting
2- decompress opengl32.dll to 1964/PJ64 exe folder and glide3x (its the new beta version: to c:\$winDIR$\system in 9x or \system32 in 2k/xp.
3- select rice video pluing, and config this one to use render engine: openGL, the combiner that will use its seem to be the 1.1... but if you want leave the "to fit your video card".
4- thats all, u shouldn't have problems.. the resolution i recommend it's the default 640*480.
EDIT: i forget to mention another step
5- in Options, set the emu to star the rom in windowed mode, cause in full-screen doen's work for me. This is rare too, cause the video is showing in fullscreen however... (when u set to run in window mode).
post here yours results, to continue speaking...
PS: Conker bud for day looks awesome!!!!! better than jabo's 1.51 (has some shadows bugs in voodoos direct 3d drivers)
a reply from LazerTag ( this thread:
Does not seem to work with VooDoo2 cards.
Anyone willing to try this, please confirm for V2. All I get are these errors in this order
"g_pRender is NULL"
And I did try both of the glide3x.dll files.
I assumed the one was for V2 cards and the other is V3 or higher?
and my new post:
please, can someone compile the new mesa 0.6 in visual studio, because i don't have it?
download the source from (2.9mb):
and from
i'll take the compiling procedure:
"The build system has been changed to use Microsoft Visual Studio project
workspaces and projects. Makefiles are no longer shipped or supported, but
can be generated from the projects using Visual Studio.
-->> Details and Notes <<--
- To build the Mesa libraries, open the Mesa.dsw workspace file in the top directory. You can build each project one-by-one, or build the glut project to build everything except osmesa, which needs to be built separately. The build process will create a lib directory in the top directory and will put the following files there:
i want the OPENGL32.DLL file you got after compiling....
i'll be wainting to someone how can do this little work, i wanna try this new DLL with 1964 and see the new features (openGL 1.5 complaint)
QuoteOriginally posted by ggab
download a compiled library (official page
from this url: its 944kb. (thanks to Daniel Borca for compiling, one of the authors and Falcon for hosting
The binaries are hosted by 3dfxzone and FalconFly. They used to be hosted on my page also, but geocities enters DoS when exceeding a certain hits. The reason of this is my wish to provide users with updates in the shortest time. Note: only
3dfxzone and
FalconFly are sites authorized by me to host MY binaries. Mesa is free and can be found everywhere, but MY builds will always be found only there.
Quoteplease, can someone compile the new mesa 0.6 in visual studio, because i don't have it?
download the source from (2.9mb):
and from
i'll take the compiling procedure:
"The build system has been changed to use Microsoft Visual Studio project
workspaces and projects. Makefiles are no longer shipped or supported, but
can be generated from the projects using Visual Studio.
The Visual Studio workspace approach will only build SW renderer. The MesaFX driver must be compiled the "hard" way, using either
make (MinGW) or
nmake (M$VC). Please note that Koolsmoky reported unstable binaries for M$VC. I didn't even bothered, since I am a
gcc guy. Mesa's primary target is Linux, hence it might be silently tuned for gcc...
I am releasing rev H(SR) today. It fixes something in the windoze interface crap (some games which require exotic pixelformats, ex: GORE). No other improvements for now...
I'll upload to my page and send the update to Amigamerlin and FalconFly). By the time geocities locks my account, the new DLL should get mirrored on 3dfxzone and FalconFly.
WHy HSR ? Hidden Surface Removal ?
QuoteOriginally posted by mei
WHy HSR ? Hidden Surface Removal ?
Hidden Surface Reveal! :D
Well, I guess Second Release...
great,I hope this will fix the opengl: selectpixelformat failed message I get with some games..gonna test it soon..
@dborca and other developers,
Do games and such still use the 761 ICD before making calls to the Mesa.dll? In the Realtech VR openGL extension viewer, It looks as if the 761 ICD is being ignored for its extensions when running the Mesa.dll? What I am getting at is the S3tc licensing issue. After doing some digging, I do not think that the Mesa.dll will be the appropriate place to do the S3tc compression routines (unless we ask first), BUT the 761 ICD (and it's addons ie. coulorless and rainbows ICD.dll interceptors)IS the correct and legal place to be doing the compression routines.
If you reveal hidden surfaces won't the game be slower. But what exactly is hidden surface reveal???/
and here:
Quoteand other developers
QuoteDo games and such still use the 761 ICD before making calls to the Mesa.dll?
No, Mesa does not use the 3Dfx ICD at all. It simply doesn't need it.
QuoteIn the Realtech VR openGL extension viewer, It looks as if the 761 ICD is being ignored for its extensions when running the Mesa.dll?
Although it's really up to the app to decide where and what to look for, most win32 OpenGL apps will look for a opengl32.dll in its local directory at runtime. If you've placed the Mesa dll in the Realtech VR folder as opengl32.dll, then Realtech VR would have loaded Mesa as its target OpenGL driver.
QuoteWhat I am getting at is the S3tc licensing issue. After doing some digging, I do not think that the Mesa.dll will be the appropriate place to do the S3tc compression routines (unless we ask first), BUT the 761 ICD (and it's addons ie. coulorless and rainbows ICD.dll interceptors)IS the correct and legal place to be doing the compression routines.
Mesa IS NOT responsible for performing texture compressions. They are all done outside of Mesa. The Mesa developers have always worked hard not to IP encumber Mesa source code. For win32, the "correct place" to perform texture compression would be in the DirectX texture compression library.
the h second release has broken quake support for voodoo3,it gives an error message: choose pixelformat failed
envvars dont help..
hitman2 still wont run,problems with pixelformat too.
Babylon 5:IFH ( drops to windows at intro but it works with normal ICD
And what's with new glide3x beta and UT2K3 (w/ MesaFX) ? with older 436kb dll i have problems with sky on DM-Antalus but it's faster than newer dll which comes with 0.51h or 30303...
QuoteOriginally posted by perer
If you reveal hidden surfaces won't the game be slower. But what exactly is hidden surface reveal???/
I was kidding :D It's indeed "h" (Second Release) ;) Well, read ahead... [:p]
QuoteOriginally posted by ps47
the h second release has broken quake support for voodoo3,it gives an error message: choose pixelformat failed
envvars dont help..
hitman2 still wont run,problems with pixelformat too.
Yes, I know... [:(] read on... :D
QuoteOriginally posted by bloodworm
@dborca and other developers,
People still don't get it! It's only me and Kool!
After doing some digging, I do not think that the Mesa.dll will be the appropriate place to do the S3tc compression routines (unless we ask first), BUT the 761 ICD (and it's addons ie. coulorless and rainbows ICD.dll interceptors)IS the correct and legal place to be doing the compression routines.
Yes, you're right! And Kool is right, too! No codec routine is implemented in Mesa. That's why sometimes you have it, sometimes you don't... [:p] Depends on other things. ;)
Awwwwright, boyz & galz!
Here's "h" Third Release! Worms3D works now. Also Quake2 support is back for pre-Napalm core (V2, Banshee, Avenger).
Damn, I think my fate is sealed, bound to forever fix the windoze interface [:0]
As always, uploaded to my situ, and sent to 3dfxzone & FalconFly.
Also, I authorized batracio & osckhar to upload _MY_ binaries to
I hope you won't disappoint me guys! ;)
ONLY TWO people WOW. I am impressed!!!!
I bow to you to ow programmers of MesaFX.
QuoteOriginally posted by perer
ONLY TWO people WOW. I am impressed!!!!
I bow to you to ow programmers of MesaFX.
Uhmmm... we're only two in the
3dfx business (the 3dfx driver of Mesa, the Glide library and stuff). We're dealing with Mesa core issues, also! But the core is developed by many other people... the most important ones being BP and KW, but that's another story...
yes sir!quake support is back and kicks azz again.but no luck with hitman2,still pixelformat error..
LOL.....I bet dborca planned to use the H(SR) pun from the beginning....</conspiracy_theory>
What's the status on the MesaFX control panel? Is it going to be a completely separate utility than the 3Dfx Tools, or are you gonna try to integrate it into the Tools as a new "tab" or "page" on the dialog box?
Secondly, is there ANY possible way (perhaps via inf-editing?) to have MesaFX be stored in the system directory and have the games use it instead of the 0761 ICD? For example, we place MesaFX in C:\Windows\System (or System32 for XP/2k), as "mesafx.dll", and have OpenGL games look for that instead of "3dfxogl.dll"?
Release 0.51H TR gives awesome results on my old system (VIA MVP3, AMD K6-2 500, 3Dfx Banshee) : i got around 25 FPS in every game like RTCW. :)
Even Quake 3 Arena performs @ 25 FPS ! In fact, High Quality video setting appears to be faster. It sounds weird, but it's true. [:p]
Daniel & Koolsmoky you are simply the best ! Thanks for the hard work, the long hours spent to optimize code ! [8D]
Anyway i must report some bugs
Jedi Knight II : Jedi Outcast
Note: i play the demo
Intro screens are fixed, but if you load a saved game, you still see an inverted Raven loading screen
Quake 3 Arena
Note: i play the demo version 1.11
If environment variable MESA_FX_MAXLOD=9 is set, then intro screen is displayed without viewable animation
with mesafx-0.51h(TE) i have a question for dborca or koolsmoky:
the glide3x.dll from that zip is: 436kb Dic 5 2003
and the other, from MesaFX 051e is 328kn Jan 22 2004, why this newer file don't come with the lastest realese? it has some bugs? is correct to replace in system directory "" with the new 436kb Dic 5 2003? all games seems to be all right...
Well, in the "h" series, I forgo to make a complete build of Glide3x. That's why I reverted to an older version, cos I was too lazy to do another build.
Quake 1.11 is kinda buggy! Basically, it seems unable to handle the huge Mesa extension list. OTOH, as I already stated (a gazillion times), do NOT tamper with envvars unless you need to (that is, some apps don't work properly).
DBorca please put you Voodoo3 and look at the problems with this card, because almost everything expect quake2 and serious sam 2 crash with (unable to create pixle format). This happens only with Voodoo3. VoodooBanshee and Voodoo2 work both better. It's strange that when i disable the secdond TMU of Voodoo3 with envvars Neverwinter Nights didn't work right but with VoodooBanshee it's ok. Maybe mesafx is trying to use some feature that voodoo3 didn't support but only napalm core.
I can confirm that too. I get the error message
"Can't find a suitable pixel format", with some applications.
I've got a Voodoo3 only, so i can't tell about other 3DFX boards.
"some" applications? Thanks for the precise feedback! I'll fix it in "some" days.
I have posted again at page 12 of this forum a small example, that's why a said "some" applications. I didn't want to repeat myself.
I write again a link to a file that it can run OK with the default Amigasport 3.0 files, but with mesafx it reports the message "Can't find a suitable pixel format".
And to avoid some confusions. I don't advertise the site that contains the file. I't simply a small file that happened to have this problem and i thought it would be easy fo you to download.
I'm using Windows XP, Amigasport 3.0, Voodoo3 3000.
Ok i found out what's wrong. The previous link doesn't work directly.
Use this link instead:
and download the file VSX 0.433r.
It's only 90kb.
Sorry for the inconveniense.
QuoteOriginally posted by dborca
"some" applications? Thanks for the precise feedback! I'll fix it in "some" days.
Lol :D
would it be possible to fake the GL_S3_s3tc and gl_ext_texture_compression_s3tc extensions for VOODOO3 with mesafx?(trying to run call of duty,seems like this is the last issue..)
Why not use the voodoo5 since you have one ?
and why dont I buy a geforce?my decision pal.this is not about playing the game,its about making it work.I love to solve stuff,once the game runs,I will inform everybody,uninstall it and I will move to the next one..
And i would say also that we have probably more Voodoo3 users than Voodoo5 users...
I think Daniel said earlier that he wasn't going to put in a compression library because he was worried about licensing or something.
i have some probs with il2 sturmovik.
its running fine beside to things:
1. s3tc texture compression isnt working, game falls back to 16bit compression, dont know if this is supposed to be on the v5.
2. i get some visual errors, please take a look at my screenie in this topic:
the s3tc texture compression routines are not within the MESA 3dfx release. you can try this:
for s3tc texture compression. please try it WITH the MESA addon and let me know if your texture compression is fixed. From what I have read in the past, the ICD comes first THEN opengl32.dll is used. But from what I have read here, this is not the case?
"the s3tc texture compression routines are not within the MESA 3dfx release."
ok, thanks thats a clear statement. not too good, though
i dont see GxpOGL interceptor could work with mesa. yes it says:
"Started work on the GxpOGL ICD Interceptor to fix problems with the 3dfx ICD.
Currently it replaces the glTexImage2D function to fix issues with S3TC
textures. S3TC textures are now compressed using the Microsoft compressor and
are passed to the ICD as compressed textures."
"Changed much of how GxpOGL works. It will now only work with the 761 ICD.
Attempting to use it with other ICDs will cause nothing to be changed."
as i understand, S3TC precompressed textures work with mesa because support is included in glide but the compression algo for on the fly texture compression is missing cause of license issues, right?
back to my il2 problems: the image corruption isnt a texure compression problem, looks more like some sort of blending or fogging issue, dont know excactly.
Quote1. s3tc texture compression isnt working, game falls back to 16bit compression, dont know if this is supposed to be on the v5.
2. i get some visual errors, please take a look at my screenie in this topic:
Texture compression is supported and will work as long as you use the pre-released sourceforge glide driver (40404) which comes with MesaFX. The problem seems to be that some applications are not able to process the "huge" GL extension list of Mesa thus failing to detect certain capabilities. It's likely that il2 is facing this problem. Try updating the game and ask the il2 devs, politely, about the max GL extension list the game can detect.
Quoteplease try it WITH the MESA addon and let me know if your texture compression is fixed. From what I have read in the past, the ICD comes first THEN opengl32.dll is used. But from what I have read here, this is not the case?
MesaFX doesn't need the 3Dfx ICD or the Microsoft OpenGL driver. Unfortunately, an OpenGL wrapper (interceptor) won't have any possitive effect either.
thx kool
i had the latest patch for original il2, so i downloaded the latest demo (v2.0) and S3TC works fine! :)
I have noticed an annoying bug:when I alt+tab from a game that uses mesafx,when I return to the game(call of duty),the screen is black.the game still runs,I can even quit normally if I hit the right buttons..this is no big deal,I can avoid alt+tab,but the bad thing is that some games (gorky zero) are not able to swith resolutions normally as the screen is black after applying the changes..
I just sent today a new DLL to Amigamerlin. It fixes some PIXELFORMAT issues. If there are any changes, they are minor, so I forgot them, and are not worth mentioning. For this reason, it'll not be rev "I", but rather rev "H" 4th ed.
I don't think Glide3x fully supports Alt-Tab. Since Mesa is totally Glide3-based...
Kool is right about extension list! Quake3 used to exhibit the same problems. I had to upgrade to 1.32
Mesa _IS_ the ICD!
More & more people ask about supporting S3 compression for pre-Napalm cores. Re-read the previous sentence and replace "supporting" with "faking". This thread is terribly long, but -- if memory serves -- I explained the drawbacks of this method: since pre-Napalm can't display already compressed textures, sometimes they need to be decompressed on the fly! Which might be very slow.
And why all of you keep bugging me about texture compression in Mesa? I shall re-iterate: no compression-decompression is done inside Mesa. Yet sometimes you have it... sometimes you don't...
QuoteAnd why all of you keep bugging me about texture compression in Mesa? I shall re-iterate: no compression-decompression is done inside Mesa. Yet sometimes you have it... sometimes you don't...
I think you need to put that in your sig or something ;)
thanks for the clarification. I was thinking that since you were naming it opengl32.dll it was to replace microsofts file. So does the Mesa 0.51 dll fall back to anything in microsofts software accel only opengl32.dll the way that the 761 ICD does it?
QuoteSo does the Mesa 0.51 dll fall back to anything in microsofts software accel only opengl32.dll the way that the 761 ICD does it?
MesaFX does not fall back to Microsoft's software implementation. BTW, the 3Dfx ICD doesn't use Microsoft's software accel either. One again, MesaFX doesn't need the 3Dfx ICD or the Microsoft OpenGL driver. Anyway, I'm sure Daniel will decipher my sentence.;)
Quotethx kool
i had the latest patch for original il2, so i downloaded the latest demo (v2.0) and S3TC works fine! :)
Oh no, thank Daniel. He figured it out with Q3A. :)
Quotewhen I alt+tab from a game that uses mesafx,when I return to the game(call of duty),the screen is black.the game still runs.
There are hacks to support ALT-TAB within Glide3x but it hasn't been tested with MesaFX yet. Full screen rendering and hotkeys are a real pain under MS Windows. What OS are you using?
win98se.I dont need to use the alt+tab,but some apps need to do it when they switch resolutions(gorky zero).can be a pain..
0.51H 4th release is great ! You (Daniel & Koolsmoky) are doing just fine :)
But i have to report a bug in Jedi Knight II : Jedi Outcast : if you load a saved game then the loading screen is reversed.
I'm afrair 4th release has broken compatibility of voodoo3+NWN, as it won't start now, nomatter what glide3x file I through in[xx(]. Hope it will be fixed later. Untill then, I'm using 3rd release for that game[^]
QuoteOriginally posted by agrelaphon
I'm afrair 4th release has broken compatibility of voodoo3+NWN, as it won't start now, nomatter what glide3x file I through in[xx(]. Hope it will be fixed later. Untill then, I'm using 3rd release for that game[^]
Darn! The 4th ED was meant to _FIX_ these... Humm... I'll check again!
does the Mesa51 work for voodoo2 ?
mesafx works for all voodoos..
QuoteOriginally posted by ps47
mesafx works for all voodoos..
At least in theory... :D
MesaFX is now totally Glide3x based. For the moment, you need 3rd party Glide3x DLLs for V1/V2, cos the SourceForge tree is not ready for win32 build (although it was tested and works as a charm in Linux and DOS).
However, I am sending the latest MesaFX DLL to Amigamerlin right now. This is not a release, yet... But if proven working ok, it'll be the last 0.51 release.
the resolution is not limited inside Mesa anymore.
hopefully fixed a regression bug wrt stencil in 4th release.
I hope I find the time to look into the Mesa core again and gain some speed for 0.60!
GTA VC doesn't run with my Voodoo3 3000, why?
It halts after 5 min.
I know it runs fine with Voodoo Banshee, with few minor car texture loss, but running smooth.
waiting for a D3D82Glide3 wrapper... :D
umm, (
GTA 3/VC runs in d3d. So if there is some magical way on this great green earth that you can show me how this pertains to MesaFX, please be my guest!
@ matias921
Please post here :
3dfx Voodoo3 topics
since d3d has no link with MesaFx ;)
dborca, here i explain how to use mesa with 1964 0.99 and Rice video plugin 5.43b, but are some bugs...
here are the topic:
and one issue is:
"Posted by LazerTag.
but if I don't have my desktop resolution set to 640x480 (before launch any game in Rice's video plugin and opengl mode) the displayed game screen is sunk to the lower left of the screen and actually some is off the viewable area."
my solution/post is:
"yes u are right, i don't has this issue, because with my v3 and tv out, i play in 640, and before launch any game in Rice's, i move the screen to fix into the TV (in all the tv screen), in the 3dfx hub, tv out section."
hope u can check this, because all 3dfx's users can't play some n64 games with another plugin except glide64...
Hello everybody!
I gave green light to Amigamerlin to build & upload MesaFX 6.1. It features a new vertex engine. Be wary before rushing to replace 5.1 with 6.1... this new baby is a bit slower, but hopefully fixes some T&L bugs in old code. Stay tuned, cos it's subject to further improvements.
PS: unfortunately, the win32 interface bugs are not fixed, cos I don't usually do that!
QuoteOriginally posted by dborca
Hello everybody!
I gave green light to Amigamerlin to build & upload MesaFX 6.1. It features a new vertex engine. Be wary before rushing to replace 5.1 with 6.1... this new baby is a bit slower, but hopefully fixes some T&L bugs in old code. Stay tuned, cos it's subject to further improvements.
PS: unfortunately, the win32 interface bugs are not fixed, cos I don't usually do that!
Hi guys,
I suggest you all to try MesaFx 6.1 with Doom III or call of duty at 32bit [8D]
hitman2(and hitman1) still gives that old error message-opengl: selectpixelformat failed. hardware acceleration not found. try changing color depth.
Dborca, I have a question.HOW can we(Voodoo3 users) use those large textures with mesafx:
OS: all
HW: non Vsa-100 cards
Desc: enable large texture support using SW rescaling
"9" - 512x512 textures
"10" - 1024x1024 textures
"11" - 2048x2048 textures
Please give us an example with Quake3, what we acctualy must do to have that, lets say 1024x1024 textures in Quake3??
I can help you with that:
create a txt file (run1024.txt for example) in the same directory where quake3.exe is located.(probably "C:\Games\Quake III Arena\")
open it with notepad,and type:
exit notepad and save rename the txt file to *.bat (run1024.bat for example),and run you have support for 1024*1024 textures..
6,1 released!!!!!! :D
Keep up the good work Daniel!!!
QuoteOriginally posted by dborca
Hello everybody!
I gave green light to Amigamerlin to build & upload MesaFX 6.1. It features a new vertex engine. Be wary before rushing to replace 5.1 with 6.1... this new baby is a bit slower, but hopefully fixes some T&L bugs in old code. Stay tuned, cos it's subject to further improvements.
Awesome. Oh, and besides the new vertex engine and T&L handling, has support for any more OpenGL extentions been added?
QuoteOriginally posted by ps47
I can help you with that:
create a txt file (run1024.txt for example) in the same directory where quake3.exe is located.(probably "C:\Games\Quake III Arena\")
open it with notepad,and type:
exit notepad and save rename the txt file to *.bat (run1024.bat for example),and run you have support for 1024*1024 textures..
Thanks mate.But seems(looks)to me like this is just a for a compatibility reasons, no iq is gained, it's still 256x256 look [:(]
QuoteOriginally posted by JOE3000
Thanks mate.But seems(looks)to me like this is just a for a compatibility reasons, no iq is gained, it's still 256x256 look [:(]
That's exactly what it's meant for! Compatibility. That's why it is named SW rescaling. Taking another approach (to split a texture into smaller pieces) would have required an immense effort to change the T&L engine (see texture wrapping). However, the quality
COULD be improved a bit, since my rescaling is NEAREST only, not LINEAR.
Thanks a million Dborca and Koolsmoky for all your hard work in Mesa 6!!! You guys absolutely, postively rock!!! :D :D
Lookng forward to trying Doom3 on the V5 pci 2nite..:D
QuoteOriginally posted by InSomNiaN
Lookng forward to trying Doom3 on the V5 pci 2nite..:D
Well, don't expect too much! Mesa 6.1 can run Doom3, but this game really requires new extensions, in order to look decent.
Anyway, Mesa 6.1 optimizations are in the toaster, so stay tuned. [:0]
Kudos to Brian & Keith for their awesome work. :D
I tried doom 3 with the new mesa 6.1 on my v5 6000. It runs amizingly fast (fater than my geforce 4 ti 4600), but it still looks bad. Espacially the lightning. It it way to bright and shadows are very often misplaced (althoug the one produced by the fan in the beginning looks very nice)I also tried without mesa and it was very slow again, but the textures a better in place, for example the ammo counter on the machinegun. In the sceenshot you can see the diffrence, but in the games itself it looks worse. I hpe that we will be able to play doom 3 as it should be on our voodoo cards in future :)
Image Insert:
62.77 KB
Never Winter Nights now works in Windows XP (it used to run but crash before Mesa 6)! run either the 3dhq driver or Amigamerlin driver (works with both), with the Mesafx 6.1 but you MUST run a different Glide3x.dll. I have got it running sweet with Glide3x.dll version Koolsmokey is listed under the properties? which driver does this glide3x come from? Nwn doesn't work at all with the 30303 (locks winxp up at the second title blank screen w/no music) and has too many bugs in 40404 ver of glide3x. I am also running my desktop at 1280x1024 60 Hz 32bit and the game at 1024x768 32bit 60Hz. Also, NWN doesn't recognize the openGL version info from it's config proggy? so it won't run the "test" at all. FPS is about 4 TIMES faster and much more stable now. acctually looks playable now! I am (1.4Ghz cely with 100Mhz FSB) getting 6-9 fps when lots of things are going on and 20fps with nothing going on. Can't wait for 6.2! this games uses ALOT of TnL..... hence the low FPS.
Just tried the NWN toolset. NOGO. can't create a window?
Hello guys!
The new mesafx easter release doesn't works on Voodoo 2.
I've updated, and Quake 3 freeze in the intro video ( ID Software one)
With the previous release ( 280304_mesafx-6.1.exe), everything works flawless.
Ps.: Sorry for the bad english :)
QuoteOriginally posted by Pender666
Hello guys!
The new mesafx easter release doesn't works on Voodoo 2.
I've updated, and Quake 3 freeze in the intro video ( ID Software one)
With the previous release ( 280304_mesafx-6.1.exe), everything works flawless.
Ps.: Sorry for the bad english :)
Hi, is a know bug that I hope should be fixed shortly.
Thanks for the feedback ;).
QuoteOriginally posted by Amigamerlin
Hi, is a know bug that I hope should be fixed shortly.
I updated the Mesa CVS with a bugfix (Quake3 seems ok now). Amigamerlin should put the new DLL online ASAP. :D
QuoteOriginally posted by dborca
QuoteOriginally posted by Amigamerlin
Hi, is a know bug that I hope should be fixed shortly.
I updated the Mesa CVS with a bugfix (Quake3 seems ok now). Amigamerlin should put the new DLL online ASAP. :D
Thanks Daniel :D,
Today seemes that my mailserver is in maintenance then I'm not able to read any e-mail, at least at the moment.
I'll build and put online the new Dll when arrive to home. :D.
Bye :D
I would like to try mesafx with voodoo1(quake3,return to castle wolfenstein,some other q3 based games).any suggestion what should I do?
QuoteOriginally posted by ps47
I would like to try mesafx with voodoo1(quake3,return to castle wolfenstein,some other q3 based games).any suggestion what should I do?
Yes, get yourself a good Glide3x.DLL for Voodoo1. Everything else should be fine.
I resurrected the Glide3x branch for Voodoo1 at SourceForge.Net, but I haven't tried to compile it with M$VC. And in the meantime, I ran out of spare time. But some people reported success on SeriousSam2 (using Glide3x + Mesa combo).
The improvments are very good but....
Why 3dfx ogl still is better than mesafx for voodoo3?
It has good WGL support. No pixel format error in every second application. And not last it can run in a window.
That's all that people want. Supported extensions are more than enough.
Dborca I now you don't like windows ****, but maybe koolsmokey can help you with WGL.
QuoteOriginally posted by milen
The improvments are very good but....
Why 3dfx ogl still is better than mesafx for voodoo3?
Performance-wise or compatibility-wise?
QuoteIt has good WGL support. No pixel format error in every second application. And not last it can run in a window.
That's all that people want. Supported extensions are more than enough.
Dborca I now you don't like windows ****, but maybe koolsmokey can help you with WGL.
You got a point there! But... K is (like me) doing this in his spare time. He does know about these issues. I'm sure he'll try to fix them as soon as he can. Apart from that, I dunno...
QuoteOriginally posted by dborca
QuoteOriginally posted by milen
The improvments are very good but....
Why 3dfx ogl still is better than mesafx for voodoo3?
Performance-wise or compatibility-wise?
Compatibility. For example: Babylon 5: IFH (this game looks like Homeplanet, AFAIK same engine) works (sometimes slooow but...) with original ICD but simply quits to desktop with MesaFX after loading screen.
BTW whats wrong with V5 SLI and MesaFX - if FSAA set to "Fastest performance" (no FSAA) i can see stripes on the screen (for example in UT2003) but when FSAA is set to 2x, 4x, 8x (v5 6K only) - no stripes, everything is ok.
QuoteOriginally posted by Flash
Compatibility. For example: Babylon 5: IFH (this game looks like Homeplanet, AFAIK same engine) works (sometimes slooow but...) with original ICD but simply quits to desktop with MesaFX after loading screen.
Even with the If it is a pixelformat issue, it should generate a MESA.LOG file in the game directory! But then again, might be something else...
QuoteBTW whats wrong with V5 SLI and MesaFX - if FSAA set to "Fastest performance" (no FSAA) i can see stripes on the screen (for example in UT2003) but when FSAA is set to 2x, 4x, 8x (v5 6K only) - no stripes, everything is ok.
Well, I tried to be smart... :D I wanted to enable paletted multitexturing, but it seems it's not working... erm... sometimes. I started UT (the first one - not 2003, not 2004) yesterday, and I saw this bug myself. As a consequence, I commited a bugfix in the CVS. Maybe Amigamerlin will post tomorrow :D I also updated mesa envvars at my situ. The paletted multitex is now enabled only if MESA_FX_POINTCAST is defined (which should not be the case for Voodoo3 or higher).
3dfxogl is better compitability wise than MesaFx.
Id downloaded 30 freeware and shareware ogl games and demos.
And with 3dfxogl 90% work ok.In 3dfxogl everything that's implemented as extension work without errors. It's true that there aren't many extensions but are ok in most cases.
With MesaFx there only few(3-4) that work at all without pixel format error.
There is a game Wall3D. with 3 executables
wall3d.exe - Works with 3dfxogl, no MesaFX(pixel format error)
wall3d_light.exe - Works with 3dfxogl, no MesaFX(pixel format error)
wall3d_nostencil.exe - Works with 3dfxogl and MesaFX too
- so when stencil is disabled there isn't pixel format error.
QuoteOriginally posted by milen
There is a game Wall3D. with 3 executables
wall3d.exe - Works with 3dfxogl, no MesaFX(pixel format error)
wall3d_light.exe - Works with 3dfxogl, no MesaFX(pixel format error)
wall3d_nostencil.exe - Works with 3dfxogl and MesaFX too
- so when stencil is disabled there isn't pixel format error.
QuoteOriginally posted by dborca
QuoteOriginally posted by Flash
Compatibility. For example: Babylon 5: IFH (this game looks like Homeplanet, AFAIK same engine) works (sometimes slooow but...) with original ICD but simply quits to desktop with MesaFX after loading screen.
Even with the If it is a pixelformat issue, it should generate a MESA.LOG file in the game directory! But then again, might be something else...
It's something else - no mesa.log
And i can't find any useful info in game log.
(sound init log skipped)
Getting device context...
Filling pixel format descriptor...
Pixel type: PFD_TYPE_RGBA
Color bits : 16
Depth bits : 32
stencil bits : 0
Layer type: PFD_MAIN_PLANE
Choosing pixel format...
Trying to create and enable the render context...
OpenGL system driver information:
Vendor : Brian Paul
Renderer : Mesa Glide v0.61 Voodoo5 6000 (tm)
Version : 1.2 Mesa 6.1
Hardware acceleration detected!
OpenGL extensions supported by current driver:
Using some OpenGL extensions...
Using OpenGL extension : GL_EXT_compiled_vertex_array
Using OpenGL extension : GL_ARB_multitexture
Max texture units supported : 2
Using OpenGL extension : WGL_3DFX_gamma_control
Using OpenGL extension : GL_EXT_bgra
Using OpenGL extension : WGL_EXT_swap_control
Using OpenGL extension : GL_EXT_paletted_texture
Using OpenGL extension : GL_EXT_texture_env_add
Using OpenGL extension : GL_NV_texgen_reflection
Using OpenGL extension : GL_EXT_clip_volume_hint
Using OpenGL extension : GL_EXT_point_parameters
Using OpenGL extension : GL_ARB_transpose_matrix
Using OpenGL extension : GL_EXT_texture_env_combine
Using OpenGL extension : GL_EXT_blend_subtract
Max texture size supported : 1024
Unable to load texture : d_d1.sla - file not found!
Possible cause : file has 'read-only' attribute
System startup complete!
Loading interface settings... (interface.ini)
Loading interface sounds...
Error: file not found:../DATA/user.cfg
Executing config file:SCRIPTS/run.cfg
Executing config file:campaigns/mainloop.ini
Executing config file:campaigns/intro.ini
Error: file not found:../DATA/../DATA/SCRIPTS/single.ini
Loading mission : ifh_demo_intro.MAP
File not found ()
Destroy Narn expedition
Unable to load texture : beam_mid.pcx - file not found!
Possible cause : file has 'read-only' attribute
Loading jumppoint properties (jump.pnt)
Loading AI Personas (
Loading AI profiles (
Loading background : vathan_4_11
Unable to load texture : flare03.tga - file not found!
Possible cause : file has 'read-only' attribute
Unable to load texture : ifh_logo_in.tga - file not found!
Possible cause : file has 'read-only' attribute
Error! Unknown allegiance type or none defined :
Error! Unknown allegiance type or none defined :
Error! Unknown allegiance type or none defined :
Error! Unknown allegiance type or none defined :
moving 6067600 bytes of geom data to fast memory...
failed to move geom data to fast memory
Adding dialog: ingame_skip.dlg
Aaaaaarrrgggh! Fatal exception in waCoreRun!
Unknown command or variable:recordstop
Stopping all sounds...
Deleting world...
Clearing world...
clearing data in fast memory....
Vertex data disposed....
Clearing bitmaps...
Aaaaaarrrgggh! Fatal exception in wrKillBitmaps!
Unknown command or variable:recordstop
Stopping all sounds...
Deleting world...
Aaaaaarrrgggh! Fatal exception in CWorld::mfKillWorld!
Unknown command or variable:recordstop
Stopping all sounds...
Deleting world...
Same with Voodoo 5 5500...
QuoteYes, get yourself a good Glide3x.DLL for Voodoo1. Everything else should be fine.
I resurrected the Glide3x branch for Voodoo1 at SourceForge.Net, but I haven't tried to compile it with M$VC. And in the meantime, I ran out of spare time. But some people reported success on SeriousSam2 (using Glide3x + Mesa combo).
can you give me a link where I can get a suitable voodoo1 glide3x.dll?
So what about Homeworld 2 ? :D :D
We're happy to recieve all the enthusiasm, but we need some extra space here. I'd like to emphasize that there would be no MesaFX if it wasn't for Daniel. He is da man that you don't want to mess with, really.
Windowed rendering under MS windows hasn't been forgotten. Perhaps it's not perfect, but there's basic support for it in MesaFX. If you can give us a hand with it, we'd really appreaciate it.
If you've found a bug, it would help if you could provide error logs with precise descriptions of the bug and give us a download link to a Demo. It's your help that improves MesaFX! :D
One more thing, we like our apples polished. Who doesn't? [:p]
QuoteOriginally posted by Garth
So what about Homeworld 2 ? :D :D
The title screens, movies and menus work, but the actual 3D engine won't, it'll just dump you back to desktop.
But before that, when you get to the title screen, the game will complain that your hardware doesn't support Cube maps, pixel shaders, and (the biggest slap in the face yet) that 2 textures per pass (the max that Voodoo hardware can do, currently) simply isn't enough to run the engine....that's stupid.
hitman2 still gives this error message:
opengl: selectpixelformat failed. hardware acceleration not found. try changing color depth.
you can get the demo here: ,or here or here
the game works fine with the last opengl icd,but you cant do sw rescalling with the icd (needed badly for voodoo3 and this game)..
QuoteOriginally posted by ps47
can you give me a link where I can get a suitable voodoo1 glide3x.dll?
thanks.. (experimental)
You can also try to get specific drivers from your card manufacturer (I know, for example, that Guillemot still keeps drivers for its MaxiGamer3D online).
Shogakusha is the one who managed to run MesaFX on a Voodoo1 (this thread, page 11).
Good luck!
Hi folks.
Why is that in Quake3 , for instance, i get 138 FPS with the 3dfx
OGL ICD and "just" 114 with the Mesa one at the same configuration
driver-wise and game wise?
Still about the Stripes thingy. Whenever i set the 3d Filter quality
to high i got horizontal stripes on screen. No matter DX or OGL/Glide.
If i set to normal the stripes are gone.
I can let it to high, if i also set the FSAA to single-chip. but i get
performance drop =(
Any ideias?
Amigamerlin 3.0XP
Voodoo5 5500 PCI
TBred 1700+@3200+
512RAM 333@433 2-2-2-6
Matheus Agostini
QuoteOriginally posted by mcmagostini
Hi folks.
Why is that in Quake3 , for instance, i get 138 FPS with the 3dfx
OGL ICD and "just" 114 with the Mesa one at the same configuration
driver-wise and game wise?
Quake has no notion of FXT1 texture compression. The 3dfx ICD maps S3TC (that quake uses) to FXT1, as opposed to Mesa, which does FXT1 for FXT1 and S3TC for S3TC. Therefore, Quake doesn't use texture compression with Mesa. Actually, Kool wrote a patch to cheat S3TC with FXT1 in Mesa, but it's not embedded into the public releases.
Thanks for the explanation Daniel ;)
What you say is that Mesa can do s3tc compression but the voodoos
can't we all know. Does that mean MesaFX works for other cards?
Ones that support s3tc, i.e. ?
Do you know if this patch is gonna get public someday?
Other than that. Do you have any ideias on the stripes problem
i mentioned before? It happens all the times in the given
conditions and bother me not be able to use 3d filter at high =/
QuoteOriginally posted by mcmagostini
What you say is that Mesa can do s3tc compression but the voodoos
can't we all know.
The Voodoos can (specifically, the Napalm core - V4/5). Since I saw the V5 in your signature I thought that might be one of the reasons MesaFX is a bit slower in Quake.
QuoteDoes that mean MesaFX works for other cards?
Ones that support s3tc, i.e. ?
Mesa works for a variety of cards. Mesa
FX is Mesa for Voodoos.
QuoteDo you know if this patch is gonna get public someday?
Yes, maybe... just maybe...
I am pretty reluctant in including it because FXT1 and S3TC have different compression ratios. We haven't had the time to investigate properly all the implications. That's all. However, there is a compilation define which enables the hack. Just look into mesafxev.txt at my situ.
QuoteOther than that. Do you have any ideias on the stripes problem
i mentioned before?
I'll try to look into the matter.
QuoteOriginally posted by mcmagostini
Still about the Stripes thingy. Whenever i set the 3d Filter quality
to high i got horizontal stripes on screen. No matter DX or OGL/Glide.
If i set to normal the stripes are gone.
I can let it to high, if i also set the FSAA to single-chip. but i get
performance drop =(
Any ideias?
'High' is a 2x2 box filter which uses the adjacent 2 horizontal lines to output a line. The filtering works per VSA100 chip so the borderline of the SLI bands do not get filtered properly. In SLI mode, you should use 'Normal' which is a 4x1 linear filter.
The 3D Filter Quality is the famous 3Dfx 22bit post filter which is only useful in 16bit color mode.
I'll make sure that the next release of Glide prevents this.
Hey guys, I REALLY appreciate your answers.
Very nice from you both whom i admire and respect.
You could see i'm a 3dfx lover also and like to see
my baby 55k at its best form always.
I may try to compile using the s3tc->fxt1 hack
and see what happens. I'll post the result here
when i get to do it.
Thank you very much and keep up the AWESOME work! ;)
QuoteOriginally posted by dborca
QuoteOriginally posted by mcmagostini
Hi folks.
Why is that in Quake3 , for instance, i get 138 FPS with the 3dfx
OGL ICD and "just" 114 with the Mesa one at the same configuration
driver-wise and game wise?
Quake has no notion of FXT1 texture compression. The 3dfx ICD maps S3TC (that quake uses) to FXT1, as opposed to Mesa, which does FXT1 for FXT1 and S3TC for S3TC. Therefore, Quake doesn't use texture compression with Mesa. Actually, Kool wrote a patch to cheat S3TC with FXT1 in Mesa, but it's not embedded into the public releases.
I think that might explain the weird slowdown problem I get with MesaFX and RtCW, since that's a Quake-engine based game. I'm even more sure of it because both the 3Dfx .0761 ICD and the WGL one included with the game don't have the slowdowns, and in both cases I have S3TC enabled in the options.
I have tried mesafx with my voodoo2,the tested game was return to castle wolfenstein.the game runs and looks great with medium/normal settings and 800*600 resolution(25-35 FPS,sometimes drops to 15-20).however,I have encountered a bug,with lightning set to light map (high),the shiny surfaces (like steel or gold objects) are not displayed correctly (see the pic).no such problems with my voodoo3.
Image Insert:
68.6 KB
Image Insert:
66.01 KB
any ideas?
QuoteOriginally posted by ps47
I have tried mesafx with my voodoo2,the tested game was return to castle wolfenstein.the game runs and looks great with medium/normal settings and 800*600 resolution(25-35 FPS,sometimes drops to 15-20).however,I have encountered a bug,with lightning set to light map (high),the shiny surfaces (like steel or gold objects) are not displayed correctly (see the pic).no such problems with my voodoo3.
So, you say it's working differently with the same Mesa, but with different cards? Which version of Mesa have you tried exactly? And what Glide were you using for each card?
I am using the same mesa for both cards (ver.14040),and the Voodoo3_4_5 glide3x.dll for the voodoo3,and the Voodoo2 glide3x.dll for the voodoo2.apart from that,the game is fast and looks very voodoo2 condump:
Download Attachment: ( voodoo2mesa.doc (
6.96 KB
btw,hitman contracts (hitman3) wont work with mesafx,it just crashes to desktop(I will try to get an error log for you).seems like the hitman1/2/3 engine has real problems with mesafx,and thats too bad,hitman2/3 would benefit from mesafx..
I am breaking the (new) rule, and post a new Mesa release on my situ -- Amigamerlin is busy these days. Nothing spectacular, only wgl* sh!t fixes. I tested Hitman2 demo, and it works now.
Might be a Glide bug, then?
-Edit: I was censored [:0] so I had to redo the post :D
Sorry but i lost the link to your site.
Coul you post it here again?
I'd like to download the new Mesa.
Hi guys sorry for the delay; new MesaFx are available for downloading on home page.
QuoteOriginally posted by mcmagostini
Sorry but i lost the link to your site.
Coul you post it here again?
I'd like to download the new Mesa.
Google(dborca) -> I'm feeling lucky! :D
Thx Daniel ;)
I should never forget now. :D
I had tried with you real name to no avail =(
Thx Amiga for the upload.
PS: a little off. I'm eager to see d3d core debug on win winXP by kool.
hitman2 works as a charm now on my voodoo3.great work!
Do you have any plans on adding the extentions that rainbow has offered to the group to your Mesafx opengl32.dll? I noticed after using the realtech VR extension viewer, that the Mesafx opengl32.dll was up a few extentions and down a few as compared to the rainbow/colorless OGL interceptor. Also just wondering what your next additions to the driver might be in any case. Thanks for your superb progamming skills, and please keep up the good work!
I'll see what i can do. :D
--- EDIT ---
I gave GLViewer a run last night, comparing Colourless' GxpOgl with Mesa- on Napalm. There are only two extensions missing from Mesa:
GL_EXT_fog_coord - ready for mass production since Mesa-5.1, but will make things a teensy bit slower (and I couldn't find a real usage for it, either).
GL_3DFX_multisample - I'm pretty sure it's not quite used, anyway.
which version of the glviewer are you running? also which version of the GxpOGL are you running? I am running the version of the coulorless GxpOGL that was modified by Rainbow..... he offered the files to you freely way back in this post somewhere...... he has added quite a few more extentions than you presently are running i.e. the "NV" extensions and such..... also, I noticed that the latest mesafx has the compression extensions running (via realtechVR opengl extention viewer). The rev mesafx w/40404beta glide3x lists the S3TC twice in the (extensions tab/capabilities/extension specifics/texture compression) and is missing the RGBA DXT1 compression extention (notice the "A")?
there are numerous other differences, but maybe they are all just reiterations of the same functions so it still works? even though the extension syntax is different, the same function is called out?
Well, I guess I said Colourless' GxpOGL, haven't I? I can't remember which glviewer, though... And it wouldn't make so big difference, either (apart from that some versions are buggy).
And yes, some extensions are advertised with different, obsoleted names (SGIS multitexture as opposed to ARB_multitexture). Some other extensions are advertised only when they are truly enabled: for example, you won't get stencil_wrap if you run glviewer in 16bpp (which needs 16bit depth which doesn't have stencil, anyway).
I am pretty reluctant when adding new extensions, because if I can't cover at least 80% of it, I don't do it. Otherwise, I'd be no different from "other" people who are claiming halluc new features with their drivers. Remember, the OpenGL state machine is not quite the A, B, C! And you need to take care of lots of side-effects.
But I tell you what: gimme one application that makes heavy use of a particular extension, and I'll add it (if possible). This way, I can test my work.
thanks for the reply. I believe that rainbows GxpOGL addon was very good since it included ALL of colourless's addon and then he added quite a bit. just about matches your Mesafx in FPS with my current opengl fav game NWN. colourless's addon was a bit slower so there was definately something in rainbows addon that cooks for NWN.... Rainbow had offered the source code to you some time back, but I don't know if you or your team had gotten back with him on that?
PS. is there a proggy that I can run that will log any opengl calls that the software is calling out and not making it? I can run NWN with it and let you know which calls seem to be most prevalent that could be usefull to the Mesafx driver and NWN.
Awwwyea... this Rainbow fella... I think I still have his sources somewhere. The guy disappeared even faster than he popped up.
he sent me the files and then I haven't heard from him since too!
Ok, here's the status of some new extensions:
Ready, but will induce a teensy-weensy bit of latency:
Pending, provided Mesa-proper is bugfree and the FX driver is correctly implemented
Other possible extensions:
+ some other 3DFX specifics (tbuffer, multisample - not worth the effort)
Studied and possible, but poorly used:
Extensions not studied yet:
Also, Mesa _IS_ following the spec when it does not advertise RGBA_DXT1, because all transparent pixels become black, thus it does not behave the same way as its base format. This behavior is required by OpenGL spec.
Farcry actualy makes use of GL_HP_occlusion_test but it is
the only game i know that makes use of this extension.
And by the way would`nt it create major slowdown to
implent GL_ARB_fragment_program and GL_ARB_vertex_program
since the workload would denamd an hefty cpu?
QuoteOriginally posted by zandro
And by the way would`nt it create major slowdown to
implent GL_ARB_fragment_program and GL_ARB_vertex_program
since the workload would denamd an hefty cpu?
No slowdown. The "programs" get translated into regular OpenGL commands internally. That's how MesaSW works. But there is a caveat: a "program" might contain cube_map instructions, for example; or any other things not supported by Voodoos. A misbehaved app will shoot the "program" without looking back and without checking errors. A well-behaved app will use different programs, based on true OpenGL capabilities. But I guess we don't live in a kind world, now do we?
Another thing (old news) that I forgot to mention. Try to set MESA_CODEGEN=y environment variable. This envvar is not specific to 3dfx HW; it merely instructs Mesa core to build/use some OpenGL worker functions on-the-fly. It should give a small speed boost, especially in situations where TCL is heavily involved.
thanks for the update dborca! I will try the envar tonight. What would make transparent pixels white?? this is the problem I am seeing with your mesafx and the glide3x 40404 with Neverwinternights that I do not see with the rainbow GxpOGL addon.
Sorry for misunderstanding: in RGBA_DXT1, all transparent pixels become black. It's a limitation, not a feature.
I don't have this problem (white squares) with NWN demo. Nor does Kool. So it's a bit harder to debug. Maybe it's a blending problem, I dunno... Anyway, I fixed the blending modes for Napalm last night (and added GL_NV_blend_square). Perhaps, then...
PS: do you use Napalm? If not, set MESA_FX_LOD=9 (you can go all the way up to 11).
Hmmmmm.... could it be possible that the overlays and the tabs with the whiteout problem that I am seeing might have something to do with the base driver I am running? I am running the 3DHQ beta 10 driver for win98se on my V5 5500 AGP. In the demo, the whiteout problem is so minimal that it can be easily overlooked. I only see it in two places, one on top of the charater sheet when picking characters before the actual game starts and the other is at the top of the journal while in the demo game itself, the area around the "tabs" at the top are white and shouldn't be. In the real game, the white is MUCH more prevalent and can be seen around all the "windows" with tabs and such that come up. the white around the "text" running box at the bottom of the screen is most annoying. I will try the last WHQL beta with the 40404 glide3x and see.
I have another problem:oni wont run with mesafx (on voodoo5/win98se,but I doubt this problem is related to napalm),when I run the game I can see the 3dfx logo,after that the main menu music plays but the screen is grey,and the pc wont respond (but the music still plays) to alt+f4 or ctrl+alt+del,and I must hit the reset button.the demo is available here:
wickedgl works,but has graphic bugs.any ideas?
second problem is hitman3 (voodoo5/win98se).the game runs and mesafx fixes the transparency issue (all reflective textures are invisible under d3d),but there is lot of texture flicker,the weather effects must be re-disabled every time only to get ingame,and the game is EXTREMELY crashy.there is also problem with brightness,desktop is overbright when you exit the game.weird thing is that the game is stable as rock on my voodoo3 3500 and doest have problems with weather effects or brightness (however the texture flicker problems are present) running the same version of mesafx..
I'm an annoying bugger.I know[B)]
Okidok! I'll take a look at oni tonight.
A small piece of advice: next time gimme a "free" link (such as 3dgamers, not BS like FilePlanet).
here is the 3dgamers link:
you probably have it now,oh well..
btw,where can I get that rainbow GxpOGL addon?I would like to test it a bit..
I will email rainbow and ask if we can post it somewhere......
I'd be glad to test it too.
If you can post it, let us know ;)
QuoteOriginally posted by ps47
I have another problem:oni wont run with mesafx
It will now.
It was related to linear fogging. This wrinkle is normally taken care of when the game detects "3dfx" substring in GL_RENDERER. Unfortunately, some games impose artificial limits (AFAIK Quake1/2, max texture 256 even on Napalm) when "3dfx" substring is detected. So I made it a run-time choice.
Check my situ for updates, and and don't forget mesafxev.txt
I noticed the new version on your site.I have some questions.
1. :) what's new in this version?
2. is there some pixel format fixes, so I can plug my voodoo3 again.
3. I looked in the new documentation in the CVS of There i noticed some new mesafx env vars. One of them was to convert FXT1 -> NCC compression. Is this avaible in the release or I have to compile myself the source for it to work. And there is FXT -> S3TC also. That mean S3TC->FXT1->NCC :), or not?.
QuoteOriginally posted by milen
I noticed the new version on your site.I have some questions.
1. :) what's new in this version?
I forgot! [:p]
Quote2. is there some pixel format fixes, so I can plug my voodoo3 again.
There was a pretty good behavior since Hitman2 fix. Can't remember the number, though. Pfff, I hope I'm done with this crap. But then again, never say never... :D
Quote3. I looked in the new documentation in the CVS of There i noticed some new mesafx env vars.
Those envvars are also presented at my situ. Smaller file, easier to read.
QuoteOne of them was to convert FXT1 -> NCC compression. Is this avaible in the release or I have to compile myself the source for it to work. And there is FXT -> S3TC also. That mean S3TC->FXT1->NCC :), or not?.
Nope. Those are NOT envvars, but compilation defines. Which means you have to recompile the source. But alas, you're mixing things here.
- FX_TC_NCC binds general texture compression to NCC
- FX_TC_NAPALM binds general texture compression to FXT1
- S3TC_AS_FXT1_HACK binds DXTC to FXT1
However, since release, S3TC->FXT1 is enabled by default. That's because nVidia gave written permission to the Mesa project to use FXT1 (can't tell the same thing about S3, though). Now people can use MesaFX with any Glide and still have texture compression.
NCC is experimental, added only because I love my V2 and V3 :) This means textures passed through the general GL_ARB_texture_compression are compressed to NCC (you will have to use SourceForge Glide for this to work), then sent to HW. You can't have precompressed textures and sometimes the encoder is slow (still, can be tuned). What can I say, smooth gradient textures encoded with NCC can have 32bit quality ;)
In response for q#1: minor fixes, this S3TC->FXT1 hack (originally proposed by Kool), some other changes that happened in the Mesa core. Really, nothing too big; but I can't remember them all.
Thanks DBorca ,I love my voodoo3 too and I'm happy that finaly it can do some texture compression in Opengl. I have radeon9000pro too, but I like my voodoo3 more.I'll plug it tonight and see what it can achive with the new mesafx.
Wow, another game fixed. Daniel, you are really awesome.
But I got a problem, too.
The game "Star Wars:Knights of the old republic" requires an OpenGL1.4 compatible card. It runs with MesaFX, but horribly slow and heavy distorted graphics.
As far as I know there is no demo available, but I will try to post screenies if you like.
The game is from Lucasarts and uses an improved Neverwinter Nights engine.
Alright, now I know this is still a minor nitpick, but....
..when are you going to change the version string (I might be wrong, but isn't it GL_Version or something?) so MesaFX will identify itself as a 1.3-compatible driver?
Games like HomeWorld2 are still identifying it as an OpenGL1.2-compatible driver, and are needlessly complaining (I.E. actual error messages) about it.
I'd love to help. But lemme ask you one question: when you're sick, you post pictures of you to the doctor? [:p] Now that was a joke. I'll try to find a demo somewhere. ;)
I can't bump the version number. [V] There are some extensions required for 1.3 that cannot be done. [:(] Advertising 1.3 would be a lie. Is this such a major issue? I never tested HomeWorld2.
yep,oni works.awesome[8D]
I have been testing hitman3 a bit,seems like the texture flicker problems are related to the hitman3 opengl engine,and not mesafx.anyway,the game is still very crashy on napalm cards..
homeworld2 requires cube maps and per pixel dot operations,and also complains that the hardware cant do enough textures per pass,and I think cube maps are no-go for 3dfx cards..
QuoteOriginally posted by dborca
I can't bump the version number. [V] There are some extensions required for 1.3 that cannot be done. [:(] Advertising 1.3 would be a lie. Is this such a major issue? I never tested HomeWorld2.
Ah, but we're ALREADY advertising it on the site, that MesaFX is a 1.3 driver.
That's why I'm nitpicking about it.As for it being a issue in regards to HomeWorld2, it is my understanding that even IF we were to get the other functions faked somehow, it would still pick up the fact MesaFX is identifiying itself as a 1.2 driver, and may refuse to run it's 3D engine ON THAT POINT ALONE.
And yes, it certainly does complain about what version a given OpenGL driver identifies itself as.
QuoteOriginally posted by Ragnarok72
Ah, but we're ALREADY advertising it on the site, that MesaFX is a 1.3 driver. That's why I'm nitpicking about it.
You're not pulling my leg, now are you? If you show me where I advertised 1.3 anywhere on my situ, I'll eat the geocities harddisks.
QuoteAs for it being a issue in regards to HomeWorld2, it is my understanding that even IF we were to get the other functions faked somehow, it would still pick up the fact MesaFX is identifiying itself as a 1.2 driver, and may refuse to run it's 3D engine ON THAT POINT ALONE.
And yes, it certainly does complain about what version a given OpenGL driver identifies itself as.
Stupid enough. Not sure I can do much about it, tho...
Okidok, I was searching an error last night and... I FOUND HER [:0]. Hehe. It's true boyz & galz, Babylon5 works now. Well, but there's more in the package... ;)
A special Glide. Temporal AA is enabled if running on Napalm, and Glide sees the following environment variable:
This also mean you can toggle TAA off and on at run-time. "Key" represents the win32 keycode (ie: 120 for F9, 123 for F12 etc.). TAA will not work on 1-chip 2xFSAA and 4-chip 8xFSAA. If you don't like TAA (or don't care) or you don't have a Napalm board, feel free to use any Glide3x that suits your needs.
The long-awaited Mesa Control Panel for Win9x/ME/2k/XP. [8D]
Win9x: you need WINSET.EXE in the path or in the same directory where CPAN resides. In order to "remember" the variables after reboot, you need to run "cpan /silent" (or otherwise register it at startup).
Win2k: you don't need WINSET.EXE and you don't need to run anything next time you reboot the machine. However, the envvar broadcasting exhibits a bit of latency, so be patient after hitting "Apply".
That is, folks, a lot of candies for today, from your favourite team: me & Kool & Amiga. Well, even if we're not your favourite, you'll gonna take it and LIKE IT. :D
Oh, btw, you can find the goodies at my situ. Hope I can broadcast on 3dfxzone & FalconFly before Geocities locks my account. [:p]
QuoteHope I can broadcast on 3dfxzone & FalconFly before Geocities locks my account
The file is online.
QuoteOriginally posted by Ragnarok72
but I do want to alert you to another game which MesaFX does not seem to be compatible with: HomeWorld2, an OpenGL-only game.
I finally took a look at it last night.
Pretty sh!tty, cos the texturing artifacts exhibit on a random basis. Unfortunately, the MesaSW renderer crashed, so I couldn't tell it's a core problem or a driver issue.
Hm, Homeworld 2 is known to be quite Problematic on anything that does not have the NVidia Label on it :p
I got the Game as well, and eventually just had to give up trying it on a Radeon 9700pro (after trying several Drivers and Patches), since the sucker did always crash at one Point, no matter what [xx(]
When it ran, it often exhibited either severe Performance issues, or (above mentioned) random Rendering Artifacts. Took quite a while of experimenting to get rid at least of those, since I could not reproduce them every single time. fixes crashes with homeworld1 as well[8D].man,youre a machine:D
I have tried TAA too,works fine with glquake,there is some flicker though.
control panel doesnt seem to work for me (win98se),hmm..
Homeworld1 works now??? sweeeetttt. looks like this whole weekend is gonna be shot to hell with homeworld1 sweetness...... I need to check out NWN while I'm on the home PC as well. I will keep you posted.
QuoteOriginally posted by dborca
You're not pulling my leg, now are you? If you show me where I advertised 1.3 anywhere on my situ, I'll eat the geocities harddisks.
Alright, I'll admit that you may not be saying it in the situ, however, I was more refering to the fact that there are some places on that say it is a 1.3, and I quote :
QuoteThis new graphics library is OpenGL 1.3 compliant and supports 3dfx Voodoo Banshee, Velocity 100/200, Voodoo3, Voodoo4, Voodoo5 boards. MesaFX works fine with Amigamerlin drivers series allowing a better execution of OpenGL 1.3 recent games, like Call of Duty. Besides, running older titles, like Quake 3 Arena, MOHAA, Serious Sam The Second Encounter, you can get both higher frame rates and better hardware performance with 32bit of color depth (this one by cards with VSA-100 chip-sets only).
QuoteOriginally posted by dborca
I finally took a look at it last night.
Pretty sh!tty, cos the texturing artifacts exhibit on a random basis. Unfortunately, the MesaSW renderer crashed, so I couldn't tell it's a core problem or a driver issue.
Dborca, I suggest you have a look at the "driverConfig.lua" file in notepad. It appears to be written in if-then statements containing possible workarrounds for various drivers, mostly for problems with Radeon and Geforce cards -- However, I wouldn't be surprised if those workarounds can be adapted for use with MesaFX/Mesa in general.
Maybe its grasping at straws, but it's better than having to work on it from scratch.
I've attached it in a zip file. Remember, you can use notepad on it, you don't need any fancy-pants specialized programs to read the file, thank God.
Doh! Uploaded the wrong version of the file. The one that got uploaded contains my (admittantly bad) attempt to get it to recognize 3Dfx cards. I stopped work on it when I found that I didn't need it to launch the game....but still, the only changes were that I added that 3Dfx entry -- everything else pertaining to Radeon/Geforce workarounds are still there.
Download Attachment: ( (
2.12 KB
QuoteOriginally posted by ps47 fixes crashes with homeworld1 as well[8D].man,youre a machine:D
I have tried TAA too,works fine with glquake,there is some flicker though.
I hate telling this: "
I told you!" :D
Anyway, I might reconsider the jitter offsets, based on the user feedback. I would also like to know if you were using bare TAA or TAA over existing FSAA (in which case, Kool is the master).
Quotecontrol panel doesnt seem to work for me (win98se),hmm..
CPAN needs winset.exe to activate HKCU\Environment keys into actual environment. Also, there might be a delay between hitting "OK" and the actual changes taking place. Last, but not least, do not run CPAN from a filemanager, or if you do, restart the filemanager.
QuoteOriginally posted by Ragnarok72
Alright, I'll admit that you may not be saying it in the situ, however, I was more refering to the fact that there are some places on that say it is a 1.3, and I quote :
Do not quote anything that is not my own words. Period. FYI, many OpenGL implementations advertise a certain version, even it's not fully supported. Many, but not Mesa. However, this is not the point here, as bumping the version number won't fix the HomeWorld2 bugs.
QuoteDborca, I suggest you have a look at the "driverConfig.lua" file in notepad. It appears to be written in if-then statements containing possible workarrounds for various drivers, mostly for problems with Radeon and Geforce cards -- However, I wouldn't be surprised if those workarounds can be adapted for use with MesaFX/Mesa in general.
Maybe its grasping at straws, but it's better than having to work on it from scratch.
I've attached it in a zip file. Remember, you can use notepad on it, you don't need any fancy-pants specialized programs to read the file, thank God.
I'm using SciTE, thanks. ;)
Anyway, you have been uploaded a similar hack around page 11 of this thread. I was using it, but without any success.
I`ve been looking into the TAA and TAA+FSAA
I have an ATI R9800pro and An Voodoo5500 AGP
Both supports alternating AA sample patterns
but its a big difference R350 (radeon 9800)
uses MSAA (multisampleAA) and Voodoo uses
SSAA (SupersampelAA). u alreday know this,
but v5(Napalm?) implents TAA in a SSAA
fashion, witch makes it more difficult
to make it look proppely since it is applied
to the whole scene an not just the edges..
would it not requier a mutch differen aproatch?.
or is it possible to make it look propperley
since TAA is highly FPS dependant?
NB!Im hardly thinking out loud......... [:p]
Hi guys, only a question:
anyone was able manage to run ONI With MesaFx Under WinXp?
I already Know that ONI works with MesaFX and Win2k but I was unable to run it with MesaFx under XP.
No no, MSAA IS FSAA. You mean to say MSAA and SSAA (Super Sampling Anti-Aliasing).
one small question:does the control panel settings affect all mesafx games on my pc or only the game with the control panel files in its directory?
QuoteOriginally posted by dborca
Do not quote anything that is not my own words. Period.
Alright, fair enough. It was probably my mistake, but I had assumed that since you appear to be working closely with the people at and therefore had to approve of whatever description of MesaFX that they were writing before those pages went online, so that this type of misunderstanding wouldn't show up. I suppose that whoever wrote that page I quoted wrote that on their own without checking with you first?
QuoteFYI, many OpenGL implementations advertise a certain version, even it's not fully supported. Many, but not Mesa. However, this is not the point here, as bumping the version number won't fix the HomeWorld2 bugs.
Agreed, HW2 would NOT be fixed by simply bumping the version number. However, it still counts as an error message. Then again, the fact that MesaFX will at least run everything in HW2 except the game's 3D engine, even without the 3dfx-modified driverConfig.lua file, could mean that maybe the message is really just that -- a complaint about having to run using an older OpenGL driver version that it would prefer not to run with, but still be able to if it passed everything else.
Besides, this was only supposed to be a nitpick.[:p]
QuoteI'm using SciTE, thanks. ;)
Ok, spill the beans: What is SciTE?! ;)
QuoteAnyway, you have been uploaded a similar hack around page 11 of this thread. I was using it, but without any success.
I know....I'm not sure if you caught the edited part of the message, but I had ment to upload the non-modified one, and somehow got the wrong one uploaded. (I should've checked the file first, LOL.)
In the end, though, I had found that my "hack" had largely done nothing. MesaFX will launch the game without the modified file.[:p]
Anyway, when I uploaded it this time, the intent was not to actually use it with the game, but to use it as a resource to check the game's workaround methods to what would be acceptible for MesaFX to do.
And speaking of workarounds -- I'd like to direct your attention to this section of the file:
(This is from the last set of if-then statements made under the "if( GL_isVendor("nvidia") == 1 )" part)
-- smooth lines and clip plane are emulated
-- disable shadows if they will be emulated because you're using a nv1x or TNT
if( GL_isRenderer( "geforce 256" ) == 1 or GL_isRenderer( "geforce2" ) == 1 or GL_isRenderer( "geforce4 mx" )
== 1 [b]or GL_isRenderer( "tnt" ) == 1 )[/b] then
GL_setEmulated( eCanLineSmooth, 1 );
GL_setEmulated( eCanClipPlane, 1 );
[b]if( GL_getOpenGLVersion() > 1.3 and GL_haveExtension("GL_ARB_shadow") == 0 )[/b] then
GL_setCan( eCanShadowBuffer, 0 );
Notice that it appears they have some built-in workarounds for the RivaTNT card, which according to the system requirements on the game's box, shouldn't be able to run the game at all, because it doesn't have hardware TnL, doesn't do more than 2-Textures-per-pass, and doesn't have Pixel/Vertex shaders -- yet these are the very same things the game cites as reasons why the V5 can't run the games engine.
This is what I was trying to do with my hack. Adapt those workaround methods to apply them to the V5, as it seems it is in the same boat as the RivaTNT is.
Furthermore, notice that it seems to be looking for GL_ARB_Shadow...perhaps that extention is the key to getting the 3D engine to run? Again, I'm just grasping at straws here.....
Savage (a multiplayer game) doesn't work with any of the Mesa 6 versions, only works with Mesa 5.1 5ta. Release.
With mesa 6 all start normally, but when I'll go to start the game the game freeze. With mesa 5.1 all works good.
Link for the demo:
sAlUdOs :D
Ok just for my defense i wrote this werry fast
and probably did`nt use the right words....
if u look at it now it´s corrected..
but honestly i prefer "constructive" critics....
nitpicking is not my alley [:p]
Savage is an online game? How am I supposed to fix it?
I AM part of the 3dfxzone team. As I said, many vendors advertise a certain OpenGL version even if it's not fully implemented. So stop bitching! :D
BTW, games that require HW T&L in OpenGL must refer to speed only. Otherwise, it's OpenGL's duty to emulate everything.
SciTE is a nice lightweight editor:
Yes, using the control panel will affect all games, since the environment is only one. I believe the old .BAT method will override whatever settings Mesa Cpan has done, though...
BTW, I was reported that Mesa- (and above) ceased to run Hitman2 on a Voodoo3. Is it true?
mmm.. sorry[B)]... is a Multiplayer game... I express bad [:(].. The page that i post is from the demo... the 2.0 demo is the one that had the bug...
After the intro video.. I only get a gray screen and I can hear the music. Without mesa the game works...
sAlUdOs [B)]
QuoteOriginally posted by unknownusermx
mmm.. sorry[B)]... is a Multiplayer game... I express bad [:(].. The page that i post is from the demo... the 2.0 demo is the one that had the bug...
After the intro video.. I only get a gray screen and I can hear the music. Without mesa the game works...
sAlUdOs [B)]
Same to me; but currently the problem is fixed (mesa now it run flawless with TAA too !! ;):D
Thanks for feedback !!
QuoteOriginally posted by unknownusermx
mmm.. sorry[B)]... is a Multiplayer game... I express bad [:(].. The page that i post is from the demo... the 2.0 demo is the one that had the bug...
Great! and now you're telling me? after I got the first version? [B)]
Jejeje.. another Mesafx goal.
Spiderman 2 demo: runs better and faster with mesafx. Take a look:
Image Insert:
207.8 KB
Great! and now you're telling me? after I got the first version? [B)]
I'm sorry[:(]
QuoteOriginally posted by dborca
I AM part of the 3dfxzone team. As I said, many vendors advertise a certain OpenGL version even if it's not fully implemented. So stop bitching! :D
Ok, fair enough. I suppose if I'm to complain about it, I might as well go pester ATi and nVidia about it as well. ;)
QuoteBTW, games that require HW T&L in OpenGL must refer to speed only. Otherwise, it's OpenGL's duty to emulate everything.
Ah....that explains A LOT. Not only does it at least partially explain why the TNT could theorectially get away with running the game, but it would explain why there doesn't seem to be any OpenGL extention made specifically for recognizing the HW TnL "ability" of a card, for lack of a better term.
QuoteOriginally posted by dborca
BTW, I was reported that Mesa- (and above) ceased to run Hitman2 on a Voodoo3. Is it true?
runs fine for me (ver6.1.0.4,,,with any glide3x that comes with mesafx.note that for hitman2 to work properly,you must enable sw rescaling and DISABLE texus2.
Thanks. I tested on V2, but I was too lazy to stick my V3 into the PC!
I know about SW rescaling, but you shouldn't HAVE TO disable Texus2, though... At least not with newer releases.
Indeed, there is no "HW_TCL_extension". The OpenGL has to do the job, either way. It's up to the driver to emulate, depends on the target HW.
QuoteOriginally posted by dborca
Thanks. I tested on V2, but I was too lazy to stick my V3 into the PC!
I know about SW rescaling, but you shouldn't HAVE TO disable Texus2, though... At least not with newer releases.
I'll double check that ASAP.btw,hitman contracts runs bit more stable with (and probably as well) on my voodoo5[8D],now I'm able to get ingame and play without problems.the desktop is still overbright after exiting the game,hmm..
Quoteruns fine for me (ver6.1.0.4,,,with any glide3x that comes with mesafx.note that for hitman2 to work properly,you must enable sw rescaling and DISABLE texus2.
Funny it doesn't work for me (Can't get past the 2nd Eidos cinematic screen). Might be my PC only. NWN works like a charm though[8)]
What OS and what base driver are you running with NWN? the transparency overlays in NWN on my PC seem to be coming up all white whenever I am running the MESA with ANY glide3x now...... seems to work fine with the old ICD. I am running os 98se with the 3dhq beta9 drivers and directx 9.2. I will be checking winxp when I get home tonight.
I'm running win2000 with sfft A3 drivers, but with new glides, opengl. Oh, and a voodoo3 by the way. I put the 3dfx glide3x in the NWN folder along with mesafx, because it doesn't seem to run with newer glides[:X]
It doesn't matter the driver. MesaFX runs on top of Glide, and Glide uses only a small portion of the driver (ie: the mode switch).
I got the 2nd demo and fixed the bug. Stay tuned (I'll probably upload today). Anyway, the game only /looked/ frozen; hitting escape gets you back to desktop.
Okidok! MesaFX is up, at my situ.
Glide3: TemporalAA over 2xFSAA for 1-chip cards.
MesaFX: fixed a UT bug and a Savage2 bug. Added GL_ARB_vertex_buffer_object.
M-CPan: new options / new menu (just click on my face). Under Win2k, you don't need to register, anyway! Under Win98, after registering, do NOT move cpan.exe and/or winset.exe.
QuoteOriginally posted by Amigamerlin
QuoteOriginally posted by unknownusermx
mmm.. sorry[B)]... is a Multiplayer game... I express bad [:(].. The page that i post is from the demo... the 2.0 demo is the one that had the bug...
After the intro video.. I only get a gray screen and I can hear the music. Without mesa the game works...
sAlUdOs [B)]
Same to me; but currently the problem is fixed (mesa now it run flawless with TAA too !! ;):D
Thanks for feedback !!
@dborca and Amigamerlin:
I still getting the gray screen in ONI[B)]..
Thnx!!.. I'll chk it tonight... :D
I just tried NWN in winxp (with the amigamerlin 3.0 drivers), and I am still getting the white backrounds in the character sheets/inventory/journal overlays and on the bottom of the screen where all the text pops up during the game. since most of the text in the game is white, this is a show stopper. NWN versions 1.28 AND 1.62. on a lighter note, the game seems to be very stable now (it used to crash all the time in XP, I could get it to crash on cue) but it seems you have fixed THAT problem with XP sometime during your mesa 6 iterations. does anybody else out there have the FULL version of NWN to try out? maybe it has something to do with my motherboard and the game? It used to affect only the BETA glide3x, but since you added the s3tc to the dll, it affects ALL glides now. I may be forced to try it at work (with a PCI v5 and a different intel motherboard) to see if I get the whiteness there too. I will have to do it on the low down though!... the demo only shows very little of this whiteness, and may not even be noticed by the untrained eye, but the full version is crazy with it.
No the problem isn't with motherboard. It's Voodoo3 releated, Banshee and v4/5 work well. Only Voodoo3 has those white rectangles in NWN when you look inventory.
Okay, lads & galz!
It's been too long since my last release. [:0] So here is MesaFX- (check my situ). Nothing new except that it fixes ONI for good. No more MESA_3DFX_STRING sh!t.
Another thing... BloodRayne works with this release. :D That is, provided you use the DLL below. I am sorry, the original DLL was so poorly written, that I had to hack it with the best weapon: HIEW == _THE_ Hacker's Editor [}:)] Please note the DLL was so carefully patched, that it still works the same for other cards. In english, no side-effects. At least none that I know of. [:p] Anyway, I was hacking the trigl.dll that comes with the demo. Caveat emptor! Oh, and btw, if the image starts flickering, try to lower graphics quality. The damn thing still tries to use 4 TMUs. [:(!]
Download Attachment: ( (
33.67 KB
BR works best with Glide3x from AM2.9, /not/ the Glide3x embedded with Mesa.
QuoteOriginally posted by bloodworm
I just tried NWN in winxp
Email me. Your NWN problem starts getting on my nerves. :)
ok,finally did some testing,so here it comes.
texus2 works for hitman2 ( or newer),I dont have to disable it anymore.however,I still need to disble texus2 for hitman3 and freedom fighters (based on the same engine,but newer),but the problem is I cant do it,seems like the envvar is not working (with texus2 enabled it looks similar to the third picture here (,when I disable it (,the game is fine again,but with or newer there is no change.
oni works,but it looks weird,the screen is greish (v5),its even worse on v3.Ill try to post pics..
QuoteOriginally posted by ps47
oni works,but it looks weird,the screen is greish (v5),its even worse on v3.Ill try to post pics.
Hail to Voodoo's linear fogging, right? [V] It seems I need to work again the "workaround". [:(] However, try and test ONI with other cards. I believe there was meant to be some kind of greyish fog, anyway. Is the whole game greyish, or only the intro screen?
As for the other games, the envvars _should_ work. Well, if they don't, use a .BAT! The CPan was never meant to be a sound project anyway (it eats my time, when it could be used for Mesa itself).
ok,so heres the stuff.
hitman contracts,voodoo3,mesafx6.1.0.5 and newer,texus2 on or off (its the same[B)]).I always use bat files when I need to mess with envvars..
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hitman contracts runs perfectly fine with mesafx6.1.0.4 and texus2 disabled.(pics here (
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oni is greyish on voodoo5 as well,(intro and the game itself),but its not as bad as with voodoo3.I was not able to make a screenshot on my voodoo5,but the v3 pic should be enough.there is also another problem,all ground textures that are a bit more far away (next level of LOD) are grey (or have a weird colour).this looks like a glide problem however,the glide3x from koolsmoky fixes this (the one from the bloodrayne patch folder;))
ok,enough complainig[:I]
mesafx6.1.0.5 and newer fixes crash problems with duke nukem manhattan project,the game runs great now[8D]
Okidok! I'll try to grab the demo and give it a test, perhaps tomorrow.
Oh I remembered: indeed, ONI looks worse on my V2-based card, than my Napalm-based card. Maybe V3 has the same issues...
No problem for me with ONI and MesaFx and voodoo5 5500. All looks ok and no problem with the menù.
I'll try hitman Contact !!
NWN run fine with MesaFx6.1.0.4 or older, MESA_FX_IGNORE_TEXUS2=y(i have white backrounds if i don't disable texus2) and a V5 5500.
Now, with mesafx6.1.0.8 i have the same problem than Bloodworm.
i didn't tried mesafx
ps. sorry for my poor english
QuoteOriginally posted by dborca
Hail to Voodoo's linear fogging, right? [V] It seems I need to work again the "workaround". [:(] However, try and test ONI with other cards. I believe there was meant to be some kind of greyish fog, anyway. Is the whole game greyish, or only the intro screen?
As for the other games, the envvars _should_ work. Well, if they don't, use a .BAT! The CPan was never meant to be a sound project anyway (it eats my time, when it could be used for Mesa itself).
Speaking of that Control Panel -- I just checked it out. Looks great, it looks as if it can mesh perfectly with the rest of the 3Dfx Tools.
I have yet another question, though: What in blazes do you mean when you say that we need to "register" the control panel stuff?! Yes, the fact that I'm asking about this obviously means I'm using MesaFX on Win98SE, thank you very much. [:p]
All envvars are kept in HKCU\Environment, which is the standard for 2k/XP, but means nothing for Win9x. Now, I am an adept of KISS principle. So I (and Koolsmoky) tried to make it work just the same, regardless of the OS. At the next startup, Win98 does not read HKCU\Environment. By "Register"ing CPAN, you... ehm... register "PATH_TO_CPAN\cpan.exe /silent" command at startup, which reads what is stored in HKCU\Environment and injects all envvars into the master environment. After that, MesaCpan exits (that is, it does not remain resident).
Koolsmoky spotted the NWN texture problem Saturday. It was related to compressed textures and the 3dfx limit of 8:1 aspectratio. I reworked the texture handling code, and many problems seemed to disappear (minor glitches in UT2004, Homeworld2 etc).
The new Mesa is to be found at my situ.
I need sh!tloads of feedback, as it was done in two late-night coding sessions! Probably lots of bugs lurking around. Anyway, if everything seems in place, the next release is pending. Pay special attention to slim textures: very large width * very small height (or vice-versa)!
QuoteOriginally posted by dborca
All envvars are kept in HKCU\Environment, which is the standard for 2k/XP, but means nothing for Win9x. Now, I am an adept of KISS principle. So I (and Koolsmoky) tried to make it work just the same, regardless of the OS. At the next startup, Win98 does not read HKCU\Environment. By "Register"ing CPAN, you... ehm... register "PATH_TO_CPAN\cpan.exe /silent" command at startup, which reads what is stored in HKCU\Environment and injects all envvars into the master environment. After that, MesaCpan exits (that is, it does not remain resident).
Ah, so the settings ARE ultimately stored in the registry....for a while there I thought you were going the complicated route by having to set the envvars manually right before running the game instead of having MesaFX just try to look for the settings to be defined in, say, HKLM\System\CurrentControlSet\Services\Class\Display\0000\Glide\ each time it starts up.
On the other hand, I suppose if you were going to put them there, you'd have to make an INF, then package MesaFX in something other than just a self-extractor, then get it to install the inf, etc.
But I digress.[:p] If I understand you right then just running "cpan.exe \silent" at startup will get the job done, right?
If so, then perhaps a good idea would be to include some sort of script that finds the path of where cpan.exe is, copies that path, and lists it in win.ini's "Run=" line, so that it'll run without needing to go make a shortcut to it on the "C:\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Startup\" folder, etc.
On the other hand, doing that same idea, but with the "HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run\" key, which should make it run invisibly regardless of OS...the only question is whether or not you or Kool want to spend the time to make such an install script to automate it (for idiot-proofing purposes :D)....
QuoteOriginally posted by Ragnarok72
[quoteAh, so the settings ARE ultimately stored in the registry.... BLAH BLAH BLAH
HKLM\System\CurrentControlSet\Services\Class\Display\0000\Glide\ each time it starts up.
They are stored in a special registry entry. Each time you hit OK, they are injected into master environment. Mesa never looks in the registry. Ohwell, with some Glide3x, it could, but that's not guaranteed. It _IS_ guaranteed that it looks into environment. Nevermind... The registry thingie is there only to ensure the values are preserved. It has no meaning to Glide.
QuoteOn the other hand, I suppose if you were going to put them there, you'd have to make an INF, then package MesaFX in something other than just a self-extractor, then get it to install the inf, etc.
QuoteBut I digress.[:p] If I understand you right then just running "cpan.exe \silent" at startup will get the job done, right?
Yes, just try to use a
forward slash next time.
QuoteOn the other hand, doing that same idea, but with the "HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run\" key, which should make it run invisibly regardless of OS...the only question is whether or not you or Kool want to spend the time to make such an install script to automate it (for idiot-proofing purposes :D)....
That's why "Register" option exists.
PS: @everybody: I updated the DLL on my situ. With so much feedback, I was able to fix some of the bugs. [xx(]
QuoteOriginally posted by Amigamerlin
No problem for me with ONI and MesaFx and voodoo5 5500. All looks ok and no problem with the menù.
I'll try hitman Contact !!
can you post a pic or two and your system configuration?and what glide3x are you using?
Is this dll newer than the one you had posted on your site at about 8PM EST last night (6/22/04)? I ran the one from last night on NWN in win98se for about 4 hours straight with no problems! I DID have an invisible monster attack me a couple of times during the battles, and I am not sure if they were acctually SUPPOSED to be invisible or not. maybe..... nice FPS on my 1.4Ghz celeron! acctually playable now with the mesafx....
QuoteOriginally posted by bloodworm
Is this dll newer than the one you had posted on your site at about 8PM EST last night (6/22/04)?
Maybe, I can't remember.
Anyway, I uploaded a new release candidate (rc3) today, 24-jun-2004 at 7:30 GMT. Give it a try.
BloodRayne does not work in 2k/XP, most probably due to a bug in Glide.
I was unable to run Hitman Contracts at all (not in D3D, nor in OpenGL). Anyone cares to give me a hint and spare me the pain of digging INI stuff?
QuoteOriginally posted by ps47 at
install the game and run it,in the graphic options,set the resolution to 800*600 (the backround will flicker while playing movies in higher resolution) and disable post filter.avoid maxing the rest of the options.the game will run fine and look good,but there will be some transparency problems in certain locations,but they are not too common and they wont prevent a good gameplay.
if you want to get rid of the transparency problems,you can try to run the game in opengl mode.edit HitmanContracts.ini,and change the line DrawDllrenderd3d.dll to MesaFX 6.1 version or newer,and put the opengl32.dll file and the correct glide3x.dll file to your hitman contracts the game,go to graphis options and use the same settings as for exit the game,edit HitmanContracts.ini and disable weather effects (WeatherEffects 0)
the game will run without the transparency bugs,but with decreased performance and some small texture flicker.movies wont work either.
install the game,edit HitmanContracts.ini and alter the corresponding lines as follows:
DrawDll Renderopengl.dll
Resolution 800x600
ColorDepth 16
TextureResolution 2
DrawDistance 0.500000
WeatherEffects 0
LevelOfDetail 0
ShadowDetail 0
PostFilterLOD 0
DisableTrilinearFiltering 1
now get MesaFX 6.1 version,and put the opengl32.dll file and the correct glide3x.dll file to your hitman contracts create a txt file and put in following:
now rename the txt file to run.bat,and launch the game via run.bat
the game will work fine,but some textures will flicker sometimes and movies wont be displayed at all.if you want to change the game settings (video,audio,etc.),you must do it from the ingame menu or by editing the ini file,the game will crash if you attempt to change the settings from the main menu.
QuoteOriginally posted by ps47
QuoteOriginally posted by ps47 at
DisableTrilinearFiltering 1
Voodoo3 does not have combine_extension (CMBEXT), anyway! So why disable trilinear if you can't get anything in exchange?
Anyway, thanks for the info! I'll try tonight! :D;)
tested the release candidate on my voodoo3..
hitman contracts: no change
oni: no change
QuoteOriginally posted by ps47
tested the release candidate on my voodoo3..
hitman contracts: no change
oni: no change
Indeed, the 0.9 rc fixes compressed textures, which means the changes have effect on Napalm only. I understood that ONI is greyish, right? that's because of linear fogging, which never worked correctly on Voodoos (although I'm not sure actually how is supposed to look ONI). But what about Hitman Contracts? What's wrong with it? Can you detail a bit? Thx.
PS: BTW, you just forgot to tell me that I need to be patient with Hitman Contracts. It really takes its time before starting up. That was my problem, after all... I'm a loose cannon when it comes to waiting and gave it the three-fingers-salute! [:p]
Could you test NWN full game with rc3, please?
QuoteOriginally posted by dborca
Indeed, the 0.9 rc fixes compressed textures, which means the changes have effect on Napalm only. I understood that ONI is greyish, right? that's because of linear fogging, which never worked correctly on Voodoos (although I'm not sure actually how is supposed to look ONI). But what about Hitman Contracts? What's wrong with it? Can you detail a bit? Thx.
PS: BTW, you just forgot to tell me that I need to be patient with Hitman Contracts. It really takes its time before starting up. That was my problem, after all... I'm a loose cannon when it comes to waiting and gave it the three-fingers-salute! [:p]
ok,tested the 0.9 with oni on my voodoo5,and the game itself is fine now.I still have to use koolsmoky's glide3x to avoid problems with floor textures that are bit more distant (I have mentioned it before),but the game is not greyish anymore[8D].
sorry about hitman contracts,when you run it in opengl mode you will have to wait with black screen 'cause all intro videos are not displayed,but they stil run so it takes some time to get to the main menu.mentioned it in the "how to" from voodoofiles,but I guess it was not clear enough..
and whats wrong with contracts?well on napalm the game is crashy,you cant even take a sreenshot without crashing to desktop ( or newer).on voodoo3 the game is more stable,but only the release works properly (with texus2 disabled).all newer releases act like the texus2 is on (and that causes garbage),looks like its ignoring the the fact that I have disabled it via the bat file..I have posted sreeens on the previous page of thes topic..
QuoteOriginally posted by ps47
I have posted sreeens on the previous page of thes topic..
Yea, but I can't figure what's wrong!
I did a very little bit of testing last night with Rc3, and all of the textures looked sweet to me. I will do some more extensive testing tonight with different modules of the game! the movies in NWN have never worked (comes up black and I have to spacebar my way through em) except when I set the desktop res the same as the game res, and then the game will come up black after the movies play (with music and mouse with screen "clicks" when clicking the mouse). this is a problem with the Bink video player in winblows and the screen res change thingy that dborca does not work on because it is a winblows thingy. I think this is the same problem that contracts is having, but I don't own that game.
QuoteOriginally posted by bloodworm
I did a very little bit of testing last night with Rc3, and all of the textures looked sweet to me. I will do some more extensive testing tonight with different modules of the game! the movies in NWN have never worked (comes up black and I have to spacebar my way through em) except when I set the desktop res the same as the game res, and then the game will come up black after the movies play (with music and mouse with screen "clicks" when clicking the mouse). this is a problem with the Bink video player in winblows and the screen res change thingy that dborca does not work on because it is a winblows thingy. I think this is the same problem that contracts is having, but I don't own that game.
Bloodword, are you using SFFT alpha driver?. If yes .. this is the problem. I've used the alpha 7 for testing and I have had the same problem (black screen) switching to AM3.0 no more problem and neverwinter night return to playing for me.
I have had some other strange problem using SFFT Alpha 7. In Call of Duty settings the resolution or changhing the detail freeze the pc wichever mesa release I use. Switching back to Amigamerlin 3.0 no one of this problem camed out. I'll inform SFFT about this.
Now ALL games that I 've tested run fairless in opengl.
Try and let me know
QuoteOriginally posted by ps47
QuoteOriginally posted by Amigamerlin
No problem for me with ONI and MesaFx and voodoo5 5500. All looks ok and no problem with the menù.
I'll try hitman Contact !!
can you post a pic or two and your system configuration?and what glide3x are you using?
Glide3x .. is the one sitributed in the package (root Directory)
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QuoteOriginally posted by dborca
QuoteOriginally posted by ps47
I have posted sreeens on the previous page of thes topic..
Yea, but I can't figure what's wrong!
ok.I think the hitman contracts problem looks like this:>I can disable texus2->everything is fine. or newer->I cant disable texus2->graphic issues.
looks like turning texus2 off with bat file DOES NOTHING..
QuoteOriginally posted by ps47
ok.I think the hitman contracts problem looks like this:>I can disable texus2->everything is fine. or newer->I cant disable texus2->graphic issues.
what issues? I don't even know how it's supposed to look like.
hmm,my english is probably worse that I thought[xx(]
I will try to put it as simple as I can.
I'm running hitman contracts demo on my voodoo3 3500tv.
I use opengl and mesafx.
mesafx6.1.0.4 works fine,you must ENABLE SW rescaling to fix white textures,and DISABLE TEXUS2.if you do this,the game runs and looks the way it should (
if you leave texus2 on,all textures are just a black mess.
with mesafx6.1.0.5 or newer I have disabled texus2,but the textures remained black (posted pictures,page 25 of this topic (
it looks like I cant disable texus2 with or newer..
QuoteOriginally posted by ps47
all textures are just a black mess.
That's what I wanted to know! [:p]
QuoteOriginally posted by ps47
with mesafx6.1.0.5 or newer I have disabled texus2,but the textures remained black
Do you mean the intro screen always looks like this?
I'm not sure they are supposed to look like that all of the time. I mean there are some flashing effects, but the overall screen should remain blackish.
you are right,the main menu looks that way only during that flashing effect (lightning strikes outside;)).the main menu should look like this most of the time:
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as you can see,there is no graphic corruption,the room is a bit darker but still good visible..(just for the record,vodooo3 3500tv,with mesafx6.1.0.4.,sw rescalling on,texus2 off;))
QuoteOriginally posted by ps47
as you can see,there is no graphic corruption,the room is a bit darker but still good visible..(just for the record,with mesafx6.1.0.4.,sw rescalling on,texus2 off;))
Hmmm... it seems that Hitman Contracts pumps precompressed S3TC textures into OpenGL, based only on the faint assumption of GL_EXT_texture_compression.
OpenGL spec does not bind GL_EXT_texture_compression to any specific format whatsoever, so this technique is really disgusting. That is, GL_EXT_texture_compression might exist, but the renderer might choose to provide FXT1 only, for example.
Bad OpenGL coding exists everywhere, and is unfortunate that we, driver developers have to deal with such things...
Other examples:
BloodRayne demo: does check for WGL_ARB_render_texture/WGL_ARB_pbuffer, but right after the test (and regardless of its result) it jumps into WGL_ARB_pbuffer routines. Hmmm... Also tries to use 4 TMUs, regardless of the OpenGL limits.
ONI demo: by some magic (and contrary to any OpenGL techniques) it fetches the function pointers of BlendColor and assumes GL_EXT_blend_color is present.
Savage2 demo: well, it blindly assumes GL_EXT_vertex_buffer_object, GL_EXT_texture_compression and GL_S3_s3tc.
UT2004 demo: issues some cube_map commands, even if cube mapping is not available.
I'll try to think of a workaround for Hitman Contracts. I still don't know how it's crashy on Napalm. What's the drill with screenshot?
cant help you much with napalm.the game is unstable,I cant even make a screenshot (using hypersnap,it works fine on the voodoo3),because the game crashes instantly.usually crashes when I try to change the graphic setings as well..
QuoteOriginally posted by ps47
cant help you much with napalm.the game is unstable,I cant even make a screenshot (using hypersnap,it works fine on the voodoo3),because the game crashes instantly.usually crashes when I try to change the graphic setings as well..
Whether it crashes when you try to take a HyperSnap screenshot is not a criterion. It did not crash on my Napalm. Ever. Try to use other Glide3x libraries to see where theproblem is.
ATTN everybody on this thread:
It's a general rule of thumb that people always bitch about Mesa, even when other software is faulty (either be it directx part of the driver, or third party software). Well, it works the other way, too: maybe Mesa is doing things right and the others don't. I'm not paid to accomplish full compatibility with every d@mn piece of software in the world. I'm not paid at all. However, I
WILL continue MesaFX support, just for fun. I don't say that MesaFX is bugfree. Au contraire... But, before making assertions about buggy MesaFX, /
PLEASE/ try everything that's possible to eliminate other sources of errors. I might be able to workaround conflicts with certain software, but I need something more than: "omigosh! it crashed".
A question:
Temporal AA in V5 6K is possible?:D
Hi all...
I had those crashes/hangups in games too, but just in D3D games..
When I took Enable Write Combining in display settings off, all D3D games don't crash/hang anymore...
Maybe this is old news but anyway..
I use XP and AM 3.0 with Mesafx in V56K
if you can give us more stuff like:
QuoteHmmm... it seems that Hitman Contracts pumps precompressed S3TC textures into OpenGL, based only on the faint assumption of GL_EXT_texture_compression.
OpenGL spec does not bind GL_EXT_texture_compression to any specific format whatsoever, so this technique is really disgusting. That is, GL_EXT_texture_compression might exist, but the renderer might choose to provide FXT1 only, for example.
Bad OpenGL coding exists everywhere, and is unfortunate that we, driver developers have to deal with such things...
Other examples:
BloodRayne demo: does check for WGL_ARB_render_texture/WGL_ARB_pbuffer, but right after the test (and regardless of its result) it jumps into WGL_ARB_pbuffer routines. Hmmm... Also tries to use 4 TMUs, regardless of the OpenGL limits.
ONI demo: by some magic (and contrary to any OpenGL techniques) it fetches the function pointers of BlendColor and assumes GL_EXT_blend_color is present.
Savage2 demo: well, it blindly assumes GL_EXT_vertex_buffer_object, GL_EXT_texture_compression and GL_S3_s3tc.
UT2004 demo: issues some cube_map commands, even if cube mapping is not available.
Then we the people of 3dfxzone can work on the game developers to make the game comply (via patches) with the openGL rules that they are supposed to be doing in the first place! some of us are here to help in any way we can.[8D]
QuoteOriginally posted by bloodworm
if you can give us more stuff like:
QuoteHmmm... it seems that Hitman Contracts pumps precompressed S3TC textures into OpenGL, based only on the faint assumption of GL_EXT_texture_compression.
OpenGL spec does not bind GL_EXT_texture_compression to any specific format whatsoever, so this technique is really disgusting. That is, GL_EXT_texture_compression might exist, but the renderer might choose to provide FXT1 only, for example.
Bad OpenGL coding exists everywhere, and is unfortunate that we, driver developers have to deal with such things...
Other examples:
BloodRayne demo: does check for WGL_ARB_render_texture/WGL_ARB_pbuffer, but right after the test (and regardless of its result) it jumps into WGL_ARB_pbuffer routines. Hmmm... Also tries to use 4 TMUs, regardless of the OpenGL limits.
ONI demo: by some magic (and contrary to any OpenGL techniques) it fetches the function pointers of BlendColor and assumes GL_EXT_blend_color is present.
Savage2 demo: well, it blindly assumes GL_EXT_vertex_buffer_object, GL_EXT_texture_compression and GL_S3_s3tc.
UT2004 demo: issues some cube_map commands, even if cube mapping is not available.
Then we the people of 3dfxzone can work on the game developers to make the game comply (via patches) with the openGL rules that they are supposed to be doing in the first place! some of us are here to help in any way we can.[8D]
Haha, that's a good one. In order for that to happen, the game developers would first have to ADMIT they did something wrong, and that SOMEBODY ELSE figured it out before they did. They, they would have to develop patches for it! And of course, that's in order to support good old 3Dfx hardware, stuff they really don't care about and has been lost from their "official support" list for, oh, about 3 1/2 years now! No offense, but I don't see it happening.
I'm uploading release candidate4 today, at my situ:
- added GL_EXT_fog_coord for Voodoo2 and up
- added GL_EXT_blend_equation_separate for Napalm
As soon as Koolsmoky fixes some win32 interface issues we'll have
I admit that bloodworm's point of view is somehow idealistic, but I never said those games should support good ol' 3Dfx hardware (that's my job). Just to use OpenGL adequately (that's their job). If they choose chaos, why use an API after all?
MESA_FX_IGNORE_TEXUS2 is back in business in rc4.
That is exactly my point. In order to test/use Mesa, people should stick with stable drivers with stable settings.
TemporalAA was developed on the 6k [:p] So I guess it works, but that's done inside Glide, not Mesa. Use the Glide3x DLL that ships with Mesa. Just browse this thread if you don't know how to activate it.
Which brings me to another thing... Since I hate writing docs, FalconFly gave me an idea: this whole thread might be packaged in official Mesa releases, as a substitute for documentation [:p]
QuoteOriginally posted by dborca
Whether it crashes when you try to take a HyperSnap screenshot is not a criterion. It did not crash on my Napalm. Ever. Try to use other Glide3x libraries to see where theproblem is.
ATTN everybody on this thread:
It's a general rule of thumb that people always bitch about Mesa, even when other software is faulty (either be it directx part of the driver, or third party software). Well, it works the other way, too: maybe Mesa is doing things right and the others don't. I'm not paid to accomplish full compatibility with every d@mn piece of software in the world. I'm not paid at all. However, I WILL continue MesaFX support, just for fun. I don't say that MesaFX is bugfree. Au contraire... But, before making assertions about buggy MesaFX, /PLEASE/ try everything that's possible to eliminate other sources of errors. I might be able to workaround conflicts with certain software, but I need something more than: "omigosh! it crashed".
you are right,of course.I was not trying to complain,I was trying to give some feedback.apparently I'm not too good at it[B)].now I feel miserable,everyone comes here to say how great mesafx is and I'm the only one that keeps bugging.I apologize for being such an annoyance[:(].
mesafx is the best thing ever and I will not complain no matter what..
ok,enough.tested hitman contracts on my voodoo3,and it works now,just good as if not better..
QuoteOriginally posted by ps47
[brI apologize for being such an annoyance[:(].
mesafx is the best thing ever and I will not complain no matter what..
It's ok. I was addressing to everyone around. It seemed to me a general trend.
Quoteok,enough.tested hitman contracts on my voodoo3,and it works now,just good as if not better..
tested hitman contracts on my voodoo5 as well,and everything seems to be ok now,no more crashes[8D].sounds like my config was the culprit,however osckhar had the same probs.hmmm..
hi iam form argentina so , sorry for my english ;d.
i have this: a pentium 2 350, 64 of sdr pc100, a vodoo 4500 agp ( but the L-card, not the retaild one ), and W9x, i try this drivers
x3dfx Community Win9X 1.08.04
Raziel64 evolution for v4/5
and the amigm 2.9 with the las metaFX release
i play hl ( TFC ), an really old game, but with the x3dfx drivers, make me a huge fps dropp, with the razo64's drivers, i get better performanse, but with the last the amig 2.9+metaFX last release y get a delay in the mouse movement and in the keyboard movements ( A W S D ), but with the glexess ( opgl bench ) i get huge better perfor with the amig and the metaFX,
800*16 raziel64's 3dfx Evolution Drivers 9x 3dfx - 3Dfx/Voodoo4 (tm)/2 TMUs/32 MB SDRAM/ICD (Jan 16 2001)/GxpOGL Build 0106
= 1886 - XSMARKS ( normal details )
and with the metaFX and amig i get around 3500 with normal details
how can i fix the problem of the mouse delay?
or i need a better system to run the metaFX and amig.
"kaneda-san", next time, post only once.
(trata de postear tu problema solo 1 ves, el lugar donde hiciste el otro post igual, es mas apropiado que este, porque aca es el Feedback del MesaFX).
igual no hay tanto problema, mas q nada para que sepas "the forum's rules" jeje, te dejo. Bienvenido a la escena tana de 3dfx!. Kaneda por Akira, no? (a mi tambien me gusta mucho el anime) BYEs. Te dejo antes q me maten por este post largo en español, jeje.
PS: sorry for this "short" reply to kaneda-san in spanish.
Try to use MesaFX with Raziel drivers. It should work.
I am aware of that mouse "lag", but haven't paid much attention to it. I'm not sure the problem lies with OpenGL or win32 interface.
Today, 02-jul-2004, I uploaded rc5 at my situ. Nothing new, but due to some changes in the core, I had to fix the driver and wanna make sure everything is in place for the new release.
I just did a short test of NWN with RC5 and everything seems to be AOK. tried Amigamerlin 2.9 for 98se and the intro movies are still not playing. I will try winxp and am3.0 next. just being able to play the game is super great!
the level editor (toolset) in NWN still does not work since it comes up with a "cannot create 3d window" error (this I already know is a limitation of your driver from the start, you explained it once to me in the past) BUT I just got a hold of rainbows newest 3dfx0gl.dll (build 008) and the toolset works flawlessly (albeit slower than your driver though). I have the source for you as well, I am not sure if it will help you out or not, but rainbow has given us permission to use it and post it if we want to. for now, we can just use YOUR mesafx to run the game and then we can just use rainbows 3dfxogl addon to run the toolset! sweet!
well off to bed for a catnap, as I am going dancing at my fav industrial club tonight......
Would someone send me the Rainboow 3dfxogl addon to my email please?
TIA fellas ;)
OpenGL update build 009:
Cool! The Rainbow himself!
Sorry the newby question but where to am i supposed to put the
3dfxogl file, cause i replace the one in the system32 dir on
WinXP and in Quake3 for example the screen gets scrambled.
OpenGL Update works only with 3dfx ICD driver v1.0.0.0761 (Jan 16 2001), size 1102096 bytes.
1. rename 3dfx ICD driver (3dfxogl.dll) in Windows/system or WinNT/System32 to 3dfxicd.dll.
2. Copy OpenGL update (3dfxogl.dll) in same directory.
put the icd (3dfxicd.dll) and the OpenGL update (3dfxogl.dll) in the game directory and rename 3dfxogl.dll to opengl32.dll,this should work fine as will need to rename the file back to 3dfxogl.dll every time you want to use the config utility..
Now, what that has to do with *gasp* MesaFX? Last time I checked the title of this thread was still MesaFX, right? All members can open new threads AFAIK.
Yes guys, please stay in topic, because starting from the next release of MesaFx, for helping purpose, we are going to distribute this thread jointly, then is a really important thing to have all the post strictly related to MesaFx.
Thanks to all for the cooperation.
Aaa... yes, mr nice-guy! [:p]
But how do you know there will BE other releases to pack the thread in? [xx(] Now my schedule seems full until next year... but I guess that's not a problem for most people visiting this thread. Maybe they do like churning the same old sh!t day after day and month after month. Or maybe they don't; and that's why they visit this topic.
yes I know what do you think,not that guy again! :D
anyway,tried medal of honor demo with mesafx,and all glitches are gone[8D],however the game wont let me enable texture compression (on my v5,win98se)..not really an issue,but I would like to know whats the deal..
hw? glide? mesa? game?
I need the exact versions.
how stupid can I get[xx(].here goes:
voodoo5 5500agp
mesafx6.1.0.8 ( gives the same result)
glide3x from the root (420kb)
running medal of honor allied assault demo
the console reads "compressed textures: disabled",I cant enable them no matter what (ini editing,console command)..
btw,homeworld2 WORKS with or newer.there are some small problems with transparency and the ship engines are greenish,but apart from that,the game runs perfectly fine.I'm most impressed,I mean c'mon,do you even have the word "impossible" in your vocabulary?totally awesome..
It's not impossible to have the word in my vocab; I'd rather say I don't know its meaning (or I got it all wrong :D).
Anyways, I haven't been able to look into the MOHAA problem, but maybe it's the game stupid. For example, earlier versions of Quake3 had the same bug: they couldn't handle Mesa's huge extension list. Just a thought...
BTW, have you tried rc6? Is online for quite a while now. I am still deferring, because I want to add another extension.
yeah,mohaa is probably one of those misbehaved apps..Ill try the latest rc6;)
btw,dropped some homeworld2 screens,here ([8D].not perfect,but they kick a$$ anyway:D
Ok, I've seen them.
I'm not sure what causes that glitch present in sshot#2 & sshot#3. Might be a bug in Mesa.
I've also seen the transparency bug in sshot#4. Might be the game still tries to issue some unsupported commands (see my previous post about UT2k4).
The green engines present in the last sshot are really tricky. They are present in the scene from the previous sshot, if you look at Hiigara from the right angle. Then if you hover the mouse to the middle of the ship, the engines turn miraculously into the right color/texturing. Hmmm...
PS: about the MOHAA problem... I can't fix it. You don't want me to zap the extensions, now do you? :D
just forget about mohaa demo.(btw,I have checked the complete console text and I have found out that for some reason the game executes a command to ignore the texture compression extensions,"ignoring texture_compression_s3 blahblah" it might be a bug in the demo.I'll borrow the full game and see if the problem persists.)
QuoteOriginally posted by dborca
Then if you hover the mouse to the middle of the ship, the engines turn miraculously into the right color/texturing. Hmmm...
lol,wanted to inform you about that right now.guess you have noted it already:).
btw,what glitches are present in the sshot#2 & sshot#3?I dont see any[:p]..
QuoteOriginally posted by ps47
btw,what glitches are present in the sshot#2 & sshot#3?I dont see any[:p]..
PS: the arrow exhibits some sort of lighting. :D
I am pretty sure the MOHAA demo doesn't include the compressed textures since there are probably over a couple hundred megs in compressed textures alone, and some cards don't use compressed textures anyways, so why include them in a demo that you would most likely be downloading? I have seen this no compressed textures thing in several other downloadable demos as well.
QuoteOriginally posted by ps47
btw,what glitches are present in the sshot#2 & sshot#3?I dont see any[:p]..
So, you're saying the bad texture is the Homeworld2 logo?
btw,bloodworm is probably right about mohaa simply doesnt support texture compression..
edit: homeworld2 actually runs on my voodoo3 3500tv (latest mesafx,sw rescalling 11).the game is nowhere near playable (texture problems),but considering the fact that radeon7500 is listed as minimum,it is truly amazing that the game runs[:0]).wow.whats next,doom3 on voodoo1?[:p]
Image Insert:
74.95 KB
Some news at my situ. Heck, I forgot what's new [:p] -- been a while since the last update. IIRC, some fixes, some extensions...
EDIT: doh, stupid mistake wrt vertex_program. Fixed now!
Quake2 and MESAFX
CPU P3 450 Mhz
Graphic Card:Voodoo5 5500 PCI
1. Althought i have my desktop at 16bit, Quake2
with MESAFX run at 32 bit.
Here my console messages
... using desktop display depth of 16
... calling cds ok
creating DS buffers
... using primary buffer
GL PFD color(32-bits) Z(24-bits)
2. With MESAFX i have not multitexture
3. The framerate with MESAFX is 50 fps (640x480x32)
with GLIDEXP is 80 fps with multitexture (640x480x32)
with GLIDEXP is 96 fps without multitexture (640x480x32)
I tried misc envars but no luck.
Any suggestion...
I really can't remember the all the details, especially from Win32 interface. After revisiting the code, I saw something like this:
#if 1 || QUAKE2 || GORE
/* QUAKE2: 24+32 */
/* GORE : 24+16 */
Which means Q2 is kinda thick. It might report 16bpp on console, but it still wants 24color+32depth. Issue #3 is now simple. Mesa runs in 32bp, hence the slowness. And there's another thing: on Napalm Mesa tries to use 32bpt textures, even if it runs in 16bpp screen.
Issues #2 is related to the legacy extension names: SGIS_multitexture was dropped in favor of ARB_multitexture. Update Quake2 engine, I know the latest release switched to the new extension name...
Note from Koolsmoky: Mesa creates the context based on what app requests. 3dfx ogl creates the context based on desktop's colordepth.
PS: small update on my situ (texturing). I promise this is the last, until the release...
Thank you dborca for your reply and for your good work.
Last night i tried mesafx with VOODOO1 and work FINE !!!
Here are my results with Quake2 (CPU P3 450 Mhz)
640x480 512x384
minigl 34.5 50
mesafx 29 32
3dfxICD 34 46
The MESA_FX_MAXLOD doesnt have any effect on voodoo1.
Latest Quake2 3.20 use SGIS MULTITEXTURE only.
There is a new port that use SGIS and ARB but
the ARB dont work good with MESAFX.
I'm glad it works on Voodoo1. That was my intention, after all.
Now, back to the numbers: this slowdown is somehow... *cough* normal for Mesa, especially in Quake games. 3dfx optimized their drivers like hell for Quake series... and *unfortunately may I add* that's about it.
idSoftware had a very strong opinion about minigl (which used to trade a lot of things for speed):
QuoteWe will not be supporting any form of OpenGL minidriver...
Those are the words of one & only Brian Hook.
No sane games use minis, except those games that were designed in 3dfx era, and some other games not requiring too many extensions from the OpenGL driver.
Back on track: thanks for the link. I'll test Quake2Plus. BTW, what hardware are you using? I'm interested in Voodoo hardware only, not your HDD brand (like some people like to brag about in signatures).
PS: I know there's a Quake2 using ARB_multitexture. Might be 3.21 or my memory starts playing funny things on me?
Hi dborca, i am physicist from Crete and i am a voodoo fun:)
These are my machines:
MB MSI NEO2LS, chipset 865PE
CPU Intel P4 3 GHz
VGA GeForceFX 5900 SP
OSES Dos,Win98SE,WinXP
MB Abit BH6, chipset 440BX
CPU Intel P3 450 MHz oc 4.5x112=504 MHz or 4.5x124=558 MHz
RAM 192 MB
VGA 1 GeForce2 MX (just for fun)
VGA 2 Voodoo5 5500 PCI Bios 1.16
VGA 3 Voodoo1 (Diamond)
OSES Dos,Win98SE,Win2k
MB Jetway 911AF, chipset 810G
CPU Intel P2 400 MHz
RAM 128 MB
VGA 1 Intel on board
VGA 2 Voodoo2 12 MB or Voodoo2 8 MB (Diamond)
OSES Dos,Win98SE
The latest win32 and Linux Quake2 is 3.20
I run Quake3 with VOODOO1.
Here are my results (CPU P3 4.5x124=558 MHz)
......... 512x384...... 640x480
MesaFX ....42 ...........30.2
3DFXICD ..43.5 ........30.4
With 3DFXICD i had some texture problems (mirrors,portals)
with MESAFX none problem great quality.
New DLL (small update on my situ): fixed a bug in glBitmap.
Hi to all
Fired up my voodoo3 yesterday and downloaded mesafx rc(dated 23-7-04) and I get this[B)]
instead of this (with mesafx6.1.8)[8D]
I tested MOHAA and it runs OK. So why is NWN all painted up???
"Love and peace brothers"
my bad. i screwed up the automatic mipmap generation in latest rc. i know that for several days, but been too busy to upload the fix.
dborca, i while ago i was testing with Doom 3 alpha. Maybe you can remember. Now that the full game is out I gave it a try but i will not load anymore. The error message is "could not load opengl" I dont think you can do anything with that but does the full version use a newer opengl version than the alpha (that worked good with mesafx)?
Unfortunately theres no demo, but what do you think about it?
i know doom3 retail doesn't work. i do have the error log, and it seems the application gets stuck somewhere in ChoosePixelFormat. which is piece of cake, but i am /really/ busy these days. besides the mesa CVS was down. i'll try to "guess" what is the problem and i'll try to publish a new release or rc (which also fixes the aforementioned automatic mipmap generation).
i know doom3 retail doesn't work. i do have the error log, and it seems the application gets stuck somewhere in ChoosePixelFormat. which is piece of cake, but i am /really/ busy these days. besides the mesa CVS was down. i'll try to "guess" what is the problem and i'll try to publish a new release or rc (which also fixes the aforementioned automatic mipmap generation).
Your the greatest :D
Dborca is it possible to make option for forcing specific pixel format no matter what application wants.
QuoteOriginally posted by milen
Dborca is it possible to make option for forcing specific pixel format no matter what application wants.
Mesafxev.txt in 6.1.08...maybe this environment variables can help....
OS: all
HW: Napalm
Desc: force 565 16bpp mode (traditional Voodoo, no 32/15bpp)
OS: all
HW: Napalm
Desc: disable 32bit textures
OS: all
HW: Napalm
Desc: disable Napalm combiners (color/alpha/texture)
Note: this option allows dual-TMU cards perform single-pass
trilinear, but some advanced (multi)texturing modes
won't work (GL_EXT_texture_env_combine)
Right now, it should work that way (forcing to whatever the underlying hw can handle).
I fixed the Doom3 startup error. It used to fail because Doom3 requested STEREO visual! Doh...
Anyways, the DLL was online since yesterday, but noone cared enough to take a look at my situ. Hehe.
BUT, Doom3 seemed to be more picky than I thought:
---- R_InitOpenGL -----
Initializing OpenGL subsystem
...registered window class
...registered fake window class
...initializing QGL
...calling LoadLibrary( 'opengl32' ): succeeded
...calling CDS: ok
...created window @ 0,0 (640x480)
Initializing OpenGL driver
...getting DC: succeeded
...attempting to use stereo
...PIXELFORMAT 6 selected
...creating GL context: succeeded
...making context current: succeeded
------- Input Initialization -------
Initializing DirectInput...
mouse: DirectInput initialized.
keyboard: DirectInput initialized.
sound: STEREO
...using GL_ARB_multitexture
X..GL_ARB_texture_env_combine not found
X..GL_ARB_texture_cube_map not found
X..GL_ARB_texture_env_dot3 not found
...using GL_ARB_texture_env_add
X..GL_ARB_texture_non_power_of_two not found
...using GL_ARB_texture_compression
X..GL_EXT_texture_filter_anisotropic not found
...using GL_EXT_texture_lod
...using GL_1.4_texture_lod_bias
...using GL_EXT_shared_texture_palette
...using GL_EXT_texture3D
...using GL_EXT_stencil_wrap
X..GL_NV_register_combiners not found
X..GL_EXT_stencil_two_side not found
X..GL_ATI_separate_stencil not found
X..GL_ATI_fragment_shader not found
...using GL_ARB_vertex_buffer_object
...using GL_ARB_vertex_program
X..GL_ARB_fragment_program not found
ERROR: The current video card / driver combination does not support the necessary features
These are really bad...
X..GL_ARB_texture_cube_map not found
X..GL_ARB_texture_env_dot3 not found
X..GL_ARB_fragment_program not found
I'm trying to tweak values a bit, but don't expect too much! I'm working blindly and receiving error logs from a friend.
I fixed the Doom3 startup error. It used to fail because Doom3 requested STEREO visual! Doh...
Anyways, the DLL was online since yesterday, but noone cared enough to take a look at my situ. Hehe.
Strange a cannot find the new dll on your page [xx(]
Where is it located i would like to try it out.
or is this the one Im lookin for [?]
MesaFX win32 DLL (release candidate 10)
Quoteor is this the one Im lookin for
MesaFX win32 DLL (release candidate 10)
The RC 10 is from the 23 jul 2004.
But the file online is really the "last" version (12 aug. 2004).
Doom 3 will not start for me using the latest Mesa .dll, I have posted the error log below in case it can help in some way:
1835 MHz AMD CPU with MMX & 3DNow! & SSE
512 MB System Memory
64 MB Video Memory
Winsock Initialized
Hostname: voodoo
doom using MMX & SSE for SIMD processing
enabled Flush-To-Zero mode
------ Initializing File System ------
Current search path:
D:\Program Files\Doom 3/base
D:\Program Files\Doom 3\base\pak004.pk4 (5137 files)
D:\Program Files\Doom 3\base\pak003.pk4 (4676 files)
D:\Program Files\Doom 3\base\pak002.pk4 (6120 files)
D:\Program Files\Doom 3\base\pak001.pk4 (8972 files)
D:\Program Files\Doom 3\base\pak000.pk4 (2698 files)
D:\Program Files\Doom 3\base\game00.pk4 (2 files)
game DLL: 0x0 in pak: 0x0
file system initialized.
----- Initializing Decls -----
------- Initializing renderSystem --------
using ARB renderSystem
renderSystem initialized.
4966 strings read from strings/english.lang
Couldn't open journal files
execing editor.cfg
execing default.cfg
couldn't exec DoomConfig.cfg
couldn't exec autoexec.cfg
4966 strings read from strings/english.lang
----- Initializing Sound System ------
sound system initialized.
----- R_InitOpenGL -----
Initializing OpenGL subsystem
...registered window class
...registered fake window class
...initializing QGL
...calling LoadLibrary( 'opengl32' ): succeeded
...calling CDS: ok
...created window @ 0,0 (640x480)
Initializing OpenGL driver
...getting DC: succeeded
...attempting to use stereo
...PIXELFORMAT 6 selected
...creating GL context: succeeded
...making context current: succeeded
------- Input Initialization -------
Initializing DirectInput...
mouse: DirectInput initialized.
keyboard: DirectInput initialized.
sound: STEREO
...using GL_ARB_multitexture
X..GL_ARB_texture_env_combine not found
X..GL_ARB_texture_cube_map not found
X..GL_ARB_texture_env_dot3 not found
...using GL_ARB_texture_env_add
X..GL_ARB_texture_non_power_of_two not found
...using GL_ARB_texture_compression
X..GL_EXT_texture_filter_anisotropic not found
...using GL_EXT_texture_lod
...using GL_1.4_texture_lod_bias
...using GL_EXT_shared_texture_palette
...using GL_EXT_texture3D
...using GL_EXT_stencil_wrap
X..GL_NV_register_combiners not found
X..GL_EXT_stencil_two_side not found
X..GL_ATI_separate_stencil not found
X..GL_ATI_fragment_shader not found
...using GL_ARB_vertex_buffer_object
...using GL_ARB_vertex_program
X..GL_ARB_fragment_program not found
ERROR: The current video card / driver combination does not support the necessary features
Error during initialization
Shutting down OpenGL subsystem
...wglMakeCurrent( NULL, NULL ): success
...deleting GL context: success
...releasing DC: success
...destroying window
...resetting display
...shutting down QGL
...unloading OpenGL DLL
Got issues playing Serious Sam First Encounter with MesaFX.
* Playing with Rainbow's OGL addon i get some issues on the texture
edges and i can see light sources through walls, beside that the
flare effect doesn't work as it should. It doesn't show evrytime
i'm looking at the sun for example, only at some angles.
But the game map show correctly.
* Playing with MesaFX (tried various versions) i get all the above
issues solved, but the game map gets corrupted. I also noticed a
performance drop with MesaFX compared to Rainbow's OGL addon
In time: Everytime i start the game either in Mesafx or in Rainbow's
OGL, I can't leave the game and enter it again in the other OGL mode.
I always have to restar my PC to be able to play on each mode.
This doesn't happen if I try on Quake3, which used to let me play
whatever mode without a reboot, just a dll ranaming.
Here are the screenshots showing the game map:
67.4 KB
73.95 KB
finally I have found out what was causing all the trouble with hitman2,hitman contracts and freedom fighters when running on a voodoo3 with mesafx.seems like the hitman engine thinks (when running with mesafx) that the voodoo3 IS DXT capable (and voodoo3 cant do DXT,right?),the engine automatically enables DXT compression and boom the game goes down with graphic errors and crashes.
so,if you want to run those games on a voodoo3,make sure you have following line in the *.ini file before starting the game with mesafx:
DisableDXT 1
all games should run ok,all you have to enable is sw rescaling,no need to mess with texusUMA;)
indeed. applications tend to erroneously think that dxtc/s3tc is automatically available when GL_ARB_texture_compression is advertised; but in fact it just means it exposes the code entrypoints and might (or might not) have proprietary texture compression algorithms. hmmm... i think i'll remove GL_ARB_texture_compression from non-VSA cards.
ps: another thing... doom3 really needs GL_ARB_texture_cube_map and GL_ARB_texture_env_dot3. trying to emulate them in SW yields < 1FPS. it's a no-no. you're better off with a pure SW OpenGL implementation.
Oh, I'm so happy. With latest MESAfx i'm able to play RTCW:ET without glitches and program crashes.
Really good work Daniel.
QuoteOriginally posted by dborca
indeed. applications tend to erroneously think that dxtc/s3tc is automatically available when GL_ARB_texture_compression is advertised; but in fact it just means it exposes the code entrypoints and might (or might not) have proprietary texture compression algorithms. hmmm... i think i'll remove GL_ARB_texture_compression from non-VSA cards.
good idea;)
too bad about about null rendering for the cube maps and dot3?just asking..
Is there a way to add a cool check box setup proggy to add null rendering for anything that won't work via software? that would help us debug a little wouldn't it?
QuoteOriginally posted by bloodworm
Is there a way to add a cool check box setup proggy to add null rendering for anything that won't work via software? that would help us debug a little wouldn't it?
great idea! only I don't know if it's possible..
Interesting... but put in Null everything that can be implemented in hw mode is not a good way to fix this kind of things...
Don't forget the results... if we're talking about an almost unused extension maybe is applicable but, what about strongly used extensions?
okidok, is out. check my situ.
there are two variations that can run doom3. it looks like sh!t, but it looks. partly because inner bugs of mesa, partly because of the lack of true cubemaps. if your pet dies watching mesafx+doom3, do not blame me. i ran doom3 with everything set to defaults (including hw settings, mesafx settings and doom3 settings). the only thing that i set was MESA_CODEGEN=y. feel free to tweak and post some screenies, i am too lazy...
ps: mesafx_d3 is pretty much a "branch" and is not part of the mesa evloution.
pps: i can't fix ssam:fe, cos i can't see that map in the demo ver.
GLORY..GLORY to dborca and mesafx..[8D][8D][8D]
I'll do some tests,and I'll take care of those screens as well;)
I have an exam in 4 days,but who cares if I can run doom3 on my voodoo5:D
GOOOOOOOOOOOOOOD work Daniel [:p][:p]
wow! it happened - doom3 on voodoo.. great work dborca!
Doom3 Shots -
Athlon 2400
512mb ram
Windows 2000 SP4
Great effort Daniel ;)
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56.61 KB
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actually i think game is a bit too dark, but these screens show that voodoo can bring the light in the game ;)
Good news! [:p]
Great releases [8D]
Very nice screenies, Voodoo5 - there may not be bumpmapping, but it lookes quite good and runs quite fast - what about, when there are a few enemies on screen/action, does framerate drop significantly?
..shoot,just realized doom3 requires where do I have that install disk..?
XP or Win2k
To clarify,
All of my above screen shots and their corresponding fps are to be considered coincidental, "I was getting while the getting was good" so to speak.
There are currently very noticeable\annoying graphical errors (not shown) for sure (textures & lighting).
examples: Sometimes while using the flashlight the light beam does not reflect/illuminate off of the expected surfaces. The Skin textures on human characters are extremely whitish. making fast left or right movements of your character will cause some viewable textures to temporarily disappear then reappear.
Maybe Daniel can clarify if any improvements can be made to correct some of the graphical errors[?]
I was using fraps for the fps indicator and acquiring the shots, I will try to run a proper time-demo and report the results, but I would guess from my time so far in the game the average fps would be in the mid to high teens range on my system (some areas/situations were showing highs in the mid 40's while graphically intense sections of the game would drop down into high single digit to low teens range)
If you want to play Doom3 in all its graphical glory, you will need a very modern cpu/video card set-up ;)
i've uploaded a small update for mesafx_d3 at my situ. it fixes the crash where all hell breaks loose in "Mars City Underground".
mesafx_d3 is not a suported product; therefore do not send me bug reports about it, unless it's a showstopper (crash bug). all other reports will go to /dev/null. i will try to fix inner mesa bugs by myself, but that's about it.
i myself have reached "Communications Transfer" level, so, unless i mixed up things when i rebuilt the last dll, it /should/ work.
however, i have two tips:
1) add the following line to DoomConfig.cfg
bind "~" "toggleconsole"
run d3.bat. during the game, hit "~" to lower the console and type "r_" followed by a TAB. take a moment and study the rendering options... among them, there is "r_useScissor" which you might want to set to "0"
2) the doom3 rendering pipeline is more or less known atm. although the technique needs massive fillrate, it also needs very fast TCL. as a consequence, it's pretty TCL limited on 6k (and probably 5k5). i played with 2xFSAA enabled without a significant loss in speed.
Hi guys,
Here some other screenshot :this time taked at 800x600x32 Bit no AA on voodoo5 5500 Med detail with shadows disabled.
In this condition the game has a good playability.
Ciao a tutti ;)
I'm curious if would be possible to remap enviromental and DOT3 bumpmaping to form of bumpmaping that Voodoo can handle?
Whenever i download MesaFX from daniel situ it gets
corrupted when i try to open it... "unexpected end of archive"
Anyone has any clue?
QuoteOriginally posted by mcmagostini
Whenever i download MesaFX from daniel situ it gets
corrupted when i try to open it... "unexpected end of archive"
Anyone has any clue?
Download new dll from home page (news section).
Let me know if all went ok.
QuoteHere some other screenshot :this time taked at 800x600x32 Bit no AA on voodoo5 5500 Med detail with shadows disabled.
In this condition the game has a good playability.
1) What were the system specs. of the machine these pictures were taken on ?
2) what would you the think the average framerate was using this setup ?
Thanks ;)
The new dll from 3dfxzone and the D3 especific one from daniel's situ
are both ok.
But I was referring to the MesaFX package that lies on daniel's situ too.
This one won't extract correctly cause the corruption. I tend to think
the released MesaFX and the d3 dll are different and i'd like
to have both of them since the original interests me the most cause i
dont even have d3 or plan to play it.
Thanks again,
Things are improving :D
This game has now become much more playable and stable after installing the new .dll and following Daniels "tips" [8D], and trying 800 x 600 with medium game details.
Here's some shots showing an action moment in the game:
Image Insert:
64.06 KB
Image Insert:
116.91 KB
Image Insert:
84.4 KB
Image Insert:
71.42 KB
Once again, Great job Daniel ;)
WOW thats real cool! 3dfx can still hang. :D I wonder if Half-Life 2 will run on a Voodoo lol. [8]
Indeed, that looks darn impressive.
Kudos to Daniel for making this work out, I guess noone would have expected those good old Cards run a Game, that can hog a Radeon 9800pro down on occasion (albeit on 'slighty' higher detail that is) ;)
Looks like OpenGL is becoming (already is?) the best supported API for our Voodoos by now :)
QuoteWOW thats real cool! 3dfx can still hang. I wonder if Half-Life 2 will run on a Voodoo lol.
I've learned an important Voodoo lesson, "never say never" [B)]
QuoteKudos to Daniel for making this work out, I guess noone would have expected those good old Cards run a Game, that can hog a Radeon 9800pro down on occasion (albeit on 'slighty' higher detail that is) ;)
I was quite skeptical initially, I have returned to my typical overclocked speed of 191 mhz (solid as a rock). I'm about 6 hrs. into the game now and having a blast (not a single crash) [8D]
Only one way to to explain what's going on here, "Gotta be Voodoo"! ;)
Daniel, thank's alot Your great [^]
imho there are many reasons why Doom3 works pretty good on Voodoo hardware:
1) as doom3 is an old game (I mean it long time ago they started devleopment) it uses many old implementations.
2) doom3 uses cube mapping very much (heard that somewhere) and putting a null rendering on cubemapping (as v5 it doesn't support) greatly increases performance.
about halflife2 - afaik it doesn't require so powerful hardware (compared to doom3).
QuoteOriginally posted by Maverick
WOW thats real cool! 3dfx can still hang. :D I wonder if Half-Life 2 will run on a Voodoo lol. [8]
It is very possible for this to happen actually.
shows hope that Half-life2 may use directX 7 to play.
Lots of fun :D
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Super Ultra Great too!!!
thanks Daniel :)
PS to kaneda (sorry, spanish [:o)] ): al final se puede jugar, q masa no? habria q ver si con la v4 tira los 30fps.... pero bue, algo es algo, Y se ve re bien :D
english [:p] : in the end it is possible to be played, that's cool no? it would be necessary to see if with v4 it throws 30fps.... well, something is something, and it is looking very well [8D]
i hope so...
nice screenshots ;)
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Very scary stuff:
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there's a mesa bugfix at my situ. this might (just might) fix the SeriousSam:FE map bug.
i also added a new option (MESA_FX_NOSNAP) to speed up Voodoo1, Rush and Bashee.
there is also a mesafx_d3 update. you can play doom3 with r_useScissor enabled, which might gain you a few FPSs.
more doom3 shots using new update:
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This is fantastic, without your efforts this would have been near impossible [8D]
@ dborca
Thx for your time and effort!
As soon as I try it (Serious Sam FE)
I'll post here.
Keep up the GREAT work man!
I have never mentioned it before (seemed too trivial),but hitman2 had minor transparency problems in some levels (when running on a voodoo3).mesafx fixed everything.rokks[8D]
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03.09.2004 - MesaFX 6.1: UPDATED distribution Official MesaFX
New MesaFx 6.1 (Build Official distribution is online.
This distribution does NOT permit to play Doom 3 and it is the Official compiled release from Mesa Server.
Download Offical MesaFx Package
What do you mean it does not permit playing Doom3?!!! [}:)]
That's ludicrous.
Holly sh*t even! [xx(]
There is a special version of Mesafx for running Doom3, ggab was reporting about an update to the official release of Mesafx ;)
QuoteOriginally posted by sirkoz
What do you mean it does not permit playing Doom3?!!! [}:)]
That's ludicrous.
Holly sh*t even! [xx(]
Sirkoz, what is the problem ? may be you don't know that the special DLL that permit to run Doom3 contain a lot of Hack. This hack can't be included in the "official" mesa distribution that contain all the "real" supported feature of Voodoo and not "feaked" feature.
I hope all is clear now and however Daniel can explain you better what I mean.
That's all.
welcome, sirkoz :)
the regular mesafx does not run doom3. you have to use the "special" mesafx/d3 dll - which is just a "derived" work. it is not officially supported, although i will update it whenever i fix some core Mesa bugs.
i don't feel comfortable when people use mesafx/d3 as a replacement for mesafx, because of the hacks contained therein. those hacks are possible only because doom3 uses a very special rendering technique, and are not suitable for other applications.
i know this thread became exeedingly long, but reading it a bit might help ;) i think that's what Amiga (ciao amico! :D) wanted to say - so don't feel bad about it.
what dglide3x is better?
std or root's version? (with a v4) BYes
Daniel, first I want to say thank you for such incredible work... you are very talented. I want to mention, that 'Return to Castle Wolfenstein' has this texture problem where textures flsh really bad as you move away from them. For example this is very apparent when you are in spectator mode say on the beach level and move away from objects - the edges are distorted and flash really bad. Heres a link to a demo:
@ dborca
Daniel, sorry to say but I tried again Serious Sam FE with the latest
MesaFX and the map problem still there...
Best Regards,
news at my situ.
i fixed a clearing bug (and probably induced a few more). this fix affects both regular mesa and the d3 version. the bright side is that d3 version got rid of the shadowing bugs. or so i hope.
sorry, it was a blind guess. as i said, i can't see the bug in demo version
i already have the demo version, but... where's the beach level?
Thanks for the explanation.
It's really so nice to see Doom3 on Voodoos, so I got "a little" emotional. Sorry. ;)
Please - do keep the good work.
Pitty, that all of you Voodoo-driver devs don't release the ultimate new release to go along with the MesaFX (maybe AmigaMerlin_4-0? :)). Now it's all more or less trial and error - Glide from there, DX from here and then another driver with the same Glide.....catch my drift? :D
really, mesa is the only add-on
EDIT i forgot to say that it is really GREAT (as all we now [8D])
glide(beta) and d3d(alpha) are still in deveploment & testing.....
I know it's an addon, but quite an essential one. ;)
..and we have software rescaling on voodoo1[:0]
hitman2 (works,has graphic errors)
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hitman contracts (I was able to get to the main menu.the game crashes)
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i am planning a major MesaFX release, and I need your help: i want to collect the best Glide3x libs for all cards (all generations: V1, VR, V2, VB, V3, V4, V5).
i brought the Glide3x repository at SourceForge up-to-date (Linux / DOS), but I really don't have time to fix the win32 interface. and - as I stated many times before - I don't deal with windoze crap. :D (sorry, Kool, I couldn't help myself :D don't mind me)
that is, I need windoze dlls.
as far as I now,the latest voodoo1 glide3x (ver can be found in the latest original 3dfx driver (ver. 30100,described as q3 compatible driver).mesafx works fine with this glide3x (quake,q3 arena,return to castle wolfenstein,hitman1)..
Seems the Glide3x.dll is the latest one for Voodoo2
Why MesaFx for Doom3 not supported Voodoo 2 ?
when i try it D3 have error with choose pixel format
For the voodoo 1, there aren't alot of choices. I honestly just use which ever one comes with the drivers I'm using, and I haven't found anything better than Iceman's drivers at the moment. The development of 3rd party drivers for the voodoo 1 doesn't seem to be a huge priority for anyone, I wonder why... :D
QuoteOriginally posted by Doom
Why MesaFx for Doom3 not supported Voodoo 2 ?
when i try it D3 have error with choose pixel format
because doom3 was designed with stencil in mind.
so far...
Voodoo2 Glide3x
Voodoo1 Glide3x
some links perhaps? ;)
latest 3dfx,or any 3rdparty drivers contain the 0455 glide3x..
QuoteOriginally posted by Doom
Why MesaFx for Doom3 not supported Voodoo 2 ?
when i try it D3 have error with choose pixel format
let me clear few things;): Doom is trying to run doom3
beta on his voodoo2,using the
regular mesafx,but he is getting the pixelformat error.doom3 beta runs on the voodoo2 ( using wickedgl,but it looks like
chocolate doom most of the time:D (d3beta+wickedgl+voodoo5 looks very similar).mesafx could improve things a lot (sw rescaling etc.,all the voodoo you do soo good too:D)..note that this is just for fun/testing purposes,we all know doom3 full will never run on a voodoo2 (never..I hate that word[xx(])..
I wouldnt' be sure about impossible, I found this while desperately searching for a way to make doom 3 run on my brothers computer, which has my old kyro 2 in it. This worked, but if you go the page, he made the little stub dll to make doom 3 load on his rage 128, and has screenshots of it doing so, at 1 fps.:D So getting retail to load on old hardware is possible, doing anything with it after that probably isn't.
The voodoo2 has not enough texture memory.
Yet [:p].
Voodoo 2 is either an 8 meg or 12 meg card. In SLI that's either 16 or 24. A Rage 128 came in 8, 16, and 32. Don't know which one was used, but see the above link. Actually, the reason I don't believe it will work now that I think about it is that doom 3 is in 32 bit color. Not sure how to get around that.
The Voodoo2's Texture RAM unfortunately does not double in SLI, only the Framebuffer does.
So a Voodoo2 12MB SLI will still have only 8MB of total Texture RAM available, Voodoo2 8MB SLI only 4MB respectively.
I apologize for going off topic, I just erased a long post when I realize I was cluttering up the MesaFX thread. MesaFX, Woooot! It, like, makes games run, and stuff.
doom3 beta?
what doom3 beta?
ps: FalconFly is right. V2 SLI doesn't double texture RAM. same thing applies to Napalm SLI... unfortunately, may I add... [V]
Is it a hardware issue, or a software issue? Just curious, could a properly written driver get them to share texture memory? Anyway, I don't think texture memory would stop you from running doom 3, since you can set it to resize the textures, it defaults to 512x512, or 256x256, but if you dropped it down to 64x64, or 32x32 it shouldn't be a problem, and that's before you look to mesafx to resize textures. In the end, it comes down to why RtCW: ET won't run on my voodoo 1, and day of defeat won't run on a voodoo 3, no 32 bit color support. MesaFX can only do so much. Unless their's some way to force downsampling, and I have no idea if that's possible, then we're stuck.
it's hardware. you can't make them to share memory. since one scanline is rendered by one chip and the other scanline is rendered by the other chip, then both chips must have the same data loaded (yes the textures are replicated for each chip). you'd have to tweak the HW to make the texture memory a "common pool".
about software rescaling... it doesn't work that way. you tell mesafx to rescale ONLY if the application starts throwing too large textures to the OpenGL driver. some games are well-behaved, and query the OpenGL for max texture size. some are not well-behaved and throw the texture without looking back. BUT, cheating max texture size for well-behaved applications yield unnecessary pain... OTOH, mesa currently doesn't go below 256. sure, it COULD go below, but what for? if the driver runs out of texture memory, it starts swapping textures. indeed, it's slow, but that won't stop an application from running...
about the 32bit issue. that can be resolved. OpenGL works that way. contrary to some opinions, Voodoo3 cannot handle 32bit textures; but if you look at the OpenGL spec, it says that texture format required by the user should be retained as a hint, and the driver decides which internal format the texture will be transformed in. of course, the ideal case is when the OpenGL meets the user requirements, but that's not compulsory. having that said, MesaFX always transforms any 32bit texture into 16bit texture for non-Napalm cards...
QuoteOriginally posted by dborca
doom3 beta?
what doom3 beta?
the doom3 official beta-test version was released and used for testing/benchmarking purposes,it can be downloaded from the net (mostly p2p,official links are down now).the beta is (obviously) not as unforgiving as the full thing,when running on older cards..ask me,its not actually worth the trouble (I dont want to speak for Doom though)..
anyway,I have one question (please dont kill me[B)]):
would it be possible to port the mesafx sw rescaling hack to
D3D?in some form of mini 3danalyze perhaps (app that creates modified dll's in game folder blahblah)..
I mean,I have no idea how such apps/hacks work,but if sw rescaling works so well under opengl,than it could work under d3d as well..could it?
large texture support for voodoo3/d3d is the last feature that is still missing..if you ran the thing or igi2 on a v3,you'll know what am I talking about..
thumbs up;)
Quoteanyway,I have one question (please dont kill me):
Sounds that tb didn't answer to your question elsewhere
..did I say never to d3 full/voodoo2?check the last screenshot here (
NEVER say never,Diamonds Are Forever[8D]
How ironic, the program he used to get it running is the same .dll stub that I found and posted to a couple of boards about. It's what got the game working on my old, now my brothers, kyro 2. I imagine the stub combined with mesafx would probably get any voodoo card to load it up. :)
primo, i don't have enough pipe to download a monster demo just for fun.
secundo, d3d is really not my area. in fact, i don't like it, never liked it, and probably won't ever like it - unless i'll have to do it for a living [:p]. never say never, but postpone, yes... :D
tertio, ok, doom3 could be run on a v2 - perhaps without shadows... i dunno, i have to check again the rendering pipeline... but is it worth it?
@whom it may concern
I uploaded a package containing Glide3x libraries for V1/VR/V2/VB/V3 on my Voodoo/Glide page (at my situ, of course). Please give it a try and give me some feedback, especially in combination with MesaFX. ;)
QuoteOriginally posted by dborca
primo, i don't have enough pipe to download a monster demo just for fun.
secundo, d3d is really not my area. in fact, i don't like it, never liked it, and probably won't ever like it - unless i'll have to do it for a living [:p]. never say never, but postpone, yes... :D
tertio, ok, doom3 could be run on a v2 - perhaps without shadows... i dunno, i have to check again the rendering pipeline... but is it worth it?
probably are 100% right,as always:D bored for a bit,so I tried homeworld2 with the doom 3 version of mesafx (I know its only for doom3,but a small test cant hurt anybody,can it[:I]).the game runs slower and looks worse,but mesafx_d3 DOES fix the engines & the transparency probs.dunno what to think..(cant provide a screenshot,the game crashed once I hit scrolllock-using hypersnap..)
Tried to run Worms3D w/ MesaFX. And it's extremely sloooooooooooooooooowwww ! Looks like full software rendering. Doom3 runs waaaaaaay faster, at least not 0.3 fps like Worms...
your experiment shows that - sigh - hw2 uses features that are not supported by the driver. :( why, oh why... damn poorly written applications...
Worms3D *DEMO* used to run fine on my machine. Please enable both MESA_DEBUG=y and MESA_FX_INFO=r and send me MESA.LOG.
here's the log
Voodoo Using Glide
Voodoo Board: 1/1, Voodoo5 5500 (tm), 2 GPU
Voodoo Memory: FB = 9445376, TM = 2 x 11483136
Voodoo Screen: 1024x768:32 RGB, no vertex snapping
cpu vendor: GenuineIntel
MMX cpu detected.
Not testing OS support for SSE, leaving enabled.
SSE cpu detected.
Voodoo TMU0 configuration:
Voodoo 00000000-22966256
Mesa: User error: GL_INVALID_ENUM in glDisable(0x1802)
Mesa: User error: GL_INVALID_ENUM in glDisable(0x1802)
Misc Stats:
# swap buffer: 364
Textures Stats:
Free texture memory on TMU0: 22966256
Free texture memory on TMU1: 0
# request to TMM to upload a texture objects: 72
# request to TMM to upload a texture objects per swapbuffer: 0.20
# texture objects uploaded: 72
# texture objects uploaded per swapbuffer: 0.20
# MBs uploaded to texture memory: 3.39
# MBs uploaded to texture memory per swapbuffer: 0.01
Pixels Stats:
# pixels processed (minus buffer clears): 1708030
# pixels not drawn due to chroma key test failure: 0
# pixels not drawn due to depth test failure: 193198
# pixels not drawn due to alpha test failure: 13286212
# pixels drawn (including buffer clears and LFB writes): 2231188
I'll try with V5 6K and Opteron 248 tomorrow but i think it will be the same.
BTW here's the log from Doom 3:
Voodoo Using Glide
Voodoo Board: 1/1, Voodoo5 (tm), 2 GPU
Voodoo Memory: FB = 3694592, TM = 2 x 28717056
Voodoo Screen: 640x480:32 RGB, no vertex snapping
Voodoo TMU0 configuration:
Voodoo 00000000-28717040
Mesa: User error: GL_INVALID_VALUE in glTexParameter(param)
Mesa: User error: GL_INVALID_VALUE in glTexParameter(param)
Misc Stats:
# swap buffer: 5164
Textures Stats:
Free texture memory on TMU0: 28717040
Free texture memory on TMU1: 0
# request to TMM to upload a texture objects: 1246
# request to TMM to upload a texture objects per swapbuffer: 0.24
# texture objects uploaded: 1246
# texture objects uploaded per swapbuffer: 0.24
# MBs uploaded to texture memory: 14.43
# MBs uploaded to texture memory per swapbuffer: 0.00
Pixels Stats:
# pixels processed (minus buffer clears): 7640420
# pixels not drawn due to chroma key test failure: 0
# pixels not drawn due to depth test failure: 14314445
# pixels not drawn due to alpha test failure: 14420947
# pixels drawn (including buffer clears and LFB writes): 9891105
Looks similar but doom3 is definitely not software rendered - it's too fast for that - 7-30 fps
And Worms - it took about two minutes just to move mouse and close game :(
QuoteOriginally posted by Flash
here's the log
Voodoo Using Glide
Voodoo Board: 1/1, Voodoo5 5500 (tm), 2 GPU
Voodoo Memory: FB = 9445376, TM = 2 x 11483136
Voodoo Screen: 1024x768:32 RGB, no vertex snapping
32bpp, that also means 24bits depth and 8bit stencil
Quotecpu vendor: GenuineIntel
MMX cpu detected.
Not testing OS support for SSE, leaving enabled.
SSE cpu detected.
Voodoo TMU0 configuration:
Voodoo 00000000-22966256
Mesa: User error: GL_INVALID_ENUM in glDisable(0x1802)
Mesa: User error: GL_INVALID_ENUM in glDisable(0x1802)
oh boy! now that's nasty. 0x1802 is GL_STENCIL, but it seems you have stencil enabled...
well, i'll try the demo again...
one more thing... can Worms3D run in 16bpp? if so, force MesaFX into 16bpp with MESA_FX_IGNORE_PIXEXT=y, then check the log.
i just tried the new Glide for my V2 (the one inside "CVG" folder)
and used it with comparison on GLExcess (coz i discovered that i don't have any OpenGL game..)
MAXLOD=11 (actually different value don't give any different)
here is the result:
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seems the old one is faster than new one..but i know it's just an alpha release, so no need to afraid.
P.S. why in the documentary file, there is no V2 but only Voodoo^2(voodoo square)?
is it mean that i used the wrong Glide file to test so the result is no good?
thanks for your wonderful work Daniel, thanks a lot~~
QuoteOriginally posted by secretfj
seems the old one is faster than new one..but i know it's just an alpha release, so no need to afraid.
damn, it's not faster, it's WAAAAY faster [:p] well, i'll see what i can do to speed it up
QuoteP.S. why in the documentary file, there is no V2 but only Voodoo^2(voodoo square)?
is it mean that i used the wrong Glide file to test so the result is no good?
thanks for your wonderful work Daniel, thanks a lot~~
hehe, no, I like Voodoo^2 over Voodoo2. i think i saw that in some 3dfx advertisers. just a matter of taste...
QuoteOriginally posted by dborcaone more thing... can Worms3D run in 16bpp? if so, force MesaFX into 16bpp with MESA_FX_IGNORE_PIXEXT=y, then check the log.
Nope. Can't. It crashes and it's in the log:
fxMesaCreateContext: ERROR: grSstWinOpen
Some more benchmarks (with a bit more modest hardware)
K6-2 500 mhz, 1 x Voodoo2 8mb, 144mb ram, MesaFX-
Open-GL Stars, 800x600, default.
New Glide
Benchmark results:
- Frames rendered : 2000
- Time : 73.918s
- Average fps : 27.06
Benchmark results:
- Frames rendered : 2000
- Time : 68.652s
- Average fps : 29.13
what versions of glide3x did you compare?
Quotewhat versions of glide3x did you compare?
for the old Glide it's be new one is from dborca
just discovered that, sorry
can you test the version as well (you can find it in any mesafx full package)? my voodoo2's arent up and running yet..
i've been thinking about those glide3x dlls... the difference is way too big, something's fishy there... can't be the code, perhaps some envvars are interpreted differently (FX_GLIDE_SWAPINTERVAL / FX_GLIDE_SWAPPENDINGCOUNT). i'll investigate. thanks!
Quotecan you test the version as well (you can find it in any mesafx full package)?
I am sorry but i discovered that the previous test was done using instead of
P.S. I tested 3 Glide3x.dlls today one (included in FV 4.6) just refuse to run and makes the system halt, while the other two do the job.
P.S. some Glide specific results are posted (just some simple findings) into the
Voodoo 2 discussion area as i don't want to be off-topic so much
What is the difference with the 667 and the Dborca version?
Dborca have you added more compatibility? And because I stil don't have the sources of the FV drivers I want to invest my time in working with glide3x. Maybe I can help you?
QuoteOriginally posted by perer
What is the difference with the 667 and the Dborca version?
Dborca have you added more compatibility? And because I stil don't have the sources of the FV drivers I want to invest my time in working with glide3x. Maybe I can help you?
the diff? hard to tell...
if you wanna help me, go to
and checkout the "glide-devel-branch"
(exactly, the branch name is "glide-devel-branch").
good luck!
If I took the right one, I must now have this glide-devel-branch. I must say the source is quite small. At least al lot smaller than I had expected.
Edit. Is this the one you mean?
$Header: /cvsroot/glide/glide3x/cvg/glide3/src/distate.c,v 2004/03/08 07:42:21 dborca Exp $
** $Log: distate.c,v $
** Revision 2004/03/08 07:42:21 dborca
** Voodoo Rush fixes
it looks like, doesn't it? [:p]
small tip: you must checkout TWO modules from "glide-devel-branch". the first module is "glide3x", the second is "swlibs". move swlibs INSIDE the glide3x directory and start compiling.
the complete glide3x+swlibs sourcecode should be at around 40MB (but that's because the demo textures are well over 20MB).
all the branches are buildable, tested and run ok. you get the status in README.2 (readme-too). take your time and do something good with the source. if your patches are worthy and if you make them public, i will make you Glide developer, with read-write CVS access.
ok, another update (@ my situ).
u mean Glide Update or MesaFX Update?
coz the download Glide from ur site is the same as the one before, and i can't find any MesaFX update in ur site too (just the I did see the newest version of MESA on the SourceForge Site (6.2 released 2, Oct)
QuoteOriginally posted by secretfj
u mean Glide Update or MesaFX Update?
coz the download Glide from ur site is the same as the one before, and i can't find any MesaFX update in ur site too (just the I did see the newest version of MESA on the SourceForge Site (6.2 released 2, Oct)
it's there, on the Mesa page. it has the 18-oct date on it, and it reads "prerelease".
got it, Thanks a lot!
Finished testing it with V2 SLI and Glide 3X
it performs just the same as the It runs flawlessly and with the same quality as performance is almost identical (a few marks lower than, which is negletable)
as usual, i uses GLExcess to test
Well Than I will need to continue working. But Dborca can you tell me what is one of the problems I would need to fix with glide3x(the CVS part)? Because it will a while before I finally have finished What I plan to do. And CVS write acces seems pretty usefull.
as i said, take your time. for the moment, you don't need CVS write-access, as you don't have any patches. show me something worthy, and i'll make you Glide developer. bugs? well, i dunno, for starters, try to achieve the performance of the latest Glide3x for V2 (667 iirc).
well, then! thanks for testing. however, it seems to me you were missing the most important update in this prerelease, which is also the prerequisite for the extension i'm planning to add. tip: run GLExcess again, examine carefully the last scene, preferably comparing it to the previous releases.
hint for everyone: i am NOT releasing new DLLs just for fun. if it's out there, then something must have been changed.
man, i gotta quit doing that. sorry, the DLL from yesterday was broken. i uploaded a new one.
It's too bad that i still can't find out what's the different by running GLExcess for more than 10 times (i just have time today to do some quick searching, no luck..)
but i will keep trying, coz compared to ur work, my investigation is nothing~~
P.S. u've said it's in the last scene, u mean the scene"outro" or "citylight"? i investigated them both but my blurry eye still can't see a thing differnet...
PPS: runned various benchmarks using V2SLI and MESAFX, they can be seen in the topic "banchmark"
I know what got added: GL_EXT_stencil_wrap. I use realtech VR's OpenGL Extensions Viewer to see which extensions are or are not supported. I am amazed at how many extensions have been "enabled" on the Voodoo 2 the past several months. Woo hoo! :)
Is it possible that Unreal Tournament 2004 looks a little better with the prerelease? It is difficult for me to tell because I had to run UT2004, walk around a level, stop the game, copy an older version of MesaFX (opengl32.dll) to the UT2004 system folder, rerun UT2004, then walk around the level again. It looks like the colors are slighly more vibrant. The textures/details on the ground look better, too. (I think.)
Thanks ~ T
I was wondering what kind of FPS I should expect with Doom3 + MESA Fx + AMIGA 3.1 with this system:
-Voodoo 5500 AGP
-AMD 1400
-Windows XP SP2
Because, I know some of you use Voodoo 6000 and CPU higher than 2 GHZ.
QuoteOriginally posted by secretfj
too bad that i still can't find out what's the different by running GLExcess for more than 10 times (i just have time today to do some quick searching, no luck..)
hehe, keep up the good work ;)
QuoteP.S. u've said it's in the last scene, u mean the scene"outro" or "citylight"? i investigated them both but my blurry eye still can't see a thing differnet...
last scene, this means outro. is about the last thing you ever see, before exit. the thing it's rather small and fades in below the big GLEXCESS logo...
stencil_wrap was added a while back. the new extension is not present yet, unless i make sure the 6.3 prerelease does not introduce new bugs.
about UT2004, you may be right. i changed the way small textures are processed.
i used to play Doom3 on Athlon XP 1800+, Voodoo5 6000 2xFSAA. this is roughly equivalent to a 5k5. you should be okay with that cfg... well, not great, but... ;)
Hello Daniel,
could you please look at this:
Demo could be retrieved there:
This is Call of Duty full game. I am using Glide3x BETA from 5/12/04 with your latest opengl32. Any idea what is happening with the textures in this indoor level? The characters and weapons look all black. So far this problem is in this level and I believe I've tried all of the MesaFX opengl32 dlls. Maybe because of the type of "lighting" inside, I don't know. In the second screenshot the grating has corruption but it looks like it's because of compression.
Athlon XP-M 2500+ @ 2.3 GHZ
ABIT NF7-S Rev 2.0
512 MB Crucial memory
Win98 SE w/W2K dual boot
Directx 9.0b
Aureal Vortex 2 PCI sound card
Voodoo5 5500 PCI
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nope, no idea. mainly because i have no idea how the textures should look like. and yes, the grating stuff may be because of texture compression (although i believe the textures are precompressed, so it's not mesa compression quality to be blamed).
why why why?
I still can't see it!
(the only thing that will fade in under the GL Excess Logo can only be the credit of producer...they just look the same for or pre-release..)
It's time for me to drink some coffee and give some other shots
(actually i don't have many chances to test my eye in GLExcess and i am a bit busy recently..)
QuoteOriginally posted by secretfj
(the only thing that will fade in under the GL Excess Logo can only be the credit of producer...they just look the same for or pre-release..)
my, that's odd... perhaps it's time to plug back teh X24, then [B)]
Thanks for your work and i'm looking forward to ur result..
P.S. is X24 the one which have a lot of V2 Chips in it and it can use 4X AA?
QuoteOriginally posted by secretfj
Thanks for your work and i'm looking forward to ur result..
damn, that texture is really big for V2, blurry, too... ok, i need some sleep before i start mixing things again... like nitrite and glycerin (yeah, whatever)! sorry for the unnecessary hassle. anyways, the new extension is there, on the latest RC at my situ.
QuoteP.S. is X24 the one which have a lot of V2 Chips in it and it can use 4X AA?
eheh, close, but no! X24 is simply a V2 SLI in one board. you are talking about the Mercury system, composed of 4(four) X24 boards, coupled with an external moniker to obtain the FSAA effect. in fact i think it was composed of 4(four) X24 derivatives, called 200SBi
8-way SLI looks awesome for goold-old voodoo2, eh?
Yup it does, to bad it doesn't give you more speed.
QuoteOriginally posted by perer
Yup it does, to bad it doesn't give you more speed.
it suffers from the same defficiency of all SLI-ed Voodoos: TCL.
but in theory, should be more scalable, although i wouldn't know...
Quote8-way SLI looks awesome for goold-old voodoo2, eh?
what i can say is : Awesome~~
P.S. i think the picture quality of V2 is not very good compared with many modern cards (you can see some tiny grid-like squares in the fire inside Crypt scene, it's quite obvious), i think it's how V2 render pictures.
Well the voodoo2 quality is dreadfull sometimes, thank god I have a monitor wich had the ability brighten up the screen. This really helps.
QuoteOriginally posted by perer
Well the voodoo2 quality is dreadfull sometimes, thank god I have a monitor wich had the ability brighten up the screen. This really helps.
i doubt it. methinks the voodoo2 lacks the post-dithering circuitry that was available in voodoo3. dunno why, as this technique is used in some other ancient cards (like the venerable Matrox Millennium I).
now, onto business... i tested voodoo2 glide3x that is available at sourceforge. under the same conditions of SWAPPENDINGCOUNT and SWAPINTERVAL it does not perform that bad at all (about 98% of Glide3x 667 in GLExcess). however, it seems to be buggy, at least in SeriousSam2 (technology test, hi-q mode): the sun's flares are missing or blinking, some of the torches are visible through temple inner walls, etc.
so, perer, since you were so eager-beaver to start voodoo2 development, try and have a look at that. the most advanced glide3x that i (we) have is in sourceforge now. i know it would be better to start tweaking 667, but look at napalm d3d section: it started with an older version and now is better than latest official release. here's your chance to show us what you're made of.
hint: i'd disassemble the 667 dll, isolate the triangle rendering routines and compare them against assembler sources we have in sourceforge. that might or might not be of any help
Did you use the standard Voodoo3 setting in Serious Sam 2? Or did you use your own MesaFX. Because I got blinking wrong sun flares etc, with the Voodoo2 compatibility but with MesaFX there was no problem, and the game ran smooth.
..and what about warcraft3? the game runs way more stable with mesafx and looks better as well,but there are still some small texture problems..
QuoteOriginally posted by perer
Did you use the standard Voodoo3 setting in Serious Sam 2? Or did you use your own MesaFX. Because I got blinking wrong sun flares etc, with the Voodoo2 compatibility but with MesaFX there was no problem, and the game ran smooth.
this has little to no relevance. first rule of testing: never change two things at the same time. so basically i changed only one thing: glide3x. the 667 works ok, while the other (sf) doesn't.
and, yes, i was using mesafx, of course. i also tried deleting the entire voodoo section from glsettings and ran in "unknown mode".
QuoteOriginally posted by ps47
..and what about warcraft3? the game runs way more stable with mesafx and looks better as well,but there are still some small texture problems..
yes, i know... i still have to determine if this is driver-related or application-related.
unfortunately, many games provide dual d3d and opengl paths, and the gl path is usually poorly written, or not tested enough. ohwell... [V] this is an old issue:
1) users tend to think d3d is
trendy2) and god forbid game developers create non-
trendy applications
3) then, driver developers have to invest more in d3d than in opengl, because it's needed by game developers
4) so, because d3d is usually better, average user thinks d3d is
trendy. now we're back to step 1!
quod erat demonstrandum the vicious circle is compete now!
ps: i love carmack for having the balls of doing opengl! carmack rules. and he was "criticized" at beyond3d for being stubborn. oh, and btw, in opengl area, nVidia rulez!
pps: i remember i found this a long time ago...
QuoteOriginally posted by dborca
unfortunately, many games provide dual d3d and opengl drivers, and the gl driver is usually poorly written, or not tested enough. ohwell... [V] this is an old issue:
1) users tend to think d3d is trendy
2) and god forbid game developers create non-trendy applications
3) then, driver developers have to invest more in d3d than in opengl, because it's needed by game developers
4) so, because d3d is usually better, average user thinks d3d is trendy. now we're back to step 1!
hope the release of DOOM3 and its engine can change the situation a bit
QuoteOriginally posted by dborca
pps: i remember i found this a long time ago...
..d3d sux even now.I hadnt had a single problem with opengl games from the day one (1998).and d3d? even now I can see old "friends" from time to time-missing or corrupted textures,wrong effects,flickering etc.always waiting for a newer driver..bah.
btw,any ideas why this ( little baby doesnt like mesafx (and all 3dfx opengl drivers as well-and its supposed to have only basic opengl requirements)? you will need this ( as well..
amen! :D (you know what i mean [:p])
now 'bout good ol' duke: i'll try to find a niche and look at it (i'm pretty busy these days). btw, do i need to get duke datafiles from elsewhere?
..all you need is a *.grp file from shareware (,full version,or full version atomic,plus the port binaries;).shareware is a 6 meg download:D.good old times.
okidok, i got it.
QuoteOriginally posted by ps47
:D.good old times.
oldskool, eh? it is amazing what those masters have realised with so few resources.
I tried forcing Doom 3 to use 16 bit colour depth in the 3dfx tools but I'm seeing no performance gains whatsoever, in most other games using/forcing 16 bit leads to a nice performance increase.
Any idea why this is not the case for Doom 3 ?, I'm not even positive that it is really forcing 16 bit in the game.
QuoteOriginally posted by Voodoo5
I tried forcing Doom 3 to use 16 bit colour depth in the 3dfx tools but I'm seeing no performance gains whatsoever, in most other games using/forcing 16 bit leads to a nice performance increase.
Any idea why this is not the case for Doom 3 ?, I'm not even positive that it is really forcing 16 bit in the game.
what driver are you using?
1) mesa wouldn't care less about 3dfxTool options
2) mesa does not allow 16bit modes when application requests 32bit mode (that's the sole reason Doom3 won't start on V2 with Mesa - yes, it was on purpose)
3) even in 16bit modes, mesa uses maximum quality for textures (that is, 32bit for Napalm cards)
this is the reason mesa seems much slower than 3dfx ogl (especially in 16bpp). maybe i'll change that, i dunno. or at least make an envvar so the user can choose.
Quotewhat driver are you using?
Amigamerlin 3.1 R1 and MesaFX Doom 3 version of course ;)
Quotemaybe i'll change that, i dunno. or at least make an envvar so the user can choose.
If you would please be so kind [8D]
QuoteOriginally posted by Voodoo5
Quotemaybe i'll change that, i dunno. or at least make an envvar so the user can choose.
If you would please be so kind [8D]
i am usually not :D, but i'll make an exception for you [:p]
now letting alone the joke, i really can't remember why i haven't changed it already. perhaps i'm either using 16bit on 16bit cards and 32bit on 32bit cards (although 16bit on 32bit cards could be somewhat faster)
Thank's Daniel, your the best ;)
QuoteOriginally posted by Voodoo5
Thank's Daniel, your the best ;)
i remember why it is the way it is right now. have you tried MESA_FX_IGNORE_TEXFMT?
I enabled it, but I'm not sure what it does ?
The only thing I noticed was that the intro to doom 3 showed a higher fps (40 instead of 30),no change in game performance though and I'm positive it was'nt playing in 16 bit color.
heya dborca,
I posted a (fairly lengthy and detailed) query on about a couple of errors I was getting with Clusterball (one with pure Glide, and then one trying to use MesaFX to bypass it), and patience said to come here and ask you, as you're probably the best bet for insight ;) Could you possibly take a look and see if there's anything you know about?
I'm somewhat loathe to repost it because of its length, but I can do that if it'd make life easier.
QuoteOriginally posted by Targaff
I posted a (fairly lengthy and detailed) query on about a couple of errors I was getting with Clusterball (one with pure Glide, and then one trying to use MesaFX to bypass it), and patience said to come here and ask you, as you're probably the best bet for insight ;) Could you possibly take a look and see if there's anything you know about?
I'm somewhat loathe to repost it because of its length, but I can do that if it'd make life easier.
i am not browsing FalconFly. at all! so you have to - either re-post the issue here or email it to me. in any case, limit yourself on your own postings (do not email me the entire forum).
QuoteOriginally posted by dborca
i am not browsing FalconFly. at all!
Ah, okay - I'd seen you there before so I figured you visited there, too.
I'll e-mail a copy of the post (and only that post, promise ;) to you later.
QuoteOriginally posted by Targaff
QuoteOriginally posted by dborca
i am not browsing FalconFly. at all!
Ah, okay - I'd seen you there before so I figured you visited there, too.
interesting, Sherlock.
QuoteI'll e-mail a copy of the post (and only that post, promise ;) to you later.
i got your email, i'll try to find some time for the bug.
QuoteOriginally posted by dborca
i got your email, i'll try to find some time for the bug.
Thanks, much appreciated!
ok, the problem was easy to spot, but hard to fix.
part of it was related to a problem in Mesa core (fixed now).
and part of it is related to the way this game uses palette textures. if i disable GL_EXT_paletted_texture, it will work (although the mouse lag is killing me). have to dig a bit more...
Thanks again, glad you could help (and glad I found something helpful and it wasn't just me doing something dumb!)
okay, boyz and galz,
it's been a while now... and it's been fun, for some; and less fun, for others. but all good things must come to an end. and lo, this is it: 3dfx is gone and so am i.
special thanks to AmigaMerlin, KoolSmoky, HankSemenec, FalconFly for helping me. i also wish to thank to all my friends/fans from MesaFx thread. last, but not least, my royal finger to the trolls/morons out there - not worth mentioning - and their protectors, too.
and with that, i bid you farewell.
ps: i would have liked to provide a final release today, but i can't. i can, however, assure there _will be_ one. AmigaMerlin will take care of it, in the near future. there may be spurious updates on my situ, but do not count on it! i will also keep the 3dfxzone account, just in case.
Take Care Daniel!!!
Saludos y nos vemos. ;)
QuoteOriginally posted by dborca
okay, boyz and galz,
it's been a while now... and it's been fun, for some; and less fun, for others. but all good things must come to an end. and lo, this is it: 3dfx is gone and so am i.
special thanks to AmigaMerlin, KoolSmoky, HankSemenec, FalconFly for helping me. i also wish to thank to all my friends/fans from MesaFx thread. last, but not least, my royal finger to the trolls/morons out there - not worth mentioning - and their protectors, too.
and with that, i bid you farewell.
ps: i would have liked to provide a final release today, but i can't. i can, however, assure there _will be_ one. AmigaMerlin will take care of it, in the near future. there may be spurious updates on my situ, but do not count on it! i will also keep the 3dfxzone account, just in case.
Thanx for your help on my little glide experiment on my NV40 card and thank Zeckensack too ;)
May the Force Be With You Always ,
dborca where ever you go, we're gonna miss you here [V]
QuoteOriginally posted by dborca
okay, boyz and galz,
it's been a while now... and it's been fun, for some; and less fun, for others. but all good things must come to an end. and lo, this is it: 3dfx is gone and so am i.
special thanks to AmigaMerlin, KoolSmoky, HankSemenec, FalconFly for helping me. i also wish to thank to all my friends/fans from MesaFx thread. last, but not least, my royal finger to the trolls/morons out there - not worth mentioning - and their protectors, too.
and with that, i bid you farewell.
ps: i would have liked to provide a final release today, but i can't. i can, however, assure there _will be_ one. AmigaMerlin will take care of it, in the near future. there may be spurious updates on my situ, but do not count on it! i will also keep the 3dfxzone account, just in case.
What I can add !! I'm not happy for this but [V], as Daniel wrote there isn't too much to develop then what Daniel wrote is that this is the end of the development for 3dfx card [:(]. Obviously Daniel will remain in our board because he is the soul of MesaFx and the last hope for our 3DFx User.
Daniel is a strong Developer and I hope he want to continue to help us doing bug fix ;) if any bug come out [:0].
Ciao Brother.
What a sad day !
But anyway, thank you Daniel, for all your hard work !
Good luck for your next projects and take care of yourself !
well... this is a sad day, like Rolo01... but it's good to be here, at the end of all things, well not at the end of D3d, but i suppose that this is the end of Ogl support....
Good Luck Daniel..
Thanks for all you have done....
Oh well...
This day had to come one time or another, and I often thought it had already come in 2002 and 2003 (luckily always proven wrong by skilled Programmers and people with a Vision)
At least things were achieved, that a year ago noone would have thought possible :)
IMHO the Hardware now does as good as good can do, and I'm sure everyone agrees that thanks to the excellent work done on the Drivers, our good old Voodoo's really stretched out further than any other 3D Hardware that ever existed.
I do hope though, that the Direct3D Sector continues improving just like OpenGL (MesaFX) Sector did, so that all 3dfx Cards can offer their owners the best 3D experience possible.
Thank you for your enormous contribution to the 3dfx community, your efforts have been greatly appreciated :D
I think I can speak for many users in saying we salute you [8D]
Job well done and all the best in your future endevours ;)
indeed.thanks for everything,especially for the hitman2/voodoo3 fix (that one was really a dream come true).
I wish you only the best in the future.and dont forget to stop by from time to time;)
your greatest fan
Thanks for everything Daniel, especially the removal of the 1600x1200 limit :)
Thanks to you! Thank you in the name of Czech 3Dfx community ;)
MesaFX was great work!
sad [V]
i hope this won't be end of ogl support..
Thank you Daniel. We will never forget.
Athlon XP-M 2500+ @ 2.3 GHZ
ABIT NF7-S Rev 2.0
512 MB Crucial memory
Win98 SE w/W2K dual boot
Directx 9.0b
Aureal Vortex 2 PCI sound card
Voodoo5 5500 PCI
we're gonna miss you....
but, it's OK. "Everything that has a beginning has an end..."
good luck in your life ;) (job & love :))
thank you a lot Mr. dborca. See you (soon[:o)])
Gabriel. Buenos Aires, ARG.
That's very sad news but I can understand. [:(]
I hope that you will continue with linux support. A little bit.
Well, I begun this thread knowing that this day would come sooner or latter. I begun this thread not knowing how far this guys could last with this project.
Our beloved 3dfx is not anymore with us since four years now, and thanks to guys like Daniel, we can still use them. I miss 3dfx, I would like it would still be here with us, but that cannot be truth. There've been so much work done, and GOOD WORK!!!
Daniel, thanks!, Thanks a lot! I would like to do something more for you than saying thank you!, but I guess it's all I can do.
I havent said a lot, but this seems like the time to speak out :)
When 3dfx went down the drain some years ago so to speak, i put my 3dfx voodoo5 5500agp
in my drawer never to again see the light of day. But then one day while browsing the internett i stumbeld uppon, and i again remeberd the voodoo that i left in the drawer for dead. I also stil had the old rig that it had "lived" in. So i took it out again and installed it downloaded MESA and the new XP compatible drivers
and suddely there was life again in the old voodoo5, the first thing i tried was serius sam and i was stunned by the speed and image quality that i got running 1280x1024, witch i never tought was possible, but yet it worked, and got improved over time to the level that MESA has today it can now run doom3, om sure i anyone had claimed something like that a year ago they would probably end up a month or two in the "puzzlehouse" :P , but daniel proved that you dont
need an army of engineers to manage such a deed, he took the voodoo cards to a level never before seen and managed to implemented features that no one thougt possible. So in my graditude i have something to offer as an parting gift.. and i hope that he will
share it with you
thanks for all your support and devotion to us, erm and our voodoo cards [:p]
An sneak peak of the parting gift
Image Insert:
22.31 KB
Update: hmm didnt work guess i have to put up a mirror then..[B)]
I Just want to express my gratitude to Daniel Borca ,
Ok I kept the V2 for sentimental reasons (as well my C64) in a drawer (a v3 and a V1 i also had where donated-given ).
But Mr Borca `s exceelent work was the reason why,
I put it out of the drawer and put it back in a pc slot in my computer again (where its still is) .
Thank you Mr Borca .
Hi to all and merry christmas:D
Anyone noticed Q3Arena brightness control not functional with latest mesafx pre-release? (9-12-2004)
today i was playing again with 3dfx stuff (it's kinda fun again and again.. ;)) and decided to look if newer mesafx is available. Interesting that in mesafx section in this site is clearly written "Newer MesaFX release v. 6.2 is on line and downloadable from common files section." but when it comes to downloads there are only version..
got to the dborca's site and found two newer versions ( - released on 02-nov-2004 and 09-dec-2004. There is written that the second one include icd and can be a replace to 3dfxogl.dll. Actually it's kinda confusing - why there are 2 seperate files 3dfxogl.dll and opengl32.dll? And what does the "ICD" thing change?
Also I've some questions about glide - why in driver packs there are standart glide3.dll, but when I want to install mesafx I have to install different glide3.dll? Which of them is faster?
Also a bit confusing about amigamerlin drivers, if it uses sfft d3d core and mesafx isn't included by default then which part did amigamerlin make? only inf mods and that's it?
about 3dfx driver sources.. dborca said they are at sourceforge glide development project, but when comparing the leaked sources to those ones it doesn't seem right. original sources are much bigger. maybe they left only critical files to build glide dll? or what we see there are files from glide sources which 3dfx released to linux. confusing :/ i assume then the only ones who have sources are the current developers and opensource thing is a myth.. can somebody explain me in plain english the situation?
about mesafx, what about it's sources? afaik mesa3d on which is it based is opensource, but main mesafx developer was dborca cooperating with amigamerlin and koolsmoky, don't know in detail.
I need someone to clear these things for me, it gets kinda confusing for me.. :/
Quotewhy there are 2 seperate files 3dfxogl.dll and opengl32.dll? And what does the "ICD" thing change?
I think it means you can rename opengl32.dll from mesafx to 3dfxogl.dll and replace it, but I tried that and it didn't work[xx(]
-About glide3x: I use the one included in the latest Amigamerlin drivers (date 5-10-04) and it's the most fast and compatible[8D]
Oh, and another thing. I benched mesafx (9-12-04)
and it's fast-fast-fast (in Quake3A). It beats everything[:0].Too bad it's so damned dark!
...using a V3, by theway :P
QuoteOriginally posted by r21vo
today i was playing again with 3dfx stuff (it's kinda fun again and again.. ;)) and decided to look if newer mesafx is available. Interesting that in mesafx section in this site is clearly written "Newer MesaFX release v. 6.2 is on line and downloadable from common files section." but when it comes to downloads there are only version..
MesaFx was distributed only with Amigamerlin 3.1 and Amigamerlin 3.1 R1 Package. So download it and you can find the mesafx 6.2
got to the dborca's site and found two newer versions ( - released on 02-nov-2004 and 09-dec-2004. There is written that the second one include icd and can be a replace to 3dfxogl.dll. Actually it's kinda confusing - why there are 2 seperate files 3dfxogl.dll and opengl32.dll? And what does the "ICD" thing change?
This mean that you can replace the original 3dfxogl.dll with the newer MesaFx that can be used as ICD. In the past this is not allowed. In the next release of Amigamerlin Driver, MesaFx will be installed as Default ICD (replacing by default the original and old 3dfxogl.dll)
This package will not contain any 3dfx original file.
Also I've some questions about glide - why in driver packs there are standart glide3.dll, but when I want to install mesafx I have to install different glide3.dll? Which of them is faster?
With the current MesaFX You can use wichver glide3x you want or you prefere. I suggest you the one distributed with amigamerlin package.
Also a bit confusing about amigamerlin drivers, if it uses sfft d3d core and mesafx isn't included by default then which part did amigamerlin make? only inf mods and that's it?
Yes, .inf modification; Amigamerlin package use non standard inf file and add some tweak and non standard Reg like Temporal AA or screenshot toggle that can be enabled by tools.
about 3dfx driver sources.. dborca said they are at sourceforge glide development project, but when comparing the leaked sources to those ones it doesn't seem right. original sources are much bigger. maybe they left only critical files to build glide dll? or what we see there are files from glide sources which 3dfx released to linux. confusing :/ i assume then the only ones who have sources are the current developers and opensource thing is a myth.. can somebody explain me in plain english the situation?
About glide you can find the lastest glide source in the glide-devel-branch on sourceforge.
about mesafx, what about it's sources? afaik mesa3d on which is it based is opensource, but main mesafx developer was dborca cooperating with amigamerlin and koolsmoky, don't know in detail.
I need someone to clear these things for me, it gets kinda confusing for me.. :/
I think Daniel can explain this much better than me; Anyway Koolsmoky is a Mesa developer, Daniel is a Mesa developer, me only an Hardware engineer ;) .
@agrelaphon: how big is difference in fps ?
I tried to replace 3dfxogl.dll with mesafx (w icd) but when i tried to run glview it crashed. throwing that dll into glview dir works and it doesn't crash.
in mesafx there were 6 glide3x.dll:
* regular one
* with TAA support
* for voodoo2
* for banshee
* for Blood raine game
* original one
why there are so many versions (ok for each voodoo board it's normal, but why there are one with TAA support, one for blood raine game, original one)? There must be one that works better than all others, aren't ?
also can you tell which files i need to overwrite from sfft latest alpha to amigamerlin driver pack to have amigamerlin drivers with latest sftt core? i guess 3dfxvs.dll, 3dfxvs.dx7, 3dfxvsm.sys?
r21vo, hi:D
I did tests with Q3Ademo, 1024res, demo001
-Wickedgl 3.02 (hi-res) About 39fps
-3dfx icd761 ~40fps
-Mesafx ~41fps
All this on a PIII@840, V3 3000.
Wickedgl had the sweetest (and brightest) image in my opinion, icd was somehow redish. I don't know, maybe it's supposed to be this way.
Mesafx wins by 1fps in the demo, but in game is up to 10fps faster in open places[:0]. It's just that the brightness control isn't working with it[xx(]
In other Q3 based games (sof2), wickedgl is faster.
Quotealso can you tell which files i need to overwrite from sfft latest alpha to amigamerlin driver pack to have amigamerlin drivers with latest sftt core? i guess 3dfxvs.dll, 3dfxvs.dx7, 3dfxvsm.sys?
3dfxvs.dll and 3dfxvsm.sys ciao
QuoteOriginally posted by r21vo
@agrelaphon: how big is difference in fps ?
I tried to replace 3dfxogl.dll with mesafx (w icd) but when i tried to run glview it crashed. throwing that dll into glview dir works and it doesn't crash.
in mesafx there were 6 glide3x.dll:
* regular one
* with TAA support
* for voodoo2
* for banshee
* for Blood raine game
* original one
why there are so many versions (ok for each voodoo board it's normal, but why there are one with TAA support, one for blood raine game, original one)? There must be one that works better than all others, aren't ?
QuoteAM said ;) :
With the current MesaFX You can use wichver glide3x you want or you prefere. I suggest you the one distributed with amigamerlin package.
So, mesafx (w icd) + glide3x OCT 2004, will do the job very well :)
QuoteOriginally posted by r21vo
also can you tell which files i need to overwrite from sfft latest alpha to amigamerlin driver pack to have amigamerlin drivers with latest sftt core? i guess 3dfxvs.dll, 3dfxvs.dx7, 3dfxvsm.sys?
yes, just both 3dfxvs.dll & 3dfxvsm.sys
then, what for is there 3dfxvs.dx7 ? it's a dx7 driver which can be enabled with SetDX7Mode.exe, right?
re-reading all this thread from start to end (it took many hours...) explained many things to me. About mesafx sources, they are actually at mesa cvs @ ?
Also i recently downloaded glexcess and tested various versions of mesafx - with original 3dfx icd (761) score was the biggest - 3495. the newer version of mesafx i tried, score decreased. With most recent mesafx (09-dec-2004; pre-release) i got 2848. Also i'd like to add that with original icd there were some minor glitches and bump-mapping scene run very slowly (~1 fps at end of scene - with mesafx there was about 50-60fps ) while mesafx releases did all tests very well. Maybe it's because newest mesafx have more features which glexcess use and that is a reason of score decrease?
3dfxvs.dx7 is a very old dx7 only build that I forgot to delete. I will delete it from the install sets if I remember.
QuoteOriginally posted by r21vo
then, what for is there 3dfxvs.dx7 ? it's a dx7 driver which can be enabled with SetDX7Mode.exe, right?
re-reading all this thread from start to end (it took many hours...) explained many things to me. About mesafx sources, they are actually at mesa cvs @ ?
Also i recently downloaded glexcess and tested various versions of mesafx - with original 3dfx icd (761) score was the biggest - 3495. the newer version of mesafx i tried, score decreased. With most recent mesafx (09-dec-2004; pre-release) i got 2848. Also i'd like to add that with original icd there were some minor glitches and bump-mapping scene run very slowly (~1 fps at end of scene - with mesafx there was about 50-60fps ) while mesafx releases did all tests very well. Maybe it's because newest mesafx have more features which glexcess use and that is a reason of score decrease?
Actually without MESAFX, a lot of effects and eyecandies in GLExcess will loss
maybe you can suggest a benchmark to compare changes made in mesafx? For example i'd like to see which tests couldn't be done, because lack of support..
r21vo, from what I remember, all the test can be done in glexcess.
It's that, newer versions had much less bugs and you can see "more" things (with my V3):D[:p]. You can clearly verify this, in the walterfall thing sceen and a few more. I also have to set 512x512 textures!
the most appearant different between MESAFX and Wicked GL is the Plane Chase Scene, the place will just disappears using Wicked GL driver
(tested in my V2 SLI)
glexcess didn't work with wickedgl on my v4..
currenlty i'm learning how to compile mesa for 3dfx (mesafx). The first attemt to compile mesa using MinGW compiler was succesful - I got mesa dll with software support. When compiling with 3dfx glide support (mingw32-make.exe -f Makefile.mgw X86=1 FX=1) i got many many errors. I found out that i need to place glide3 sdk (from in mesa top directory, but i couldn't manage to do that. Can somebody explain which files i need to put in glide3 directory in mesa source dir?
QuoteCan somebody explain which files i need to put in glide3 directory in mesa source dir?
I think it is explained in dborca's site;)
actually on dborca's site i couldn't find that info, but on mesa site there is readme for 3dfx version compiling and there is written:
How to compile:
Place the Glide3 SDK in the top Mesa directory:
Required headers:
3dfx.h, g3ext.h, glide.h, glidesys.h, glideutl.h, sst1vid.h
Required libraries:
OS specific
make -f Makefile.DJ X86=1 FX=1
make -f Makefile.mgw X86=1 FX=1
Look into the corresponding makefiles for further information.
So I collected requied header files from glide3 source and put them in glide3/include dir. I didn't created glide3/lib directory as i don't know which files i must put there.
I run "make -f Makefile.DJ X86=1 FX=1" as i have MinGW with MSys set up on my system. After some time of compiling error occured:
make[1]: *** No rule to make target `drivers/glide/fx.res', needed by `../../lib/opengl32.dll'. Stop.
make[1]: Leaving directory `/Mesa-6.2.1/src/mesa'
make: *** [libgl] Error 2
any ideas how to solve this?
1964 and Project64 are Nintendo64's emulators, and from the lastest mesafx version (feb '05), an OpenGL video plugin is not working anymore (with dec '05 icd release and previus, everything is OK)
Voodoo Using Glide
Voodoo Board: 1/1, Voodoo4 (tm), 1 GPU
Voodoo Memory: FB = 6078464, TM = 2 x 13166592
Voodoo Screen: 800x600:16 RGB, no vertex snapping
cpu vendor: AuthenticAMD
cpu name: AMD Athlon(TM) XP1700+
MMX cpu detected.
3DNow! cpu detected.
SSE cpu detected.
Testing OS support for SSE... yes.
Testing OS support for SSE unmasked exceptions...
these 2 warning's windows, and then the emulator closes itseft....
Image Insert:
31.7 KB
the LOG wrote:
Testing OS support for SSE... yes.
Testing OS support for SSE unmasked exceptions...
here it's a solution:
to skip the unmasked SSE exceptions detection:
loadN64.bat (1964 is the emulator "1964.exe")
I'm not sure what you tweaked in this latest beta, dborca (since everyone else could run the game already but me) but Uplink finally works. No wierd artifacts anymore, not even in accellerated mode. I haven't got to try it with NWN yet. Maybe after I upgrade to 2k this week I'll have time. Anyway your work is most appreciated on this end.
Thanks a million, you're fantastic.
AMD K62 @ 500mhz
Voodoo3 2000 (AmigaMerlin 2.9)
Long live Archaic Hardware!
I will also check NWN this weekend with my V5! Thankyou dborca, it's been a blast! [8D],the latest beta just bails out (running Uplink) with some memory adress error when running on voodoo2 SLI.I'll investigate further..
Yep, I had trouble to get the latest beta to work with SIN, which is based on the Quake2 engine. An older version of MesaFX ( 5.x ) works well.
You all may know this already, but this exe also works with a voodoo 3 with latest mesafx in NWN. This will also give you all game screens but still missing movies. Helps looking at the stats of the weapons.
..yes we know.this fix just enables sw rescaling (needed for voodoo2/3 to fix the menus) the easy way..
Quake 3 Arena + any mesafx:
can anyone press ALT+TAB in game to go back to windows' desktop and then can return to the game without problems?
I can't go back into the game....(only with original ICD [jan 2001])
..I think this is a mesafx limitation,you simply cant alt+tab from a game,cause once you return you will have only a black screen (the game will run in the background though).can be fixed by pressing console key (~) and typing vid_restart (and hit enter) for quake3 based games..
QuoteOriginally posted by ps47
..I think this is a mesafx limitation,you simply cant alt+tab from a game,cause once you return you will have only a black screen (the game will run in the background though).can be fixed by pressing console key (~) and typing vid_restart (and hit enter) for quake3 based games..
it fails with vid_restart.... the (edited) LOG:
Q3 1.32 win-x86 Oct 7 2002
----- Client Initialization -----
----- Initializing Renderer ----
----- Client Initialization Complete -----
----- R_Init -----
Initializing OpenGL subsystem
...initializing QGL
...calling LoadLibrary( 'C:\WINNT\system32\opengl32.dll' ): succeeded
...setting mode 3: 640 480 FS
...using desktop display depth of 16
...calling CDS: ok
...registered window class
...created window@0,0 (640x480)
Initializing OpenGL driver
...getting DC: succeeded
...GLW_ChoosePFD( 16, 16, 0 )
...5 PFDs found
...hardware acceleration found
...PIXELFORMAT 2 selected
...creating GL context: succeeded
...making context current: succeeded
Initializing OpenGL extensions
...using GL_S3_s3tc
...using GL_EXT_texture_env_add
...using WGL_EXT_swap_control
...using GL_ARB_multitexture
...using GL_EXT_compiled_vertex_array
...using WGL_3DFX_gamma_control
PIXELFORMAT: color(16-bits) Z(16-bit) stencil(0-bits)
MODE: 3, 640 x 480 fullscreen hz:60
GAMMA: hardware w/ 0 overbright bits
CPU: AMD w/ 3DNow!
rendering primitives: single glDrawElements
picmip: 1
texture bits: 16
multitexture: enabled
compiled vertex arrays: enabled
texenv add: enabled
compressed textures: enabled
GL_VENDOR: Brian Paul
GL_RENDERER: Mesa Glide v0.63 Voodoo4 (tm)
GL_VERSION: 1.2 Mesa 6.3
RE_Shutdown( 1 )
Shutting down OpenGL subsystem
...wglMakeCurrent( NULL, NULL ): success
...deleting GL context: success
...releasing DC: success
...destroying window
...resetting display
...shutting down QGL
...unloading OpenGL DLL
----- Initializing Renderer ----
----- R_Init -----
Initializing OpenGL subsystem
...initializing QGL
...calling LoadLibrary( 'C:\WINNT\system32\opengl32.dll' ): succeeded
...setting mode 3: 640 480 FS
...using desktop display depth of 16
...calling CDS: ok
...created window@0,0 (640x480)
Initializing OpenGL driver
...getting DC: succeeded
...GLW_ChoosePFD( 16, 16, 0 )
...5 PFDs found
...hardware acceleration found
...PIXELFORMAT 2 selected
...creating GL context: failed
...failed hard
...restoring display settings
...WARNING: could not set the given mode (3)
...setting mode 3: 640 480 FS
...using colorsbits of 16
...calling CDS: ok
...created window@0,0 (640x480)
Initializing OpenGL driver
----- CL_Shutdown -----
RE_Shutdown( 1 )
Shutting down OpenGL subsystem
...wglMakeCurrent( NULL, NULL ): success
...releasing DC: failed
...destroying window
...resetting display
...shutting down QGL
...unloading OpenGL DLL
----- Server Shutdown -----
==== ShutdownGame ====
AAS shutdown.
Closed log botlib.log
Q_strncpyz: NULL src
ok,I guess it would be a good idea to create a list of games that dont work with mesafx (I mean games that should work,but they dont for unknown reasons)
-soldier of fortune 2 (the game wont error message,just "cant load opengl" in the console.tested on voodoo2 and voodoo3)
-half life1 steam (error message "verify if opengl is installed".tested on voodoo2 and voodoo3)
-opengl port of duke nukem 3d ( (the game starts,but the graphics are messed up badly.tested on voodoo2 and voodoo3.I think I have mentioned this already.)
SoF2 worked with mesafx + V3, at the time I had it installed. It was not fast, that's all. Don't remember what O/S I had though:). I'll install it again;)
...and it works! :D Here are some screenshots, medium settings, 640x480 (runs very smooth)
..can you give me exact settings (OS,voodoo3 driver,glide3x version)? I have tried it on athlon xp 3000/voodoo3 (and voodoo2 SLI)/xp,but no deal,the game simply didnt launch:
Image Insert:
101.63 KB
maybe I should try it on my celeron600/voodoo3 3500tv/win98se machine..
Ok, Voodoo3 3000, SFFT alpha26
Win2000 sp4
mesafx 6.3 PR (15-2-2005)
glide3x (5-10-2004, 336kB)
So, maybe it's the XP that will not let it run[?]
ok,the game works on voodoo2 under win98se,but fails to launch on a voodoo3 3500tv under win98se (latest original driver),it just gives an "abnormal termination" window..I gues its a driver/my system issue,so lets just forget about it[:p]
why is it trying to load opengl32.dll from D:???? this could be the culprit too. also, are you sure the opengl32.dll that it is trying to load is the one you want it to load? winxp is known to step on a botched driver install without some serious intervention. but seriously, the D: thingy could be bothering the game itself.... I've seen it before as some games HAD to be on C: to run. is D: the cdrom drive????? that would be BAD.
naah.D:\ is the winxp partition.but you could be right,I know that some games hate being on other partition than C:..
New Opengl viewer (2.17) now shows Mesa logo:D
yeah, but why does it crash when new ICD driver is used?
Any news about a new version? =)
I have found some bugs, too:
1. Soldier of Fortune => textures @ high result in very low fps and many white surfaces (no textures)
2. Gamma isn't adjustable
Dunno if it was already mentioned.
Greetings from Germany,
it was mentioned.about SOF,its a known problem,but not really worth fixing,because wickedgl works perfectly with this game..but mesafx does have problems with gamma in cerain games.dunno why.
Oh, ok.
Maybe at least the gamma bug could be fixed ... gaming at darkness is no fun -- the only exception is Doom³. ;-)
..seems like certain games that normally run fine with mesafx wont even start if you have a pc with more graphics cards (for example radeon9800 AGP+voodoo3 PCI).games like quake3,soldier of fortune2,oni and others.strangely,quake1,quake2 and others dont seem to have a problem.can someone confirm this? (I have tested it on two different pcs with the same result.)
I'm currently using a GeForce 6800 AGP and a Voodoo5 5500 PCI as secondary device. Boot from AGP is essential, then it works -- everything. I don't know any OpenGL games that don't start with MesaFX
il2 sturmovik forgotten battles doesn't start with mesa 6.3 ICD, but with mesa 6.2 in the game's folder the game runs... or better races!
on 1024x768 all at the max the game is fully playable[:p]
MesaFX 6.3.1 pre-release can be downloaded from dborca's site ( since 15/02/2005 ;)
Are there any differences between the old and new one?
Greetings & thanks,
Will Daniel Borca realise new MesaFX?
[8D] Thats the way it is done do you not think so. [8D]
Daniel Borca made some change in DXTn. Are there anybody who compiled a new one?
well I hope someone compiles it and makes it available somewhere..with a guide o how to use it,because no matter what I do,I just dont have any speed improvements with the current dxtn.dll [B)]
(wolf ET custom timedemo:
wickedgl: 45FPS,small texture compression artifacts
mesafx: 36FPS,no texture compression artifacts
mesafx+dxtn.dll: 36FPS,small texture compression artifacts
I just compiled the new one (11-10-2005), you can download it from here ( Tough, haven't tested it on action yet, so do it on your own risk ;)
no,dxtn.dll improves texture compression.not available on the voodoo3.
magillom: this dxtn.dll adds support for DTXn texture comression (which is present in hardware) in MesaFX. Voodoo3 doesn't have this hardware support and because of that it has no impact on v3.
Now, it's been exactly a year since my departure, so I thought it would be a nice timing to drop a few words...
It's nice to see the forum is pretty much alive. Many topics are active. Yet I chose this one because it was most comfortable for me and, frankly, I didn't feel like beginning a new one.
So, guys, keep up the good spirit and have a nice winter holiday!
For the technically oriented: although I still have developer rights in Mesa team, there is very unlikely that any new FX release will see the day of light. I am sorry, but real-life issues won.
There is a complete new driver, called Sage, on my webpage; I do it in my spare time, and perhaps - just perhaps - a really working version will be released. The texture compression code on my webpage was revisited to allow Sage to decompress textures on-the-fly.
too bad,I was still waiting for the final for sage,its good to know you still have some tricks in the x-mas gift ever :D.tried the alpha already but it didnt work (glquake),maybe I was doing something wrong,or maybe I should just wait for a newer release..
anyway,thanks for dropping by,its great to hear some news after that loong year of silence.happy holidays ;)
Hi Daniel,
its good to hear from you again. I hope you are doing fine, I cannot believe it has already been a year ago since you left.
Anyway, I wish you good luck, a merry christmas and a happy new year.
Take care
indeed, have a nice merry christmas and a happy new year [:-)]
thanks, Gabriel ^_^
I have tested the SAGE OpenGL Driver on my computer,
it's at the Return to the castle Wolfenstein.:D
Faster speed and better Image quality in the game....[8D]
I think......;)
Merry christmas and happy new year to everyone also!!! :D
r21vo You write on your website, that 3dmark01 gains performance with dxtn.dll. I thought its only possible to use with MesaFX...
i don't know if it here that this question must be posted but here it goes : sage opengl driver works in win9x? xp?the installation procedure is the same of mesa?
other question that I have..when putting mesa in the game's directory we select 3dfx gl or default opengl in order to work with mesa?
in cs 1.5 it is only putting the opengl32.dll in gldrv folder or must we do more things?
[[]] and thanks for this miracle!god bless u [8D]
I had notice of a boost in dosbox with SAGE driver I substitute it in AmigaMerlin R11 for now it's the only opengl app :) (who know how work with blender?? :)
Thanks one more time Daniel
Hi all,
When I try glquake or glview with sage I get this msgbox
I tried with diferent versions of glide3x.dll (3dfx original koolsmosky and glidexp)
Hi again,
As the attachment didn't work.....
The msgbox says:
"The procedure entry point grAlphaBlendFunction@16 could not be located in the dynamic link library glide3x.dll"
Any ideas?
This error is a common error on SAGE. I suppose Daniel will have to fix this error in future revisions.
Hi to ALL,
I am beginner in this topic and I need help if possible.
What is the recommended Driver for DOOM3 game[?](it uses Glide I suppose).My system components is down.
I'm just wondering does the new Sage GL Driver run Call of Duty on a Voodoo3? I used the Sage opengl32.dll file with PowerStrip and used it to tell me what OpenGL features it supported. They contained S3tc. Didn't DBorca say that S3tc was faked for cards that don't support it? Would this fool Call of Duty and other games?? of duty needs texture compression,and will not run without a special patch.a beta version exists already,but it is not available to the public yet (and the author seems to be missing right now)..
It works, with dxtn.dll.
QuoteOriginally posted by dborca
It works, with dxtn.dll.
Sage + dxtn.dll => Voodoo 3 + Call of Duty [?]
now that would be really surprising.full s3tc support on voodoo3?
btw,a small list of sage envvars would be quite helpful (or is it possible to use standard mesafx vars?),I would like to try out sw rescaling with sage (pixelformat issues with mesafx,maybe sage will work better.the game is fairies (
edit: me idiot should really learn to read inis.slaps self.
SAGE don't work on any game with my voodoo5 pci. Mesafx works ok
Does anybody plan to compile mesafx with the new releases?
Mesa is currently in version 6.4.2 (stable) or 6.5 developement
Also, I think that a "how to compile" document could be very useful!
Just install Microsoft Visual Studio. The instructions to compile are on the mesa site. You just need to open the workspace and build the dll's.
QuoteOriginally posted by Mikulaish
Just install Microsoft Visual Studio. The instructions to compile are on the mesa site. You just need to open the workspace and build the dll's.
Not so. Those are for software rendering.
AFAIK Glide backend does not compile as-is. I plan to have a look at it in the next few days.
Oh, and will also update Sage.
great to hear :)
QuoteOriginally posted by dborca
QuoteOriginally posted by Mikulaish
Just install Microsoft Visual Studio. The instructions to compile are on the mesa site. You just need to open the workspace and build the dll's.
Not so. Those are for software rendering.
AFAIK Glide backend does not compile as-is. I plan to have a look at it in the next few days.
Oh, and will also update Sage.
Wellcome back Dany,... really wellcome back my friend ;).
Ciao C.P.
I agree with Amiga ;). It's nice reading Daniel posts and playing OpenGL games with his Software :)
Bye bye
Yes, nice to hear from you again DBORCA..... I've missed those heady days when NWN didn't work until you started to tweak your Mesafx and suddenly I could play NWN with my V5!
Welcome back! I'm really looking forward to playing games with some new OGL files. =D
Greetings from Germany,
QuoteOriginally posted by dborca
I plan to have a look at it in the next few days.
Oh, and will also update Sage.
Did you found the time to work at Mesa FX new release and at the updated Sage, Daniel? Thank you for still offering support for us, the 3DFX comunity!
Hi all,
I have a smal question.
- How I can install correctly MeasaFX for my PSX emulator (ePSXe), to be able to play in Opengl/Glide mode ?
- I want to make the same thing with the Nintendo 64 emulator (Project64) but, I didn't find the option to play in Opengl/Glide mode in this emulator [?]
Thenks for help.
I imagine it's no different from any other app, but I'm curious as to why you're not using the native Glide plugin for both? Project64 in particular has a very good Glide implementation.
dont use opengl if you can use a native glide plugin.there are no real simple as that.
Any development on MesaFX? :(
Greetings from Germany,
hello... I've been trying Quake2 under Windows XP, using OpenGL, but the original exe just exists without any explanation (default OpenGL or 3dfx OpenGL, it doesn't matter, only software works); I've downloaded r1q2 ( and tried it (using default OpenGL and r1gl OpenGL) and it does something more than the original exe: it tells me it crashed and generates a log and a dump file; the log file lists 3dfxOGL.dll as crash point:
Stack trace:
Stack EIP Arg0 Arg1 Arg2 Arg3 Address
0012EA18 61FE6E14 61FD0380 FFFFFFFF 77C36D37 61FD065D 3dfxOGL.dll!0x61fe6e14
0012EA38 61FD0452 000000DF 000000E0 00000000 00000001 3dfxOGL.dll!0x61fd0452
0012EA58 61FD0679 09EB0084 09EB0084 0012EAF0 61E92042 3dfxOGL.dll!0x61fd0679
0012EAD8 61F36A9A 09EB0084 09EB0048 0012EB20 61E940F3 3dfxOGL.dll!0x61f36a9a
0012EAE8 61E92042 09EB0048 012E6E38 61EFE470 61EFE470 3dfxOGL.dll!0x61e92042
0012EAF8 61E940F3 09EB0048 012F1CF0 00000000 0012EBC8 3dfxOGL.dll!0x61e940f3
0012EB28 61E942C5 012F1CF0 00000000 0012EBC8 012E6E38 3dfxOGL.dll!0x61e942c5
0012EB58 61FEF436 00180142 00000007 00000000 6207A970 3dfxOGL.dll!0x61fef436
0012EE28 62066721 0D010806 5ED19652 5EDAC6E0 001A8264 3dfxOGL.dll!0x62066721
0012EE58 62067CDF 0D010806 00000000 0012EFD0 0D010806 3dfxOGL.dll!0x62067cdf
0012EE78 5ED1B8C9 7FF50000 014CE48C 00000006 00000000 opengl32.dll!0x5ed1b8c9
0012EEA0 5ED1BA21 00000000 00000000 00000001 1000FCDF opengl32.dll!0x5ed1ba21
0012EFE0 5ED1BADD 0D010806 10062668 1006266C 0012FA00 opengl32.dll!0x5ed1badd
0012EFF0 1000FCDF 00000008 00000000 00000000 00000280 ref_gl.dll!0x1000fcdf
0012F030 10010040 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 ref_gl.dll!0x10010040
This happens every time I start r1q2 with OpenGL... also, the game does start by telling r1q2 not to generate the crash log... then it enters fullscreen OpenGL game console and in the console it lists some errors:
Loading ref_gl.dll
ref_gl version: GL 0.01
Initializing OpenGL display
...setting mode 3: 640 480 FS
...attempting fullscreen
...using desktop display depth of 16
...calling CDS: ok
GLimp_Init() - qwglMakeCurrent failed
VID_CreateWindow() - GLimp_InitGL failed
ref_gl::R_SetMode() - invalid mode
Initializing OpenGL display
...setting mode 3: 640 480 W
ref_gl::R_ShutDown() - qwglMakecurrent failed
...setting windowed mode
GL PFD: color(32 bits) Z(24 bits)
the rest of the console text doesn't matter (it lists the capabilities of the OpenGL library)... the result is the game running in OpenGL fullscreen 640x480 (not windowed) after it reported a crash and after I denied it to create the crash log
I'm using SFFT48 with the included MesaFX ( and a Voodoo4 4500 AGP video card, under Windows XP SP2 fully updated
In case somebody still works on MesaFX, maybe you can use this information to improve it
thank you
Later edit:
Here is another trace taken from another system with the same video card, drivers, same OS (clean install)
Stack trace:
Stack EIP Arg0 Arg1 Arg2 Arg3 Address
0012EB28 61FE6E14 61FD0380 FFFFFFFF 77C36D37 61FD065D 3dfxOGL.dll!0x61fe6e14
0012EB48 61FD0452 012D4180 012D0168 00000000 00000002 3dfxOGL.dll!0x61fd0452
0012EB68 61FD0679 096D0084 096D0084 0012EC00 61E92042 3dfxOGL.dll!0x61fd0679
0012EBE8 61F36A9A 096D0084 096D0048 0012EC30 61E940F3 3dfxOGL.dll!0x61f36a9a
0012EBF8 61E92042 096D0048 012D3AE8 61EFE470 61EFE470 3dfxOGL.dll!0x61e92042
0012EC08 61E940F3 096D0048 012D4188 00000000 0012ECD8 3dfxOGL.dll!0x61e940f3
0012EC38 61E942C5 012D4188 00000000 0012ECD8 012D3AE8 3dfxOGL.dll!0x61e942c5
0012EC68 61FEF436 000A013A 0000000C 00000000 6207A970 3dfxOGL.dll!0x61fef436
0012EF38 62066721 01010052 5ED19652 5EDAC6E0 00145674 3dfxOGL.dll!0x62066721
0012EF68 62067CDF 01010052 00000000 0012F0E0 01010052 3dfxOGL.dll!0x62067cdf
0012EF88 5ED1B8C9 7FF50000 01364444 00000006 00000000 opengl32.dll!0x5ed1b8c9
0012EFB0 5ED1BA21 00000000 00000000 00000001 1000FCDF opengl32.dll!0x5ed1ba21
0012F0F0 5ED1BADD 01010052 10062668 1006266C 0012FB10 opengl32.dll!0x5ed1badd
0012F100 1000FCDF 00000008 00000000 00000000 00000400 ref_gl.dll!0x1000fcdf
0012F140 10010040 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 ref_gl.dll!0x10010040
Later edit #2:
I've just discovered that I was using an outdated ref_gl.dll q2 renderer. For some reason, the steam version of quake2 is 3.19, not 3.20 (even if it was compiled on july 2007). The game works just fine with the 3.20 exe and the 3.20 default opengl renderer.
I was wrong... using the original 3.20 quake2.exe, the game starts using default opengl, I only can use the menu, but problems appear when I attempt to enter on a map (single, multi or a demo, it doesn't matter)
the r1q2, using the original ref_gl.dll or ref_r1ql.dll exits with the same crash logs:
Stack trace:
Stack EIP Arg0 Arg1 Arg2 Arg3 Address
0012EA1C 61FE6E14 61FD0380 FFFFFFFF 77C36D37 61FD065D 3dfxOGL.dll!0x61fe6e14
0012EA3C 61FD0452 000000E0 000000E0 00000000 00000001 3dfxOGL.dll!0x61fd0452
0012EA5C 61FD0679 0A2A0084 0A2A0084 0012EAF4 61E92042 3dfxOGL.dll!0x61fd0679
0012EADC 61F36A9A 0A2A0084 0A2A0048 0012EB24 61E940F3 3dfxOGL.dll!0x61f36a9a
0012EAEC 61E92042 0A2A0048 012E6E38 61EFE470 61EFE470 3dfxOGL.dll!0x61e92042
0012EAFC 61E940F3 0A2A0048 012F1CF0 00000000 0012EBCC 3dfxOGL.dll!0x61e940f3
0012EB2C 61E942C5 012F1CF0 00000000 0012EBCC 012E6E38 3dfxOGL.dll!0x61e942c5
0012EB5C 61FEF436 000A00BE 00000007 00000000 6207A970 3dfxOGL.dll!0x61fef436
0012EE2C 62066721 BF010269 5ED19652 5EDAC6E0 0019E544 3dfxOGL.dll!0x62066721
0012EE5C 62067CDF BF010269 00000000 0012EFD4 BF010269 3dfxOGL.dll!0x62067cdf
0012EE7C 5ED1B8C9 7FF50000 014CE2E4 00000006 00000000 opengl32.dll!0x5ed1b8c9
0012EEA4 5ED1BA21 00000000 00000000 00000001 1000E4ED opengl32.dll!0x5ed1ba21
0012EFE4 5ED1BADD BF010269 000001E0 00000280 90000000 opengl32.dll!0x5ed1badd
0012EFF4 1000E4ED 0012F148 770101CB 0012FA00 7E46B1D8 ref_gl.dll!0x1000e4ed
0012F034 1000DD25 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 ref_gl.dll!0x1000dd25
also... for the first time, I encountered another issue... windows reported that the 3dfxvs.sys driver stopped responding, this happened while I was in quake2 (original q2 3.20 exe), using default opengl and I wanted to join some server (any server) or load a map (any map).
From windows's logs:
"Application popup: Windows - Display Driver Stopped Responding : The 3dfxvs display driver has stopped working normally. Save your work and reboot the system to restore full display functionality. The next time you reboot the machine a dialog will be displayed giving you a chance to upload data about this failure to Microsoft."
"The driver 3dfxvs for the display device \Device\Video0 got stuck in an infinite loop. This usually indicates a problem with the device itself or with the device driver programming the hardware incorrectly. Please check with your hardware device vendor for any driver updates."
Or it triggers a machine check exception (BSOD) or another another BSOD (3dfxvs.sys, STOP 0xEA(,,,0x01)). Same thing with r1q2 and the 3.20 gl renderer.
If I start the game (with the same original 3.20 exe and 3.20 default opengl driver), the game crashes when tring to run the first demo, windows records this in its logs:
"Faulting application quake2.exe, version, faulting module glide3x.dll, version, fault address 0x0002b848."
I can reproduce everytime the things above.
you can use&test with this multiplayer-fitted quake 2 demo:
and R1Q2:
quake2 3.20 with default opengl
r1q2 with default opengl
r1q2 with r1gl
after launching, R1Q2 will ask you to generate a crash log, press No to enter the menu game
after you launch the game (during the ID Software logo movie), press ` to bring up the console
connect (only with r1q2 and anticheat)
it will trigger a BSOD or a driver hang after it loads the last file
R1Q2 and R1GL works, but the game takes a big performance hit when using items that explodes (rockets, grenades, etc) and dynamic lightning is enabled (gl_dynamic 1). This doesn't mean that R1Q2 with R1GL doesn't ask to output a crash log when launching the game. Plus other issues which I can't reproduce
thanks for the heads up :)