Hey all
Now I know the message is the same, but it words it at it's best.
As co-owner of the x-3dfx facebook section I have decided with my crew to mass report this so the more reports ebay gets the sooner it will be taken down.
Here the Fraudulent Voodoo5 6000 listing:
Seller info:
Even that they have 16 Feedback points, could be friends of them or alt accounts made by the same seller
If I am not aloud to post this here, feel free to let me know and I will remove it.
Hereby I will advise Surrimugge to also report this seller for stealing their photo material of their own card, there is a way to contact ebay manually which is the way I'd go for I'd phone them and get this sorted out as soon as possible.
Stealing & using photo's from others for sales is breaking rules with ebay even as other market place sites goes using fake photo's or stolen photo's is always a big no no, so you can report the seller from doing this.
At x-3dfx we have already mass reported this sale but the more people report the better and the sooner ebay will have it removed as well.
So please help warn your own 3dfx communities for those that are part of other ones so no one needs to fall for this fraudulent sale thereby helping to protect your own members.
Keep your members safe 3dfzone.it especially from such fraudulent listings, DO NOT fall for it!
General Kenobi out.
The seller stole the photo's from x86 Secret major thanks go to [user='124']GrandAdmiralThrawn[/user] for providing me this info :)
Here photos of Surri's actual card from 3dfx.ch:
Surri's card with his name tag on the day he got it:
Surri's card top view revealing the wire positions and internal hookup & tie wrap on the power cord:
Seller''s photo, revealing the exact same positions of wires even how they are bent and how that internal power hookup is mounted;
Left alone the placing of the tiewrap to bind the cables of the power hookup, all the same:
Here the rear views of both cards, revealingNFR decal placement and barcode & serial number decal placements:
Surri's card:
Seller's card:
All the same placements, every Voodoo5 6000 left alone as every other 3dfx card all have varied decal placements one is sloped more than the other etc, the photo's are 100% didentical
It is also known that Surrimugge still uses his card for his own You tube channel for reviews and how the card performs with varied games of it's time to games like Half Life2.
He would never sell his card as it's well known thoughout the entire 3dfx community.
The seller also stole the photo's from x86 Secret:
Major thanks go to GrandAdmiralThrawn from VoodooAlert.de for providing this information :)
Here Surri's YT channel:
3dfxhistory = Surrimugge
He recently made a video with his V6K, roughly 20 mins ago:
Well it seems this seller has been busy again and trying to sell a 3dfx Voodoo5 5500 AGP 64MB with box & Driver CD on ebay as well even though the photo is again stolen from an other friend of mine aka [user='662']MadYoshi[/user] from B Voodooalert.de as well it's this auction that being:
As you can see the photo actually comes from this website that my friend MadYoshi runs and owns:
Here the picture from this site:
Here the actual link of it:
He told me he had the card since 2001 and he still has it, I can't stand that ebay is o slow even the 100+ Reports they had of this seller doing these fake auctions....
I really hope this scammer gets banned from ebay , just a shame ebay is so slow at actually removing scammers , it's kind of disappointing and it's also affecting my friends as well, ah well I am going to report this one just as I did with the other one it's all we can do sadly.
Even so, I still bet all the other auctions this guy has are stolen images of other people as well...won't be all too surprised then either if I have to be very honest [:(]
Great News guys!!!
#8203;All auctions of this seller aka scammer have been taken down! HAH YES !!!!
Hereby I would like to thank everyone that helped reporting this scammer and also replying and even just reading my thread, point being it's just one scammer less,so thanks <3
Formidable !!
#8203;#8203;Mission Accomplished!! :D [8D]
Well that was short lived
It seems the seller just relisted their sales again...
Here the d*mn seller's page:
Here the 6K:
Here the 5500, still using @MadYoshi's pics:
It seems one Oak Polish is the guy that stole videos & Pics from their owners and it also seems that this connected to the scammer from ebay selling the cards with photo's from people I actually know.
Here a video from this Oak Polish guy, he took screenshots from his monitor from parts of this video and used them as photo's for his false Voodoo5 6000 auction...
Again this is stolen video material from my friend Surrimugge:
It seems the scammer was IP banned, now we can live in peace my 3dfx friends :)
Got confirmation via VA :)
QuoteOriginally posted by Obi-Wan Kenobi
It seems the scammer was IP banned,
IP's are so hard to change...
Don't be amazed if he comes back
Hi guys, I'm happy to read you once again :).
And many thanks Obi for your detailed posts: I'm sure these be useful for 3dfx enthusiasts and lovers ;).
If you need, I'm here.
Bye bye