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3dfx Hardware & Software => General Discussions => Topic started by: kaiser77_1982 on 25 December 2018, 15:30:33

Title: Presentation and crowdfunding campaign of The Legacy of 3dfx
Post by: kaiser77_1982 on 25 December 2018, 15:30:33


I'm preparing the forthcoming publication of a book about 3dfx and the history of 3D computer graphics. On November 25 I presented the book in Retrosevilla Expo 2018 (Seville, Spain) which will also launch a crowdfunding campaign on Kickstarter that will run until December 31st.

The book wil be in English and Spanish, and I think this book can be interesting in this forum. This forum helped so much with it.

As I announced previously, the book will contain exclusive content and I'd like to share two samples with you:  
Rampage: https://twitter.com/3dfxlegacy/status/1072192825238929408  
Gigapixel: https://twitter.com/3dfxlegacy/status/1068077407645696000

Feel free to contact me if you have any questions.
Many thanks and regards :D

KS: https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/mgp1982/the-legacy-of-3dfx-el-legado-de-3dfx