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3dfx Hardware & Software => General Discussions => Topic started by: Mikulaish on 29 January 2006, 09:35:34

Title: Intresting Things
Post by: Mikulaish on 29 January 2006, 09:35:34
First: http://www.albatron.com.tw/english/it/vga/atop_page.asp
Second: the KT400 and KT400A chipsets both support AGP 2x(3.3v). Instead of going to church sunday (I never do) I found these.:D
Regards. Alpar
Title: Intresting Things
Post by: r21vo on 31 January 2006, 15:54:57
Where did you found second one? AFAIK they don't.
Title: Intresting Things
Post by: Mikulaish on 31 January 2006, 18:13:11
Second: www.viaarena.com chipset specs. The only problem is that motherboard manufacturers do not use this feature. So it's of no use, I know.... The first one is useless as well. Hank told me so.

edit : link corrected ;)
Title: Intresting Things
Post by: youkaizero on 31 January 2006, 22:00:46
So then will this boost performance or anything?>_>
Title: Intresting Things
Post by: Mikulaish on 31 January 2006, 22:58:56
It is about compatibility, not performance boost. And no. These are just interesting, but absolutely useless. Regards. Alpar