Hi everyone,
Would like to say this is an awsome site, keep up the good work! :)
Im having problems with UT2k4. I would like to try it with mesafx but the in-game menu does not give me the option of opengl what gives? i'm sure i have the latest version of UT2k4, 3355 or something...
d3d sucks it would seem.. will post screens very soon!
can anyone check my specs and suggest any settings driver updates etc..
does anyone else have any experiences to share with this game?
also is there a search function on this forum?
to enable opengl you have to edit the ut2004.ini file
at the beginning there should be something like that:
you have to add a ";" before the d3d line and delete before the ogl line
note that opengl renderer in ut2004 is buggy and slow..
cheers guys,
i will give it a go :)
About D3D, it would be perhaps interesting and easier to try a driver (like Raziel64) using the last beta core under Win9x.