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Gaming with 3dfx Voodoo cards => Games => Topic started by: Pulsus on 22 March 2005, 22:46:11

Title: Quake III problem
Post by: Pulsus on 22 March 2005, 22:46:11

I am new here, and new using voodoo's (my first i bought a month ago).
 The only game that i am having problems its Quake III Arena, i can play with no problems with the version that are in the CD, but if i update to the release 1.32, i just have a black screen an need to use the restart button, my dead radeon 9000pro just plays fine the 1.32 version.

 I tried WickedGL and MesaFX, the both don't have any effect..

 MY rig:

 Asus A7V133
 XP M 2500+ @ 2300mhz
 512MB pc 133
 Voodoo 5 5500 64MB AGP
 Windows XP SP 2
 Directx 9.0
 Amigamerlin 3.1 R6


Title: Quake III problem
Post by: ggab on 24 March 2005, 07:59:57
0) press left mouse button several times (1 per second) for 20 seconds... more or less. You should get the intro scene.
1) delete q3config.cfg and re-test
2) and did you try with default OGL ICD? (Jan 2001 ICD)
Title: Quake III problem
Post by: Pulsus on 24 March 2005, 22:19:21

 i am really thanks, the number 0) trick resolved my problem....

