Ok..Heres the deal..I just got done building a computer to use my 5500 agp for a quake 3 lan box.. heres the stats
Biostar P4SFA http://www.biostar-usa.com/mbdetails.asp?model=P4SFA
winsys 300w 18a/12v PSU
Voodoo 5500 agp 3dfx 1.04 driver
win98se fully updated
512mb ddr333
Whole build went fine..all drivers installed,installed quake 3 and test drive 5..Both games work on single chip mode but when i try to load the games in dual chip mode..i just get black bars across the screen and cant get out of it..have to hard shutdown,Any setting iam missing??
try some more games and see if they all behave the same way..but I'm afraid that the second chip (or its memory) might be damaged.
Thanks for the tip..i slapped in a 500w dual rail power supply and installed 2 more gams and still no 2 chip joy[:(] Just to make sure it wasnt anything board related i slapped in a Geforce 2 ultra and it worked perfect.
Please bow ya head in a moment of silence for the 5500's family
Biostar P4SFA
Intel 478 2.4/512/533
512mb DDR333
Nvidia Geforce 2 Ultra
40gb WD400
i do have also a v5 that is working only in single chip mode.
when the second chip is enable, the windows freeze...
for sure, if you can"t enable dual chip mode, then the second VSA is dead....
Last week i pulled out this computer again and changed the OS to windows 2000 and a Voodoo3 and its working nice..But i really want to try the Voodoo 5500 again..a few things i wanted to verify..
the card only works in AGP 1X?
AGP fast write off?
Video shadowing off?
What other settings should i look for in the bios??
The settings that you mention above don't influence "that much" the card function in dual mode.
So, that i recomend just to load the bios fail safe settings, and try again.
I have a similar problem with a v5 of mine.
After reheating the card with a hot gun, the card worked well but only for some weeks...after that's returns to his similar behaviour...single chip only :(
check also if not the card is setted to work in single mode, via 3dfx tools :)
QuoteOriginally posted by m14raduI have a similar problem with a v5 of mine.
After reheating the card with a hot gun, the card worked well but only for some weeks...after that's returns to his similar behaviour...single chip only :(
What kind of hot gun did you use? The kind of hot gun used to remove paintings? -> http://www.howardelectronics.com/steinel/images/hgbreakdownweb.jpg
yes, it's look like that.
I get it from a friend of mine who use it for reparing laptop PCB's.
..Still one chip mode..Looks like its blown..damn
please take a closer look on the PCB, for missing components or damages..any kind of...