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Hardware Components => General Hardware => Topic started by: agrelaphon on 22 September 2004, 23:42:21

Title: Desktop replacement
Post by: agrelaphon on 22 September 2004, 23:42:21
Hi to all. Thikning of replacing my desktop PC with a laptop[:p]. Which proc should I go with? Centrino, P4M, or AMD64[?]. I'm open to sugestions guys[8)]
Title: Desktop replacement
Post by: ArchAngelCD on 23 September 2004, 09:04:45
That depends on what you are going to be using the laptop for. If you are looking for a gaming machine I wouldn't replace your desktop.

If you are looking for speed on benchmarks buy the Athlon64.

If you are going to use the system for music and DVD, and you are going to multitask you should but an Intel system.

The Mobile P4 CPU's are very fast and will work well with applications where you need speed as well as multimedia and multithreaded applications.

The Centrino CPU, also called Pentium M, will be great for wireless LAN and extended battery life as well as very light and thin notebooks.

So, like I said at the start of this post, it really depends on what you are going to use the laptop for.
Title: Desktop replacement
Post by: NitroX infinity on 23 September 2004, 14:31:17
Okay, clearing out a small misconception here:

Centrino is NOT a CPU, it's a platform.
A Centrino platform consists of the following:

Intel Pentium M processor.
Intel 855 (PM/GM/GME) chipset
IntelĀ® PRO/Wireless 2200BG (802.11g)

Title: Desktop replacement
Post by: ArchAngelCD on 24 September 2004, 07:23:00
QuoteOriginally posted by Phalanx

Okay, clearing out a small misconception here:

Centrino is NOT a CPU, it's a platform.
A Centrino platform consists of the following:

Intel Pentium M processor.
Intel 855 (PM/GM/GME) chipset
IntelĀ® PRO/Wireless 2200BG (802.11g)

True, that's why I mentioned the Pentium M but I shouldn't have said Centrino CPU... I usually put that just so I don't have to go into the whole thing like you did... [:p] Actually, I thought I was typing too much as it was.. hehe
Title: Desktop replacement
Post by: agrelaphon on 24 September 2004, 23:04:42
Thanks for clearing things up phalanx
ArchAngel, I don't need extended battery life, the laptop is gonna stay indoors mainly, with random (short) travels only. Is P4-M doing multithreading?
And as I understand Centrino is only folowing the 802.11g standard. Isn't that a limiting factor?[B)]
                Thanks guys[:o)]
Title: Desktop replacement
Post by: NitroX infinity on 25 September 2004, 15:57:06
The only mobile P4's that do hyperthreading are the ones running at 2.8GHz or faster. You can easily identify them since these are the CPU's with the processor numbers (518 and above for the mobile P4's)

As for the 802.11g standard; it's not a limiting factor since this is the standard that's mostly being used.