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Software Platforms and Apps => 3D-Analyze and TnL games => Topic started by: jakethesnake99 on 11 September 2009, 19:59:32

Title: some one needs to explain in full how to make this work
Post by: jakethesnake99 on 11 September 2009, 19:59:32
i have installed 3d anylize on my computer it will not work i hit the 3d anylize.exe and send error report comes up  so some one needs to explain in full terms what where why and how this dam thing is set up i have been banging my head up against the wall for weeks now trying to get it to work now what is the deal and what is this shader crap i keep hearing about  and medusa patcher and all this crap it should be made simple
Title: some one needs to explain in full how to make this work
Post by: Nightbird on 12 September 2009, 00:34:50
What's your machine ?
Ok, you installed 3DAnalyzer but what do you want to do with it exactly ?
Title: some one needs to explain in full how to make this work
Post by: ms-dos on 12 September 2009, 02:09:44
i think you need net framework 2 to run it i think
Title: some one needs to explain in full how to make this work
Post by: Nightbird on 13 September 2009, 00:39:44
