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Software Platforms and Apps => 3D-Analyze and TnL games => Topic started by: reddolo on 04 January 2009, 17:15:56

Title: Silent hill: homecoming
Post by: reddolo on 04 January 2009, 17:15:56
I've a problem with this game,my settings:Intel core 2duo processor T8100,2.10 GHz,3Gb DDR2 ram,250 Gb hard disk,but the graphic card is a NVIDIA Geforce 8400M GT GPU ,is not supported by this game.the game don't begin,a black screen and nothing!,i've tried 3d analyze v2.26(because is a steam version of the game) and the game begin since the first video,at the end of this i see only the hair of silent hill character, the others details (walls,armchair,bed,paving) are white,all is white,i can't play it.what is the problem?? what parameter i must set for running it normally?......P.S. sorry for my bad english,i'm italian...please help me!!!
Title: Silent hill: homecoming
Post by: benna on 04 January 2009, 18:40:14
The card should be sufficient to run this game, do you have the latest drivers?
Title: Silent hill: homecoming
Post by: reddolo on 04 January 2009, 19:03:29
yes i've the latest driver,in control panel says that the driver are the latest,driver version is,what i can do?
Title: Silent hill: homecoming
Post by: benna on 05 January 2009, 13:22:28
Download the latest driver from here (//www.laptopvideo2go.com)
Title: Silent hill: homecoming
Post by: reddolo on 05 January 2009, 16:51:54
i've downloaded the latest driver for my card but nothing,i've encountered the same error,what i can do?
Title: Silent hill: homecoming
Post by: benna on 06 January 2009, 12:00:27
It's probably a check inside the game, which refuses to start because you card has only 128mb.
Use 3DAnalyze to let the game think you have another video card, say geforce 8800; you have also to find what's the Card ID of geforce 8800.
Good luck
Title: Silent hill: homecoming
Post by: reddolo on 06 January 2009, 16:49:04
i don't find device id and vendor id of geforce 8800...do you know where?