I've a problem with this game,my settings:Intel core 2duo processor T8100,2.10 GHz,3Gb DDR2 ram,250 Gb hard disk,but the graphic card is a NVIDIA Geforce 8400M GT GPU ,is not supported by this game.the game don't begin,a black screen and nothing!,i've tried 3d analyze v2.26(because is a steam version of the game) and the game begin since the first video,at the end of this i see only the hair of silent hill character, the others details (walls,armchair,bed,paving) are white,all is white,i can't play it.what is the problem?? what parameter i must set for running it normally?......P.S. sorry for my bad english,i'm italian...please help me!!!
The card should be sufficient to run this game, do you have the latest drivers?
yes i've the latest driver,in control panel says that the driver are the latest,driver version is,what i can do?
Download the latest driver from here (//www.laptopvideo2go.com)
i've downloaded the latest driver for my card but nothing,i've encountered the same error,what i can do?
It's probably a check inside the game, which refuses to start because you card has only 128mb.
Use 3DAnalyze to let the game think you have another video card, say geforce 8800; you have also to find what's the Card ID of geforce 8800.
Good luck
i don't find device id and vendor id of geforce 8800...do you know where?