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Gaming with 3dfx Voodoo cards => Games => Topic started by: Sun Yatsen on 09 April 2004, 19:58:02

Title: Killer Instinct Gold (N64)
Post by: Sun Yatsen on 09 April 2004, 19:58:02

well, now my topic is the killer instinct gold (n64).when I got my V3 I thought I could play the game but it was too slow. now I have a 128Mb video card and is still slow.
I have the Killer Instinct 2 that is almost the very same game and runs aweasome. I want to play ghe GOLD one but it's slow.

do anyone know how to emulate this 64 ROM at normal speed.

this is my system:
Pentium 4 2.4ghz                          Pentium III 800 Mhz
40Gb HDD                                  40Gb HDD
768 Mb memory                             512 Mb memory
128Mb Nvidia GeForce FX 5600              Voodoo3
and I'm using the PJ64 1.5 to emulate the Killer Instinct Gold ROM. I think that with any of these systems I should be able to play it.

if anyone knows how to run it well, please let me know...
Title: Killer Instinct Gold (N64)
Post by: aperson on 13 May 2004, 12:49:58
That's strange, it works at near full speed on my 700mhz with a Voodoo5 5500 and a Voodoo3.

First of all, don't use pj64.  It's outdated.  1964 is far faster and generally a better emulator.  Second of all, make sure you're using the latest glide64 0.7 drivers.

With a 2.4ghz machine there should be no reason why, using those two in conjunction, you shouldn't be able to play it at full speed.