Release notes AMD Catalyst 11.11 - Windows 7 - 64bit
In this page we post official release notes and changelogs related to AMD Catalyst 11.11 - Windows 7 - 64bit, if and as software developers make available these. However, if you need more info on AMD Catalyst 11.11 - Windows 7 - 64bit, or relases notes are not available yet, you can always consider to read its description as well.
Enables full support of the GPU accelerated Stage 3D API and Stage 3D applications
Supported on the AMD Radeon HD Series of GPUs, A-Series APU and E-Series APU
RESOLVED ISSUES Resolved Issues for the Windows 7 Operating System
This section provides information on resolved known issues in this release of the AMD Catalyst 11.11 software suite for Windows 7. These include:
Images and textures are no longer corrupted (Blue) in Rage.
Bezel compensation now works correctly with Far Cry 2.
Screen tearing is no longer randomly observed while moving a window on the desktop while in Clone mode or Eyefinity mode.
A black screen is no longer observed when extending displays.
Homefront no longer crashes randomly when Crossfire is enabled.
DC – Universe Online no longer hangs soon after selecting a character and entering the game.
KNOWN ISSUES Known issues under the Windows 7 operating system
The following section provides a summary of open issues that may be experienced under the Windows 7 operating system in the latest version of AMD Catalyst. These include:
Screen tearing may be observed occasionally while playing Portal 2 in DirectX 9 mode.
Shogun 2 may exhibit screen corruption while playing on low resolution settings in 2x1 Eyefinity mode.
Choppy playback may be observed playing interlaced DVD content in full screen mode using PowerDVD 11.
A BSOD error may occur while playing Call of Duty – Black Ops in Multiplayer mode with Crossfire enabled.
Video corruption may be observed while playing World of Warcraft in windowed mode and AVI file simultaneously.
Dragon Age 2 may exhibit corruption during in game cinematics when run in DirectX 9 mode.
Lost Planet 2 my display random corruption and flickering when run in DirectX 9 mode.
Lost Planet 2 may crash randomly when Crossfire is enabled.
The following games may experience random flashing textures during gameplay :
Metro 2033
Far Cry 2
Stalker : Call of Pripyat
Known Issues under the Windows Vista Operating System
The following section provides a summary of open issues that may be experienced under the Windows Vista operating system in the latest version of AMD Catalyst. These include:
Windows Aero options may be missing after installing the driver.
A ‘ghost’ cursor may be observed when playing Dragon Age 2 in Crossfire mode.
The character avatar in Dragon Age 2 may display random flickering.
HAWX 2 may experience random system reboots when run in Eyefinity mode.
Civilization V may experience random crashing when run at medium or high in game settings.
Bulletstorm may experience random flashing during gameplay.
Dead Space 2 may hang occasionally soon after game launch.