Release notes 3DMark 11 build  |
In this page we post official release notes and changelogs related to 3DMark 11 build, if and as software developers make available these. However, if you need more info on 3DMark 11 build, or relases notes are not available yet, you can always consider to read its description as well. |
3DMark 11 is the latest version of the world’s most popular benchmark. Designed to measure your PC’s gaming performance 3DMark 11 makes extensive use of all the new features in DirectX 11 including tessellation, compute shaders and multi-threading. Trusted by gamers worldwide to give accurate and unbiased results, 3DMark 11 is the best way to consistently and reliably test DirectX 11 under game-like loads.
Offline result management
By default 3DMark 11 submits and stores your benchmark results online on the 3DMark website. If you have 3DMark 11 Advanced Edition you can also choose to save your result files to your hard drive or another local offline location.
Benchmark looping
This setting allows to the benchmark to repeat a user defined number of times. Benchmark looping is an effective way to test the stability of a system after upgrading or overclocking a component.
Demo looping
This setting allows the audio visual demo to be set up to loop indefinitely for display or trade show purposes. Demo looping is only available in the 3DMark 11 Professional Edition.
Image quality tool
This tool renders pixel perfect images from any point during the tests or the audio visual demo. Using these images you can compare differences between different settings, drivers and or hardware. The image quality tool is only available in the 3DMark 11 Professional Edition.
Command line automation
This feature, which is only available in the 3DMark 11 Professional Edition, allows the benchmark to be configured and automated using scripts running from the command line.
Online features
The 3DMark 11 benchmark is complemented by a suite of online services on 3DMark.com that offer additional features and tools. Access to these services is free for all 3DMark 11 users though the features on offer vary depending on the edition used.
Your own personal account
A personal account allows you to save your results in one place, edit descriptions and comments as well as granting access to all the features and tools available.
Search and compare results
One of the most common questions from users after running a benchmark is "Is my score OK?" The 3DMark online service lets you browse, search and compare results from millions of other users. In addition, every time you submit a result you will see a simple chart showing how your score compares to those from others with similar hardware.
Unlimited results storage
The 3DMark 11 online service allows you to store your benchmark results for reference at a later date. 3DMark 11 Basic Edition users are limited to storing just one result. When submitting new results you can choose whether to keep or overwrite the previous result. 3DMark 11 Advanced Edition users can store an unlimited number of results online.
We are able to offer the 3DMark online services for free because they are part-funded by advertising. We aim to ensure that all advertising on our websites is relevant to our users. 3DMark 11 Advanced Edition users who are logged in to the online service will not see any advertising on that section of the website. Please note this does not apply to the main pages on Futuremark.com nor to the special sponsorship placements within the benchmarks tests.
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