Release notes NVIDIA Linux X64 (AMD64/EM64T) Display Driver 570.124.04
In this page we post official release notes and changelogs related to NVIDIA Linux X64 (AMD64/EM64T) Display Driver 570.124.04, if and as software developers make available these. However, if you need more info on NVIDIA Linux X64 (AMD64/EM64T) Display Driver 570.124.04, or relases notes are not available yet, you can always consider to read its description as well.
Fixed a bug that could prevent displays from being restored correctly when resuming from suspend on some systems with multiple displays.
Fixed a regression which stopped VRR from working on HDMI displays.
Fixed an issue which caused stuttering and performance issues when scrolling windows in Wayland with GSP firmware enabled.
Fixed a bug that resulted in corruption or application crashes when using PRIME render offloading between two NVIDIA GPUs with modeset=1 enabled in nvidia-drm.
Added a new kernel module parameter, 'conceal_vrr_caps', to the nvidia-modeset kernel module. This parameter may be used to enable usage of features on some displays such as ULMB (Ultra Low Motion Blur) which are incompatible with VRR. See the "Direct Rendering Manager Kernel Modesetting" (DRM KMS) chapter of the README for further information.