The Joint Strike Fighter Playable Demo
Welcome to the Joint Strike Fighter Playable Demo. Though just a
small fraction of the complete game, we hope you'll be able to get
a feeling of the flight controls, enjoy the scenery, wipe out a few
ground targets and generally have a good time!
Features included in this demo
* The Lockheed Martin X-35 Joint Strike Fighter with all flight
related features.
* Miniature environment with just a few of the planes, vehicles,
boats and ground installations included in the full game.
* A variety of weather and daylight settings.
Features included in the full game
* Real-time, dynamic campaigns taking place in four vast scenarios
(Afghanistan, Colombia, Korea and the Kola Peninsula).
* Both JSF contenders - the Boeing X-32 as well as the Lockheed
Martin X-35.
* A selection of devastating weaponry
* A dogfight option where you are able to hone your dogfighting
* A Multiplayer option, allowing you to play against friends and
foes over the internet, modem or LAN.
A complete list of all keyboard commands are available from the
in-game help, which can be accessed from the dropdown menu.
Thank you for trying the Joint Strike Fighter Playable Demo!
-Innerloop Studios