| Games Channel PC Patches Page 7 | |
3dfxzone.it collects for you the best video game patches PC platform. You can get free access to download those by a mouse's click over the preferred patch posted in those pages. Thank you for choosing to use our free services. |
 | Far Cry 2 Widescreen Resolution Fix | Fix non ufficiale finalizzata a risolvere i problemi di visualizzazione manifestati dal gioco Far Cry 2 in versione 1.0, qualora l'utente imposti una risoluzione widescreen (l'immagine inviata al monitor risulta in tal caso privata delle parti superiore e inferiore). L'autore rende noto che la fix non è permessa dalla maggior parte dei server che supportano la modalità multiplayer del gioco e può di conseguenza determinare il banning del gamer. CollegamentiDownloadRelease NotesCommenta questa newsComment...  |
 | Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare Patch 1.7 | After only few weeks from 1.6 release, Infinity Ward released Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare PC Patch 1.7. The update improves both game security and stability. There're official changes:
Fixed an exploit that allowed players to access certain console dvars during multi-player matches.
Fixed a crash that could occur when a Chinatown Sabotage match would go into over-time.
Fixed a bug where the MP icons (Bomb, Defend, Capture, etc) were always showing up as English regardless of the install...  |
 | Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare Patch 1.6 | Infinity Ward has released the patch 1.6 for its title Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare. This update adds four new maps: Creek, Chinatown, Broadcast, and Killhouse. Besides it includes both a fix for a Denial of Service attack and all the changes up to patch 1.5. Please read "Release Notes" if you are looking for more info.
[High Resolutio Image]
Infinity Ward ha rilasciato la path v. 1.6 finalizzata all'aggiornamento del game  |
 | Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six Vegas 2 Patch 1.01 | Ubisoft ha realizzato la patch v. 1.01 del suo Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six Vegas 2, episodio più recente della fortunata saga videoludica incentrata su Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six. L'update è distribuito mediante un pacchetto eseguibile da 49.8Mb.
Le principali novità introdotte dall'aggiornamento sono rappresentate dal supporto per le sessioni di chat vocale durante il gaming in multiplayer e la risoluzione dei bug emersi durante l'utilizzo della versione 1.0...  |
 | America's Army: Special Forces (Overmatch) Patch | U.S. Army ha rilasciato una patch da 64Mb dedicata all'aggiornamento del game America's Army: Special Forces (Overmatch) alla versione In accordo allo sviluppatore, l'update richiede la precedente installazione del titolo v. 2.8.3 in edizione full.
La patch risolve alcune problematiche segnalate dagli stessi gamer, migliorando in primis la giocabilità e la gestione del server e degli account. Ad esempio a valle dell'aggiornamento con la patch  |
 | Crysis Patch 1.21 | The 37MB sized hotfix for Crysis fixes the known security hole in the game code which casues client and server crashes. Be sure that you have patch 1.2 installed before, since this is required to apply the hotfix to your Crysis installation.
Patch 1.2 can be applied to both vanilla Crysis (v1.0) and Crysis v1.1 since it will update automatically to Crysis version 1.2.
E' disponibile per il download dai server di 3dfxzone.it la patch 1.21 di Crysis. L'aggiornamento, che ha una...  |
 | S.T.A.L.K.E.R. Patch 1.0006 [USA] | GSC Game World released patch v. 1.0006 for both USA and Worldwide version of S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Shadow Of Chernoby game. This update is available for free
download by 3dfxzone.it servers; it comes with two packages, targeting both the US and the Non-US game editions.
You can get detailed informations about fixes and improvements of this update following the Release Notes link. Besides there are some of latest official screenshots in this page as well.
resolution...  |
 | S.T.A.L.K.E.R. Patch 1.0006 [WorldWide] | GSC Game World released patch v. 1.0006 for both USA and Worldwide version of S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Shadow Of Chernoby game. This update is available for free
download by 3dfxzone.it servers; it comes with two packages, targeting both the US and the Non-US game editions.
You can get detailed informations about fixes and improvements of this update following the Release Notes link. Besides there are some of latest official screenshots in this page as well.
resolution...  |
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