Latest drivers for video cards 3dfx Voodoo3 2000, 3dfx Voodoo3 3000, 3dfx Voodoo3 3500 TV, 3dfx Velocity and Microsoft Windows XP. |
 | SFFT Software Suite 1.0 |  | SFFT Software Suite is an all-in-one solution for the installation, the configuration, and the tweaking of 3dfx Voodoo cards. SFFT Software Suite includes the latest SFFT Driver release (v. 1.9 at this moment) as well as the latest SFFT Voodoo Tools and it's available in two packages for 32-bit and 64-bit editions of Microsoft Windows XP, Windows Vista, and Windows 7. SFFT Software Suite requires one of the following 3dfx video cards: Voodoo3 2000, Voodoo3 3000 and Voodoo3 3500, as well as all 3dfx VSA-100 based products and so Voodoo4 4500, Voodoo5 5500 and Voodoo5 6000. |
 | SFFT Driver 1.9 |  | Latest and most advanced release of unofficial graphics driver SFFT for 3dfx video cards. This build follows 59 pre-releases as well as major release 1.0, and minor release 1.1, 1.2, 1.3, 1.4, 1.5, 1.6, 1.7, and 1.8. This software is based on Unified Architecture: it supports by one package all Voodoo3 family, including Voodoo3 2000, Voodoo3 3000 and Voodoo3 3500 cards, as well as all 3dfx VSA-100 products and so Voodoo4 4500, Voodoo5 5500 and Voodoo5 6000 cards. SFFT driver has been designed and developed to work with Microsoft Windows 2000, Windows XP, Windows Vista and Windows 7 Operating Systems, and to get full advantage of 3dfx hardware acceleration for a wide range of games and apps based on the graphics APIs Direct3D, OpenGL, and Glide. |
 | Amigasport 3.0 XP |  | Il
driver Amigasport 3.0 Xp consente la configurazione delle schede video 3dfx
Voodoo3 2000/3000/3500TV in
ambiente Windows 2000 e XP. Abbiamo eseguito un duplice package
per questo driver che viene dunque distribuito in una versione lite,
non contenente il programma di configurazione utente (3dfx
Tools), ed in una versione full,
include invece 3dfx Tools. Il kit lite
consente di ridurre i tempi di download se si dispone di una
connessione analogia o digitale mediante ISDN e richiede
l'aggiunta dei Tools dopo la scompattazione dell'archivio nel
vostro disco rigido. Avviando la procedura di download è
possibile visualizzare anche le Release note. | The Amigasport
XP v. 3.0 Final
Release allows 3dfx Voodoo3 Series
configuration (2000, 3000, 3500TV cards) with Windows 2000/XP based
systems. Driver is shipped in two version, lite
and full: the first does not
include control panel (3dfx Tools) while the second is the
complete package. This solution allows users with slow web
connections (analog or digital ISDN modems) to shorten download
time. Please note that lite
versione requires manual 3dfx tools add-on after archive
unzipping on hard disk. Starting the download procedure you may also read Release
note. |
 | 3Dhq 1.09 beta 10 |  | Il driver (2.15mb) rappresenta la beta più recente rilasciata da 3Dhq: le novità della release sono essenzialmente legate ad alcune fix che incrementano la stabilità operativa. |
 | Amigamerlin 2.5 SE |  | Due le novità salienti introdotte in questa release (6.75mb, 3dfx Tools incluse): una nuova sezione GLide ed una migliore compatibilità con i sistemi operativi aggiornati con le MS DirectX 9. Ulteriori info qui. | Two most important news in this release
(6.75mb, 3dfx Tools too): a new GLide driver section and improved
compatibility with operative systems updated with MS DirectX 9. Others info here. |