WorLord V5500 XP AGP per Windows XP This driver set came about when I upgraded my computer to WinXP over the past weekend (11/3/2001). Basically, I had issues with all of my games and my Voodoo5 5500 AGP. To get DirectX-Based games to run properly (specifically, Dark Age of Camelot), I had to use the Win2K 1.0.4 "Official" WHQL driver set from 3dfx. However, to get any OTHER game to run (Quake3, Unreal Tournament, Half-Life, Counterstrike, Dune, Sacrifice, EverQuest, and a a few others) I needed either Cairey's set (for OpenGL-based games) or Hujer_HoE's set (for Glide-based games). To make matters worse, none of these games really ran all that well, given that the *.inf specs for both Cairey's and Hujer_HoE's sets are geared more towards single-processor Voodoo3's instead of dual processor Voodoo5 5500's. As such, both of these driver sets only allowed my machine to recognize one of the processors on the card and only half the RAM. So essentially, what we have here is an amalgamation of the three. This driver set is created specifically for Voodoo5 5500 owners thinking about upgrading to XP and worried about how well their video card will run… worry no more! This set contains the original 3dfx tools, Voodoo5 5500 *.inf, and DirectX set; Cairey's OpenGL *.dll, and Hujer_HoE's Glide *.dll's. The install/reboot/repair cycle may be necessary for the 3dfx tools to work, of course, but if you don't care about those then simply install the driver and be on your way. Tested with the following games (and nary a blue-screen in sight!): Dark Age of Camelot, Everquest, Quake3 Arena, Unreal Tournament, Half-Life (includes Counter Strike), Sacrifice, Everquest, Starcraft, Dune (the new one), and a handful of other more obscure titles. None of them needed compatibility mode after installation of this driver set. --WorLord