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Contenuti associati al tag: ShadowPlay

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 YouTube Gaming Video: Apex Legends | Duo Mode | Full HD Gameplay
We've added to our YouTube channel a new video featuring truly gameplay footage from Apex Legends. More in details, this multimedia asset brings out in-game scenes captured from the Duo mode. Apex Legends is a free-to-play Battle Royale game where contenders from across the Frontier team up to battle for glory, fame, and fortune. Developed...
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 YouTube Gaming Video: Subnautica | Freedom Mode | Full HD Gameplay Footage
We've added to our YouTube channel a new video featuring truly gameplay footage from Subnautica. More in details, this multimedia asset brings out in-game scenes captured from the Freedom mode. Subnautica is a underwater open-world survival action-adventure title developed and published by Unknown Worlds Entertainment. This game uses Unity...
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 3dfxzone Video: Watch Dogs | Assault to weapons shop | Full HD Gameplay Footage
We've added to our YouTube channel a new video featuring truly gameplay footage from Ubisoft well-known game Watch Dogs. More in details, this multimedia asset brings out high intensity in-game scenes captured from the assault to a weapons shop and resulting combat against the police. We've recorded this footage using NVIDIA ShadowPlay technology...
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 GeForce Setup & Tweaking Utilities: NVIDIA GeForce Experience
NVIDIA GeForce Experience è un'applicazione in versione freeware sviluppata da NVIDIA al fine di assicurare sempre le massime prestazioni delle sue video card di classe GeForce sia in versione per desktop che mobile. NVIDIA GeForce Experience si fa notare essenzialmente per le seguenti tre funzionalità: "Driver Updates", "Game Optimization" e "Game...
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 Video: Unreal Tournament 2004 | DM-Curse4 Map | Full HD Gameplay Footage
Il canale 3dfxzone su YouTube ora include un filmato, la cui durata è pari a 2.34 minuti, che include scene di gameplay tratte dal first-person shooter Unreal Tournament 2004. Più in dettaglio, i frame sono stati registrati a partire dalla mappa DM-Curse4, una versione inevitabilmente rivista ed evoluta della mappa DM-Curse ][ che i player...
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