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Release Notes | Quake 4 Retail Patch 1.2

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In this page we post the official release notes and changelogs related to Quake 4 Retail Patch 1.2, if and as software developers make available these. However, if you need more info on Quake 4 Retail Patch 1.2, or relases notes are not available yet, you can always consider to read its description as well.

Quake 4 Retail Patch 1.2
QUAKE 4(tm) 1.2 Point Release - README

We really mean it this time. The QUAKE 4 1.2 Point Release is now available. This update replaces the 1.1 patch released several weeks ago, and includes all of the changes outlined for that update, including: a fixed pure server system, a new AddonPak autodownloading system, voice chat in multiplayer, a forcemodel option, brightskins, smooth stairjumping, a one-minute warning for tournament matches, Hyper-Threading Technology and Dual Core support as well as a number of multiplayer specific fixes. For a complete list of changes, please see the readme. The full 1.2 update will bring ANY previous version of the game completely up to date, and it includes the 4 new professionally made multiplayer maps as well as the QUAKEMAS multiplayer map pack.

We've also provided an incremental 1.1 to 1.2 update for anyone that had previously installed the 1.1 update - this is a smaller download but it will only operate if you've previously installed 1.1.

The 1.2 update does affect pure server and protocol consistency. Therefore, players who update to 1.2 from ANY previous version will only be able to play multiplayer against other 1.2 users, and save games and demos created on any previous versions of the game will not be compatible with the 1.2 update.

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Type: Game Patch More Game Patches

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