Voodoo5 getting 7fps on Serious Sam:FE

Started by ScottyMcNoob, 01 December 2006, 00:11:07

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It's consistantly getting around 7 fps on the first level of Serious Sam (First Encounter). Stock clocks, with good cooling on the cores (but not memory). I'm using Amigamerlin 3.1 drivers, and MesaFX 6.2. Well, I copied the opengl32.dll into my system32 folder, replacing the old one (I think that's what I was meant to do).

Rest of system:
AMD K6-II 500Mhz
AX-59pro motherboard
6 GB 5400rpm hard drive

I did a full installation of Serious Sam, and patched it to 1.05 european (newest version).

It's at 640x480, with all options defaulted as quite low (from what I saw in-game).

What's going on? Is there something I've done wrong? Or is this expected?


The biggest Voodoo5 6000 test ever: http://3dcenter.de/artikel/voodoo5-6000/


the answer is: K6-2 500.sloooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooow.

Obi-Wan Kenobi

The K6-2 500 is way too slow indeed, the idea would be get an AthlonXP/Pentium4 based rig they are way better for some serious Voodoo5 work.
Powered By The Force, x-3dfx & The Jedi Academy


So what sorta games am I looking at playing with a 500mhz K6-II?

(Minimum requirements for Serious Sam are a K6-3 400mhz. Is the architecture of the k6-2 compared to the k6-3 really making that much of a difference?)

Obi-Wan Kenobi

Like ps47 said :
QuoteOriginally posted by ps47

the answer is: K6-2 500.sloooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooow.

specs on game boxes aren't that reliable lol.
Powered By The Force, x-3dfx & The Jedi Academy


yes, the K6-THREE is an order of magnatude better than the K6-TWO.  If you overclocked the processor, you might get 2 or 3 more FPS.
Bloody Mess