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Messages - Prymus_One

Tips, Tricks and Patches / Re: HELP....
12 July 2004, 04:24:01
QuoteOriginally posted by Phalanx

Uninstall the drivers and simply use the drivers that windowsxp installs. That worked for me. I don't believe there's another way, I've looked for it, but found nothing.
I seriously appreciate your assistance Phalanx. But, with your response I have one more question to add.... "Of which driver do you speak?" Graphic? Please forgive me for my general lack of computer savy.... I know a bit, but thats about it when it comes down to the internal workings of a given program and/or that of Windows.
Tips, Tricks and Patches / Re: HELP....
10 July 2004, 10:49:16
Can someone helpout? I keep getting a message when trying to start "Imperium Galactica 2" that states the following.... "Unable to load from file: screen\charset.bmp generate exception", would anyone know what to do to fix this issue? So, I can play the game....GEEZ! Thanks.... Oh, and I forgot to mention that I'm running XP. Is there a patch for it somewhere out there?