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3dfx Hardware & Software => Voodoo4/5 Discussions => Topic started by: ElvIsAlive007 on 03 April 2003, 19:10:23

Post by: ElvIsAlive007 on 03 April 2003, 19:10:23
« on: Apr 2nd, 2003, 12:17pm »  Quote  Modify  

"ok fed i want you to do something for me one last time.
post what i am writing from me on the forums. its all i ask:

Ah so now everyone wants to know what revenge is all about. well i see regarding my current circumstances this must be told. and a tale i shall tell.  
Revenge was an attempt by me. to recapture what the glory of 3dfx was and bringing it out in the form of a new chip. it wouldve kicked some serious ass but alas. read on.
I see max posting and devin posting and i see jud and everyone calling me the cheat on how i bloody well made everyone look stupid. well heres what i have to say to the entire crew of 3dhq. there would be no 3dhq is there wasnt me, because i am the guy who got the source code that you have drivers. my life has pretty much been a liviing hell for a while. there was a time when i was actually seriously comtemplating ending my life because of some events that happened. and if it wasnt for devin and bone and max and the lot i would not be around. Thankyou guys for being my friends. well the news is i am dying . pretty soon i will be dead. see i have spinal cancer which is growing and killing me and chemo apart from killing me doesn not do anything. LOL . how ironic that all this had to come at a time when i had to prove myself. lol. doesnt matter anymore. i never conned anyone . i never asked for anything from anybody. i dont see why everyone keeps saying how i screwed them over. i havent done anything to anyone. as devin wrote to me he recalls the time when i was the only one who was awake with him online into the wee hours of the morning making 3dfx underground. i did that because like devin i am a fanatic. a 3dfx lunatic. who wanted so bloody bad to work for 3dfx . but just could not. it made me happy to give support as it did devin.  
I still have the 3dfx source cd. and its being sent in mail to someone who is going to open source it. isnt that what is needed by everyone. i only tried protecting the person who gave it to me, who shall forver remain nameless because i practically worship him.  
Heres what is to become of me. i am dying. no matter how much everyone emails me to tell me, its ironic how insane im getting. but do not worry bone devin and the rest of the people who knew revenge. the 3dhq team. THE NEW 3DFX. lol. my death will be become your gain and please dont tell me to not think about dying im not blind i can see whats happening. so to all the 3dhq community . good bye. good luck. i gave you all i could, 3dhq will remain online until i breathe, thats all i can promise. because 3dhq is mine. always was and will forever be. and so it shall die with me.
just let me be in peace and just move on with your lives. bone i hope i inspired you enough to do well. devin i hope i was able to help you when you needed help. max i hope you remember me as aquoes. and hey lunar look out for yer dad will you mate. Good bye my friends. see you at eternity."  

Post by: Grand Admiral Thrawn on 11 April 2003, 18:50:08
I even read that message in the 3DHQ Forums before 3DHQ was completely annihilated...  I wonder what will happen to the 3DHQ Driver development now...  And was "Revenge" just a bad joke?

It's a shame what happened to Aqueel. (I hope i'm expressing that the right way in english)