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3dfx Hardware & Software => Voodoo4/5 Discussions => Topic started by: Imp on 03 February 2004, 23:25:11

Title: Quality of Voodoo 5500 graphics
Post by: Imp on 03 February 2004, 23:25:11
Hey all =)  I've been trying to show some other people on the net how the Voodoo looks compared to a Geforce 4200ti, but all the utilities I've used to take the screenshots so far fail to capture the actual in-game picture.  I understand that this is because screenshots come from the frame buffer before they are blended in hardware, and I was wondering if anyone knows of a way to get them afterwards.  

Basically, the Geforce screenies are accurate; jaggies, weird lighting effects, etc.  The Voodoo, however, is nice and smooth and the lighting is clean in-game.  But when I take a shot in-game it looks exactly like the Geforce- because the superior antialiasing routine of the Voodoo hasn't been applied in the pic.  It might just be my imagination, but when I use my voodoo to play the game, the actual colors seem more vivid and the lighting seems more "true", if that makes any sense.

So anyway, someone has some ideas?
Title: Quality of Voodoo 5500 graphics
Post by: qrazi on 04 February 2004, 08:48:28
i think this is a known problem.
but, many screenshots on this forums are taken with Hypersnap, and Fraps is used a lot too. perhaps you should try those two programs.
let us know the result! :)