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Hardware Components => APUs, CPUs, SoCs, Motherboards and Memories => Topic started by: Spectrobozo on 01 February 2004, 03:06:33

Title: Voodoo 2 incompatible with nforce 2 motherboard!
Post by: Spectrobozo on 01 February 2004, 03:06:33
i have tested my voodoo 2 in 3 diferents nforce 2 motherboard, and not work,

the erros is something about memory.

in others motheboards my voodoo 2 run well.......... [V]
Title: Voodoo 2 incompatible with nforce 2 motherboard!
Post by: Glide on 08 February 2004, 19:20:17
We know about it and are already working for an optimal solution (see a special FastVoodoo2 release for nForce 2 chip-set users...).

Tnx for report, however.