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3dfx Hardware & Software => Voodoo2 Discussions => Topic started by: samuraiboy on 23 January 2004, 17:42:32

Title: sli cable
Post by: samuraiboy on 23 January 2004, 17:42:32
i have two V2 but i dont have an SLI cable and i cant buy one... any idea on how to make an SLI cable out of the floppy cable? some people say they are identical but you need to do something about the wires... thanks!!!
Title: sli cable
Post by: procerus on 23 January 2004, 17:53:27
The middle four wires have to be twisted through 180 degrees.  Go here (thanks Eddy!) for a picture -
Title: sli cable
Post by: samuraiboy on 23 January 2004, 18:04:33
i will just twist the wires? can someone give me step by step details... thanks... im no good in doing those things... thanks!!!!!!!!
Title: sli cable
Post by: procerus on 23 January 2004, 18:55:55
You can sometimes find SLI cables on eBay.  Buying one might be simpler.
Title: sli cable
Post by: ArchAngelCD on 24 January 2004, 11:17:51
I found one on the US Ebay site but they won't ship outside the USA so that one's out. I also found one on the UK site but they won't ship outside the UK. I checked Ebay in Singapore, Australia and New Zealand but they don't have any listed. I would check Hong Kong and China sites but I can't read the language.

I wish you luck finding one but I'm guessing you are going to have to make one. Make a copy of the picture on that site and see if you can find someone you know that can do it for you. It's really not that hard.
Title: sli cable
Post by: Nightbird on 24 January 2004, 11:33:41
QuoteI found one on the US Ebay site but they won't ship outside the USA so that one's out. I also found one on the UK site but they won't ship outside the UK
Before the auction, send an email to the seller and ask if...
If you accept to pay the shipping costs and if you can use an online payment service, many sellers will accept to send the packet overseas since this is not difficult.
Title: sli cable
Post by: samuraiboy on 26 January 2004, 16:02:28
ummm... that will cost much for just a cable... ill probably make one... thanks!!! i hopo someone can make me an instruction on how to make one...