I have a vodoo 4 4500 and trying to play commandos 3.I managed to install corectly and started playing the tutorial.The first part of the tutorial takes place incide a room.In there everything works just fine.Later on, the action takes place outdoors where noone of the enemies nor my charcters are visible.Anyone experience this problem?Any recomendations?
P.S Eidos web page or the games readme file say nothing about incompatibility(of course voodoos are not included in the compatible cards list either...)
Plz specify driver, OS + system specs. :)
Pentium III at 733 MHz
256 MB RAM
Windows XP Pro.
Voodoo 4 4500
The driver version if am correct is Amigamerlin 2.5 but can`t remember when or from where I dowloaded it since this happened long time ago...
What are the required specs for the game? [?]
Try the amigamerlin 3.0's first, if they don't work, try the 3dhq beta 10 drivers. :)
have you done a search on this board for commandos 3? i tried the demo when it came out, and i had the same problem.
what i advice you: try all different directx cores, try different 3d analyse options, if possible try both win2k/winxp and win98