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3dfx Hardware & Software => Voodoo3 and Velocity Discussions => Topic started by: zepplen on 13 January 2004, 20:02:50

Title: V3 3500TV cable pinouts?
Post by: zepplen on 13 January 2004, 20:02:50
Does anyone know, or could someone take an ohm meter to there cable, and find out the pinouts for the VGA monitor plug are? I am trying to assemble a computer out of my oldish parts and I have my V3 3500, but no cable. So I need the pinouts to make a connector.

Title: V3 3500TV cable pinouts?
Post by: aporte on 14 January 2004, 16:30:33
Hello, download this http://www.vesa.org/pnd.pdf
Title: V3 3500TV cable pinouts?
Post by: zepplen on 15 January 2004, 04:21:40
Thanks for the link, however I don't htink this will help me because, the Voodoo3 3500 Does noe have any Digital Video Out, and this is all the standards for DVI. All I need is a list of

Pin 1 -> Pin 29
Title: V3 3500TV cable pinouts?
Post by: aporte on 15 January 2004, 10:00:35
The Voodoo3 3500TV have a plug'n'display connector (the file in the fact is pnd.pdf) ;)

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