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3dfx Hardware & Software => General Discussions => Topic started by: Fantasma on 02 January 2004, 04:07:56

Title: Why....
Post by: Fantasma on 02 January 2004, 04:07:56
Why in spiderman:the movie, with the 3danalyzer patch, can be run in v4/5 and not in v3?
What difference are there between this cards (apart from the speed, fsaa and the memory)
Title: Why....
Post by: qrazi on 02 January 2004, 11:47:45
perhaps that voodoo 4/5 are 32-bit or allow for textures bigger then 256x256?
Title: Why....
Post by: Fantasma on 02 January 2004, 18:27:59
The thing is that this game, supports 256x256 textures and 16bit colors so...[?]
Title: Why....
Post by: Amigamerlin on 03 January 2004, 09:37:35
For what I have seen inside the game menu you can set the maximum texture dimension (128x128 - 256x256 - 512x512) and the color depth (16-32 bit) then in Theory it can run on voodoo3.
What kind of problem you have?

Title: Why....
Post by: Fantasma on 03 January 2004, 12:48:07
When I run it, the first screen of activision appears but just after it, I come back to the desktop