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3dfx Hardware & Software => General Discussions => Topic started by: JOE3000 on 04 December 2003, 16:06:41

Title: Edge AA & Voodoo3??!
Post by: JOE3000 on 04 December 2003, 16:06:41
Are you going to implement edge aa in next revision of drivers for Voodoo3? As the Voodoo2 have it now, it would be nice to Voodoo3 have it!

Title: Edge AA & Voodoo3??!
Post by: Amigamerlin on 05 December 2003, 17:06:21
QuoteOriginally posted by JOE3000

Are you going to implement edge aa in next revision of drivers for Voodoo3? As the Voodoo2 have it now, it would be nice to Voodoo3 have it!

Did you tried Amigasport3.0? If my mind don't deserve me it can have this setting in it !! otherwyse try Amigamerlin 2.5se I'm pretty sure that in one of them the settings are present !

Let me know !!

Title: Edge AA & Voodoo3??!
Post by: JOE3000 on 06 December 2003, 10:36:12
QuoteOriginally posted by Amigamerlin

QuoteOriginally posted by JOE3000

Are you going to implement edge aa in next revision of drivers for Voodoo3? As the Voodoo2 have it now, it would be nice to Voodoo3 have it!

Did you tried Amigasport3.0? If my mind don't deserve me it can have this setting in it !! otherwyse try Amigamerlin 2.5se I'm pretty sure that in one of them the settings are present !

Let me know !!

yes I tryed amigasport, and they have option for EdgeAA, but that doesn't do anything...I mean no performance hit(when it's on)nor better image quality - simple as that :)

Maybe I'm wrong, you can post a screenshot with edgeAA on Voodoo3 to prove me wrong?!