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3dfx Hardware & Software => Voodoo4/5 Setup and tweaking => Topic started by: YuT666 on 08 June 2013, 17:17:23

Title: Voodoo 5 5500 problem with KT266A ...
Post by: YuT666 on 08 June 2013, 17:17:23

i've bought a nearly new V5 5500 AGP.

I've some retro systems with KT133A and KT266A chipsets, so i took the Chaintech 7VJL1 Summit to use the V5 with.

But i can't get the V5 to run. I always get 1 long & 2 short beeps - no monitor signal. I installed another Voodoo - the V3 3300 - and all things are working fine. I tried the V5 1000 times but there's no monitor signal, but the two fans are spinning around in a normal way. And yes, i've connected the 4pin molex.

This system:

- Chaintech 7VJL1 Summit with KT266A
- XP 2400+
- 1GB Corsair DDR1 Kit
- FSP 300W

I don't know what could be wrong.

Thanks in advance.

Title: Voodoo 5 5500 problem with KT266A ...
Post by: Nightbird on 08 June 2013, 21:46:25
Go here (http://www.3dfxzone.it/enboard/topic.asp?TOPIC_ID=1077) please, use the utility pci.exe as explained by Hank.

We need to know if the card is alive or dead.