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3dfx Hardware & Software => Voodoo3 and Velocity Discussions => Topic started by: l0new0lf on 01 June 2003, 12:58:36

Title: truth or fiction?
Post by: l0new0lf on 01 June 2003, 12:58:36
Hello, first time poster here. First off I wanted to say I appreciate all the work you guys have done to keep the voodoo spirit alive and kicking.  Anyway I've seen a few posts regarding the source code being relased/leaked or whatever.  Is this true?  And if so, will that really aid in the development of future driver sets offering more/better compatiblity?  I'm at a crossroads here and am wondering whether nivida is the way to go.  I don't really play a lot of the new games but I was just curious if the features/workarounds found in 3danalyzer i.e. T&L fix and others could be implemented into a set of drivers or a registry fix therefore elimating the need to use both?  I think I saw the T&L feature listed in 3dfx tools in one set of drivers but can't remember which. Just curious...
Title: truth or fiction?
Post by: ArchAngelCD on 02 June 2003, 01:11:06
The source code is out and it will help anyone that knows what they are doing. (I don't)

As for T&L, that's done mostly in hardware these days and drivers won't help Voodoo cards with that. I might be wrong but that's what I think...

Title: truth or fiction?
Post by: Nightbird on 03 June 2003, 08:02:00
T&L feature listed in 3dfx tools in one set of drivers but can't remember which

this is the Geometry Assist : this option emulates the T&L in the driver (with SSE or 3DNow) but only under Win9x or Me and DirX7

Title: truth or fiction?
Post by: Soulblighter on 28 July 2003, 08:42:00

Are you the same ArchAngelCD from the former 3dfx Underground Forum?
Title: truth or fiction?
Post by: ArchAngelCD on 28 July 2003, 10:36:51
Are you the same ArchAngelCD from the former 3dfx Underground Forum?
Yes I am, the one and only!

Asus P4P800 i865PE | Intel 2.8 GHz P4C | 512 Mb Kingston PC3200 Dual channel DDR SRAM | 80 Gb Western Digital SE HD | Plextor 12/10/32A CD-RW | Win2000 SP3 | ATI Radeon 9500 Pro | SoundMAX 5.1 Digital Audio|
Title: truth or fiction?
Post by: Soulblighter on 29 July 2003, 00:51:44

Glad to see you here!
I used to be on the other forum back then... good old memories...

See you around!
Title: truth or fiction?
Post by: ArchAngelCD on 29 July 2003, 04:30:03
Nice to see you too.
I'll be around here from now on.

Asus P4P800 i865PE | Intel 2.8 GHz P4C | 512 Mb Kingston PC3200 Dual channel DDR SRAM | 80 Gb Western Digital SE HD | Plextor 12/10/32A CD-RW | Win2000 SP3 | ATI Radeon 9500 Pro | SoundMAX 5.1 Digital Audio|