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3dfx Hardware & Software => Voodoo2 Discussions => Topic started by: secretfj on 29 July 2004, 15:08:55

Title: What are these voodoo 2s Exactly?
Post by: secretfj on 29 July 2004, 15:08:55
also, is it necessary to have the VGA cable to connect two voodoos?
thanks a lot~~
(what i wanna know most is the soze of RAM each card have..)

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Title: What are these voodoo 2s Exactly?
Post by: Voodoo5 on 29 July 2004, 17:46:02
Voodoo 2's were sold with only 2 different ram capacity's 8mb & 12mb, if you sli 2 x 8mb = 16mb or 2 x 12mb = 24mb.
Vodoo 2 cards have no 2d capability so you have to use them with an existing 2d card in your system using a vga pass-through cable, if you sli 2 cards you will also need a sli cable to connect the 2 cards together.

Hope this helps.
Title: What are these voodoo 2s Exactly?
Post by: amp_man on 29 July 2004, 21:02:37
These are a pair of Diamond Monster 12mb Voodoo 2s. You need a VGA cable only to connect the 2D adapter to the master Voodoo 2 (usually the one in the upper PCI slot). You already have the SLI cable connecting the two voodoo 2s together, so you should just be able to install it just like it is, hook up the VGA cable (a monitor extension cable will work, if you don't have the original), install drivers and go.
Title: What are these voodoo 2s Exactly?
Post by: secretfj on 30 July 2004, 02:32:57
thanks all~~
i know it's just an add-on card. i want it to do the openGL/Glide stuffs that my onboard display can't do..this would be very nice and enough for me, thanks again~~