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 Release notes  3D-Analyze 2.36 
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In this page we post official release notes and changelogs related to 3D-Analyze 2.36, if and as software developers make available these. However, if you need more info on 3D-Analyze 2.36, or relases notes are not available yet, you can always consider to read its description as well.

  Release Notes   3D-Analyze 2.36
- first public release

- fixed some problems with SSE 2, 3D-MArk 2001 SE
- small layout changes
- fixed some file selection dialog bugs
- LOG files have no a time stamp, old files won't be overwritten anymore 

v1.1 (build 101)
- no extra beginscen/endscene calls for the frame counter in DX8.1 required

v1.1 (build 102)
- force dll no longer required for 3D-Mark 2001 SE
- fixed 3D-Mark 2001 SE error with the "Pixel Shader" tests

v1.2 (build 103)
- force small texture option added
- added average polys per scene to the log file 
- corrected the ext. of the log files from cvs to csv

v1.3 (build 105)
- emulate HW TnL option added (useful for kyro boards)
- added some statistics to the log files

v1.4 beta
- section hardware limits added (useful for kyro / voodoo boards or other board with missing features)
- added debug log option

v1.4 beta 2
- added the "force write only Vertex Buffer" option - this will seth the D3DUSAGE_WRITEONLY to all created vertex/index buffers -> this can cause errors, if the app needs read permisson

v1.4 beta 3
- updated the "force dll" option, now it patches *.dll and *.exe files

v1.5 build (149)
- fixed some problems with the "force dll" option and done some enhancements, small GUI changes

v1.5 build (150)
- fixed a heavy bug, which caused under some certain conditions the lost of some files

v1.5.1 build (151)
- fixed a bug with the "force hook dll" option
- EXE and BAT files can now be executed
- command line options and "Save batch file!" option

v1.5.2 build (152)
- fixed a small dialog bug
- fixed some problems with the NOLF2 demo and Morrowind

v1.5.3 build (153) (no public release)
- added a fourth counter, only for DX8, which shows the VRAM usage
- added "force 100 hz" option and "no renders till flip" option (for bf1942 and kyro boards)

v1.6 build (160)
- added "remove stuttering" option
- changed the "force 100 hz" option, if your monitor supports a lesser hz rate, this option will also try 85 and 75 hz
- removed the and "no renders till flip" option
- added "force ref. rast." option
- fixed some OpenGL bugs with the "force small texture option"
- added VRAM usage to the performance log file

v1.6.1 build (161)
- fixed the "remove stuttering" option, which worked only in combination with the "counters" option and some other small problems with this option

v1.6.2 build (162)
- fixed the "remove stuttering" option, "pure hardware devices" couldn't do stateblocks....

v1.6.3 build (163)
- fixed the performance impact of the "remove stuttering" option, mybe its now a little bit more rough
- fixed problems with Combat Flight Simulator 3

v1.6.4 build (164)
- fixed the "washed out textures" problems

v1.6.7 build (167)
- added 2 z-buffer options (force to 16 bit)
- added a NOLF2 hack, the game engines seems to have some bugs, which prevent non hw tnl cards to run the game error free, maybe its a dx8 problem....

v1.6.8 build (168)
- improved the NOLF2 fix

v1.6.9 build (169)
- added a Gun Metal Demo fix, to run on the Radeon 9500/9700

v1.6.9b build (169)
- CSV files entries are noe seperated through comma instead of a tab

v1.7 build (170)
- added a flickering shadow fix for Mafia and the Radeon 9700, which is caused by a driver bug (D3DRS_ZBIAS<16 won't work correctly)

v1.71 build (173)
- added the options "force zbuffer" and "force wbuffer" - If you don't see any changes in the game, your card doesn't support w-buffering, but you can try some tweak utils like Rage3D Tweak or NVMAX to enable it
- added a Lord Of The Rings fix for the kyro card

v1.72 build (174)
- added a the "disable lighting" option for the kyro

v1.73 build (175)
- added a the "KYRO zbuffer/stencil fix" option for the kyro, because it only upports the D3DFMT_D24X4S4 format, not the usual D3DFMT_D24S8

v1.74 build (177)
- improved the "NOLF2 texture/ib fix", because if an issue with the final dx9 release and/or the catalyst 3.0 drivers
- remove stuttering should now work with NOLF2 and this option
- fixed some other issues, forget some "testing code" in the last release

v2.0 build (200)
- added an automatic texture fix for the voodoo 5 and Lord of the rings (works only in a window)
- improved the "debug log" feature
- added DX9 support
- added the "force pixel hader 1.1 or 1.4" option
- added the "disable two sided stencil" option (dx9 only)
- added the "emulate DXT textures" option, uses uncompressed textures to simulate DXT1-5 textures
- overdraw counter added (dx9 only)

v2.1 build (212)
- gui changes
- added "voodoo flicker fix"
- added "Pixel and Vertex Shader" section and options
- fixed the "force wbuffer" option
- debug.log improvements (a lot slower now, but more safe, if the system crashes)

v2.11 build (213)
- fixed a problem with nascar 2003 demo
- some fixes for the "emulate cube maps" and "emulate bump mapping" option

v2.12 build (214)
- fixed a bug with the INI's path finder

v2.13 build (215)
- fixed a bug when the INI files are in the root directory

v2.14 build (217)
- added the "Matrox Reef Demo fix" - only tested on thr Radeon 9700

v2.14b build (218)
- fixed a small bug, when saving the .bat file and 3DA is in a directory with spaces

v2.15 build (219)
- fixed a problem with ati's chimp demo

v2.16 build (223)
- added fragment and vertex program save function for opengl
- fixed some dx9 and opengl problems

v2.16a build (224)
- fixed some UI and INI bugs

v2.25 build (300)
- fixed some bugs in the vertex and pixel shader decompiler
- fixed the vid mem counter
- fixed some DirectX 8 and DirectX 9 problems
- added "force anisotropic filtering" for DirectX 8,9 and OpenGL
- added "Color MipMap" options for DirectX 8 and 9
- added 2 z-buffer options (force to 24 bit)
- added "Anti-Detect-Mode"

v2.25a build (301)
- fixed a bug in the "Color MipMap" option

v2.25b build (304)
- fixed a DirectX 9 bug (ProcessVertices)
- a problem with Halo 
- added VendorID and DeviceID options

v2.25c build (305)
- fixed a problem with 3d-Mark03 (config INI's)

v2.26 build (307)
- fixed a problem with Flight Simulator 2004 and the "Counter" option
- added "force high precision pixel shaders" option

v2.3 build (312)
- fixed a problem with AquaMark3 and the Deus Ex "Invisible War" Demo
- major GUI update, more easy to use from now on
- new hook code
- added "force windowed mode" for dx8/dx9
- added "spider-man the movie fix" for the voodoo 5

v2.3a build (313)
- fixed the "Canīt run the aplication because ForceDLL.dll couldnīt been found" error

v2.31 build (316)
- readded Win95/98/ME support, but some app+3DA will only work with winxp (Deus Ex 2 demo, Aquamark3,...)

- more robust configuration INI support
- support for Far Cry
- rewrote shader decompiler / modifier
- small dx9 fixes....

- added "NV40 fix for R420 demos" - which should enable the NV40 to run the ATi's "Double Cross" and "Subsurface" demos

v2.35 beta
- changed the "NV40 fix for R420 demos" option to "Ruby benchmark - NV4x"
- added the "Ruby benchmark - R42x"
- improved the "Gun Metal Demo fix" option, which now enabled the nv4x to run the latest gun metal 1.2 benchmark

- add support for vs/ps 3.0 to the shader decompiler
- changed the ANTI-DETECT-MODE code for shaders >=2.0

- "Ruby benchmark - NV4x" and "Ruby benchmark - R42x" now use 3Dc
- fixed a texture replacement bug in with the Ruby benchmark option


 Size: 874.87KB State: Not archivedRelease Announcement

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